Why did Bush lie about Saddam being connected to 9/11?

the point will always be that people like you make accusations you just cant back up; and they become urban legend taken as the gospel truth in your world
I gave you the quote and told you where it came from. It was made in the State of the Union Address in 2003. Bush connected Saddam with al Qaeda and claimed a collusion when he stated "Saddam aids and protects terrorist, including al Qaeda".
Saddam did aid and protect terrorist, and probably al Qaeda too. How does that connect with 9/11?
He did not say probably, he said "including". His statement implied collusion and a working relationship. It did not claim Saddam was in on 9/11, it claimed they were assisting after the fact and would be an accessory in a future attack. In this country an accessory after the fact of a crime of murder is a crime. He was claiming Saddam was an accessory after the fact for the murder of 3,000 people on 9/11. Also, international law allows for self defense. That is what Bush based his doctrine of the "preemptive strike" which was the excuse used for attacking a country that had not attacked us.
the point will always be that people like you make accusations you just cant back up; and they become urban legend taken as the gospel truth in your world
I gave you the quote and told you where it came from. It was made in the State of the Union Address in 2003. Bush connected Saddam with al Qaeda and claimed a collusion when he stated "Saddam aids and protects terrorist, including al Qaeda".

seriously what is wrong with you??
it has been documented over and over that even enemies in the Middle East will and have cooperated with one another from time to time. it is WELL DOCUMENTED to have occurred in Iraq.

tell me something genius. where did one of the conspirators in the FIRST WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACK IN 1993 flee to after being questioned by clinton's FBI?


If there is so much documentation to support Bush's lie why don't you show a link? You are using the typical evasive technique of asking questions instead of answering the question you are asked. Somebody questioned by the FBI or a bomb maker or co-conspirator flees to Iraq because they are an Iraqi citizen in 1993 and that is your proof of collusion with Saddam and al Qaeda in 2003? BTW, FBI, CIA, and 9/11 Commission all said that trail led to nowhere. But go ahead and show us your evidence if you have anything to show.

as was pointed out to you REPEATEDLY y our position that bush used a connection to al qaeda as a pretext for invading iraq is a lie. so then your whole theory falls apart loser. i just provided the information on the 1993 bombing to get you to think. what was I THINKING trying to get you to be normal???
It is all laid out word for word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph in Bush's 2003 State of the Union Address. He explains and informs about WMD's and leads directly to the connection and collusion with al Qaeda. It is the State of the Union speech given before the just he got permission to go to war from congress. The list of lies is in plain view easy to find.
I am providing documentation in the form of a speech that you can read from multiple sources or watch on video as Bush stands in front of the Congress, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Supreme Court justices. You provide some sketchy references to an incident that happened in the early '90's. No link or data that would lead to a link without a bunch of research that ends up being a wild goose chase. You could have at least mentioned Abdul Yasin, but you probably didn't even know the guys name.
Oh man, more BOOOOOOOSH? Really? :puke:

Yeah. Thank Jeb.

Seriously, y'all nutters have to get over your twisted obsession with DA BOOOOOOSH. It just looks weird and pathetic at this point.

Are you nutters over Monica?

Clinton's a serial pervert rapist. Who doesn't know that? That's old news too. No one should support a Bush or Clinton. Let's just leave it at that and move on.
Oh man, more BOOOOOOOSH? Really? :puke:

Yeah. Thank Jeb.

Seriously, y'all nutters have to get over your twisted obsession with DA BOOOOOOSH. It just looks weird and pathetic at this point.

Are you nutters over Monica?

Clinton's a serial pervert rapist. Who doesn't know that? That's old news too. No one should support a Bush or Clinton. Let's just leave it at that and move on.

Nope, we can't "move on" while another Bush is trying to win the White House. Two Bush clusterfucks were enough.
Oh man, more BOOOOOOOSH? Really? :puke:

Yeah. Thank Jeb.

Seriously, y'all nutters have to get over your twisted obsession with DA BOOOOOOSH. It just looks weird and pathetic at this point.

Are you nutters over Monica?

Clinton's a serial pervert rapist. Who doesn't know that? That's old news too. No one should support a Bush or Clinton. Let's just leave it at that and move on.

Nope, we can't "move on" while another Bush is trying to win the White House. Two Bush clusterfucks were enough.

Don't support either. Time to let it go.
Yeah. Thank Jeb.

Seriously, y'all nutters have to get over your twisted obsession with DA BOOOOOOSH. It just looks weird and pathetic at this point.

Are you nutters over Monica?

Clinton's a serial pervert rapist. Who doesn't know that? That's old news too. No one should support a Bush or Clinton. Let's just leave it at that and move on.

Nope, we can't "move on" while another Bush is trying to win the White House. Two Bush clusterfucks were enough.

Don't support either. Time to let it go.

Can't let it go until NaziCons admit the truth about what the Bushes have done to this country!
Seriously, y'all nutters have to get over your twisted obsession with DA BOOOOOOSH. It just looks weird and pathetic at this point.

Are you nutters over Monica?

Clinton's a serial pervert rapist. Who doesn't know that? That's old news too. No one should support a Bush or Clinton. Let's just leave it at that and move on.

Nope, we can't "move on" while another Bush is trying to win the White House. Two Bush clusterfucks were enough.

Don't support either. Time to let it go.

Can't let it go until NaziCons admit the truth about what the Bushes have done to this country!
Get yourself a psychiatrist.
Buah sent Colin Powell, an honorable man, to the UN to lie to the world. That was a low point in US history.
It's funny how the right play the semantics game here. Bush and hid administration would start their speeches first about the terror of 911 and how Al Qaeda was responsible for it. They would then go on to add ...

"This is a man who has had contacts with al Qaeda." -Bush
"So, yes, there are contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda. We know that Saddam Hussein has a long history with terrorism in general. And there are some al Qaeda personnel who found refuge in Baghdad...There clearly are contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq that can be documented." -Condoleeza Rice
"Iraq and al Qaeda have discussed safe haven opportunities in Iraq, reciprocal nonaggression discussions. We have what we consider to be credible evidence that al Qaeda leaders have sought contacts in Iraq who could help them acquire weapons of mass destruction capabilities" -Rumsfeld
"support for terrorism, we have established that Iraq has permitted Al-Qaeda to operate within its territory. As the President said recently, "The regime has long-standing and continuing ties to terrorist organizations. And there are Al-Qaeda terrorists inside Iraq." -John Bolton
"We've learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases." -Bush

many many more speeches like this.

If this is not insinuating a tie to 911 I don't know what is. I remember all the polls where many Americans (Fox News watchers being the largest group) felt Saddam was responsible for 911.

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