Whoops! "Transage-ism" is a thing. We thought we were making a joke . . .

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

"Adult Diaper Lovers."

We already know that Dems are fine with Grown MS13 Gang members identifying as children to get into the U.S. as unaccompanied minors.

As soon as the Dems realized these people exist, they will quickly pave the way for twenty-year old baseball players who get cut from a farm team to sign up and play softball as a twelve year old little league girl.

Also for those "transwomen" for whom aceess to women's locker rooms at college is not stimulating enough, they can simply identify as whatever age they favor and get into those female spaces for children.

"Adult Diaper Lovers."

We already know that Dems are fine with Grown MS13 Gang members identifying as children to get into the U.S. as unaccompanied minors.

As soon as the Dems realized these people exist, they will quickly pave the way for twenty-year old baseball players who get cut from a farm team to sign up and play softball as a twelve year old little league girl.

Also for those "transwomen" for whom aceess to women's locker rooms at college is not stimulating enough, they can simply identify as whatever age they favor and get into those female spaces for children.

You members of Alt-Right Nation have an unhealthy obsession with trans, gay, and pedos.

What's with that?
You members of Alt-Right Nation have an unhealthy obsession with trans, gay, and pedos.

What's with that?
An uhealthy obsession with protecting children from trans, gays, and pedos?

How much does a person have to want to protect children from abuse for it to be an obsession?

PS: I knew at least one Dem would be quick to defend this.
You members of Alt-Right Nation have an unhealthy obsession with trans, gay, and pedos.

What's with that?
Sorry, Jack!

You're fellow Dems are letting you move out and draw fire, but they reneged on their promise to be right behind you.
An uhealthy obsession with protecting children from trans, gays, and pedos?

How much does a person have to want to protect children from abuse for it to be an obsession?

PS: I knew at least one Dem would be quick to defend this.
You don't care about "protecting" children.
You care about political battering rams that you can use on people who don't meet your Judeo-Christian expectations of...whatever... :)
So, in your strange, drug-induced world, people who do not accept extreme forms of mental illness as being normal are "Alt-Right"?

In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
You keep obsessing on it. You keep repeating it. Like some sort of mantra chanted to you by your alt-right media masters....so...yeah..you are ALT-RIGHT!! :)
You don't care about "protecting" children.
You care about political battering rams that you can use on people who don't meet your Judeo-Christian expectations of...whatever... :)
Of . . . not mutilating, medicating and raping children.

Yes, I would prefer the battering ram not be metaphorical for such people.
You keep obsessing on it. You keep repeating it. Like some sort of mantra chanted to you by your alt-right media masters....so...yeah..you are ALT-RIGHT!! :)
You could have just come right out and admitted that you lack even a semblance of self-awareness, but if you prefer this approach towards verifying your status as a mindless prole, that is certainly fine with me.
You don't care about "protecting" children.
You care about political battering rams that you can use on people who don't meet your Judeo-Christian expectations of...whatever... :)

Oh, we do indeed care about protecting children. Exposing the left as a cult at the same time is just icing on the cake.
You could have just come right out and admitted that you lack even a semblance of self-awareness, but if you prefer this approach towards verifying your status as a mindless prole, that is certainly fine with me.
Again, just admit it. You don't give a shit about child safety, human trafficking, or sexual abuse.
You want a cudgel. A wedge. A battering ram...well, I'm sorry. It won't be successful. It's already being rejected.
Will you realize your mistake in time??
Again, just admit it. You don't give a shit about child safety, human trafficking, or sexual abuse.
You want a cudgel. A wedge. A battering ram...well, I'm sorry. It won't be successful. It's already being rejected.
Will you realize your mistake in time??
My goodness, you are one Orwellian little shit, aren't you?

The fact that I AM concerned with these things means I'm not, whereas your ignoring things because they make you uncomfortable means you ARE?

Holy newspeak, batman.
My goodness, you are one Orwellian little shit, aren't you?

The fact that I AM concerned with these things means I'm not, whereas your ignoring things because they make you uncomfortable means you ARE?

Holy newspeak, batman.
Oh goody..another member of Alt-Right Nation quoting "1984"..so cute.

Admit it. You just want a political battering ram. You don't care one iota about child safety. It's just a means to an end for you.

C'mon snowflake...man up.
Oh goody..another member of Alt-Right Nation quoting "1984"..so cute.

Admit it. You just want a political battering ram. You don't care one iota about child safety. It's just a means to an end for you.

C'mon snowflake...man up.
I am not a member of this "alt right" you imagine in your drug-addled dreams.

I am just a man who oppose the sexual exploitation of children which makes me entirely unlike you.

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