Why Are Liberals Always Explaining what Conservatives Think?

Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

All we hear from conservatives are lies, fallacies, and personal attacks.

Just click ‘Active Topics’ on this very forum for proof of that.
. Ok, but is it that they are just fighting fire with fire maybe ? Who tries to live a more decent and morally fit lifestyle for them and their families ? Is it the libs or the conservatives by the percentages known out there ?
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...
Don't you think it works the other way, too? If you don't, I wouldn't put much stock in your answers.

How egalitarian of you. I constantly question liberals as to their positions, but am almost always met with evasion, hostility and emotional outbursts. Maybe you can explain, for instance, liberal thought on immigration?
No, liberals answer your questions – you just don’t like the answers.

Indeed, often the answers have little to do with ‘liberals’ and are instead liberals simply responding with the truth and facts.

For example:

The Supreme Court is authorized by the Constitution to determine what the Constitution means

The Second Amendment right is not absolute and subject to reasonable restrictions by government

Public accommodations laws do not violate religious freedom or liberty

These are settled, accepted facts of law beyond dispute.

But when these and similar answers are provided to conservatives, the response is anger, personal attacks, and denial.

That you and others on the right reject the facts and truth liberals provide you doesn’t mean they’re ‘wrong.’
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.
That’s not answering the question.

Let’s try again:

Conservatives claim to be advocates of ‘smaller government.’

Yet with regard to many issues, the conservative response is more government at the expense of individual liberty.

For example:

Conservatives want more government to compel a woman to give birth against her will.

Conservatives want more government to deny same-sex couples their right to marry.

Conservatives want more government to limit the freedom and liberty of transgender Americans.

Conservatives want more government to interfere with citizens’ right to vote.

Conservatives want more government to drug test public assistance applicants.

Conservatives want more government controlling how we address end of life matters.

And these are but a few examples of conservatives advocating for more government and bigger government.

Question: given the above policy positions held by conservatives, how can conservatives claim to be ‘advocates’ of ‘smaller government’?
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...
Don't you think it works the other way, too? If you don't, I wouldn't put much stock in your answers.

How egalitarian of you. I constantly question liberals as to their positions, but am almost always met with evasion, hostility and emotional outbursts. Maybe you can explain, for instance, liberal thought on immigration?
No, liberals answer your questions – you just don’t like the answers.

Indeed, often the answers have little to do with ‘liberals’ and are instead liberals simply responding with the truth and facts.

For example:

The Supreme Court is authorized by the Constitution to determine what the Constitution means

The Second Amendment right is not absolute and subject to reasonable restrictions by government

Public accommodations laws do not violate religious freedom or liberty

These are settled, accepted facts of law beyond dispute.

But when these and similar answers are provided to conservatives, the response is anger, personal attacks, and denial.

That you and others on the right reject the facts and truth liberals provide you doesn’t mean they’re ‘wrong.’

The 2nd amendment is absolute even under this corporate structure that is trying to pass itself off as a legitimate government. We are not under the organic constitution that was written in 1787 but rather the corporate charter constitution that was passed in 1871. We are still technically under "martial law" from the Civil War and still under the Lieber Code from that time as well as still being under a "State Of Emergency" due to the Bankruptcy of 1933 that allows the president to bypass the house and senate by using executive orders. This corporate entity was then agon bankrupted in 1950 and was taken into receivership by the IMF so your beloved "gubermint" is nothing but a for profit corporate entity that provides the 19 essential "gubermint" services and does so for the profit of it's shareholders. Can you handle the truth? I seriously doubt it because you as dumb as the proverbial rock and a closet commie.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.

Tripling the size of ICE won’t increase the size of government? Really?
Why can't you just admit that government is essential to civilized society?

Oh, yes indeed. We need 17 government employees for every taxpayer in order to "redistribute" the tax payers' earnings to the hordes of welfare parasites, er, so sorry, no slight intended, Loyal Democrat Voters.


Govt employees aren't tax payers?
How are you arriving at your 17:1 ratio without including them?

Is there even enough population for this to be remotely possible?
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

They don't like the answers they get, so instead of allowing Republicans to speak freely, they prefer to tell their supporters what they said and they almost always change the message. They prefer to twist things to fit their narrative. If you explain that border security is considered important by every other country, including Mexico, they will still claim that you are racist for wanting us to uphold our laws. Instead of quoting people, the headlines will read that the right hates Hispanics. If you cite the criminals coming through with the poor people, they ignore that and just claim you hate all immigrants, even the legal ones.

If you tell them that the best welfare program is a job, they call you a cold-hearted racist who wants to starve people. Of course, it's better for people to be more self-reliant and the left knows damn well that is what the right means but they twist it to scare people. That is why they declare that the right will take away EBT cards and other benefits and kick people to the curb.

If you tell them that we should have reasonable regulations that don't needlessly strain small businesses, they accuse you of greed. Since they constantly claim that the private sector cannot be trusted and their supporters now believe that, it's so easy to impugn anyone who sticks up for the middle class businesses. Never mind that the economy and people seeking employment need these businesses to be doing well.

They repeat things as they want them to be, not as they are. At the same time, they dislike it when you repeat their words exactly, like when Obama promised over and over that if we liked our doctor and insurance plan that we could keep it. Or when Hillary said she'll put coal companies out of business, then told a coal workers that he heard her wrong.

I go by what they actually say. Too many go by what they want to hear.

Look at liberals, like Couric, who even push lies when reporting. They can't just report facts and let the chips fall where they may. They want to shape what people think instead of allowing them to come to their own conclusions.

