Who's watching Olbermann on election night??


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Just wanted to point out to fellow conservatives..........."Countdown" is going to be cant miss TV that night!!!! Youd be nuts to tune in anywhere else!!!

Lets face it.........the lead up to this election has been nothing less than a hoot if you're a conservative. LIke a team taking the field knowing that at the end of the game the score is going to be like 72-10!!! But the best thing is seeing the level of distraught and misery on the fces of the opposition.............

thus, watching "Countdown".............what you're going to get is a microchasm of the bigger picture. Olbermann's misery rants are going to be a corbon copy of what you're going to know is the sentiment amongst the 21%ers of America out there. The "k00ks" as I like to call them.

Anyway.......just wanted to throw this out there so conservatives remembered. That night will be poetic justice for the BS we had to endure two years prior.

But now..................

well I might tune in for 5 to watch him cry, can't stand his "I'm an over the top pussy persona though".
I might switch over and see him consoling himself, ridiculing most of the population and making dire predictions that the world is about to explode.
In other words...what Glen beck does everyday.
it's really an insult to pussy to call him pussyfied, maybe douchebag is better.
As a comedian, Oblermann seems okay. I've never watched his show, just one segment on youtube. I actually care more about local elections than state-wide or national. I dunno where I'll see results; hopefully my candidate will throw a party and they'll be piped in.
As a sometimes-left-leaning centrist, Olbermann is over the top for me. He slants and twists and chides the same way Beck and Limbaugh do. Maddow is much more grounded and factual to me...and worth watching waaaay more.

I can definitely feel a ramp up for the conservatives, but it's a crap shoot as to whether it'll translate into much power. It could be a landslide or a whimper. No way to tell.

It's funny though to watch conservative chest beaters say it's a done deal. Keep doing that, by all means.
Left leaning is hillarious, he's prob far left of Pelosi. But the Beck/Rush analogy is appropriate

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