Why did Reid attack Romney's Mormonism?

You keep trying to prove.............

you're an idiot.

You're doing fine so far :)

Just looking at your most recent posts, you refer to the "liberal media" and refer to the President as a con artist, chronic liar, and street thug. You're clearly a Repubican. They're nothing wrong with just admitting that.

You don't have to be a Republican to see the truth in the what Obama is.

Oh please. I enjoy our conversations, but come on. You're a right-winger, and you shouldn't be ashamed of that.
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He did it because he is a pure partisan politician, and the race is perceived to be close. He has no honor - he is a peice of shit. Of course Barry Hussein sanctioned it - that's Chicago style politics all the way, but it will backfire! Fuck Harry Asshole Reid :huddle:
Why do you guys say "shared faith"? How can you know so little?

Mormons believe that God has a body and lives on the planet Kobol or lives on a planet that goes around a star named Kobol. One or the other, they aren't sure. They believe their God came here and had sex with Mary who wasn't a "virgin" and their son became the Christian God you guys call "Jesus". Their God, who definitely has a dick and sweaty balls, is the "father" of your God.

They believe Jesus came to America before Columbus and lived with the people he found living here.

They believe that God made Able's brother, Cain "black" as punishment for killing Able. And they kept this belief all the way up until their tax exempt status was threatened.

These are only a couple examples of why Liberty University calls Mormonism a "cult".

So tell me again how this is a "shared" faith. Christians believe in the immaculate birth of the Virgin Mary's son, Jesus. Mormons believe she was a little "firebrand" and her and God fornicated without the benefit of marriage. Bumping bits and sweating and grunting and the whole 9 yards.

Christians I know call this "blasphemy". USMB Republicans call it a "shared faith".

You gotta admit that Republicans say Obama isn't a Christian and he shares their beliefs. But they say Romney is a Christian and when Romney's religion is explained, the very same Christians call that "blaspheme". But then, Romney is white. Just like 90% of the Republican Party.
There are those who would like to skirt the issue by postulating that Mary may have been impregnated by some means such as artificial insemination. But I see no reason, if God has a body and parts, that he would not use his parts.”

Redefining the Virgin Birth: Mormonism on the Natural Conception of Jesus | Mormonism Research Ministry

Get it? "Natural Conception"? We call that "sex".

"I believe the Father came down from heaven, as the Apostles said he did, and begat the Saviour of the world; for he is the only-begotten of the Father, which could not be if the Father did not actually beget him in person." (Journal of Discourses, vol. 1, p. 238)

Do you see why normal Christians see this as blasphemy? Not only were they saying that Mary was not a virgin, but she was a "tart" for having unmarried sex.

and your definition of "Son of God" is a name title rather than being the literal son of God.
The Anthanasian creed as well as the apostles creed make God and Jesus twin brothers rather than One being the Father and the Other being the Son
Does he think the O will score points with this attack on a candidate's religion?

Was this attack approved by the O?

Why would he think it would work and with which group of voters?

Does he think, because he's also a Mormon, his words will carry more weight?

Is this just another "Mitt paid no taxes" attack?

How quickly will we hear the demands for an apology and will either Reid or the O do so?

Will this be just another 2-day news cycle that will rapidly disappear?

Just another wild stab in the dark to try distracting the voter from all the Obama bad news?

Reid won't run again. I doubt he cares how ugly he looks
Reid is a idiot he brings nothing of value to the Senate, Congress, or the political process.
There are those who would like to skirt the issue by postulating that Mary may have been impregnated by some means such as artificial insemination. But I see no reason, if God has a body and parts, that he would not use his parts.”

Redefining the Virgin Birth: Mormonism on the Natural Conception of Jesus | Mormonism Research Ministry

Get it? "Natural Conception"? We call that "sex".

"I believe the Father came down from heaven, as the Apostles said he did, and begat the Saviour of the world; for he is the only-begotten of the Father, which could not be if the Father did not actually beget him in person." (Journal of Discourses, vol. 1, p. 238)

Do you see why normal Christians see this as blasphemy? Not only were they saying that Mary was not a virgin, but she was a "tart" for having unmarried sex.

and your definition of "Son of God" is a name title rather than being the literal son of God.
The Anthanasian creed as well as the apostles creed make God and Jesus twin brothers rather than One being the Father and the Other being the Son

Jesus refers to God as "father".

On that day you will not question me about anything. Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you. Until now you have not asked anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete. (John 16:23-24 NAB)

Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst. (Matthew 18:19-20 NAS)

I know of no Christians who believe Jesus was other than the "fruit" of the "immaculate conception". It's central to the religion.

Mormons believe God and Mary had 'carnal sex" with all that that implies. That's it. That is exactly why Christians believe Mormonism is blaspheme.
You can parse it any way you wish.

The general perception is that religion used as a negative, no matter how it's brought into the picture, is off limits with the general voting public - no matter which side of the fence you're parked on

in other words, you'll ignore reality and just post nonsense?

