Why did Obama jump on the police officer but not the crazy major?


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
why is it OK to assume the worst about police officers, without the evidence, but necessary to give the benefit of the doubt to muslim jihadists? Obama did great harm by exhibiting stereotypical behaviour towards the police last summer and then tried to tie the reason for that crackpot major to the US military. what's up with that?
in the Gates affair it was assumed that the cops were guilty, when they were not. in the murdering major affair it was assumed that it was a 'random' event that had nothing to do with him being a muslim, which it was.
I'm looking for something to support your allegation in the OP that Obama tried to tie the reason for that crackpot major to the US military.
OK, I went back and listened to the press conference again and he didn't imply that the military was involved. I must have been confused because of all the stories that CNN were doing on PTSS, and the bias against muslims in the military. But Obama did spend the first couple of minutes shouting out to his friends and congratulating himself and others before he even mentioned Ft Hood.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0hiw8iXdMM]YouTube - Fort Hood Tragedy -- Barack Obama Gives Odd "Shout-Out" Before He Comments on Massacre -- FOX News[/ame]
OK, I went back and listened to the press conference again and he didn't imply that the military was involved. I must have been confused because of all the stories that CNN were doing on PTSS, and the bias against muslims in the military. But Obama did spend the first couple of minutes shouting out to his friends and congratulating himself and others before he even mentioned Ft Hood.
YouTube - Fort Hood Tragedy -- Barack Obama Gives Odd "Shout-Out" Before He Comments on Massacre -- FOX News

It was an already scheduled news conference about the meeting with the Native American tribal leaders. Would you rather he not talk about the Ft. Hood tragedy at all?
But Obama did spend the first couple of minutes shouting out to his friends and congratulating himself and others before he even mentioned Ft Hood.
YouTube - Fort Hood Tragedy -- Barack Obama Gives Odd "Shout-Out" Before He Comments on Massacre -- FOX News

Which absolutely *floored* me when he did that.

Can you imagine if Bush had been scheduled to speak to a group of Halliburton executives on 9/11, and instead of delivering the Presidential condolences and the "rally round the troops" speech we expect of our CinC on such occasions, Bush gave 5 minutes worth of shout outs to his Halliburton buddies and made several self-congratulatory remarks/pats on the back--all while treating the occasion as a social call. What would the libs have done? They'd have gone through the fucking roof....

Hell, ALL AMERICANS would have, and rightly so.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG with Obama? WHY did he handle this event like a common social call?

WTF? It *still* boils my blood....
I'm looking for something to support your allegation in the OP that Obama tried to tie the reason for that crackpot major to the US military.

Nah....he just treated that presser like it was a common social call, rather than an historic event requiring the most adroit and careful handling.

No biggie deal to him. *shrug*

Let's just shout out to Injun Joe and his buddies....and pat himself on the back a couple of times before talking about the unfortunate Infidels who got themselves shot at Ft. Hood. :rolleyes:
It was an already scheduled news conference about the meeting with the Native American tribal leaders. Would you rather he not talk about the Ft. Hood tragedy at all?

I think the Ft Hood massacre should have taken precedence. It would have been more appropriate to leave the other business to the end rather than have it at the beginning. the world was waiting for his opinion on an historic latebreaking event, not to hear him shout out to his buddies.
I'm looking for something to support your allegation in the OP that Obama tried to tie the reason for that crackpot major to the US military.

Nah....he just treated that presser like it was a common social call, rather than an historic event requiring the most adroit and careful handling.

No biggie deal to him. *shrug*

Let's just shout out to Injun Joe and his buddies....and pat himself on the back a couple of times before talking about the unfortunate Infidels who got themselves shot at Ft. Hood. :rolleyes:

Amazing how you guys manage to politicize a tragedy just to be able to bash Obama.
But Obama did spend the first couple of minutes shouting out to his friends and congratulating himself and others before he even mentioned Ft Hood.
YouTube - Fort Hood Tragedy -- Barack Obama Gives Odd "Shout-Out" Before He Comments on Massacre -- FOX News

Which absolutely *floored* me when he did that.

