Who's Obama trying to kid???Temperature around globe increasing faster ...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In Obama's press conference yesterday Obama said:
"Temperature around globe increasing faster than was predicted'...

SO is Obama telling us that HE FAILED then in doing the following when he said.. as the Messiah.. Obama said:
"...This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2pZSvq9bto]Obama speech oceans receding, planet healing - YouTube[/ame]
View attachment 22109

YO'' OBAMA read the headline...
Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it

The figures reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012 there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures
This means that the ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it | Mail Online

FOLKS which is it??? You supporters... I thought the oceans were receding and planet healing when Obama became Prez... BUT HE SAYS he's FAILED!!!
I hate to say this about my fellow Democrats. But when the Party does not stand for the Constitution, then the only thing they are left standing on is popular votes based on politics.

Whether it is the
Black Vote
Immigrant Vote
Peace/Antiwar Vote
Green Vote
Women's Vote

The only thing that matters is meeting the perception of including and representing these populations, to get their votes. Of course, solving the actual problems takes collaborating equally across the board with conservatives and independent solutions outside politics. But that doesn't sell the party candidates and doesn't buy votes.

The conservative right GOP does similar things to get votes by scaring people with the fear of losing their gun rights, their right to traditional marriage, the prolife protections threatened by prochoice, etc. But the difference is they really do enforce Constitutional principles to back their arguments. Only where they get so partisan that they start to lose their support, do they fall in the same trap as Democrats playing this political game. You can't just play the voters, you have to deliver.

In truth, all these problems can be solved by respecting the Constitution, not depending on parties to protect it for us.
The Dems are worse about exploiting people this way, because of the lack of education and empowerment among their voting base.

If you ask me, honestly, I believe both parties should stick to the roles they serve best, and quit competing for the same offices. Divide every office in two, and have one rep from each party team up as partners, divide the work and the salary, and work another job to support themselves and their families while the other is working the office duties, and take turns.
Or just agree to have Democrats work locally to organize participation by all the minority groups, parties and interests; and then have Republicans take positions that require limiting govt and blocking anything that has BS in it that should be handled locally not federally.

Let the parties serve in complementary roles, and not try to discredit the work of the others.

If the environmental issues are best left to the Greens, let that party be in charge of that, and consult with the others on solutions they put together that fully address problems, and don't just play lip service in the media. Same with legalization and health care/prison reform issues with the Libertarians or whoever has solutions to those. And I would put the Republicans in charge of immigration reform with earned amnesty or restitution/work credits owed for people who violated laws, so they are not unfair to immigrants who follow the laws.

And the Democrats still owe their Black constituents solutions to problems not yet addressed.
The Dems need to fix that first, since they have been riding the Black vote for so long, BEFORE they try to take on anything else. or else delegate the other issues to other parties! There is plenty of work to go around to create jobs for everyone, so more people have a chance to prove their service record in order to run for office in the future. Not one party is going to solve all the problems, so the work needs to be delegated out and credit shared!
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Well, the temperature is increasing as fast as they think they can get away with reducing the past temperature record.
The election has intensified the desparation.. I had to listen to the Goron this morning confusing folks with CO2 as a pollutant. Talks about climate change, but uses "carbon" instead of CO2 to make statements like "using our atmosphere as a sewer"..

There is nothing left for them to do --- but lie and jump the shark.. Worked for Fonzi...
The election has intensified the desparation.. I had to listen to the Goron this morning confusing folks with CO2 as a pollutant. Talks about climate change, but uses "carbon" instead of CO2 to make statements like "using our atmosphere as a sewer"..

There is nothing left for them to do --- but lie and jump the shark.. Worked for Fonzi...

As I remember, happy days started its decline once fonzi jumped the shark. People will only accept so much silliness before they tune out completely and permanantly.
His entire agenda and his party's survival relies on misinformation ... what do you expect?
The election has intensified the desparation.. I had to listen to the Goron this morning confusing folks with CO2 as a pollutant. Talks about climate change, but uses "carbon" instead of CO2 to make statements like "using our atmosphere as a sewer"..

There is nothing left for them to do --- but lie and jump the shark.. Worked for Fonzi...

As I remember, happy days started its decline once fonzi jumped the shark. People will only accept so much silliness before they tune out completely and permanantly.

That's an Urban Legend. The scene was from the fifth season opener, but the show was on for 11 seasons!
I hate to say this about my fellow Democrats. But when the Party does not stand for the Constitution, then the only thing they are left standing on is popular votes based on politics.

