Why Can't the Major Parties Produce Good Candidates? Why Can't We Elect Good Candidates?


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
I know most people are here for the two-party food fight, so this thread likely won't get much traction, but it seems we have a real problem with our election system. Neither party seems capable of, or interested in, nominating someone who will be a good leader for the country as a whole. And voters can't seem to break out of the habit of voting for Ds or Rs no matter how bad the candidates are. Why is that? And how can we fix it?

In my view, strategic voting (lesser-of-two-evils) is the biggest culprit. It tells us that we need to vote for bad candidates because the "other guy" is even worse. Fear is an easy sell, so the parties lean heavily on this strategy, spending most of their time demonizing the opponent rather than holding up the virtues of their candidate (which are virtually non-existent). Ranked choice would eliminate lesser-of-two-evils voting and finally allow voters to vote "against" candidates they find unacceptable (by ranking them last). This would discourage divisive partisan fear mongering and make it more likely that consensus seeking candidates are elected.

There other problems, of course, and I'm curious what you all think they are. Although, to be clear, I'm not talking about corruption or "stolen" elections. I'm talking about the systemic problems with the way we're doing elections that make it seemingly impossible for good leaders to get elected.
I know most people are here for the two-party food fight, so this thread likely won't get much traction, but it seems we have a real problem with our election system. Neither party seems capable of, or interested in, nominating someone who will be a good leader for the country as a whole. And voters can't seem to break out of the habit of voting for Ds or Rs no matter how bad the candidates are. Why is that? And how can we fix it?

In my view, strategic voting (lesser-of-two-evils) is the biggest culprit. It tells us that we need to vote for bad candidates because the "other guy" is even worse. Fear is an easy sell, so the parties lean heavily on this strategy, spending most of their time demonizing the opponent rather than holding up the virtues of their candidate (which are virtually non-existent). Ranked choice would eliminate lesser-of-two-evils voting and finally allow voters to vote "against" candidates they find unacceptable (by ranking them last). This would discourage divisive partisan fear mongering and make it more likely that consensus seeking candidates are elected.

There other problems, of course, and I'm curious what you all think they are. Although, to be clear, I'm not talking about corruption or "stolen" elections. I'm talking about the systemic problems with the way we're doing elections that make it seemingly impossible for good leaders to get elected.

It seems for the most part nobody worth voting for will even run for national office, especially POTUS, due to not being willing to put themselves and the families though the forth coming attacks.

No matter which party you belong to, if you run you will automatically have 1/3 or more of the country instantly hate you and attack everything you do. Your family will be fair game and any mistake you made in your life will be brought to the light of day for the whole world to know about.
There are even fewer third party options and they are worse than the D/R
And of course that problem points to the first. As long as people are stuck on voting for Ds and Rs regardless, there's not much point in anyone running third party.

The problem isn't necessarily that fact that there are two dominant parties. It's the lesser-of-two-evils dynamic that convinces people to vote for bad candidates on purpose. That can't possibly produce good results. The sooner we get off that treadmill, the better.
It seems for the most part nobody worth voting for will even run for national office, especially POTUS, due to not being willing to put themselves and the families though the forth coming attacks.

No matter which party you belong to, if you run you will automatically have 1/3 or more of the country instantly hate you and attack everything you do. Your family will be fair game and any mistake you made in your life will be brought to the light of day for the whole world to know about.
Yes, fear mongering and demonization takes the day. RCV would go a long way toward undermining that. Candidates would have a built-in incentive to not be offensive jerks who alienate everyone but their supporters.
"And how can we fix it?"

Get the money game out
I hear that a lot. But when you dig into it, it's incredibly problematic. It's essentially putting the current government in charge of deciding who can run against the current government. There are serious conflict-of-interest problems with this approach. How would you propose to work around those? I just seems to me it would end up like gerrymandering, with the major parties constantly twisting the funding rules to favor their side.
First of all, anyone who wants that job has to be literally insane. If you want to run the country and the world and feel as though you have all the answers for everything, then you are delusional, not to mention the tar and feathering that will shortly ensue once you achieve power, cuz there are lots of other power hungry lunatics who want the job for themselves, mostly Left-wing Marxists because they are collectivists like the Nazis and Communists were and are.

