Why Did, And Why Do, So Many Self-Proclaimed Conservative Side w/Rush On Sandra Fluke

I don't remember anyone saying she didn't have a right to speak. I do remember calling her out for lying. I also recall the knee jerk reaction from people like you defending her, and her lies, despite the proof that birth control is not a major expense for the average college student.

What lies did she tell? She was talking about the difficulty for women to get their birth control paid for when they have medical conditions, like endometriosis, for which BCP's are a primary form of treatment.

The bald fact is that birth control pills should be covered by health insurance. Period. End of story. Not covering birth control should not be any option for any employer. Let the patient decide what is morally right for her, not her employer.

The problem with socialism is... you eventually run out of someone else's money, according to Maggie Thatcher. If you want insurance costs to go up for everyone (other people paying for your sex life), then yes, it should be covered.

Insurance is for medical hardships/emergencies, not frivolous proceedures and recreational choices. That is like asking the gov't to give gas allowance for cars and arguing that your Porche should get more fuel than my Toyota Corolla because "it should be paid for".

No wonder medical costs are so high, people want the medical community to shoulder the burden of costs that they could pay for by themselves.
No she wasn't, she said that the average co ed couldn't afford any form of contraception, even free condoms from Planned Parenthood or the $10 bucks a month at the local WalMart to get the pill, and admitted she deliberately went to a Catholic University to force them to provide birth control to everyone free of charge.

That is not what she said at all. This is the text of Ms. Fluke's testimony:

Full Transcript of Sandra Fluke's Testimony - LGF Pages

This woman is a law student, giving serious testimony about violations of women's rights, not some air-head wanting to have her good time funded, as you and others here are painting her to be.

You're no better than those who told the lies in the first place.

from different places in her testimony:
We can only answer that we expected women to be treated equally, to not have our school create untenable burdens that impede our academic success.

Many of the women whose stories I’ve shared are Catholic women, so ours is not a war against the church. It is a struggle for access to the healthcare we need.

I’m also a past president of Georgetown Law Students for Reproductive Justice or LSRJ.

Just as we students have faced financial, emotional, and medical burdens as a result, employees at religiously affiliated hospitals and universities across the country have suffered similar burdens.

Yes, she is saying that "we" (that would include herself) faced "financial, emotional, and medical burdens as a results of not having birth control costs covered.
You're either a hypocrite or an unwitting dupe of the Jesuits. You can't have your cake and eat it too. How dare you imply that the state use it's taxing powers against your enemies but not against your friends is not unconstitutional.

My case rests. There is no "separation of Church and State," the state has become corrupt and evil with it's use of the 501c "law," to arbitrarily threaten it's revivals in the social-political sphere of society. Do you think the IRS should go after James Hal Cone's allies, and the POTUS' allies as well?
Black Liberation Theology - YouTube

Yeah. . . . some how I thought not.

You cannot argue the points on the merits, so you go off the deep end..

Whoever Cone is, Jeremiah Wright, whoever.....if they are politicking from the pulpit, tax them. If not, not. It is not a complicated concept.

Regards from Rosie

You wouldn't know a merit if it sat on your face and wiggled.

I assume you also intend to tax the crap out of planned parenthood?

Planned Parenthood is a religion? They hold church services there?

It is too much to hope, but I'll type it anyway. Stop babbling.

Regards from Rosie
Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization, under the same tax code, 501(c)(3), and subject to the same restrictions, you hypocritical asswipe. But I don't expect you to know that. Or to care...

Though baby killing certainly is a religion to some.
Funny, I thought the reason we heard about it was because 500 radio stations across the country carry his show.

Although it was afew less after that.

you people didn't get that upset when Maher called Palin a cxxt..or Letterman said she looked like a slutty flight attendant..you people are such phonies

HaHa. She does dress like a slutty flight attendant.

I guess that qualifies as "real shit".....
Fluke is a joke and will always be looked at as one

Fluke is NOT a joke. She was a bright and articulate spokeswoman for the issue she presented. I would be proud to have a daughter like Ms. Fluke.

Your attitude towards this woman who is defending YOUR rights too, is disgraceful. That you would parrot an idiot like Limbaugh, well, that just says it all.

She will have a long career sucking tax payer dollars all the way with the recommendations of the lib politicians that used her to push their ideas onto others.....
tough shit, I didn't PICK her to speak me so she wasn't defending anything for me..she was the disgrace as far I am concerned

Did you read what said said?

I consider you a disgrace - ill informed and unwilling to fact check. Not only listening to but believing anything Rush Limbaugh says. Defending that misognynistic drug addict. I raised my girls to be a lot smarter than that.

Read some Naomi Klein for heaven's sake. Assuming of course, you can read.

