Whores For Wall Street

GOP leaders have some funny ideas in their budget proposal; seems they want to dismantle the Dodd-Frank regulations. Now we know who Boehner and McConnell really work for.

As if we didn't already know. Bastards.

Interesting budget ideas these Republicans have.....they also want to loosen up restrictions on campaign donations. Golly, I wonder if that could have anything to do with deregulating Wall St. again? Gee whiz, they wouldn't be that blatantly self serving......would they?
Trading in derivatives was always such a good idea, no need for regulations there.
Really there arent. So some bank or broker loses a shitload of money. Who cares? What difference does it make? Send them to bankruptcy and go on.
The only problem is they are playing with Uncle's money. Regulation is the problem. Always.

No that's just plain stupid, the market requires more regulation than ever to prevent thieves from destroying our economy. The market is the product of human intervention....it isn't a force of nature.
That might be the dumbest comment you've ever made. The market is self regulating. Government interference causes problems.

I'd be so surprised if you hadn't already been nominated for a Nobel Prize in economics. There is no such thing as self regulating, it doesn't exist.......except in the minds of superficial theorists like yourself.
Actually classic economic theory says so. Something you never studied because they dont teach that in 4th grade, your last grade completed.

Further evidence that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How about that, another subject the Rabbi has to BS and bluff his way through....big surprise.
Do you think that only repubs are money-addicted? Hillary for example is great example of "money-puppet". Every person which will be president after Obama, will be puppet, because honest politicians, just haven't got enough money!
King Says Republicans Should Hold Out on Spending Bill - Bloomberg Politics

Since you're so well informed perhaps you can explain these extraneous items in the Republican budget proposal. Why are they so interested in loosening up restrictions on campaign donations right now? Boggles the mind doesn't it.
GOP leaders have some funny ideas in their budget proposal; seems they want to dismantle the Dodd-Frank regulations. Now we know who Boehner and McConnell really work for.

As if we didn't already know. Bastards.

Interesting budget ideas these Republicans have.....they also want to loosen up restrictions on campaign donations. Golly, I wonder if that could have anything to do with deregulating Wall St. again? Gee whiz, they wouldn't be that blatantly self serving......would they?
No, nothing like that.
Our Too Big To Fail banks are now Too Big To Save. This is the direct result of the US federal government aiding and abetting frauds and other evildoers. The people robbing the pockets of the common man have been receiving police protection as they empty your wallet.

Some rubes are too stupid and willfully ignorant to realize they are among the victims of these criminals. They don't even know their own money is being stolen from them in myriad clever ways. And so they defend the very people who are robbing them.

On an instinctual level, they do know something is being taken from them, and so they look for a scapegoat to explain the uneasiness they feel at the visceral level. More often than not, they choose the wrong target for their ire.

But Wall Street is now operating like The Mob. They are organized crime. From the price of aluminum in your can of beer, to the amount of your health insurance premiums, to the cost of your college tuition, right down to the gas in the tank of your car, there is a Wall Street trader who has boosted the price of every service you use and every product you buy.

They are doing it openly. They know that if caught, they will suffer nothing more than a fine, no jail time. Not even an admission of wrongdoing. It's all upside and no downside.

Rather than allow failed business models to collapse, over the course of the past several decades the federal government has propped up this corrupt system and not allowed better business models to move into the marketplace.
Our Too Big To Fail banks are now Too Big To Save. This is the direct result of the US federal government aiding and abetting frauds and other evildoers. The people robbing the pockets of the common man have been receiving police protection as they empty your wallet.

Some rubes are too stupid and willfully ignorant to realize they are among the victims of these criminals. They don't even know their own money is being stolen from them in myriad clever ways. And so they defend the very people who are robbing them.

On an instinctual level, they do know something is being taken from them, and so they look for a scapegoat to explain the uneasiness they feel at the visceral level. More often than not, they choose the wrong target for their ire.

