Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings

A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
We have guns because most of us are legally allowed to own them.

Americans "have more desire for fame" than people from other countries? Sure like to see the research that caused him to conclude such idiocy.
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
Once God was taken out of public education and right vs wrong, is now 50 shades of grey, no wonder there is a lot of mass shootings...Liberals, slap yourselves on the back for making the sanctity of life, no longer cherished.....

To say nothing of Big Pharma pushing drugs that may cause some to commit heinous acts.
His best friend claims he was on Big Pharma’s drugs.
Church Shooter on Psychiatric Drugs - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
Definitely some truth here. Why kill yourself in your bathroom when you can go out in a blaze of 'glory' and make a statement (at least in your own mind)? I think a number of terrorists are disconnected from everyone else and are easy pray for groups like ISIS which promise meaning to their deaths.
The unbalanced masculine obsession with the ability to inflict death is the root problem, but why it is expressed in this particularly American fashion is unclear.
Too many westerns (movies and TV) when they were kids; too many action movies. Their identity, their masculinity (for men) is all tied up with having guns.

So you blame Hollywood.

No, I blame the idiots who swallow all the movie BS. Who are too childish and stupid to be able to separate fiction from fact.

LOL.....if you believe that these people are influenced to kill because of a movie you're a complete knuckle head.
It is strange how the mindset has changed in my lifetime

Growing up, it was all about assassination/attempts: JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, George Wallace, John Lennon, Gerald Ford, Reagan, the Pope

Now it is all about how many you can slaughter: Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Orlando, Charleston, San Bernardino, Vegas, Sutherland
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
Once God was taken out of public education and right vs wrong, is now 50 shades of grey, no wonder there is a lot of mass shootings...Liberals, slap yourselves on the back for making the sanctity of life, no longer cherished.....


Keep God out of public education. I noticed something with the church shooting people, its like they are in a cult like atmosphere, I would be darn mad and I would never say things like
"Our church family is in heaven now"
"She is in the arms of Jesus"

BS. I'd be class action suing the Air Force for their negligence. Not normal for them to be such pacifist at this time. Its like they drink water with downers in them.
They're also saying that they all plan on buying a gun and carrying it at all times. Don't worry; they're mad as hell.
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
Once God was taken out of public education and right vs wrong, is now 50 shades of grey, no wonder there is a lot of mass shootings...Liberals, slap yourselves on the back for making the sanctity of life, no longer cherished.....


Keep God out of public education. I noticed something with the church shooting people, its like they are in a cult like atmosphere, I would be darn mad and I would never say things like
"Our church family is in heaven now"
"She is in the arms of Jesus"

BS. I'd be class action suing the Air Force for their negligence. Not normal for them to be such pacifist at this time. Its like they drink water with downers in them.
They're also saying that they all plan on buying a gun and carrying it at all times. Don't worry; they're mad as hell.
What do you mean, plan? I have had a concealed carry permit since I moved to Vaginia(I call it this now that dipshit women voted for Ralphie) because when Terry McAweful turned it into a Sanctuary state, I decided right then and now, to not be a victim of liberalism. There are 2 types of citizens in the US right now.

Those that are victim of a liberal shooting - I.E. Texas Church members, who just wanted to be left alone in peace and happiness, but unarmed.
Those that are 2nd amendment owners - I.E. Texas NRA Member who shot the liberal Texas Church Shooter...

The article came out in 2015. Violent crime has increased since then and behind that are the policy changes that have rolled out nation wide.

When most people seek fame, they see themselves benefiting from it in glamorous ways. Lavish life styles. The shooters have nothing left to lose. They know there are options are suicide, suicide by cop or they will die in prison/death row.

Devin Kelley had mental health issues. He fractured his infant step-sons skull, threatened his superiors while in the military, escaped from a behavioral center, beat the living hell out of a dog. The fact that he is so easily frustrated indicates he may be low functioning.

