Why are leftists so obsessed with taking things from the American people?

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
It's always been my contention that a leftist is not a true leftist unless they are making other people miserable. I still hold that stance. Leftists are by nature miserable people and there is no sense being miserable alone I guess.

In light of the gas stove issue, something also crossed my mind: leftists are always trying to take things away from American people.

Leftists want to take our guns, or at least make it near impossible to own one or have the legal authority to use it.
They want to take away our reliable cars and replace them with golf carts that couldn't possibly withstand the limitations of our grid.
They wanted to take away our police until outrage came from their likely constituents, the poor and people of color.
In the past they've tried to take away happy meals at McDonald's for kids.
Moochelle Obama took away tasty food in schools and replaced it with crap no normal kid would eat.
Her husband instituted his healthcare plan that took employer sponsored plans away from millions of American workers.
They made tobacco products so expensive many could not afford them any longer so they took that away as well.
In some Democrat led places they took away our plastic shopoping bags, suggesting we use dirty cloth bags to carry our groceries home in.
They've taken away our historic statues that stood the test of time for generations without problem.
And as I led with, now they floated the idea of taking away our natural gas stoves to cook with.

People on the right have said liberalism is a mental disease. I never subscribed to that, but what else would explain this obsession of taking things away from fellow Americans?

If you would like to add to the list, feel free to do so. These were just off the top of my head.
It's always been my contention that a leftist is not a true leftist unless they are making other people miserable. I still hold that stance. Leftists are by nature miserable people and there is no sense being miserable alone I guess.

In light of the gas stove issue, something also crossed my mind: leftists are always trying to take things away from American people.

Leftists want to take our guns, or at least make it near impossible to own one or have the legal authority to use it.
They want to take away our reliable cars and replace them with golf carts that couldn't possibly withstand the limitations of our grid.
They wanted to take away our police until outrage came from their likely constituents, the poor and people of color.
In the past they've tried to take away happy meals at McDonald's for kids.
Moochelle Obama took away tasty food in schools and replaced it with crap no normal kid would eat.
Her husband instituted his healthcare plan that took employer sponsored plans away from millions of American workers.
They made tobacco products so expensive many could not afford them any longer so they took that away as well.
In some Democrat led places they took away our plastic shopoping bags, suggesting we use dirty cloth bags to carry our groceries home in.
They've taken away our historic statues that stood the test of time for generations without problem.
And as I led with, now they floated the idea of taking away our natural gas stoves to cook with.

People on the right have said liberalism is a mental disease. I never subscribed to that, but what else would explain this obsession of taking things away from fellow Americans?

If you would like to add to the list, feel free to do so. These were just off the top of my head.
The Democrats have also been hinting at taking away your steaks and hamburgers, and replace them with bugs.
It's always been my contention that a leftist is not a true leftist unless they are making other people miserable. I still hold that stance. Leftists are by nature miserable people and there is no sense being miserable alone I guess.

In light of the gas stove issue, something also crossed my mind: leftists are always trying to take things away from American people.

Leftists want to take our guns, or at least make it near impossible to own one or have the legal authority to use it.
They want to take away our reliable cars and replace them with golf carts that couldn't possibly withstand the limitations of our grid.
They wanted to take away our police until outrage came from their likely constituents, the poor and people of color.
In the past they've tried to take away happy meals at McDonald's for kids.
Moochelle Obama took away tasty food in schools and replaced it with crap no normal kid would eat.
Her husband instituted his healthcare plan that took employer sponsored plans away from millions of American workers.
They made tobacco products so expensive many could not afford them any longer so they took that away as well.
In some Democrat led places they took away our plastic shopoping bags, suggesting we use dirty cloth bags to carry our groceries home in.
They've taken away our historic statues that stood the test of time for generations without problem.
And as I led with, now they floated the idea of taking away our natural gas stoves to cook with.

People on the right have said liberalism is a mental disease. I never subscribed to that, but what else would explain this obsession of taking things away from fellow Americans?

If you would like to add to the list, feel free to do so. These were just off the top of my head.
In my opinion the statist left operate under the influence of the dark side of humanity. So ludicrous has the statist left become in their obsession for power & control over normal folks that their actions have actually backfired on them. More & more Americans are viewing the statist left with suspicion & even contempt. I would not be surprised to see in the near future Americans outright black balling the DNC corporation. In the near future look for the statist left to push their dark agenda to the point of self destruction.
The Democrats have also been hinting at taking away your steaks and hamburgers, and replace them with bugs.
we are going to take all 30 million of you red hat mother fuckers, drop you in nevada, then drop 50 nuclear bombs on you dumb mother fuckers. That is how much america hates you. and if you want to get personal, bring it motherfucker. I've got a big surprise for you as far as weapons are concerned.
we are going to take all 30 million of you red hat mother fuckers, drop you in nevada, then drop 50 nuclear bombs on you dumb mother fuckers. That is how much america hates you. and if you want to get personal, bring it motherfucker. I've got a big surprise for you as far as weapons are concerned.
OHH NOOOO!!! :eek:

It's an internet badass!

Everybody RUN!!!!! :scared1:
how about the right to vote...seems gop thinks woman might not need to vote?
If it wasn't for the GOP you wouldn't be able to vote.

FYI: The Republican introduced 19th amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote was blocked repeatedly by a Democrat-controlled Senate. After Republicans took control of the Senate the 19th amendment became law.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

The Democrat-controlled corrupt teacher's union doesn't want your kids to know that fact. That why so few Americans know that fact.

BTW: Susan B. Anthony was a Republican.

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The Democrats have also been hinting at taking away your steaks and hamburgers, and replace them with bugs.

Rabbit, squirrel, cat, and dog is tastier than bugs and easy to obtain if they don't want to let the market sell beef, pork, and chicken.

