Why can't people just admit when they are wrong?

Aug 22, 2014
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What would Liberals eat US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

bothered me. I don't mean to call out any one poster, so i won't. But in this thread (as well as another thread on the same subject from a week or so ago that I frankly didn't want to search for) there were several posters who just flat out didn't read the guidelines of the program they were griping about, and made wild accusations about the program that simply weren't true.

And what's worse, when you pointed out to them right in the guidelines where it showed they were wrong, they simply and stubbornly refused to type the words " I was wrong"

In the Army, one way to get your ass in a sling is to lie, cover up, deny, or deflect when you make a mistake. Is the civilian world that different? Or is this just an online thing?

CLEARLY there were a few posters in that thread who were wrong, and so I don't want to debate whether they were or not, and I'm not wanting this to be yet another thread about the school lunch program, I'd like to stay focused on my question.

Why don't people admit when they are wrong?
I didn't engage on the thread mentioned. We engaged in a different thread on the same subject.

For starters I didn't realize WIC was in the law, and I acknowledged that on the thread.

I believe we had agreement that it shouldn't be 3 times a day, and that the parents should be able to at least feed their kids once a day with all the other programs available. We also agreed that the Gov't loves Red Tape.

Beyond that we never reached agreement on this subject. It is an expansion of money that we have to borrow to pay for, it is a results based law where the schools must sell the meals to those not receiving it free or for a reduced price..........so schools will naturally push it to the point of abuse to make sure they get the funds......The law also requires the paid lunches to be increased in price to match the federal funds...........

The kids were throwing the meals into the garbage. Which is a waste.............which means it's a waste of taxpayers dollars if they are not eating it. The old program wasn't broke..............Schools still served good meals and balanced diets to the kids. This new law WASN'T NECESSARY................It was passed by a temporary majority down party lines........................

and so our disagreement continues...........
To the OP off of the food issue...................Many threads are arguments over the opinions of posters..........Irregardless of what is shown it all boils down to your beliefs on the subject matter. If at the end of the argument we don't agree it doesn't mean that either's opinions are wrong. It means we disagree.

Opinions aren't wrong. They are opinions. Some agree and some don't and that is that.
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To the OP off of the food issue...................Many threads are arguments over the opinions of posters..........Irregardless of what is shown it all boils down to your beliefs on the subject matter. If at the end of the argument we don't agree it doesn't mean that either's opinions are wrong. It means we disagree.

Opinions aren't wrong. They are opinions. Some agree and some don't and that is that.

Opinions certainly can be wrong. If those opinions aren't founded on facts.

For example, one poster was adamant that "football players couldn't be fed 3,000 calories a day"

That is DEMONSTRABLY incorrect, and in fact the program guidelines themselves say that a school may feed a student whatever they like above and beyond the OVC guidelines, but those foods won't be eligible for reimbursement. I showed this poster EXACTLY where in the documentation where it said it, and instead of doing like you did with the WIC thing and saying "hey okay I was wrong on that one" this poster just doubled down and started calling me names for PROVING that she was wrong.

That is the sort of thing I am referring to.
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  1. Why can't people just admit when they are wrong?

    Because there are no consequences when people lie anymore. Kids are raised to believe everyone is special. That no one should have anything more than you. That you are entitled to success. That exaggeration of achievements to obtain a goal is ok. Does anyone know what the definition of these behaviors are? Hint it's called Narcissistic.
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Why don't people admit when they are wrong?

Physician heal thyself.

Excuse me? I've had two posts where someone has proven I said something that was wrong, and I admitted as such.
It's not a big deal at all to me.

Only two?!?!

Learn the difference between a fact and an opinion.

Yes I've had TWO people point out facts that I had wrong. I acknowledged it both times.
Welcome to the internets - It's filled-to-the-brim with stupid people who cannot think for themselves.

I swear, I honestly believe that some posters are actually apps!
This thread

What would Liberals eat US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

bothered me. I don't mean to call out any one poster, so i won't. But in this thread (as well as another thread on the same subject from a week or so ago that I frankly didn't want to search for) there were several posters who just flat out didn't read the guidelines of the program they were griping about, and made wild accusations about the program that simply weren't true.

And what's worse, when you pointed out to them right in the guidelines where it showed they were wrong, they simply and stubbornly refused to type the words " I was wrong"

In the Army, one way to get your ass in a sling is to lie, cover up, deny, or deflect when you make a mistake. Is the civilian world that different? Or is this just an online thing?