This:But there may be another way, said Michael Siegel, a physician at the Boston University School of Public Health who researches gun violence. Like smoking-related diseases, gun deaths are a public health problem, Siegel told Live Science. And like cigarettes, guns could be susceptible to the same sort of cultural change that has banished smokers to outdoor alcoves and sent smoking rates plummeting.

is precious. Frankly, it's the elite squad that thinks if they spend a lot of money poo-pooing people that own guns and it will somehow alter the minds of the mentally ill then they have another thing coming. They don't want anyone to focus on that too much because the general public might want money directed towards mental health and Simon didn't say. Simon says the general public might attach a stigma to those suffering from a mental illness. Simon says miss the mark and nail gun owners

That's why we don't get shit done.
You are confusing "mental illness" with "violent." Violent is not a mental illness. The mentally ill are more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator of violence. There is no statistical tie between DIAGNOSED mental illness and mass shootings. Sure, when someone like the Vegas shooter or Sutherland shooter steps onto the stage, we say he's "nuts." You gotta be mentally ill to beat your baby, your dog, shoot up a crowd of concert goers--right? Wrong. You gotta be someone who chooses to use violence to react to frustration. I won't argue that trying to help people early on in their lives learn other ways to cope is a great idea. Of course it's a great idea. We could start by enforcing existing laws in ALL states that require people with certain mental health diagnoses be reported to the fed background check database. Over half of our states don't enforce it and those that do, do not always do it consistently.
The article came out in 2015. Violent crime has increased since then and behind that are the policy changes that have rolled out nation wide.

When most people seek fame, they see themselves benefiting from it in glamorous ways. Lavish life styles. The shooters have nothing left to lose. They know there are options are suicide, suicide by cop or they will die in prison/death row.

Devin Kelley had mental health issues. He fractured his infant step-sons skull, threatened his superiors while in the military, escaped from a behavioral center, beat the living hell out of a dog. The fact that he is so easily frustrated indicates he may be low functioning.

This:But there may be another way, said Michael Siegel, a physician at the Boston University School of Public Health who researches gun violence. Like smoking-related diseases, gun deaths are a public health problem, Siegel told Live Science. And like cigarettes, guns could be susceptible to the same sort of cultural change that has banished smokers to outdoor alcoves and sent smoking rates plummeting.

is precious. Frankly, it's the elite squad that thinks if they spend a lot of money poo-pooing people that own guns and it will somehow alter the minds of the mentally ill then they have another thing coming. They don't want anyone to focus on that too much because the general public might want money directed towards mental health and Simon didn't say. Simon says the general public might attach a stigma to those suffering from a mental illness. Simon says miss the mark and nail gun owners

That's why we don't get shit done.
You are confusing "mental illness" with "violent." Violent is not a mental illness. The mentally ill are more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator of violence. There is no statistical tie between DIAGNOSED mental illness and mass shootings. Sure, when someone like the Vegas shooter or Sutherland shooter steps onto the stage, we say he's "nuts." You gotta be mentally ill to beat your baby, your dog, shoot up a crowd of concert goers--right? Wrong. You gotta be someone who chooses to use violence to react to frustration. I won't argue that trying to help people early on in their lives learn other ways to cope is a great idea. Of course it's a great idea. We could start by enforcing existing laws in ALL states that require people with certain mental health diagnoses be reported to the fed background check database. Over half of our states don't enforce it and those that do, do not always do it consistently.
Someone who does violence to another person is not considered mentally ill? Ah yes, we are in the 50 shades of grey area now........

A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
Criminals Are Mutants and Not Part of the Human Genome

There aren't enough law-abiding citizens with guns to stop the psychos dead in their tracks. Second, the laws protect the lives of those beasts (which leads to gungrabbers also protecting animal rights at the expense of human rights). So even an armed person is intimidated and inhibited by the Liberal-decreed legal consequences of fighting back.
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings

We have far, far, far, far, far, far fewer "mass shootings" than in countries with a "progressive" government and unarmed citizens; it's not even close!
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
Once God was taken out of public education and right vs wrong, is now 50 shades of grey, no wonder there is a lot of mass shootings...Liberals, slap yourselves on the back for making the sanctity of life, no longer cherished.....