Whether it is the
Black Vote
Immigrant Vote
Peace/Antiwar Vote
Green Vote
Women's Vote

The only thing that matters is meeting the perception of including and representing these populations, to get their votes. Of course, solving the actual problems takes collaborating equally across the board with conservatives and independent solutions outside politics. But that doesn't sell the party candidates and doesn't buy votes.

The conservative right GOP does similar things to get votes by scaring people with the fear of losing their gun rights, their right to traditional marriage, the prolife protections threatened by prochoice, etc. But the difference is they really do enforce Constitutional principles to back their arguments. Only where they get so partisan that they start to lose their support, do they fall in the same trap as Democrats playing this political game. You can't just play the voters, you have to deliver.

In truth, all these problems can be solved by respecting the Constitution, not depending on parties to protect it for us.
The Dems are worse about exploiting people this way, because of the lack of education and empowerment among their voting base.

If you ask me, honestly, I believe both parties should stick to the roles they serve best, and quit competing for the same offices. Divide every office in two, and have one rep from each party team up as partners, divide the work and the salary, and work another job to support themselves and their families while the other is working the office duties, and take turns.
Or just agree to have Democrats work locally to organize participation by all the minority groups, parties and interests; and then have Republicans take positions that require limiting govt and blocking anything that has BS in it that should be handled locally not federally.

Let the parties serve in complementary roles, and not try to discredit the work of the others.

If the environmental issues are best left to the Greens, let that party be in charge of that, and consult with the others on solutions they put together that fully address problems, and don't just play lip service in the media. Same with legalization and health care/prison reform issues with the Libertarians or whoever has solutions to those. And I would put the Republicans in charge of immigration reform with earned amnesty or restitution/work credits owed for people who violated laws, so they are not unfair to immigrants who follow the laws.

And the Democrats still owe their Black constituents solutions to problems not yet addressed.
The Dems need to fix that first, since they have been riding the Black vote for so long, BEFORE they try to take on anything else. or else delegate the other issues to other parties! There is plenty of work to go around to create jobs for everyone, so more people have a chance to prove their service record in order to run for office in the future. Not one party is going to solve all the problems, so the work needs to be delegated out and credit shared!

The constitution is not a bible to be worshipped imo.

I hate to say this about my fellow Democrats. But when the Party does not stand for the Constitution, then the only thing they are left standing on is popular votes based on politics.

Whether it is the
Black Vote
Immigrant Vote
Peace/Antiwar Vote
Green Vote
Women's Vote

The only thing that matters is meeting the perception of including and representing these populations, to get their votes. Of course, solving the actual problems takes collaborating equally across the board with conservatives and independent solutions outside politics. But that doesn't sell the party candidates and doesn't buy votes.

The conservative right GOP does similar things to get votes by scaring people with the fear of losing their gun rights, their right to traditional marriage, the prolife protections threatened by prochoice, etc. But the difference is they really do enforce Constitutional principles to back their arguments. Only where they get so partisan that they start to lose their support, do they fall in the same trap as Democrats playing this political game. You can't just play the voters, you have to deliver.

In truth, all these problems can be solved by respecting the Constitution, not depending on parties to protect it for us.
The Dems are worse about exploiting people this way, because of the lack of education and empowerment among their voting base.

If you ask me, honestly, I believe both parties should stick to the roles they serve best, and quit competing for the same offices. Divide every office in two, and have one rep from each party team up as partners, divide the work and the salary, and work another job to support themselves and their families while the other is working the office duties, and take turns.
Or just agree to have Democrats work locally to organize participation by all the minority groups, parties and interests; and then have Republicans take positions that require limiting govt and blocking anything that has BS in it that should be handled locally not federally.

Let the parties serve in complementary roles, and not try to discredit the work of the others.

If the environmental issues are best left to the Greens, let that party be in charge of that, and consult with the others on solutions they put together that fully address problems, and don't just play lip service in the media. Same with legalization and health care/prison reform issues with the Libertarians or whoever has solutions to those. And I would put the Republicans in charge of immigration reform with earned amnesty or restitution/work credits owed for people who violated laws, so they are not unfair to immigrants who follow the laws.

And the Democrats still owe their Black constituents solutions to problems not yet addressed.
The Dems need to fix that first, since they have been riding the Black vote for so long, BEFORE they try to take on anything else. or else delegate the other issues to other parties! There is plenty of work to go around to create jobs for everyone, so more people have a chance to prove their service record in order to run for office in the future. Not one party is going to solve all the problems, so the work needs to be delegated out and credit shared!

The constitution is not a bible to be worshipped imo.


No, it's not. It is a document that needs to be protected from idiots and scoundrels who would abuse the power of government (which the Constitution controls) to persecute the citizens of this country. It worked quite well for 100 years then, as the founders knew would happen, those scoundrels got into power and have been attacking the Constitution ever since.