CLEARLY there were a few posters in that thread who were wrong, and so I don't want to debate whether they were or not, and I'm not wanting this to be yet another thread about the school lunch program, I'd like to stay focused on my question.

Why don't people admit when they are wrong?

You were wrong here:

The Mistake Of Treating Isis Like The Right Wing Bundy Militia US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
This thread

What would Liberals eat US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

bothered me. I don't mean to call out any one poster, so i won't. But in this thread (as well as another thread on the same subject from a week or so ago that I frankly didn't want to search for) there were several posters who just flat out didn't read the guidelines of the program they were griping about, and made wild accusations about the program that simply weren't true.

And what's worse, when you pointed out to them right in the guidelines where it showed they were wrong, they simply and stubbornly refused to type the words " I was wrong"

In the Army, one way to get your ass in a sling is to lie, cover up, deny, or deflect when you make a mistake. Is the civilian world that different? Or is this just an online thing?

CLEARLY there were a few posters in that thread who were wrong, and so I don't want to debate whether they were or not, and I'm not wanting this to be yet another thread about the school lunch program, I'd like to stay focused on my question.

Why don't people admit when they are wrong?

I've felt this frustration. It is hard to admit you are wrong though. It takes a little courage.

Maybe people think that admitting they are wrong on one thing will mean that they are wrong on all things.
This thread

What would Liberals eat US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

bothered me. I don't mean to call out any one poster, so i won't. But in this thread (as well as another thread on the same subject from a week or so ago that I frankly didn't want to search for) there were several posters who just flat out didn't read the guidelines of the program they were griping about, and made wild accusations about the program that simply weren't true.

And what's worse, when you pointed out to them right in the guidelines where it showed they were wrong, they simply and stubbornly refused to type the words " I was wrong"

In the Army, one way to get your ass in a sling is to lie, cover up, deny, or deflect when you make a mistake. Is the civilian world that different? Or is this just an online thing?

CLEARLY there were a few posters in that thread who were wrong, and so I don't want to debate whether they were or not, and I'm not wanting this to be yet another thread about the school lunch program, I'd like to stay focused on my question.

Why don't people admit when they are wrong?

I've felt this frustration. It is hard to admit you are wrong though. It takes a little courage.

Maybe people think that admitting they are wrong on one thing will mean that they are wrong on all things.

I don't get it, everyone makes mistakes. Why spend more energy and make yourself look worse in the long run then if you simply had said "my mistake" as soon as you realized it?
Pride, maybe? I think I admit when I am wrong, but I've been called stubborn before, so who knows what I've missed. I am always refreshed to see an apology or "my bad" on a message board because they are few and far between online. I generally like those people regardless of their views or demeanor because at least they are real.
I don't get it, everyone makes mistakes. Why spend more energy and make yourself look worse in the long run then if you simply had said "my mistake" as soon as you realized it?

First you have to recognize that you did make a mistake. Even with pretty clear cut proof many people simply aren't capable of making that recognition. A lot of people really don't understand what they are posting much less the critique of that post.

Personally, I feel like recognizing your errors allows you to correct them and shore up your position. If that means shifting your position, so be it. Often though the mistake doesn't mean that your position was wrong, just that it was not right for the reason you thought it was.
I don't get it, everyone makes mistakes. Why spend more energy and make yourself look worse in the long run then if you simply had said "my mistake" as soon as you realized it?

First you have to recognize that you did make a mistake. Even with pretty clear cut proof many people simply aren't capable of making that recognition. A lot of people really don't understand what they are posting much less the critique of that post.

Personally, I feel like recognizing your errors allows you to correct them and shore up your position. If that means shifting your position, so be it. Often though the mistake doesn't mean that your position was wrong, just that it was not right for the reason you thought it was.

Yes, like the woman in the school lunch thread , she opposed the program because of many reasons , some of them valid, but the one I pointed out that she wrong about , she was CLEARLY wrong. I showed her right in the policy where she was wrong, She just simply wouldn't admit it.
For some people....message boards are a form of competition. That, coupled with very poor social skills leads to intransigence.

I'm sure the anonymity doesn't help any either.

I find that to be odd. The anonymity leads me to be more forthcoming and makes it easier to admit a mistake. But....for some....the opposite seems true.

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