Who's Going to Be The Democrat Nominee?

Who's Going to Be The Democrat Nominee?

  • Hillary

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Biden

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Other (You tell us who you think.)

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
My response:

Hillary will be facing serious federal indictments and charges long before the convention.

Sanders is going to rake in millenials and the welfare crowd

Biden may wait until the convention to try to hide his baggage from previous elections

Algore is making noises but far too many think he's a total whacko

Howard Dean – why not?
I look forward to Tuesday night's debate. It will resemble an episode of the old game show "To Tell The Truth" except they'll all be lying.
I can't think of a campaign season that has been more wild & entertaining than this one in my lifetime, and both parties deserve the credit.

Sure they do. Both parties have the same level of entertaining candidates running. Neither party has people who are more "out there". Absolutely.

The Dems have a loud mouthed, insulting, child who has absolutely no idea how things are done in a representative democracy. Right.

There is a Dem who made his mark by insulting the POTUS as an invited speaker to a White House event.....and who thinks gay people are produced in prisons. Sure.

There is a democrat candidate who has no problem making up negative stories about an organization in an attempt to get some momentum.....despite the fact that she once supported said organization. Tons of them.

There are senators running for the Democratic nod who have single handedly shut down the federal government to make a political point and increase his speakers fees. You betcha!

Both sides do it, yo !

Earmuffs, bitch.
My response:

Hillary will be facing serious federal indictments and charges long before the convention.

Sanders is going to rake in millenials and the welfare crowd

Biden may wait until the convention to try to hide his baggage from previous elections

Algore is making noises but far too many think he's a total whacko

Howard Dean – why not?

Well, one thing's for sure - If either Biden or Sanders win the nation will be run from an extended care facility instead of the golf course for a change. The Secret Service will be pushing them around in their wheel chairs and spoon feeding them.
Well, one thing's for sure - If either Biden or Sanders win the nation will be run from an extended care facility instead of the golf course for a change. The Secret Service will be pushing them around in their wheel chairs and spoon feeding them.
Well, the greatest Democrats in the last century, FDR and Wilson, were pretty much the same.
Well, one thing's for sure - If either Biden or Sanders win the nation will be run from an extended care facility instead of the golf course for a change. The Secret Service will be pushing them around in their wheel chairs and spoon feeding them.
Well, the greatest Democrats in the last century, FDR and Wilson, were pretty much the same.

Yeah. I thought the Democrat Party was the Party of the modern millennials. Young educated folks. I guess though it goes to which millennial one is talking about. LOL! Don't they have anyone under 80 in their Party?
Well, one thing's for sure - If either Biden or Sanders win the nation will be run from an extended care facility instead of the golf course for a change. The Secret Service will be pushing them around in their wheel chairs and spoon feeding them.
Well, the greatest Democrats in the last century, FDR and Wilson, were pretty much the same.

Yeah. I thought the Democrat Party was the Party of the modern millennials. Young educated folks. I guess though it goes to which millennial one is talking about. LOL! Don't they have anyone under 80 in their Party?

The Democrats focused hard on the ages of Reagan and McCain. Reagan hold the record for oldest yet two of the three main contenders (Sanders and Biden) are both older than Reagan. Hillary Clinton would only be about 3 or 4 months younger than Reagan was when he won his first term.

Guess age only means something when the other side has someone they consider old.
My response:

Hillary will be facing serious federal indictments and charges long before the convention.

Sanders is going to rake in millenials and the welfare crowd

Biden may wait until the convention to try to hide his baggage from previous elections

Algore is making noises but far too many think he's a total whacko

Howard Dean – why not?

I predict that Hillary will drop out of the race due to "health concerns." She will never be indicted as she is above the law.

I predict Biden as the nominee.
My response:

Hillary will be facing serious federal indictments and charges long before the convention.

Sanders is going to rake in millenials and the welfare crowd

Biden may wait until the convention to try to hide his baggage from previous elections

Algore is making noises but far too many think he's a total whacko

Howard Dean – why not?

I predict that Hillary will drop out of the race due to "health concerns." She will never be indicted as she is above the law.

I predict Biden as the nominee.
:rofl:, jeez only here in la la land would someone pick a guy who dosen't even want to run as the Dem nominee, LOL!!!
Sanders will move to Cuba so he feels at home,

The Hildabeast will be indicted and facing long prison time.

Uncle Joe will still refuse to run not wanting a repeat of previous attempts.

Chuck Schumer?
What is this "Democrat Party" you Republics keep mentioning, and what does it have to do with the Democratic Party?
I think we will know shortly after the first of the year who will be the Democratic nominee. At this point, it looks like Hillary. But if the Dem Convention is deadlocked, it will go to Biden.
Our Democrat welfare-state drug lords
by Star Parker
October 20, 2015


It is no accident that most loyal Democratic Party supporters are those most dependent on government.

Five liberal Democrat presidential candidates — one actually honest enough to label himself a socialist — appeared before the American public in their first debate. They made it apparent that the only variation between any of them was just how much bigger and how much faster each one wants to grow government.

Democratic Party politicians no longer feel any need to even pay lip service to the idea that America has anything to do with a free people.

Their unabashed rendition of the American dream is increasing percentages of the American population dependent on getting money recycled to them from the government — money taken from other citizens or from ever-increasing government debt.

And seeing as record numbers of Americans have become dependent on government, Democrats have a pretty powerful political strategy. More and more Americans just want assurance that they won't lose their government money. They are less interested in where the money is coming from; whether we are going bankrupt; what bloated government is doing to the performance of our economy; or the moral price they are paying for this government dependency.


Democrat politicians are simply America's equivalent to drug lords. They get richer and more powerful coaxing Americans — particularly our weakest and most at-risk communities — into welfare-state oblivion.

Forbes recently estimated the net worth of 20 of the current presidential candidates. Third wealthiest is Hillary Clinton at an estimated $45 million. Only Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina are wealthier. But Trump's money and Fiorina's money come from business.

How did Clinton, who introduced herself in the Democratic debate as the granddaughter of a factory worker, accumulate this massive wealth? Did she start a business? Build a company? Invent something?

No; these are the huge dividends of political power and influence.

All projections show growing federal budget deficits, growing debt, and mind-boggling red ink as result of entitlement programs that cannot be sustained. Does our nation have to formally crash and burn in order to wake us up?

The question now is whether Republicans can produce a strong enough leader to counter the power and destructiveness of the Democrat welfare-state drug lords.

Our Democrat welfare-state drug lords

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