You keep trying to prove.............

you're an idiot.

You're doing fine so far :)

Just looking at your most recent posts, you refer to the "liberal media" and refer to the President as a con artist, chronic liar, and street thug. You're clearly a Repubican. They're nothing wrong with just admitting that.

You don't have to be a Republican to see the truth in the what Obama is.

i think i have a pretty good handle on what the president's strengths and weaknesses are. but that isn't what most of the rightwing extremists want to discuss. and no, most of the country does not think he is what the obama-deranged loons think he is.... or his numbers wouldn't be as good as they are now.
If "The general perception is that religion used as a negative. . . is off limits with the general voting public", why did many on the Christian right go after MR in the primaries because of his religion.

Those of you who have no gravitas or weight or dimension in debate -- Uncensored, The Rabbi, and others -- are simply here for grins and chuckles.
Does he think the O will score points with this attack on a candidate's religion?

Was this attack approved by the O?

Why would he think it would work and with which group of voters?

Does he think, because he's also a Mormon, his words will carry more weight?

Is this just another "Mitt paid no taxes" attack?

How quickly will we hear the demands for an apology and will either Reid or the O do so?

Will this be just another 2-day news cycle that will rapidly disappear?

Just another wild stab in the dark to try distracting the voter from all the Obama bad news?

Reid won't run again. I doubt he cares how ugly he looks
Reid is a idiot he brings nothing of value to the Senate, Congress, or the political process.

well, i'm not a huge reid fan... he comes off wussy to me.... but he's done something right to be senate majority leader. and he's still standing politically after a lot of years.
Mormons believe God and Mary had 'carnal sex" with all that that implies. That's it. That is exactly why Christians believe Mormonism is blaspheme.

Which, of course, is blatantly false because Mormons believe and proclaim the virgin birth. I wish for once in your life you would read the Book of Mormon, Bible and other scriptures.
Reid is a idiot he brings nothing of value to the Senate, Congress, or the political process.

Reid was actually a fairly conservative Senator 10 years or so. Unfortunately, he's sold his values for power.

I've been praying that the Lord brings those values back for Him.
Reid is a idiot he brings nothing of value to the Senate, Congress, or the political process.

Reid was actually a fairly conservative Senator 10 years or so. Unfortunately, he's sold his values for power.

I've been praying that the Lord brings those values back for Him.

no...what's happened over the last 10 years is the radical right has become more radical.
Mormons believe God and Mary had 'carnal sex" with all that that implies. That's it. That is exactly why Christians believe Mormonism is blaspheme.

Which, of course, is blatantly false because Mormons believe and proclaim the virgin birth. I wish for once in your life you would read the Book of Mormon, Bible and other scriptures.

Do Mormons Deny That Mary Was a Virgin?

Mormons believe that the Bible is untrue as it relates to the virgin birth of Jesus. They believe that God the Father came down (in a physical body) and had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus. The problem here, of course, is that an act of physical intercourse then denies Mary’s virgin status at the time of Jesus’ birth. In addition to this, the idea that God the Father conceived Jesus in a physical (natural) way, defies the clear teaching of the Bible.

That sums it up perfectly. Stop being so ignorant. Do a little "reading".
Mormons believe God and Mary had 'carnal sex" with all that that implies. That's it. That is exactly why Christians believe Mormonism is blaspheme.

Which, of course, is blatantly false because Mormons believe and proclaim the virgin birth. I wish for once in your life you would read the Book of Mormon, Bible and other scriptures.

Do Mormons Deny That Mary Was a Virgin?

Mormons believe that the Bible is untrue as it relates to the virgin birth of Jesus. They believe that God the Father came down (in a physical body) and had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus. The problem here, of course, is that an act of physical intercourse then denies Mary’s virgin status at the time of Jesus’ birth. In addition to this, the idea that God the Father conceived Jesus in a physical (natural) way, defies the clear teaching of the Bible.

That sums it up perfectly. Stop being so ignorant. Do a little "reading".

I do. Which is why I know the site your posting is blatantly lying. It's a common anti-mormon tactic. See they lie about mormons. Some make stuff up completely. Others take statements out of context. Others try to take statements that have no doctrinal authority and pretend they are authoritative. They've been doing this for almost 200 years.

So yes. Please read the scriptures sometime.:) They are much more authoritative than a website with an ax to grind.
Reid is a idiot he brings nothing of value to the Senate, Congress, or the political process.

Reid was actually a fairly conservative Senator 10 years or so. Unfortunately, he's sold his values for power.

I've been praying that the Lord brings those values back for Him.

no...what's happened over the last 10 years is the radical right has become more radical.

So Harry Reid hasn't radically altered his position on illegal immigration and auditing the Fed. It's the right that's radically different despite holding the same positions Harry Reid held 10 years ago?

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