But Wall Street is now operating like The Mob. They are organized crime. From the price of aluminum in your can of beer, to the amount of your health insurance premiums, to the cost of your college tuition, right down to the gas in the tank of your car, there is a Wall Street trader who has boosted the price of every service you use and every product you buy.

They are doing it openly. They know that if caught, they will suffer nothing more than a fine, no jail time. Not even an admission of wrongdoing. It's all upside and no downside.

Rather than allow failed business models to collapse, over the course of the past several decades the federal government has propped up this corrupt system and not allowed better business models to move into the marketplace.

I agree, the so called too big to fail banks should be broken up, dismembered, restructured, and downsized.
There are many fixes that need to be made, and none of them were incorporated into Dodd-Frank. In fact, they were quite deliberately left out. What's more, the party letter designation after a politician's name is not a reliable indicator of who is in the pocket of Wall Street on that score.

When I say some things were left out of Dodd-Frank, I am not talking about a reformation of the GSEs, although that is certainly necessary. In fact, the GSEs are proof positive of what I said about both parties being in the pocket of Wall Street. Nearly every politicians of import has at one time or another been an investor or director or a paid consultant to the GSEs.

While Newt Gingrich was acting the populist during the 2012 campaign and slamming the GSEs for the crash (they were barely even a small cause), he neglected to mention he was in their employ during the entire leadup to the crash, and he definitely failed to mention that he gave speeches saying the government should establish MORE GSEs right up to the crash!

One of the first things that needs to go are credit default swaps and their lack of an insurable interest requirement. This reform was murdered in the cradle, but CDS were one of the biggest contributors to the crash being amplified many times over what it would have been without them.

There are many other reforms which are necessary and which I am kind of tired of pointing out right now. Maybe I will write more later.
The Dodd Frank bill is doing harm to the small community and credit union banks.
Bad Republicans wanting to protect them.
Thanks to Dodd-Frank Community Banks Are Too Small to Survive - Bank Think Article - American Banker

And wouldn't it be a wonderful world if Republicans cared about campaign donations coming from small banks and credit unions.

Both parties get donations from the large banks.
Large financial institutions. Yep. Wall Street is the biggest donor to both parties.

Wall Street makes at least 30 percent of all US corporate profits. That is an astonishing figure.

Something to ponder.
The Dodd Frank bill is doing harm to the small community and credit union banks.
Bad Republicans wanting to protect them.
Thanks to Dodd-Frank Community Banks Are Too Small to Survive - Bank Think Article - American Banker

And wouldn't it be a wonderful world if Republicans cared about campaign donations coming from small banks and credit unions.

Both parties get donations from the large banks.
Large financial institutions. Yep. Wall Street is the biggest donor to both parties.

Wall Street makes at least 30 percent of all US corporate profits. That is an astonishing figure.

Something to ponder.

And Republicans have made the political calculation that this is a good time to change the rules because they are now in a better position to exploit those resources and expand their power base even more.
The Dodd Frank bill is doing harm to the small community and credit union banks.
Bad Republicans wanting to protect them.
Thanks to Dodd-Frank Community Banks Are Too Small to Survive - Bank Think Article - American Banker

And wouldn't it be a wonderful world if Republicans cared about campaign donations coming from small banks and credit unions.

Both parties get donations from the large banks.
Large financial institutions. Yep. Wall Street is the biggest donor to both parties.

Wall Street makes at least 30 percent of all US corporate profits. That is an astonishing figure.

Something to ponder.

We need to get rid of that crony capitalism.
Getting a new tax system gets rid of some of it.
There is nothing wrong with corporations making profits from stocks.
It's when the politicians are getting profits from wall street that are making the politician millionaires that's wrong.
The Dodd Frank bill is doing harm to the small community and credit union banks.
Bad Republicans wanting to protect them.
Thanks to Dodd-Frank Community Banks Are Too Small to Survive - Bank Think Article - American Banker

And wouldn't it be a wonderful world if Republicans cared about campaign donations coming from small banks and credit unions.

Both parties get donations from the large banks.
Large financial institutions. Yep. Wall Street is the biggest donor to both parties.

