Why Are So Many Millennial’s Drawn to Socialism?

Because our Democrat Union run schools have been preaching it for decades. What else are they going to think? They don't know any better.

Nonsense .

How are they preaching socialism ? Give me an example .
Written by a former socialist. His early views are typical of many indoctrinated youth. So simplistic and no thought given to how politicians actually force it on the population and there is zero thought given to where the money will keep coming from. They are thinking that if everyone shares what they have, all will be golden. Of course, we quickly run out of things to share because when they kill capitalism, they kill the means by which more wealth is created.

"It seemed like a perfect solution to the world’s problems to my young, idealistic, incredibly well-intentioned but historically ignorant mind."

"As someone who felt an incredible moral high for advocating for everyone sacrificing their excess for the sake of making sure no one else ever lacked, I had no idea what an incredibly materialistic solution this was to the world’s problems.

As I grew older, I had a hard time reconciling the fact that I was a sworn pacifist, and yet the only people who seemed to have achieved socialism did so by physical force. I reasoned that it was a necessary evil for the sake of enacting true justice.

I found the revolutionaries of Cuba to be romantic, but when I traveled to Cuba when I was 17 and saw people living in equality, but equal poverty, I knew that Castro hadn’t had all the answers.

Learning about the mass murders of dissidents, artists, Christians, and homosexuals stirred my conscience too."

"The plight of well-educated (free education!) Cubans who were driving taxis rather than practicing psychotherapy because there was no market for their services seemed difficult to blame entirely on the travel embargo, as was the line fed by the Cuban government about all their economic woes.

I had always had a problem with how oppressive socialism had always ended up being in world history and believed that “no one had ever done it right.” I thought it should be gentler and nicer. More “democratic,” right? Just free tuition and healthcare, what’s wrong with that?

I honestly didn’t think much about the taxes, other than to unquestionably swallow the line that only rich people would be taxed a lot and, well, they didn’t deserve all that money, right?

Over time, particularly when I later moved out of San Francisco (after the tragic death of one of my friends at the hands of an MS-13 gang member who mistook him for a rival gang member, which played no small role in my eventual paradigm shift) and met people with different perspectives did I start to notice the flaws in the socialist logic.

The proverbial ton of bricks that hit me was the realization that nothing I believed in could be enforced without physical force, and that it was, in fact, theft to force private citizens to give up so much of their own money. Suddenly it made sense to me that so many of the Miami Cubans were Republicans, a fact that had always puzzled me in the past."

Dr. Michael Brown Asks Why Are So Many Millennial's Drawn to Socialism?
Public Education System
Tell us one socialist country that didn’t dissolve into corruption.
Oh, but, but, but......THIS time....they're gonna do it RIGHT, dammit.


We just need to execute all those socialist motherfuckers and rid earth of their bullshit.

It is morally righteous to kill a commie for mommy.

They are either directly affected by massive school loan debt or have close friends and family who are. That makes the appeal of free education and the tie in with the Socialist message very strong. JMO

These millennials are college age. Most of those kids think socialism is great. Free everything.

Of course nothing is free and as soon as they are out of college, get a job, have a mortgage, car payment and kids to pay for they find out about the real world.

The world where you have to work and earn a living. Free stuff ain't free and it doesn't take them long to find that out.
You are joking, right?

Tell us one socialist country that didn’t dissolve into corruption.
Drawn to what socialism? What the hell are you taking about ?

“Socialism” is the word of the month for the conservatives lemmings who throw it around as if it has no meaning.

It has plenty of meaning.

Socialism = authoritarianism = bloated bureaucratic big Gov't.

By structure, it cannot meet the majority of the most simplistic needs of the people; like something as basic as electricity.

Please see Venezuela as the most recent instructional primer on the failure of Socialism.
Thank you for your attention.

That’s not the definition of socialism you idiot .

Venezuela has all kinds of issues . Mainly revolving around corruption .

That aside . What is happening in the US that you consider socialism. Who’s pushing for gov takeovers of industry ?

Unites Arab Emerits
You are joking, right?

Tell us one socialist country that didn’t dissolve into corruption.
Drawn to what socialism? What the hell are you taking about ?

“Socialism” is the word of the month for the conservatives lemmings who throw it around as if it has no meaning.

It has plenty of meaning.

Socialism = authoritarianism = bloated bureaucratic big Gov't.

By structure, it cannot meet the majority of the most simplistic needs of the people; like something as basic as electricity.

Please see Venezuela as the most recent instructional primer on the failure of Socialism.
Thank you for your attention.

That’s not the definition of socialism you idiot .

Venezuela has all kinds of issues . Mainly revolving around corruption .

That aside . What is happening in the US that you consider socialism. Who’s pushing for gov takeovers of industry ?