Do you comprehend "common sense"? At what point do you realize that the American taxpayer cannot pay for all the programs the libs are promising (and have already promised). Your agendas have created urban areas full of gov't dependent people that will be devastated (many are already cesspools of corruption and decay from local and state gov't promises failing) when the gov't handouts crash. You are not teaching independent thinking, you are not teaching people how to use their intellect. You are teaching people how to throw tantrums to get other people to give them things. Just like children that get violent when the "adult" can no longer give them what they want, these urbanites will be the same (see "occupy" crimes).
oh my gawd, you don't know what the hell I vote for, so shut up and WORRY about your own damn country
all this spew over some woman I didn't PICK or vote for to speak for me

Yes, spew is a good word for it.

The women who attend Georgetown University did pick Sandra Fluke to speak for them. That is the whole point. THEY picked her to speak on their behalf because THEY knew her to be an articulate spokes woman. And the Republican senators refused to let her speak (until after the ensuing uproar), because they could not see the relevance of a woman speaking to the need for coverage for contraception.

Unless you are paying tuition at this university, you don't have any right to pass judgement on who those students chose to represent them, nor do you have the right to call her a liar, a slut or any other disgusting name you and your a$$hat buddies think is appropriate.

Amusing how the libs are always telling others not to "pass judgement", yet they are passing judgement on anyone that disagrees with them. To bad you don't follow your own advise (but that is a lib thing: do as I say, not as I do)....
Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization, under the same tax code, 501(c)(3), and subject to the same restrictions, you hypocritical asswipe. But I don't expect you to know that. Or to care...

Though baby killing certainly is a religion to some.

I expect you know that no one preaches about political candidates at Planned Parenthood. I know a strawman, and badly done, at that.

Thou art an ignorant blowhard cretin who needs to. stop. babbling.

Regards from Rosie
like I care what you consider..I'm not defending Limbaugh or the little rich girl whining in front of congress.

You are absolutely defending Limbaugh. You're saying he was right. The only people dumber than Limbaugh, are those who cannot see through his sleeze and his lies. Especially women, who allow him to preach his misogny and hatred of women, unchallenged.

If you actually thought about how the Republic Party's platform disrespects and marginalizes women, you're realize that you are voting against your own best interests, and the interests ofjof every other woman in the US.

You claim that Democrats are "sheeple", but here you are voting against equal pay for women, and voting in favour of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and giving the state the right to determine when and if you should have a baby. You also give the state the right to determine who you can love. It wasn't that long ago that inter-racial marriage was illegal.

I'm not prepared to give up those rights, but you are. Talking about voting for the nanny state.

There are many intelligent women in this ruby red area of Florida who vote against their own interests because they are avoiding cognitive dissonance. The pulpit and the party are congruent as to the Gawd-ordained subordinate role of women.

When Republicans complain that Dems take Gawd out of their platform they are talking directly about the Dems not having the pulpit - party link.

All the more reason to have churches pay property tax. They are electioneering, beyond a doubt. Let them pay taxes and be honest about directing church members votes.

Regards from Rosie

Maybe those women choose to "vote against their own interests" because they are voting for the good of the country and not their own self centered interests.....

No, when the dems took the LORD out of their platform, it left room for all that is "anti-LORD" (that would be evil: corruption, deception, decay, death, destruction). So far, it looks like the libs are embracing all that is anti-LORD.
Dragonlady clearly elucidated intelligent reasons why self-reliant women should not vote Republican

If a woman feels she should only stay home, cook, clean, have babies and go to church twice a week then Republicanism is appropriate in maintaining the white male patriarchy.

No women, however, should believe any patriarchy is in her best interest. Only men are telling her it is from the pulpit, after all.

Regards from Rosie

What a little chicken shit, you are.....
Where in the republican platform does it say that women should "only stay home, cook, clean, have babies and go to church twice a week"?
Please feel free to point out all those "professional" women that Obama has in his close circle. Continue to ignore the "doormats" the dems call "women" (and yes that would include Hillary Clinton that lied to protect her lying husband).
And please explain why libs "HATE" women that "choose" to stay home and raise a family?
Was he wrong on his facts? No, he wasn't. She was there to testify that contraception should be paid for. So he made a joke about it, whoopty shit. Anyone that's going to Congress to testify isn't just some innocent private citizen, she was a political hack putting on a show for her Democrat masters.

He said she wanted the government to pay for her contraception.

She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex.

That was and is a complete lie. She wanted the health care, which she paid for in her $30,000 per year tuition, and which she had no choice but to accept, to pay for her contraception. I don't think that's being unreasonable.

And no she is not a slut, but you're definitely an asshole.

Under Obamacare, the gov't will be paying for the insurance: thus the gov't will be paying for her contraception.
When citizen Sandra Fluke's story first hit the media the response from Rush was to INSTANTLY and IMMEDIATELY attack her. He distorted her words and message to say that she wants the government to pay for her to have sex. He went as far as suggesting that we all should watch her have sex. He literally went THAT far.

