Why Did Democrats Lose Virginia, Lock, Stock, & Barrel?

Why Did Democrats Lose Virginia, Lock, Stock, & Barrel?

  • Because, so far, Biden and the progressives have failed to pass their agenda

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My local delegate proudly called himself a "Trump republican" and he was elected with 76% of the vote. McAuliffe tried to campaign on hatred for the former president and not much else while Younkin concentrated on issues like parental control of their kid's education. Democrats are living in some sort of vacuum fueled by hatred from the top on down and Americans recognize it.
My local delegate proudly called himself a "Trump republican" and he was elected with 76% of the vote.
Your local deligate did not have to win the state and Youngkin specifically tried to distance himself from Trump, because he knew he would lose in VA if he didn't.
It kinda sounds like you voted for him the first time around, did you really?

I did. Cuccinelli was a snake in the grass Jerry Falwell disciple who rigged the nomination process to win over a more popular and moderate republican. That was an election, however, in which even some of the newspapers that always endorsed one side or the other endorsed "None of the Above". Truly an election of between the lesser of two puke worthy nominees.
Biden says it is because his agenda has not passed. The right says Democrats actually lost because of the agenda they were trying push, even though they're not there yet. What say you?

The former democrat Party has metastasized from "It Takes a Village" (which was offensive enough) to telling parents, "We own your kids, mind your own damn business!"
Interesting that Biden and many on the left think they lost because they still don't have their agenda passed and yet not one person so far here has voted that.
LOL. Barely? The right cleaned up, winning everything. In a blue state. We also cleaned up in New Jersey and came a whisker hair away from winning that governorship too.
Is that how it looks to the right-wing when y'all can just manufacture right-wing fantasy instead of any "gospel Truth"?

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Hardly any form of landslide.
McAuliffe was not a great candidate

Republicans humped the nonsensical CRT issue to get out their base...and their base came out

Dems haven't been able to get their agenda through Congress so THEIR base is not excited

This was an off off year election

Delta feels like Biden has not addressed the virus well enough

Afghanistan was ugly

Anything else?

Yes, people are sick of your violence, your racism, and your hate; and they showed you the door.

Now take your klandaddy and fuck off for eternity.


None of the above. It was about messaging fear via CRT to white suburban voters over a period of weeks leading up to the election...and the Democrats having no message response to counter it. Result?...pretty typical of an off year election. The President's party usually takes losses. But it was close. :)
Democrats forgot how to yell, "RACIST"? Not buying it, it's bred into their genes. You're certainly having no problem doing it now. Seriously, if you can't move past the "They're all racists" mantra, you'll never figure out why you lose elections.
Democrats forgot how to yell, "RACIST"? Not buying it, it's bred into their genes. You're certainly having no problem doing it now. Seriously, if you can't move past the "They're all racists" mantra, you'll never figure out why you lose elections.
No Democrat made race an issue. In the case of Virginia, it was made an issue by the right wing after McAuliffe made the unforced error of bleating out that parents should stay out of their children's education. That morphed into a non-existent issue of teaching CRT to young, doe-eyed children..which it isn't..like anywhere. Alt-right media picked up on the talking point and it spread like wildfire. Democrats had no response or no counter message to it. Hence, you got what you got on Tuesday.
My local delegate proudly called himself a "Trump republican" and he was elected with 76% of the vote. McAuliffe tried to campaign on hatred for the former president and not much else while Younkin concentrated on issues like parental control of their kid's education. Democrats are living in some sort of vacuum fueled by hatred from the top on down and Americans recognize it.

Great analysis! The DNC is the party of hate, and hate is really all they have to run on. Hatred of Trump (above all else), hatred of our civil rights, hatred of Christianity, hatred of Judaism, hatred of free speech, etc.
1. Shortage of goods with the current cargo traffic jam

2. Critical Race Theory even though it isn't taught in the state

3. COVID vaccinations

4. High gasoline prices

All these things will work themselves out and be gone by next year.
How is trying to make gas expensive, pass onerous mandates on businesses and private citizens, and forcing America to reduce mythical Carbon Emissions while allowing China, Russia, India etc. to pollute and burn as much hydrocarbon as they want going to make your lies come true?
Biden says it is because his agenda has not passed. The right says Democrats actually lost because of the agenda they were trying push, even though they're not there yet. What say you?
Imho, it is the economy and how Democrats don't listen or care about what most voters want, but mostly care about serving their big campaign donors. A 2014 Northwestern and Princeton study found "...the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically nonsignificant impact upon public policy."

The Democracy Crisis That Is Never Discussed

Voters in both parties continue to ignore the consequences of electing greedy oligarchs to high public office in spite of the last forty years of widening economic inequality"

"According to Forbes, Youngkin is worth more than $440 million in 2021.

"Before becoming the 74th Governor of Virginia, the multi-millionaire spent 25 years working at a private-equity firm called the Carlyle Group.

"He later became the company’s CEO."

Multi-millionaire Glenn Youngkin’s astonishing net worth in 2021 revealed
Biden says it is because his agenda has not passed. The right says Democrats actually lost because of the agenda they were trying push, even though they're not there yet. What say you?
Republicans, certain because of tRump's Big Lie that Democrats were going to cheat, cheated.

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