So, they are forever trying to convince people that Republicans want a country of white, wealthy, greedy people who pollute the air and water for the sake of profit. And the useful idiots take it as gospel.
Govt employees aren't tax payers?
How are you arriving at your 17:1 ratio without including them?

Is there even enough population for this to be remotely possible?

Yes, they pay taxes after being paid with taxes already paid by other people. They just return some of the tax payer money to government.

The public sector does not generate wealth, it functions solely by the confiscation of wealth created by the private sector.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.
That’s not answering the question.

Let’s try again:

Conservatives claim to be advocates of ‘smaller government.’

Yet with regard to many issues, the conservative response is more government at the expense of individual liberty.

For example:

Conservatives want more government to compel a woman to give birth against her will.

Conservatives want more government to deny same-sex couples their right to marry.

Conservatives want more government to limit the freedom and liberty of transgender Americans.

Conservatives want more government to interfere with citizens’ right to vote.

Conservatives want more government to drug test public assistance applicants.

Conservatives want more government controlling how we address end of life matters.

And these are but a few examples of conservatives advocating for more government and bigger government.

Question: given the above policy positions held by conservatives, how can conservatives claim to be ‘advocates’ of ‘smaller government’?
Govt employees aren't tax payers?
How are you arriving at your 17:1 ratio without including them?

Is there even enough population for this to be remotely possible?

Yes, they pay taxes after being paid with taxes already paid by other people. They just return some of the tax payer money to government.

The public sector does not generate wealth, it functions solely by the confiscation of wealth created by the private sector.

Actually, the ones at the top have been skimming tax dollars off the top and investing it in the market, golf courses, race tracks, amusement parks, etc, etc. Composite "corporate" gubermint is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. It's all in the CAFR ( Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) that every corporate entity is required to file yearly. You know how Califlakia claims to be so broke that it must tax the ever loving shit out of it's serfs? The composite "gubermints" of Califlakia are currently sitting on 14 TRILLION dollars in assets due to investments in Wall Street, foreign markets, real estate investments but they are always passing off there corporate credit card bills on the taxpayer. If people only understood the scam. There are over 185,000 "incorporated" government entities and you can find them on the Dun and Bradstreet.com website. Did you know that all the alphabet agencies are incorporated? Even the Supreme Court is incorporated. THe IRS is incorporated in Puerto Rico, a U.S territory and is actually a trust and collection arm of the International Monetary Fund that took USA.INC into receivership in 1950 after it filed bankruptcy yet again. It was in the 1950's that cities, counties and towns started "incorporating". I found that the State Of Texas alone has 1 TRILLION dollars in hard assets and that doesn't even include all their subsidiaries. The scam is massive and far reaching.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...
Don't you think it works the other way, too? If you don't, I wouldn't put much stock in your answers.

How egalitarian of you. I constantly question liberals as to their positions, but am almost always met with evasion, hostility and emotional outbursts. Maybe you can explain, for instance, liberal thought on immigration?
No, liberals answer your questions – you just don’t like the answers.

Indeed, often the answers have little to do with ‘liberals’ and are instead liberals simply responding with the truth and facts.

For example:

The Supreme Court is authorized by the Constitution to determine what the Constitution means

The Second Amendment right is not absolute and subject to reasonable restrictions by government

Public accommodations laws do not violate religious freedom or liberty

These are settled, accepted facts of law beyond dispute.

But when these and similar answers are provided to conservatives, the response is anger, personal attacks, and denial.

That you and others on the right reject the facts and truth liberals provide you doesn’t mean they’re ‘wrong.’

See what I mean?



Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.

Tripling the size of ICE won’t increase the size of government? Really?

No because it will vastly reduce the number of ticks sucking on the ass of society.
Liberals are trained to wait and be told what to think.

And that line of thought is exactly why the GOP is in such a big problem right now. What's worse, you people mistake anyone that doesn't agree with you as a Lilly Livered Liberal. And the biggest Hate I can see is from the Right. It started in 1992 and just got worse. I have seen families broken up, friendships end and more over this BS. Now, have your elected representatives get off their hate and do nothing binge and get something done for a change or you can have them do another round of "Green Eggs and Ham"
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.

Tripling the size of ICE won’t increase the size of government? Really?
. Depends on how long the action is needed for, otherwise as to whether or not it is seen as a temporary thing or a permanent one. There may be cases where you have to increase police presence in an area so to speak, but that doesn' mean their presence will be permanent. It may take some temporary added personnel to fix what the liberals have broken. Then we can get back to normal again.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.

Tripling the size of ICE won’t increase the size of government? Really?

No because it will vastly reduce the number of ticks sucking on the ass of society.
. Tripling the size of ice in order to combat 11 million intruders might be a good trade off.
Why don't they just ask them? I will be happy to answer any questions...

Sure, I’ll try it…

As I understand it, Conservatives are for smaller government.
In his own words, Donald Trump will triple the number of ICE agents —expanding federal payrolls by 10,000 employees in one department alone.

My question is this: Why are self-described conservatives backing Donald Trump for President?
. Because there are certain issues that need attention, and paying attention to the issues that need attention is not meant to increase the over all size of government, but to take care of a problem instead. Next question.

Tripling the size of ICE won’t increase the size of government? Really?

No because it will vastly reduce the number of ticks sucking on the ass of society.
. Tripling the size of ice in order to combat 11 million intruders might be a good trade off.

Definitely a "win,win" situation......but of course leftards and liberals will clog up the courts. LULAC, LA RAZA attorneys will file brief after brief to keep their spawn here while they crank out anchor baby after anchor baby that we pay for.......

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