Why all the panic on the Left?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
This is the reason for this bullshit impeachment charade:

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

The Dems really have no more moves left, they're going to get slaughtered in 2020, and we might not even have a fully functioning Democratic Party after Nov. 2020. Leftie news organizations like CNN, WAPO, NYTimes, MSNBC etc. will make their hack propagandists posing as journalists walk the plank as well.
I'm not seeing a lot of panic. Perhaps that is only in your imagination..
Still the impeachment train moves on

Last stop Buford, Wyoming

Last man standing will have the final say
The Democrats used to be led by hard-nosed, pragmatic Populists like Dick Gephardt.

But now they are controlled by Soros money and he has put so many Marxist radicals in place, the Democratic Party is lost to ideological wishful thinking for ever.

We need a new opposition party that is still loyal to and culturally American.
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Proven? How? Is that what they're "doing" in that secret room in the basement? Proving everything?
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.
RealDave ''suspects'' ---hahahahhaah
you mean, you don't know???!!!
the Lord has spoken
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Those who voted Trump in 2016 know full well what the Democrats will attempt should they again take power. They will vote for him again. Anyone who votes Democrat in this era is out of their fucking mind.

There are no current proven articles of impeachment, or even any worthy of consideration. The investigation is still a snipe hunt. If the Democrats impeach on what they have, they will fall very hard indeed.

Given a choice between a Republican and ANY living Democrat, I will vote Republican every time.
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Those who voted Trump in 2016 know full well what the Democrats will attempt should they again take power. They will vote for him again. Anyone who votes Democrat in this era is out of their fucking mind.

There are no current proven articles of impeachment, or even any worthy of consideration. The investigation is still a snipe hunt. If the Democrats impeach on what they have, they will fall very hard indeed.

Given a choice between a Republican and ANY living Democrat, I will vote Republican every time.

Because trillion dollar deficits & endless trade wars & alienating our allies and requiring yet another Fed bailout is so fucking great.

Republicans are just great. They managed to go from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years under Bush.

Trump has doubled the 2015 deficit. Great news!!! Winning!!!!!! You people are dumber than shit.
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Those who voted Trump in 2016 know full well what the Democrats will attempt should they again take power. They will vote for him again. Anyone who votes Democrat in this era is out of their fucking mind.

There are no current proven articles of impeachment, or even any worthy of consideration. The investigation is still a snipe hunt. If the Democrats impeach on what they have, they will fall very hard indeed.

Given a choice between a Republican and ANY living Democrat, I will vote Republican every time.

Because trillion dollar deficits & endless trade wars & alienating our allies and requiring yet another Fed bailout is so fucking great.

Republicans are just great. They managed to go from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years under Bush.

Trump has doubled the 2015 deficit. Great news!!! Winning!!!!!! You people are dumber than shit.
those ''allies'' [ hahahah= idiotic choice of word to use ] are fking us over
they are NOT allies
The left knows they have nothing to offer. They are offering giveaways in the hopes of buying votes from the chroniclly stupid.
Biden can't rember where he is or what happened yesterday.
Warren wants Medicare for all but can't bring herself to say that a large amount of people will lose their jobs and most others will see their take home drop. Not to mention the economy will tank.
Bernie wants Medicare for all but has the balls to tell everyone that they will be doubling their federal income tax.

No one will be voting to loose jobs, or double their taxes. No one wants someone that may not remember their own name by next year.
We are already watching the rest drop out or scale back as the realization hits that they have no chance.

The democrats in the house have proven that they do not want to and can't force themselves to do anything bipartisan.
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Those who voted Trump in 2016 know full well what the Democrats will attempt should they again take power. They will vote for him again. Anyone who votes Democrat in this era is out of their fucking mind.

There are no current proven articles of impeachment, or even any worthy of consideration. The investigation is still a snipe hunt. If the Democrats impeach on what they have, they will fall very hard indeed.

Given a choice between a Republican and ANY living Democrat, I will vote Republican every time.

Because trillion dollar deficits & endless trade wars & alienating our allies and requiring yet another Fed bailout is so fucking great.

Republicans are just great. They managed to go from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years under Bush.

Trump has doubled the 2015 deficit. Great news!!! Winning!!!!!! You people are dumber than shit.
Got to laugh at crazy.
You blame the Republicans for deficits yet last I knew the Dems were in charge in the house which sets the budget.

You blame Republicans for the recession yet somehow forget that the Dems had a large hand in pushing those like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to allow borrowers to get loans on little to no down and higher then normal payments.

You talk about the 2015 debt but forget the debt years before that.
The fed raised rates eight times in less then three years. The most in their history. Perhaps they needed to get a little less aggressive.
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Proven he said....

Leaked bs I say.
So, after the House votes to impeach listing several proven articles from obstruction of justice, quid pro quo in Ukraine, to bribing Republican Senators, I suspect some Republican Senators will vote to impeach.

If not enough, you actually think all Republican voters will still vote for Trump? They may not vote Democrat, they will do like the Bernie assholes did in 2016. Just stay home or vote third party.

Those who voted Trump in 2016 know full well what the Democrats will attempt should they again take power. They will vote for him again. Anyone who votes Democrat in this era is out of their fucking mind.

There are no current proven articles of impeachment, or even any worthy of consideration. The investigation is still a snipe hunt. If the Democrats impeach on what they have, they will fall very hard indeed.

Given a choice between a Republican and ANY living Democrat, I will vote Republican every time.

Because trillion dollar deficits & endless trade wars & alienating our allies and requiring yet another Fed bailout is so fucking great.

Republicans are just great. They managed to go from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years under Bush.

Trump has doubled the 2015 deficit. Great news!!! Winning!!!!!! You people are dumber than shit.
WTF do you think the Dimwinger plans of Medicare for all, and the New Green Deal with a price tag of $140 TRILLION is gonna do to the deficit?

I hope he goes after all these dirt bags when he locks his second term in.

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