Why are conservatives embracing false narratives of urban decline, and what can be done to encourage embracing social/political reality?

The threads content and extrapolations are beyond your mental grasp.
I'm taking things to the next and more comprehensive level which you fail to know or appreciate.
Well, if you'd like to address the topic as outlined, that would be great. TIA :)
Parts of it are, parts of it aren't.
I've lived here over 70 years and know this city and area better than a temporary tourist like yourself.
As I offered earlier, next time you come here (assuming you really did the first time, which I strongly doubt), PM me and we can meet and I'll give you a tour of the underbelly of the PNW and Seattle.
Can you address the topic?

Speaking of Seattle, overall crime is down, and people are leaving because it's such a gem that housing demand outpaces supply, and it's become too expensive, as in much of the West.

Also, working from home is much more widely practiced, so a decentralization is occurring.

To topic, why do you think conservatives embrace false narratives of decay and chaos?
Seattle is VERY expensive, as noted.

Did you have a contribution to the topic of conservatives embracing false narratives?
Other than it being not true? You are suggesting that Seattle is too expensive for Amazon.

No one is embracing a false narrative. Seattle would greatly benefit from a severe freeze.
People are seeking more affordable housing in many/most instances.

Why do you think conservatives embrace the false narratives outlined?

The narratives outlined seem to be true from everything I read.

High cost of living, high taxes, job opportunities, and yes crime.

Crime is Making Americans Flee Democratic States
"Although taxes are an important factor, there was not nearly as much blue-to-red state movement before 2020. The deciding element appears to be the rapid rise of violent crime in Democrat-controlled cities across the nation.

"The 2021 National Crime Victimization Survey shows that the rate of violent crime has been rising in urban areas, though not in suburbs or rural areas. This tracks with the population movement from Democrat-controlled states to Republican ones. The two are coincident, and there are clear indications of a causal relationship."
So kind of like an impoverished Red state?

Did you have any thoughts on the topic of conservatives embracing false narratives of urban decay/chaos?
Cities are shitholes.

I see a different city everyday. And each one is a crime ridden cesspool.


You were saying?

Seattle records most homicides in at least 44 years in 2023​

Seattle's murder rate is so low per capita that a slight rise appears significant, but isn't.

Cities like Memphis and Nashville - for instance - have MUCH higher per capita murder rates.

It's a tragedy for the few additional people who were killed in Seattle, but crime is down overall there, and the area remains safe, beautiful and a highly desirable place to live.

Why do you think conservatives embrace the falsehoods of chaos and decay?
Seattle- So great even the homeless want to live there!
Like most parts of the West, the mild weather attracts the homeless.

But Seattle is seeing overall crime down, and remains a beautiful city whose biggest problem is affordable housing because so many want to live there.

Why do you think conservatives embrace and promote false narratives about urban decline, decay and chaos?
It's funny how you picked Seattle.
Just one of many thriving Blue cities.

But conservatives insist on promoting falsehoods about it and other thriving urban areas.

Why do you think this happens?
We had a get together with family friends who live in Seattle less than a month ago in early December and they were terrified to leave anything in their car overnight ... in the middle of the country in Pennsylvania ...
Anecdotes are awesome.

I know people in Seattle who don't live in unwarranted fear.
Americans don't feel safe and that is going to destroy you in the election, MAGA man
Conservatives who embrace false narratives of decay/chaos don't feel safe; it's sort of like a cult of fear and bitterness.

Why do you think conservatives choose to live this way?
Seattle is just one example of a Blue city so successful that you're astonished by the disparity between its safety/beauty on the one hand, and the bizarre apocalyptic narratives attached to it by conservatives on the other:

But Seattle's not alone in the reality/false narrative gap; both New York City and Los Angeles rank among the 20 greatest cities in the world in a recent Conde Nast survey:

I mention Seattle only because a recent visit there revealed an amazing, safe, thriving city whose biggest problem - as with many US cities - is affordable housing due to the influx of newcomers clamoring for its emerald beauty.

So what gives?

Part of the explanation may be that conservatives are so hungry for a return to power that they seem unable to refrain from saying whatever it takes to sell a less than truthful narrative regarding our greatest cities in particular, and our country in general.

But there may be a deeper cause, as explored in this article:

What is the cost - to both conservatives and those exposed to their false narratives - of insisting on apocalyptic myths of societal decay contrary to the reality of blossoming urban areas?

What can be done to turn away these troubling false narratives and embrace the beautiful truth?

False narratives of urban decline huh? The cities are shitholes. Yeah Seattle is a nice place, but it used to be much better. Same with California. I spend half my time in one of California's larger cities, and generally speaking, I hate it. I certainly couldn't move there, the cost difference would equal 1/4 my take home for just the income tax, property tax and homeowners. All for what? A dump and lie.

The left can't help but fuck things up.

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