Keep God out of public education. I noticed something with the church shooting people, its like they are in a cult like atmosphere, I would be darn mad and I would never say things like
"Our church family is in heaven now"
"She is in the arms of Jesus"

BS. I'd be class action suing the Air Force for their negligence. Not normal for them to be such pacifist at this time. Its like they drink water with downers in them.
They're also saying that they all plan on buying a gun and carrying it at all times. Don't worry; they're mad as hell.
What do you mean, plan? I have had a concealed carry permit since I moved to Vaginia(I call it this now that dipshit women voted for Ralphie) because when Terry McAweful turned it into a Sanctuary state, I decided right then and now, to not be a victim of liberalism. There are 2 types of citizens in the US right now.

Those that are victim of a liberal shooting - I.E. Texas Church members, who just wanted to be left alone in peace and happiness, but unarmed.
Those that are 2nd amendment owners - I.E. Texas NRA Member who shot the liberal Texas Church Shooter...

No clue what I'm supposed to respond to here. OL out.
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings

Maybe it's because all the left wing media focuses all their attention on the mass shootings instead of the nameless victims who die of drug over doses in the US that far outnumber the number of gun deaths.

Could that be it you think?
The unbalanced masculine obsession with the ability to inflict death is the root problem, but why it is expressed in this particularly American fashion is unclear.
Too many westerns (movies and TV) when they were kids; too many action movies. Their identity, their masculinity (for men) is all tied up with having guns.
Spoiled Aggressive Femininnies Desperately Want to Castrate the American Male

Practically all entertainment-media killings are the good guys killing the bad guys. To believe that a bloodthirsty psycho thinks he is a good guy is absurd. In an attempt to discredit heroes, pushy New Age dogma applies normal psychology to weirdos.
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
Once God was taken out of public education and right vs wrong, is now 50 shades of grey, no wonder there is a lot of mass shootings...Liberals, slap yourselves on the back for making the sanctity of life, no longer cherished.....


Keep God out of public education. I noticed something with the church shooting people, its like they are in a cult like atmosphere, I would be darn mad and I would never say things like
"Our church family is in heaven now"
"She is in the arms of Jesus"

BS. I'd be class action suing the Air Force for their negligence. Not normal for them to be such pacifist at this time. Its like they drink water with downers in them.
They're also saying that they all plan on buying a gun and carrying it at all times. Don't worry; they're mad as hell.

So we are going to have religious zealots with guns. Great.
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings

Maybe it's because all the left wing media focuses all their attention on the mass shootings instead of the nameless victims who die of drug over doses in the US that far outnumber the number of gun deaths.

Could that be it you think?

That's why they call it news
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
Once God was taken out of public education and right vs wrong, is now 50 shades of grey, no wonder there is a lot of mass shootings...Liberals, slap yourselves on the back for making the sanctity of life, no longer cherished.....


Keep God out of public education. I noticed something with the church shooting people, its like they are in a cult like atmosphere, I would be darn mad and I would never say things like
"Our church family is in heaven now"
"She is in the arms of Jesus"

BS. I'd be class action suing the Air Force for their negligence. Not normal for them to be such pacifist at this time. Its like they drink water with downers in them.
They're also saying that they all plan on buying a gun and carrying it at all times. Don't worry; they're mad as hell.

So we are going to have religious zealots with guns. Great.
You had no problem when Major Nadal a Muslims shot up some soldiers in Fort Hood, and you libtards just called it work place violence...And your black messiah wanted more to come in.
A strange paradox is emerging in America: Overall violent-crime rates are down, but active shooter events — in which a person is trying to kill multiple people in a populated area — appear to be on the rise, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.

Meanwhile, a just-released study finds that although the United States has just about 5 percent of the world's population, the country has 31 percent of the world's mass shooters. The reasons for these numbers are complex, researchers say, but the data suggest that the availability of guns, and perhaps the American obsession with fame, may be to blame.

The United States has more private gun ownership and more desire for fame than any other country in the world, said Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama and author of the new research, presented Sunday (Aug. 23) at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. [5 Milestones in Gun Control History]

Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings

Maybe it's because all the left wing media focuses all their attention on the mass shootings instead of the nameless victims who die of drug over doses in the US that far outnumber the number of gun deaths.

Could that be it you think?

A druggie is not a victim; he is a childish, selfish coward. The fact that our rulers won't solve this by poisoning the drug supply does not indicate they share your doormat dogooder fantasies; it indicates that they are profiting from the problem; whether through gaining undeserved power or money.

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