You are merely another in a long line of useful idiots who will sacrafice your liberty for a sense of "safety". the problem is eventually a truly bad scoundrel comes along and userps all the power to themself and then you have a tyrant.

Hopefully ours will be a benevolent one.....though somehow I doubt it.
I hate to say this about my fellow Democrats. But when the Party does not stand for the Constitution, then the only thing they are left standing on is popular votes based on politics.

Whether it is the
Black Vote
Immigrant Vote
Peace/Antiwar Vote
Green Vote
Women's Vote

The only thing that matters is meeting the perception of including and representing these populations, to get their votes. Of course, solving the actual problems takes collaborating equally across the board with conservatives and independent solutions outside politics. But that doesn't sell the party candidates and doesn't buy votes.

The conservative right GOP does similar things to get votes by scaring people with the fear of losing their gun rights, their right to traditional marriage, the prolife protections threatened by prochoice, etc. But the difference is they really do enforce Constitutional principles to back their arguments. Only where they get so partisan that they start to lose their support, do they fall in the same trap as Democrats playing this political game. You can't just play the voters, you have to deliver.

In truth, all these problems can be solved by respecting the Constitution, not depending on parties to protect it for us.
The Dems are worse about exploiting people this way, because of the lack of education and empowerment among their voting base.

If you ask me, honestly, I believe both parties should stick to the roles they serve best, and quit competing for the same offices. Divide every office in two, and have one rep from each party team up as partners, divide the work and the salary, and work another job to support themselves and their families while the other is working the office duties, and take turns.
Or just agree to have Democrats work locally to organize participation by all the minority groups, parties and interests; and then have Republicans take positions that require limiting govt and blocking anything that has BS in it that should be handled locally not federally.

Let the parties serve in complementary roles, and not try to discredit the work of the others.

If the environmental issues are best left to the Greens, let that party be in charge of that, and consult with the others on solutions they put together that fully address problems, and don't just play lip service in the media. Same with legalization and health care/prison reform issues with the Libertarians or whoever has solutions to those. And I would put the Republicans in charge of immigration reform with earned amnesty or restitution/work credits owed for people who violated laws, so they are not unfair to immigrants who follow the laws.

And the Democrats still owe their Black constituents solutions to problems not yet addressed.
The Dems need to fix that first, since they have been riding the Black vote for so long, BEFORE they try to take on anything else. or else delegate the other issues to other parties! There is plenty of work to go around to create jobs for everyone, so more people have a chance to prove their service record in order to run for office in the future. Not one party is going to solve all the problems, so the work needs to be delegated out and credit shared!

The constitution is not a bible to be worshipped imo.


No, it's not. It is a document that needs to be protected from idiots and scoundrels who would abuse the power of government (which the Constitution controls) to persecute the citizens of this country. It worked quite well for 100 years then, as the founders knew would happen, those scoundrels got into power and have been attacking the Constitution ever since.

You are merely another in a long line of useful idiots who will sacrafice your liberty for a sense of "safety". the problem is eventually a truly bad scoundrel comes along and userps all the power to themself and then you have a tyrant.

Hopefully ours will be a benevolent one.....though somehow I doubt it.

You don't know me on any personal level.

Me stating that the constitution is not a document to be worshiped is my opinion based on the history of it and the exclusion of representation of all the people.

Back when it was socially constructed, women had no right to vote and black people were slaves.

Not everyone had input on the way this thing was constructed and so to me it can always be improved with input and representation of everyone.
The constitution is not a bible to be worshipped imo.


No, it's not. It is a document that needs to be protected from idiots and scoundrels who would abuse the power of government (which the Constitution controls) to persecute the citizens of this country. It worked quite well for 100 years then, as the founders knew would happen, those scoundrels got into power and have been attacking the Constitution ever since.

You are merely another in a long line of useful idiots who will sacrafice your liberty for a sense of "safety". the problem is eventually a truly bad scoundrel comes along and userps all the power to themself and then you have a tyrant.

Hopefully ours will be a benevolent one.....though somehow I doubt it.

You don't know me on any personal level.

Me stating that the constitution is not a document to be worshiped is my opinion based on the history of it and the exclusion of representation of all the people.

Back when it was socially constructed, women had no right to vote and black people were slaves.

Not everyone had input on the way this thing was constructed and so to me it can always be improved with input and representation of everyone.

Apologies. However, it excluded no one as written. The MEN of that time interpreted it how they wished according to the social norms of the time but if it is read as written it excludes no one.

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