Why couldn't they have just had a hashtag instead of D-Day


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
I mean if hastags are the solution today isn't a shame they didn't have them for WWII?

I mean could you see the fear in Hitler's eyes, if instead of this:

Hitler had found out all those guys had instead gone to twitter and just tweeted their condemnation of Hitler?????

Man oh man!!!!! And that's all we have to do today. If someone is hanging off a cliff. Don't go help him. Go to twitter and put out the word, #help!

That's all you have to do. I know Boco Haram just WISHES he were Adolf Hitler. Hitler only had to worry about the D-Day invasion.

While now! Oooo ooo! They really know how to put evil doers on the run now! They TWEET about it!

Damn that really puts the fear in people . . . Right . . . . ??????

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