Unites Arab Emerits

I am not . UAE is a socialist country .
In my opinion, they are attracted to government programs because so many of them were raised by a single parent who needed food stamps, and other welfare progams.
They were trained at a young age to accept handouts, so it seems natural to them.
Past generations were resistant to handouts because of pride, and because they were taught to make their own way in the world.
The younger ones today just don't have what it takes to make it themselves.
Yes you are-

Socialist vs Capitalist Countries

You are joking, right?

Tell us one socialist country that didn’t dissolve into corruption.
It has plenty of meaning.

Socialism = authoritarianism = bloated bureaucratic big Gov't.

By structure, it cannot meet the majority of the most simplistic needs of the people; like something as basic as electricity.

Please see Venezuela as the most recent instructional primer on the failure of Socialism.
Thank you for your attention.

That’s not the definition of socialism you idiot .

Venezuela has all kinds of issues . Mainly revolving around corruption .

That aside . What is happening in the US that you consider socialism. Who’s pushing for gov takeovers of industry ?

Unites Arab Emerits

I am not . UAE is a socialist country .
'Why Are So Many Millennial’s Drawn to Socialism?'

There is an old saying:

"If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain"

Before the age of 15 'Blank-Slate' young adults will enter the 'Indoctrination Camps', aka colleges / universities, and get their heads filled with socialist ideology from such genius ideologues as ex-home-grown terrorist-turned Professor William Ayers, are taught that the very freedom and liberties that will go forward and condemn / protest against are what will allow them to do so, and are taught that Capitalism is evil, that for the good of the one they must become prophets of Socialism and embrace the belief that the new Socialist Democratic party and complete dependence on party / government will allow everyone equally successfully and happily co-exist...'free shit for all'...'can a brutha snowflake get an Amen'?!

Well before 35 those same indoctrinated converts will wake harshly to learn that they are in thrall under the oppressive Socialist masters when they learn that the 'free' college, 'health care', 'Welfare', Food Stamps', and other 'economic slavery' programs thy received when they were younger were NOT actually 'free', that they were actually being paid for by the very people they had protested - older adults actually working and high paying taxes...and come face-to-face with the sudden reality that THEY have become one of those oppressed, over-taxed working masses.

Socialist Ideology is great when you have nothing but a 'free college ride', 'free shit' 'cool professors, and that Che Guevara T-Shirt, cut-off jean shorts and flip flops, not pay9ng for any of it. When you grow up and reality 'bitch-slaps' you in the face and in your wallet you get a new perspective.

Parents, if you want to head that off now with your hard-working high school students, explain Socialism to them like this:

Imagine you go to college with that hard-working attitude and that 4.0 you are so proud of. Now imagine your professor telling you that there are 2 student in the class who are failing because they are putting forth no effort whatsoever - they just don't give a crap enough to work to pass. The professor explains he wants to take 2 points off your grade and give them 1 point each to help them pass. That would still leave them with a 'C', passing the course.

I have shared that with quite a few young people, and I have yet to find any of them willing to bust their ass just to help someone who refuses to work.

They are either directly affected by massive school loan debt or have close friends and family who are. That makes the appeal of free education and the tie in with the Socialist message very strong. JMO

These millennials are college age. Most of those kids think socialism is great. Free everything.

Of course nothing is free and as soon as they are out of college, get a job, have a mortgage, car payment and kids to pay for they find out about the real world.

The world where you have to work and earn a living. Free stuff ain't free and it doesn't take them long to find that out.

So true!! You also just explained why Pelosi wants them to vote before they gain that life experience. She knows they will vote Dem when they are on the receiving end of the 'freebies' but will question things when they realize how much government steals from them to give to others. And then they wonder why more people don't just work and buy their own shit. It's what happens when people mature. Of course, some never do and live their whole lives on the dole. Even Bernie Sanders never had a real job and then became a politician. Now that he has his millions (wouldn't you like to see his tax returns), he doesn't worry about government taking a big chunk of his income. Typical lib is so very generous, as long as they are giving away other people's money.
Imagine you go to college with that hard-working attitude and that 4.0 you are so proud of. Now imagine your professor telling you that there are 2 student in the class who are failing because they are putting forth no effort whatsoever - they just don't give a crap enough to work to pass. The professor explains he wants to take 2 points off your grade and give them 1 point each to help them pass. That would still leave them with a 'C', passing the course.

Terrible analogy. It would be better if some students were given a free 4.0 by mommy and daddy, and everyone who failed didn't get to eat.
Written by a former socialist. His early views are typical of many indoctrinated youth. So simplistic and no thought given to how politicians actually force it on the population and there is zero thought given to where the money will keep coming from. They are thinking that if everyone shares what they have, all will be golden. Of course, we quickly run out of things to share because when they kill capitalism, they kill the means by which more wealth is created.

"It seemed like a perfect solution to the world’s problems to my young, idealistic, incredibly well-intentioned but historically ignorant mind."