Can you imagine if Bush had been scheduled to speak to a group of Halliburton executives on 9/11, and instead of delivering the Presidential condolences and the "rally round the troops" speech we expect of our CinC on such occasions, Bush gave 5 minutes worth of shout outs to his Halliburton buddies and made several self-congratulatory remarks/pats on the back--all while treating the occasion as a social call. What would the libs have done? They'd have gone through the fucking roof....

Hell, ALL AMERICANS would have, and rightly so.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG with Obama? WHY did he handle this event like a common social call?

WTF? It *still* boils my blood....

I remember how Bush kept reading to kids in a library as 9/11 occurred.
OK, I went back and listened to the press conference again and he didn't imply that the military was involved. I must have been confused because of all the stories that CNN were doing on PTSS, and the bias against muslims in the military. But Obama did spend the first couple of minutes shouting out to his friends and congratulating himself and others before he even mentioned Ft Hood.
YouTube - Fort Hood Tragedy -- Barack Obama Gives Odd "Shout-Out" Before He Comments on Massacre -- FOX News

It was an already scheduled news conference about the meeting with the Native American tribal leaders. Would you rather he not talk about the Ft. Hood tragedy at all?

The media wasn't about to televise that live, you know it, we all know it. Maybe 15-20 secs on news, maybe not. Then came the shootings. 2+ minutes of 'all hail Obama and Interior Department', they really 'care.'
In America today, whites are guilty until proven slightly less guilty.

A Muslim will never be suspected of anything, even if he shoots up an Army base while screaming about Allah.

Do you like that arrangement, white man?

What if whites decided to change that arrangement?
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"I remember how Bush kept reading to kids in a library as 9/11 occurred. "

Let's see...Bush sat for 7 MINUTES and collected himself after being told the towers had been attacked then got up and left the classroom = BAD BAD BAD

Obama waits HOURS because he had a "previously planned" speaking engagement, that he should have fkin cancelled considering what had happened, and even then he spoke about the shooting ONLY AFTER giving a "shout out" to his bud and patting himself on the back a few times. = GOOD GOOD GOOD

Do you people have any idea how hypocritical you sound using that tired worn out line about Bush sitting in a classroom? Do you people have any idea how idiotic you sound DEFENDING and JUSTIFYING Obama waiting HOURS, not MINUTES, HOURS before even mentioning that members of HIS MILITARY PERSONNEL had been killed?

Now, answer this one, WHO was on the scene of the shootings before all the dust cleared away? Here's a hint, it damn sure wasn't the CIC!! He was to busy giving "shout outs" to his buds to worry about anything else. THESE WERE HIS MILITARY PERSONNEL and it was more important to attend a freakin speaking engagement that had not a damn thing to do with benefitting this country or it's people in any way. Just more face time for the "Won".
"I remember how Bush kept reading to kids in a library as 9/11 occurred. "

Let's see...Bush sat for 7 MINUTES and collected himself after being told the towers had been attacked then got up and left the classroom = BAD BAD BAD

Obama waits HOURS because he had a "previously planned" speaking engagement, that he should have fkin cancelled considering what had happened, and even then he spoke about the shooting ONLY AFTER giving a "shout out" to his bud and patting himself on the back a few times. = GOOD GOOD GOOD

Do you people have any idea how hypocritical you sound using that tired worn out line about Bush sitting in a classroom? Do you people have any idea how idiotic you sound DEFENDING and JUSTIFYING Obama waiting HOURS, not MINUTES, HOURS before even mentioning that members of HIS MILITARY PERSONNEL had been killed?

Now, answer this one, WHO was on the scene of the shootings before all the dust cleared away? Here's a hint, it damn sure wasn't the CIC!! He was to busy giving "shout outs" to his buds to worry about anything else. THESE WERE HIS MILITARY PERSONNEL and it was more important to attend a freakin speaking engagement that had not a damn thing to do with benefitting this country or it's people in any way. Just more face time for the "Won".

I guess you can compare the nation being attacked where thousands of people died to one batsh*t crazy guy going nuts with two guns.

Of course, when Obama said that someone who does this evil will not only suffer in this life, but will also suffer in the next, wasn't good enough. So, what is worse than eternal damnation? This is just a case of "hate Obama".

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