I've heard French Bulldog is mighty tasty...


It's always been my contention that a leftist is not a true leftist unless they are making other people miserable. I still hold that stance. Leftists are by nature miserable people and there is no sense being miserable alone I guess.

In light of the gas stove issue, something also crossed my mind: leftists are always trying to take things away from American people.

Leftists want to take our guns, or at least make it near impossible to own one or have the legal authority to use it.
They want to take away our reliable cars and replace them with golf carts that couldn't possibly withstand the limitations of our grid.
They wanted to take away our police until outrage came from their likely constituents, the poor and people of color.
In the past they've tried to take away happy meals at McDonald's for kids.
Moochelle Obama took away tasty food in schools and replaced it with crap no normal kid would eat.
Her husband instituted his healthcare plan that took employer sponsored plans away from millions of American workers.
They made tobacco products so expensive many could not afford them any longer so they took that away as well.
In some Democrat led places they took away our plastic shopoping bags, suggesting we use dirty cloth bags to carry our groceries home in.
They've taken away our historic statues that stood the test of time for generations without problem.
And as I led with, now they floated the idea of taking away our natural gas stoves to cook with.

People on the right have said liberalism is a mental disease. I never subscribed to that, but what else would explain this obsession of taking things away from fellow Americans?

If you would like to add to the list, feel free to do so. These were just off the top of my head.
All garbage.
how about social security and medicare? that is under attack by whom?
I'd surmise that the fake news media has repeatedly lied to you by telling you that Republican party wants to take away your social security and Medicare.

It's known as fake news for a reason. It's because it's fake. They are lying to you.
you mean the right to abortion or the right for women to decide their own health care?
Apparently you have been brainwashed by the commonly used term "abortion" in place of the term "killing an innocent human baby". A person who is an individual living human being.

Sure I understand that sometimes when a woman is pregnant, her condition can become very dangerous in rare cases. Sometimes to save the mother's life she may need a surgical procedure that kills the baby.

But that is extremely rare. And such homicides should be treated like any other homicide. Let the jury decide if the baby was killed in self defense.

Usually when a woman conspires to kill the innocent baby it's not a case of self defense.

And of course I know that almost every baby killing asshole will never ever ever admit that what they did was murder because they are in denial. Not the pregnant girl, not the boyfriend who pressured her into killing the baby, not the "doctor" AKA hitman, not the pregnant girl's parents who threatened her into killing the baby.

But every once in a while they gain enough courage to admit to themselves that they murdered another human being.
you mean the right to abortion or the right for women to decide their own health care?

how about social security and medicare? that is under attack by whom?

how about the right to vote...seems gop thinks woman might not need to vote?
Social security and Medicare is under attack by every overspending politician in our government. Start with everyone who voted for the omnibus bill, Democrats and neocons. Those two groups are pretty much the cause of everything that is bad in this country. MAGA.
No one is trying to take gas stoves away. There are simply warning people that gas Stoves can call Certain health issues, Similar To 2nd hand smoke. And But offering to give people a tax credit for getting rid of their gas stoves, And replacing them with electric or induction stoves.
you mean the right to abortion or the right for women to decide their own health care?

how about social security and medicare? that is under attack by whom?

how about the right to vote...seems gop thinks woman might not need to vote?

There is no right to abortion. There never was. You’ve been lied to.
we are going to take all 30 million of you red hat mother fuckers, drop you in nevada, then drop 50 nuclear bombs on you dumb mother fuckers. That is how much america hates you. and if you want to get personal, bring it motherfucker. I've got a big surprise for you as far as weapons are concerned.

You’re funny!
... Leftists want to take our guns ...

Throw them into a big scrap press. That's the only senseful use for your hundreds of millions guns which are often nothing else than private war weapons. I will never understand why people are fascinated from very primitive machines which spit little pieces of metal through the air. Dear little child: Such toys are damn dangerous!!! You could hurt someone - or you could even kill someone! What about paint ball?

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Throw them into a big scrap press. That's the only senseful use for your hundreds of millions guns which are often nothing else than private war weapons. I will never understand why people are fascinated from very primitive machines which spit little pieces of metal through the air. Dear little child: Such toys are damn dangerous!!! You could hurt someone - or you could even kill someone! What about paint ball?
Yes, let's take zee guns and see vat happens, ya!
It's always been my contention that a leftist is not a true leftist unless they are making other people miserable. I still hold that stance. Leftists are by nature miserable people and there is no sense being miserable alone I guess.

In light of the gas stove issue, something also crossed my mind: leftists are always trying to take things away from American people.

Leftists want to take our guns, or at least make it near impossible to own one or have the legal authority to use it.
They want to take away our reliable cars and replace them with golf carts that couldn't possibly withstand the limitations of our grid.
They wanted to take away our police until outrage came from their likely constituents, the poor and people of color.
In the past they've tried to take away happy meals at McDonald's for kids.
Moochelle Obama took away tasty food in schools and replaced it with crap no normal kid would eat.
Her husband instituted his healthcare plan that took employer sponsored plans away from millions of American workers.
They made tobacco products so expensive many could not afford them any longer so they took that away as well.
In some Democrat led places they took away our plastic shopoping bags, suggesting we use dirty cloth bags to carry our groceries home in.
They've taken away our historic statues that stood the test of time for generations without problem.
And as I led with, now they floated the idea of taking away our natural gas stoves to cook with.

People on the right have said liberalism is a mental disease. I never subscribed to that, but what else would explain this obsession of taking things away from fellow Americans?

If you would like to add to the list, feel free to do so. These were just off the top of my head.
They`re coming for our stoves! Paranoia, being a symptom of mental disease, should make a person ineligible to buy a gun. Seek counseling, and soon. Yes, it`s a mental disease.

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