"As someone who felt an incredible moral high for advocating for everyone sacrificing their excess for the sake of making sure no one else ever lacked, I had no idea what an incredibly materialistic solution this was to the world’s problems.

As I grew older, I had a hard time reconciling the fact that I was a sworn pacifist, and yet the only people who seemed to have achieved socialism did so by physical force. I reasoned that it was a necessary evil for the sake of enacting true justice.

I found the revolutionaries of Cuba to be romantic, but when I traveled to Cuba when I was 17 and saw people living in equality, but equal poverty, I knew that Castro hadn’t had all the answers.

Learning about the mass murders of dissidents, artists, Christians, and homosexuals stirred my conscience too."

"The plight of well-educated (free education!) Cubans who were driving taxis rather than practicing psychotherapy because there was no market for their services seemed difficult to blame entirely on the travel embargo, as was the line fed by the Cuban government about all their economic woes.

I had always had a problem with how oppressive socialism had always ended up being in world history and believed that “no one had ever done it right.” I thought it should be gentler and nicer. More “democratic,” right? Just free tuition and healthcare, what’s wrong with that?

I honestly didn’t think much about the taxes, other than to unquestionably swallow the line that only rich people would be taxed a lot and, well, they didn’t deserve all that money, right?

Over time, particularly when I later moved out of San Francisco (after the tragic death of one of my friends at the hands of an MS-13 gang member who mistook him for a rival gang member, which played no small role in my eventual paradigm shift) and met people with different perspectives did I start to notice the flaws in the socialist logic.

The proverbial ton of bricks that hit me was the realization that nothing I believed in could be enforced without physical force, and that it was, in fact, theft to force private citizens to give up so much of their own money. Suddenly it made sense to me that so many of the Miami Cubans were Republicans, a fact that had always puzzled me in the past."

Dr. Michael Brown Asks Why Are So Many Millennial's Drawn to Socialism?
no mother or fathers in their lives. it's simple. my parents once directed me to get my ass off of the couch and get a job, money doesn't grow on trees. and now today's millennials really do believe money grows on trees. can't make it up. minus one mom and one dad equals millennial.
They are either directly affected by massive school loan debt or have close friends and family who are. That makes the appeal of free education and the tie in with the Socialist message very strong. JMO
Sadly, "free" anything paid for by government is not free at all. The cost is passed on to the taxpayers. Hey, wait, aren't "progressives" set against passing the cost on to the little guy. They are always squalling about how business never pays for themselves because they pass any increase in cost on to the consumer.

You mean like subsidies for farmers ? Gov payouts to lesson the blow of tarriff wars? How about Fema help for Alabama tornado victims? Or veteran benefits ?

Oh wait. Conservatives like that stuff . So it’s exempt from the evil socialism umbrella.
I agree about farm subsidies. Most of that money goes to Big Ag, which is a partner with Big Gov and drives lots of policies that skew agriculture in this country. I don't favor FEMA assistance, either. There was a time when people would pick themselves up, brush it off, and get on with rebuilding...without whining for the government to pay them to. Veterans are a somewhat different animal because these are people who gave something up to protect and save everything that makes this country what it is and to do so for all others who might not be inclined to make that particular sacrifice. The one thing mandated to the federal government in the Constitution is to protect and defend the republic. That means having a standing military.
Millennials have been purposely betrayed by our system. Boomers kicked a lot of cans down the road and can't seem to understand why millennials are upset. From their perspective our plutocratic system did nothing but leave them with a bunch of messes they will be cleaning up long after we are dead. It's not that they like socialism so much as being deeply disillusioned with our twentieth century bullshit.

Blaming the boomers is a cop out!
Why don't you blame do-nothing Congresses for the last 20 years that plenty of us boomers detest?
That's why we elected Trump, wiffle ball!
When Trump bothers to talk about millennials at all it's to talk trash. He has nothing for them but derision because his base is a bunch of old bitter fucks who despise them. They are concerned with student debt, climate change a host of other problems you Trumpbots do not give two shits about.
Funny, my daughter is a millennial, my granddaughters are...what now? But they all support the same values and moral that this old boomer does. They think that personal responsibility and doing for yourself is of tantamount importance. Oh, yeah, we're farmers, too. Hard work but well worth it to those who can value the fruits of their own labor.
Because we have too much corruption. What we really need is to fix our capitalism.
They don't know anything about life. They are lazy.
Student debt? That's a Lefty issue. It is fake, why does their education NEED to cost that? Nearly ALL of Academia is Left.

.... aaannnndddd you answered the question of the day.

Socialism is popular because when Millennials turn to free-market capitalists for solutions to the problems they care about they get called lazy and told to work harder.

Liberal social democrats have solutions to their problems that have objectively been demonstrated to work in other countries (or here in the pasts). Socialists have a terrible track record but are great at whispering sweet nothings. Free-market capitalists are great at insulting people and that's about it.
Your suggested solution would be....?

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