The worst part of the story isn't how disgusting that fat slob and bastard is, but that there was not ONE Republican, not one self-proclaimed Conservative, not one fundamentalist RW Christian that stood up against Rush and that reprehensible message. What we saw instead were many RWers who immediately began parroting him and that bigoted message. On this very board even...and quite recently too.

I mean, do you really agree with that? Do you REALLY believe that Sara Fluke believes in having the government pay for her to have sex? Do you side with Rush in wanting to see her have sex, since, in your minds, you are already paying for it, so you might as well be able to watch it <--- that was his reasoning by the way.

Edit: He even called the girl a slut on national radio, for at least 4 days straight...no apologies.

Has The Republican Party sunk so low?


We side with him because he was right about her. She was a prop thrown up there by the Dems for their own agenda. He was being facetious when talking of Fluke:

RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled." I take it back.

Was he wrong on his facts? No, he wasn't. She was there to testify that contraception should be paid for. So he made a joke about it, whoopty shit. Anyone that's going to Congress to testify isn't just some innocent private citizen, she was a political hack putting on a show for her Democrat masters.

So please, grow a fucking pair and stop acting like you're still butt-hurt about Rush's jokes on Sandra "the Slut" Fluke.

Apparently someone's not entirely clear on the distinction between a "joke" and "character assassination".

Just for a starter-hint, "jokes" do not go on for three days.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1oOjKQflN0]53 of Rush Limbaugh's most vile smears against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke - YouTube[/ame]

"Was he wrong about the facts?" Just for one example at 6:31: "It was Sandra Fluke who said that she was having so much sex she can't afford it.". No, it was not, because Fluke never talked about herself; it was Rash Pimpjob who said that, and no one else. Do me a favor and count up how many times he repeats the same lie, because I can't sit through it.

Had Limblob's rant actually been about the issue of funding sources of contraception, that would be the issue remembered and discussed. It wasn't. Limblob as usual makes it a personal fantasy, spewing his ad hominem all over Fluke (and others, e.g. Nancy Pelosi) so that the issue that remains, even now a year later, is the personal attack by the fake morals of a man on his fourth wife who was busted coming back from the DR with a stash of Viagra.

Only a misogynist could possibly defend that level of self-indulgent subhumanoid hypocrisy.

Are you admitting that Rubio is having his character assasinated by the left (because it has been more than 3 days over the water bottle)?
The only person that commited "character assassination" was Sandra Fluke, destroying her own character. Don't blame Rush for pointing that out.

“Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. 40% of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggle financially as a result of this policy." -- Sandra Fluke

If a woman is spending 3k a year on contraception then she must be a prostitute.

You know nothing about birth control, do you? First off, the birth control pill must be taken whether or not the woman is having sex at all, because it's not good to stop and start. Going on and off the pill and makes the possibilty of failure higher.

Secondly, Fluke said "over $3,000 during law school", not in one year - in Canada, that's a total of 6 years - 4 for your BA, and 2 years for your LLB. In order to get the pill, you have to have a doctor's prescription, and an annual pap smear. Those doctor visits and tests are not covered by the Georgetown health insurance plan and add substantially to the costs of obtaining contraception. What she said was a female student has to work an entire summer to make that kind of money, and she's correct.

The female students in law school completed a survey and 40% said these additional costs were a hardship for them, and why wouldn't they be, since most are already going into debt for school. Any additional expense, especially one that should be covered by their health insurance, which they've already paid for, is going to increase their level of debt once they graduate.

Boy, do you guys talk out of both sides of your mouth: punish the rich (if they are in law school, they are rich), pay for the college, make them pay their fair share, etc.... make up your mind.
Jimminne Christmas the Hawk, how uninformed are you about birth control pills?

It costs no more a year, to be on birth control pills if you screw every day, screw 10 times a day, screw once a week or screw once a YEAR....You don't take the pill only the day you get laid, you have to take it every single day of the week in most forms of it.

Why in the world did you say:
If a woman is spending 3k a year on contraception then she must be a prostitute.
Are you truly that ignorant on the topic of Birth Control Pill use?

In addition to all of this garbage being said by all of you who "side with Rush",

YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THE COVERAGE at Georgetown university or anywhere....It costs no more money for the insurance companies to cover birth control, policies with birth control coverage vs without birth control coverage is the same.... Actuaries for the insurance companies have put a pencil to it, and with birth control coverage it saves them in areas of health care that 'the without coverage' costs them such as more in pregnancy coverage...thus the price of the pills etc, pay for themselves....it's a break even and insurance policies are NOT higher with birth control coverage.

So what's the beef all about?

