Who would invite Satan into his/her life?


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
These are possibilities for the reasons, do you know more?

1. Personal agenda, as accepted and internalized from a powerful person.

2. Curiousity coupled with boredom.

3. Mental retardation.

4. To fulfill desires under the 7 deadly sins.

So, how do we avoid inviting Satan, and how do we get rid of it once invited?
You dont. Once the deal is sealed it's non-reversible, hence the condition and future of the US, England and some others. Many musicians tried to repent....avg age 27.
The ones who kept the deal are still rolling......Likely until the return of the boss to take this place apart. Woe unto the inhabitants of earth in those days.
Not me. I have a policy of not interacting with that which does not exist. I understand there are some who do entertain that thought, but I also see where it gets them.
These are possibilities for the reasons, do you know more?

1. Personal agenda, as accepted and internalized from a powerful person.

2. Curiousity coupled with boredom.

3. Mental retardation.

4. To fulfill desires under the 7 deadly sins.

So, how do we avoid inviting Satan, and how do we get rid of it once invited?

Satan never instructed me to kill women and children, or how to sell my daughter into slavery. If I were to invite some imaginary character into my life, it would be someone that didn't tell me to do those things. Probably Santa clause, or Batman.
These are possibilities for the reasons, do you know more?

1. Personal agenda, as accepted and internalized from a powerful person.

2. Curiousity coupled with boredom.

3. Mental retardation.

4. To fulfill desires under the 7 deadly sins.

So, how do we avoid inviting Satan, and how do we get rid of it once invited?

Dear anotherlife
Anything that is chosen on the side of selfish
or material convenience for ourselves, over equal interests of others
invites this type of trouble.

1. when we don't FORGIVE people or groups of other
political parties or beliefs, when we invite fear based
bashing or bullying instead of resolving problems together.
One is selfish, to gain political benefit at the cost of attacking
others; while the inclusive approach of mutual correction
and team building on common solutions is selfless and
treating others with equal respect regardless of beliefs.

2. when we justify continuing to consume excessive
energy or resources, ignoring the damages this may
cause to the environment or to people enslaved to maintain
our capitalistic culture and lifestyle,
again, this is selfish and putting material comfort
of ourselves above the needs, safety and rights of others.
If we are aware of this disparity, and taking steps to
rectify the problems, that is one thing; but choosing to
ignore the problems and defend ourselves when critics
point out the dangers of unsustainable practices, this
divides people due to self interests.

3. If we choose the path of blame, cutting off relations
with others, or the path of retribution or ill will toward
someone else, that is "satan" taking advantage of
fear, distrust, rejection and desire to punish or control
others, instead of responding with compassion and
forgiveness in order to orchestrate CORRECTIONS
to right the wrongs, restore justice and good faith relations.

When we respond to wrongdoing, injustice and conflict
with Restorative Justice, or Justice with Mercy,
that is the spirit of Christ Jesus.

When we respond with Retribution, ill will and unforgiveness
that is Antichrist.

Satan is based on fear, lack of faith, ill will and distrust,
that leads to rebellion and retribution.

This is the opposite of taking the higher road
of God's love and truth to seek justice and peace,
which restores relations, society and humanity.
These are possibilities for the reasons, do you know more?

1. Personal agenda, as accepted and internalized from a powerful person.

2. Curiousity coupled with boredom.

3. Mental retardation.

4. To fulfill desires under the 7 deadly sins.

So, how do we avoid inviting Satan, and how do we get rid of it once invited?

Satan never instructed me to kill women and children, or how to sell my daughter into slavery. If I were to invite some imaginary character into my life, it would be someone that didn't tell me to do those things. Probably Santa clause, or Batman.

Dear Pogo and BULLDOG
then let's translate
False Prophet
into Secular terms and concepts that you might relate to as real.

Since God symbolizes:
Good will, truth, wisdom, love, collective knowledge and understanding,
universal forces of life and nature governing all humanity

Satan represents the Opposite:
Ignorance instead of Truth/Wisdom
Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth and faith in good will
Distrust and division for selfish interests
instead of unity and inclusion for the greater sake and good will of all humanity universally

Do you agree that the pressures of Fear
and Distrust of other people or groups
causes you to react in negative ways
that are more hateful or fearful than loving?
more Unforgiving and divisive
than Forgiving and unifying?
These are possibilities for the reasons, do you know more?

1. Personal agenda, as accepted and internalized from a powerful person.

2. Curiousity coupled with boredom.

3. Mental retardation.

4. To fulfill desires under the 7 deadly sins.

So, how do we avoid inviting Satan, and how do we get rid of it once invited?

Satan never instructed me to kill women and children, or how to sell my daughter into slavery. If I were to invite some imaginary character into my life, it would be someone that didn't tell me to do those things. Probably Santa clause, or Batman.

Dear Pogo and BULLDOG
then let's translate
False Prophet
into Secular terms and concepts that you might relate to as real.

Since God symbolizes:
Good will, truth, wisdom, love, collective knowledge and understanding,
universal forces of life and nature governing all humanity

Satan represents the Opposite:
Ignorance instead of Truth/Wisdom
Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth and faith in good will
Distrust and division for selfish interests
instead of unity and inclusion for the greater sake and good will of all humanity universally

Do you agree that the pressures of Fear
and Distrust of other people or groups
causes you to react in negative ways
that are more hateful or fearful than loving?
more Unforgiving and divisive
than Forgiving and unifying?

I don't agree that any of those entities exist. And I don't believe in anthropomorphizing fears and the unknown into some creature as a way of running away from it.
These are possibilities for the reasons, do you know more?

1. Personal agenda, as accepted and internalized from a powerful person.

2. Curiousity coupled with boredom.

3. Mental retardation.

4. To fulfill desires under the 7 deadly sins.

So, how do we avoid inviting Satan, and how do we get rid of it once invited?

Satan never instructed me to kill women and children, or how to sell my daughter into slavery. If I were to invite some imaginary character into my life, it would be someone that didn't tell me to do those things. Probably Santa clause, or Batman.

Dear Pogo and BULLDOG
then let's translate
False Prophet
into Secular terms and concepts that you might relate to as real.

Since God symbolizes:
Good will, truth, wisdom, love, collective knowledge and understanding,
universal forces of life and nature governing all humanity

Satan represents the Opposite:
Ignorance instead of Truth/Wisdom
Fear of the Unknown instead of love of truth and faith in good will
Distrust and division for selfish interests
instead of unity and inclusion for the greater sake and good will of all humanity universally

Do you agree that the pressures of Fear
and Distrust of other people or groups
causes you to react in negative ways
that are more hateful or fearful than loving?
more Unforgiving and divisive
than Forgiving and unifying?

So according to your definitions, the right has embraced Satan completely. The divisiveness and hate filled rhetoric of the right under the false claim of Christian ideals is tearing this country apart more every day. How else do you explain hypocritical so called Christians supporting a probable child molester for purely political reasons?
These are possibilities for the reasons, do you know more?

1. Personal agenda, as accepted and internalized from a powerful person.

2. Curiousity coupled with boredom.

3. Mental retardation.

4. To fulfill desires under the 7 deadly sins.

So, how do we avoid inviting Satan, and how do we get rid of it once invited?
5. Because I am Satan.
These are possibilities for the reasons, do you know more?

1. Personal agenda, as accepted and internalized from a powerful person.

2. Curiousity coupled with boredom.

3. Mental retardation.

4. To fulfill desires under the 7 deadly sins.

So, how do we avoid inviting Satan, and how do we get rid of it once invited?
5. Because I am Satan.

Big deal....... I'm Batman.

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