Why are republicans automatically considered racist?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
This is another political stereotype that has always intrigued me. Obviously it's not true. Anyone can produce a list of republicans that are/were not racist. Yet the stereotype persists. Why do you think that republicans are automatically considered racist?
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Perhaps the stereotype stems from the fact that all prominant black republicans are Uncle Toms? :eusa_think:
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It's the ultimate insult. The smallest detail and it's time to drop that insult. Once that has been used, the conversation/argument is over and now the insulted must prove he is not a racist, which can't be done.
Because they have worked for decades to keep black voters from voting.

Another lie from Truthmatters. Shocking I know.

Chris revealed the real reason a while ago. Republicans are considered racist because the way the left uses the term, they define racist as Republican. That's why it doesnt matter how racist the Democrats are, they aren't considered racist. Because they aren't Republican.

When the left starts being honest with what racist and racism means, we can actually fix the problem. But as long as they continue to lie like TM here. There will never be a solution.
This is why I posted the tread about how do yo deterimine a fact.

it is a cold hard court documented fact that the republicans have worked for decades to keep black and poor voters from voting.

Cold hard evidence prooves it.

R to R memo where they talk of keeping black people from voting and tape of right wing leader saying they dont want everyone to vote

The documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the GOP's ballot program that Democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The Republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

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Why are republicans automatically considered racist?

Interesting. I always assume Democrats are racist since their Party Platform includes programs which promote institutional racism such as Affirmative Action. I usually don't have a reason to assume Republicans are racist.
"Racist" is the new "I know you are, but what am I?"

It's the tactic of a mindless nitwit who hasn't a leg to stand on intellectually.
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