Who would you chose?

Explain again why we have to select someone that is not white? Last I checked the majority of the Country is, in fact, white. At least till 2042 or after.

Remind us again how it is ok to Gerrymander districts to ensure blacks get elected, against the law I might add. Remind us again why a white man for President would be bad?

Using the logic that mandates black Congressional districts then the President, using that logic, should be a white person.

I personally do not give one hill of beans what color a President is, so long as he is competent to hold the office. As long as he represents the Country properly.

I voted for Alan Keyes in the Primary.

He also rigged an election that you may have heard about. Thousands of eligible voters were disallowed the right to vote in predominantly democratic regions. Between May 1999 and Election Day 2000, two Florida secretaries of state - Sandra Mortham and Katherine Harris, both protégées of Governor Jeb Bush- ordered 57,700 "ex-felons," who are prohibited from voting by state law, to be removed from voter rolls. (In the thirty-five states where former felons can vote, roughly 90 percent vote Democratic.) A company now owned by ChoicePoint of Atlanta, was paid $4.3 million for its work, replacing a firm that charged $5,700 per year for the same service.Two of these "scrub lists," as officials called them, were distributed to counties in the months before the election with orders to remove the voters named. Together the lists comprised nearly 1 percent of Florida?s electorate and nearly 3 percent of its African-American voters. Neither DBT nor the state conducted any further research to verify the matches. DBT, which frequently is hired by the F.B.I. to conduct manhunts, originally proposed using address histories and financial records to confirm the names, but the state declined the cross-checks.:eusa_whistle:
This one's simple!:eusa_whistle:


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