Well! Since it costs no money, why doesn't the one using it, pay for it?
Jimminne Christmas the Hawk, how uninformed are you about birth control pills?

It costs no more a year, to be on birth control pills if you screw every day, screw 10 times, screw once a week or screw once a YEAR....You don't take the pill only the day you get laid, you have to take it every single day of the week in most forms of it.

Why in the world did you say:
If a woman is spending 3k a year on contraception then she must be a prostitute.

Are you truly that ignorant on the topic of Birth Control Pill use?

In addition to all of this garbage being said by all of you who "side with Rush",

YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THE COVERAGE at Georgetown university or anywhere....It costs no more money for the insurance companies to cover birth control, policies with birth control coverage vs without birth control coverage is the same.... Actuaries for the insurance companies have put a pencil to it, and with birth control coverage it saves them in areas of health care that 'the without coverage' costs them such as more in pregnancy coverage...thus the price of the pills etc, pay for themselves....it's a break even and insurance policies are NOT higher with birth control coverage.

So what's the beef all about?

My health insurance paid for a vasectomy. Cost a lot more than Sandra Flukes birth control pills

Thank you for having that done......
You are absolutely defending Limbaugh. You're saying he was right. The only people dumber than Limbaugh, are those who cannot see through his sleeze and his lies. Especially women, who allow him to preach his misogny and hatred of women, unchallenged.

If you actually thought about how the Republic Party's platform disrespects and marginalizes women, you're realize that you are voting against your own best interests, and the interests ofjof every other woman in the US.

You claim that Democrats are "sheeple", but here you are voting against equal pay for women, and voting in favour of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and giving the state the right to determine when and if you should have a baby. You also give the state the right to determine who you can love. It wasn't that long ago that inter-racial marriage was illegal.

I'm not prepared to give up those rights, but you are. Talking about voting for the nanny state.

There are many intelligent women in this ruby red area of Florida who vote against their own interests because they are avoiding cognitive dissonance. The pulpit and the party are congruent as to the Gawd-ordained subordinate role of women.

When Republicans complain that Dems take Gawd out of their platform they are talking directly about the Dems not having the pulpit - party link.

All the more reason to have churches pay property tax. They are electioneering, beyond a doubt. Let them pay taxes and be honest about directing church members votes.

Regards from Rosie

Maybe those women choose to "vote against their own interests" because they are voting for the good of the country and not their own self centered interests.....

No, when the dems took the LORD out of their platform, it left room for all that is "anti-LORD" (that would be evil: corruption, deception, decay, death, destruction). So far, it looks like the libs are embracing all that is anti-LORD.

You want a theocracy? Book a flight to Riyadh. We have government independent of religion in this country. Don't like it? There's the door.

Asinine self-righteous crap. There is no "lord" in a political platform. There's also no Buddha, no Allah, no Krishna, no nuttin'. There's just We the People. Like it or lump it.
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Oh look, another atheist ignoramus who doesn't understand the difference between "freedom of religion" and "theocracy".

We side with him because he was right about her. She was a prop thrown up there by the Dems for their own agenda. He was being facetious when talking of Fluke:

RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled." I take it back.

Was he wrong on his facts? No, he wasn't. She was there to testify that contraception should be paid for. So he made a joke about it, whoopty shit. Anyone that's going to Congress to testify isn't just some innocent private citizen, she was a political hack putting on a show for her Democrat masters.

So please, grow a fucking pair and stop acting like you're still butt-hurt about Rush's jokes on Sandra "the Slut" Fluke.

Apparently someone's not entirely clear on the distinction between a "joke" and "character assassination".

Just for a starter-hint, "jokes" do not go on for three days.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1oOjKQflN0]53 of Rush Limbaugh's most vile smears against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke - YouTube[/ame]

"Was he wrong about the facts?" Just for one example at 6:31: "It was Sandra Fluke who said that she was having so much sex she can't afford it.". No, it was not, because Fluke never talked about herself; it was Rash Pimpjob who said that, and no one else. Do me a favor and count up how many times he repeats the same lie, because I can't sit through it.

Had Limblob's rant actually been about the issue of funding sources of contraception, that would be the issue remembered and discussed. It wasn't. Limblob as usual makes it a personal fantasy, spewing his ad hominem all over Fluke (and others, e.g. Nancy Pelosi) so that the issue that remains, even now a year later, is the personal attack by the fake morals of a man on his fourth wife who was busted coming back from the DR with a stash of Viagra.

Only a misogynist could possibly defend that level of self-indulgent subhumanoid hypocrisy.

Are you admitting that Rubio is having his character assasinated by the left (because it has been more than 3 days over the water bottle)?

You're having a torrid romance with this guy tonight huh?


Red non sequitur herring made of straw, all packed into a single line. Bravo.
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