Wall Street makes at least 30 percent of all US corporate profits. That is an astonishing figure.

Something to ponder.

We need to get rid of that crony capitalism.
Getting a new tax system gets rid of some of it.
There is nothing wrong with corporations making profits from stocks.
It's when the politicians are getting profits from wall street that are making the politician millionaires that's wrong.

As long as acquiring campaign money is the primary occupation of politicians we will continue to see representative democracy undermined.
There are many fixes that need to be made, and none of them were incorporated into Dodd-Frank. In fact, they were quite deliberately left out. What's more, the party letter designation after a politician's name is not a reliable indicator of who is in the pocket of Wall Street on that score.

When I say some things were left out of Dodd-Frank, I am not talking about a reformation of the GSEs, although that is certainly necessary. In fact, the GSEs are proof positive of what I said about both parties being in the pocket of Wall Street. Nearly every politicians of import has at one time or another been an investor or director or a paid consultant to the GSEs.

While Newt Gingrich was acting the populist during the 2012 campaign and slamming the GSEs for the crash (they were barely even a small cause), he neglected to mention he was in their employ during the entire leadup to the crash, and he definitely failed to mention that he gave speeches saying the government should establish MORE GSEs right up to the crash!

One of the first things that needs to go are credit default swaps and their lack of an insurable interest requirement. This reform was murdered in the cradle, but CDS were one of the biggest contributors to the crash being amplified many times over what it would have been without them.

There are many other reforms which are necessary and which I am kind of tired of pointing out right now. Maybe I will write more later.
yah, but the gop's removing requiring the banking houses to even partially separate derivatives trading from our fcking house mortgages is truly the stuff smells are made of.
Our Too Big To Fail banks are now Too Big To Save. This is the direct result of the US federal government aiding and abetting frauds and other evildoers. The people robbing the pockets of the common man have been receiving police protection as they empty your wallet.

Some rubes are too stupid and willfully ignorant to realize they are among the victims of these criminals. They don't even know their own money is being stolen from them in myriad clever ways. And so they defend the very people who are robbing them.

On an instinctual level, they do know something is being taken from them, and so they look for a scapegoat to explain the uneasiness they feel at the visceral level. More often than not, they choose the wrong target for their ire.

But Wall Street is now operating like The Mob. They are organized crime. From the price of aluminum in your can of beer, to the amount of your health insurance premiums, to the cost of your college tuition, right down to the gas in the tank of your car, there is a Wall Street trader who has boosted the price of every service you use and every product you buy.

They are doing it openly. They know that if caught, they will suffer nothing more than a fine, no jail time. Not even an admission of wrongdoing. It's all upside and no downside.

Rather than allow failed business models to collapse, over the course of the past several decades the federal government has propped up this corrupt system and not allowed better business models to move into the marketplace.
I agree with almost all of what you're saying. The only part I wonder about is the collapse. There's a part of me that says bring it on but rest assured it would ALL collapse.
Dodd Frank has done nothing but cost money and reduced banks to regulated utilities. It is totally anti middle class and anti growth. Scrap that shit.

Of course....why would anyone want to protect consumers from getting ripped off again?

Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Bill Definition Investopedia
Remind me how this has protected consumers in any way.
In fact consumers are forced to pay more because banks are limited in other ways they can make money. As usual, the left confuses intent with result.

Trading in derivatives was always such a good idea, no need for regulations there.
Really there arent. So some bank or broker loses a shitload of money. Who cares? What difference does it make? Send them to bankruptcy and go on.
The only problem is they are playing with Uncle's money. Regulation is the problem. Always.

De-Regulation and greed created the housing bubble.

If de-regulation is always the problem, why did no Canadian bank fail during the global financial meltdown? Canada was the only banking system which didn't de-regulate when the US, and most of Europe did. It is also the only major banking system which didn't fail, or require a government bailout during the 2008 - 2010 banking crisis.

Governments from all over the world are now studying the Canadian banking system as an example of a well-regulated, financially stable banking system.

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