Naturally, the job was not originally set up this way. The President was not originally in charge of everything in your life, from what teacher will teach your kid in kindergarten to what doctor you will be allowed to have to what light bulb you will lose and which you can't, etc.. But over the years the Executive got more powerful and more powerful, until now it is the 4rth branch of the government with unelected bureaucrats making a myriad of regulations which is essentially and army of unelected bureaucrats making laws for us all. Now the President needs an army of czars to go with it because the job is so encompassing it is impossible for one man to do the job, not that the army of czars are capable either, because clearly they are not as the country sinks into oblivion.

So, it's not about finding the perfect person who has all the answers, rather, it should be about decentralizing power and taking power from these idiots that think they have all the answers for all our problems till the end of time because it is obvious to all they don't. Instead, states can resume their rightful place in the power structure because none of us are as smart as all of us. The 50 states are 50 petri dishes to see what works and what does not, that was the genius of the oringial system.

But no, everyone is looking for the charismatic feel-good POS like Hitler.

Just know that when looking for a savior to save us from everything, the only man that was capable came and they nailed him to a cross instead.

Good luck.
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First of all, anyone who wants that job has to be literally insane. If you want to run the country and the world and feel as though you have all the answers for everything, then you are delusional, not to mention the tar and feathering that will shortly ensue once you achieve power, cuz there are lots of other lunatics who want the job for themselves, mostly Left wing Marxists.

Naturally, the job was not originally set up this way. The President was not originally in charge of everything in your life, from what teacher will teach your kid in kindergarten to what doctor you will be allowed to have to what light bulb you will lose and which you can't, etc.. But over the years the Executive got more powerful and more powerful, until now it is the 4rth branch of the government with unelected bureaucrats making a myriad of regulations which is essentially and army of unelected bureaucrats making laws for us all. Now the President needs an army of czars to go with it because the job is so encompassing it is impossible for one man to do the job, not that the army of czars are capable either, because clearly they are not as the country sinks into oblivion.

So, it's not about finding the perfect person who has all the answers, rather, it should be about decentralizing power and taking power from these idiots so that the states can resume their rightful place in the power structure.

But no, everyone is looking for the charismatic feel good POS like Hitler.
Excellent observations. I think many of our political problems are tied to the fact that government has become too powerful. When government is limited in power and scope, it doesn't really matter who is running things. There's only so much damage they can do. But as government has grown to impact our lives more and more, it becomes more and more important to have "your guy" in there. And more and more frightening to see someone elected who doesn't share your values.
Excellent observations. I think many of our political problems are tied to the fact that government has become too powerful. When government is limited in power and scope, it doesn't really matter who is running things. There's only so much damage they can do. But as government has grown to impact our lives more and more, it becomes more and more important to have "your guy" in there. And more and more frightening to see someone elected who doesn't share your values.
There is a movement called the Article V movement to have states amend the Constitution.

It has never been done before, but many of the Founding Fathers would not sign the Constitution without it, as they feared a rising Federal government that would become too powerful and corrupt

Well, now is the time. Wakey, wakey.

They are close, but need a few more states to sign on.

I would starts with amendments that about 80% of Americans agree with, namely, term limits for Congress and some sort of budget restraint for Congress, something Congress would never limit themselves with.

Why Can't We Elect Good Candidates?​

Six + decades of poor education quality

Many voters have no idea what a food candidate looks like
It seems for the most part nobody worth voting for will even run for national office, especially POTUS, due to not being willing to put themselves and the families though the forth coming attacks.

No matter which party you belong to, if you run you will automatically have 1/3 or more of the country instantly hate you and attack everything you do. Your family will be fair game and any mistake you made in your life will be brought to the light of day for the whole world to know about.
sadly thats what it has become.....

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