Why are Democrats stonewalling a border security bill?

For every local or State tax dollar that Adams spends on migrants in New York City...

The next Federal administration should deduct a dollar of Federal money going to NYC from the Treasury...

That way, the Sanctuary City truly "pays its own way" to BE a Sanctuary City, rather than the rest of us subsidizing that insanity.

New York state generally generates much more tax revenue to the federal government than they receive back. New York would actually benefit if the federal government didn't give them any money and NY just relied on their own tax revenue. The federal government would be the one losing out. The only time when the feds would be useful to them is during disaster relief.
New York state generally generates much more tax revenue to the federal government than they receive back.
Good. They can continue to contribute what they already do, and receive less in return, due to their Sanctuary City idiocy.
New York would actually benefit if the federal government didn't give them any money and NY just relied on their own tax revenue.
Good. Let's put that to the test. The purging of Illegal Aliens and the revocation of Sanctuary City statutes are more important.
The federal government would be the one losing out. The only time when the feds would be useful to them is during disaster relief.
Good. Let's put that to the test. The purging of Illegal Aliens and the revocation of Sanctuary City statutes are more important.
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New York state generally generates much more tax revenue to the federal government than they receive back. New York would actually benefit if the federal government didn't give them any money and NY just relied on their own tax revenue. The federal government would be the one losing out. The only time when the feds would be useful to them is during disaster relief.

New York state generally generates much more tax revenue to the federal government than they receive back.

How much does the state or city government generate?
How much do the citizens generate?
HR2 was passed last year. It has real border security measures in it, which is why Chuck Schumer refuses to even bring it up for a vote.

The Dem party is clearly for no borders.

No it doesn't, FuckBoi. The Bill that the Speaker refuses to bring to the floor of the House is far tougher than this Bill.

Even worse for you FuckBoi, the Economist is just out with an article which says that the reason for the US economy's strong rebound from the covid recession, is IMMIGRATION.

High levels of immigration into the USA since the pandemic ended is actually growing your GDP and reducing unemployment and the worker shortages:


I like to give you lots of links to ignore early in the day, to prove what an ignorant cuck you truly are.
I mean I don't care. It ain't my country and it damn sure ain't my war. Ukraine has never done a thing for anyone in this country whose name isn't Biden. Russia has not attacked the US nor any of our allies. Next.
Small hands guy posts small thoughts

No it doesn't, FuckBoi. The Bill that the Speaker refuses to bring to the floor of the House is far tougher than this Bill.

Even worse for you FuckBoi, the Economist is just out with an article which says that the reason for the US economy's strong rebound from the covid recession, is IMMIGRATION.

High levels of immigration into the USA since the pandemic ended is actually growing your GDP and reducing unemployment and the worker shortages:


I like to give you lots of links to ignore early in the day, to prove what an ignorant cuck you truly are.
Holy smokes you are one stupid KKKanuck,

The Senate bill has no limits on the number of illegals allowed in each day. None.

The economist? Lefty trash, and requires you so sign up. No thanks.

Tell us again how there is no fentanyl coming across the Southern border, or how 20 acres of prime Palm Beach waterfront property has "no value". You are a complete idiot and a useless poster. Go fix your shithole country.
No it doesn't, FuckBoi. The Bill that the Speaker refuses to bring to the floor of the House is far tougher than this Bill.

Even worse for you FuckBoi, the Economist is just out with an article which says that the reason for the US economy's strong rebound from the covid recession, is IMMIGRATION.

High levels of immigration into the USA since the pandemic ended is actually growing your GDP and reducing unemployment and the worker shortages:


I like to give you lots of links to ignore early in the day, to prove what an ignorant cuck you truly are.

No it doesn't, FuckBoi. The Bill that the Speaker refuses to bring to the floor of the House is far tougher than this Bill.

What bill is he refusing? Link?
Holy smokes you are one stupid KKKanuck,

The Senate bill has no limits on the number of illegals allowed in each day. None.

The economist? Lefty trash, and requires you so sign up. No thanks.

Tell us again how there is no fentanyl coming across the Southern border, or how 20 acres of prime Palm Beach waterfront property has "no value". You are a complete idiot and a useless poster. Go fix your shithole country.

No it has a WEEKLY limit, you dumb dolt. 5000 per week.

The House Bill codified the building of Trump's Wall, which is why it has no hope of ever passing, because Trump's wall was a complete and total failure which was being cut open, and tunnelled under as fast as it was built.

I'm awaiting your comments on the value of immigration to your economy, FuckBoi.
No it has a WEEKLY limit, you dumb dolt. 5000 per week.

The House Bill codified the building of Trump's Wall, which is why it has no hope of ever passing, because Trump's wall was a complete and total failure which was being cut open, and tunnelled under as fast as it was built.

I'm awaiting your comments on the value of immigration to your economy, FuckBoi.

No it has a WEEKLY limit, you dumb dolt. 5000 per week.

From your article.

DHS could close the border if Border Patrol encountered 4,000 or more migrants on average over seven days. The border would have to be shut down if those encounters reached a seven-day average of 5,000 or if they exceeded 8,500 in a single day.

Not 5,000 a week, you stupid twat, an average of 5000 a day.
No it has a WEEKLY limit, you dumb dolt. 5000 per week.

No, are a fucking moron. It's a 7 average of 5000 PER DAY.

Beyond that, minors are not included in that count, so unlimited numbers of illegal minors can cross each day. In addition, once the 7 day daily avg exceeds 5000 they funnel them to official ports of entry and must allow in a MINIMUM of 1400 per day. Another unlimited number.

And it gives Tater the authority to suspend all this whenever he wants.

Why don't you STFU, you idiot.

From your link:

The border would have to be shut down if those encounters reached a seven-day average of 5,000 or if they exceeded 8,500 in a single day.

The border couldn’t be shut down under this authority for more than 270 days in the first year. And the bill would give the president the power to suspend a border closure “on an emergency basis for up to 45 days if it is in the national interest.”

During an emergency closure, Border Patrol would still need to process a minimum of 1,400 migrants who try to enter the U.S. legally through ports of entry.
No it has a WEEKLY limit, you dumb dolt. 5000 per week.

The House Bill codified the building of Trump's Wall, which is why it has no hope of ever passing, because Trump's wall was a complete and total failure which was being cut open, and tunnelled under as fast as it was built.

I'm awaiting your comments on the value of immigration to your economy, FuckBoi.
You have real issues with paying attention. The senate bill was just another Dem / Marxist fraud. Biden refuses to enforce existing immigration laws. Adding more meaningless laws that the Dems / Marxists will ignore is pointless and time wasting.

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