Who will romney choose?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

M.S. being an unpredictable chronic illness, 24-7-365. There is never a minute that you for get the disease. And it is a family illness and all members has to make adjustments in their every day lives. Like Santorum’s daughter’s illness. Romney’s choice to run for president leads me to wonder when the time arises, if he will and he will have to chose between his wife and his country which will he choose.

First lady is quite demanding and Ann’s M.S. will not make it easy. Romney is very selfish to put Ann in this position. He do not have anything to offer this country that Obama cannot do better. Obama has not had to make such choice, but there is not doubt in my mind which he would choose.

Romney’s overwhelming desire for power overwhelms his concern for his wife’s well being.
M.S. is a demanding unpredictable chronic illness and Ann will have exacerbations where she will need her husband as much as she will need her doctor. One of the symptoms of M.S. is overwhelming fatigue. I have a reminder with me 24-7-356 of M.S. And new symptoms are popping up regularly.

Ps. New low for Romney;
"No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised."
Who's to say she didn't encourage him to pursue the chance to become president?
Overwhelming fatigue is not a problem in the white house. It's not like Ann won't be able to fix dinner or dust the furniture.
Nope. You won't see the "libs" supporting the lame idea forwarded by the OP.

Now....please continue your outrage-fed masturbation session, dummies.
I don't know..those whack-a-do libs have been making threats to Akin's wife and kids. Saying they are going to rape them hoping they become pregnant.

Real classy libs.

M.S. being an unpredictable chronic illness, 24-7-365. There is never a minute that you for get the disease. And it is a family illness and all members has to make adjustments in their every day lives. Like Santorum’s daughter’s illness. Romney’s choice to run for president leads me to wonder when the time arises, if he will and he will have to chose between his wife and his country which will he choose.

First lady is quite demanding and Ann’s M.S. will not make it easy. Romney is very selfish to put Ann in this position. He do not have anything to offer this country that Obama cannot do better. Obama has not had to make such choice, but there is not doubt in my mind which he would choose.

Romney’s overwhelming desire for power overwhelms his concern for his wife’s well being.
M.S. is a demanding unpredictable chronic illness and Ann will have exacerbations where she will need her husband as much as she will need her doctor. One of the symptoms of M.S. is overwhelming fatigue. I have a reminder with me 24-7-356 of M.S. And new symptoms are popping up regularly.

Ps. New low for Romney;
"No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised."
Oh Gawd!! I guess FDR's illness kept him from being President and wasn't Abe Lincoln's wife sickly??

Major fail!!

I guess the libs are running out of material, time to go after the wife.

Oh please.

Do you rw's really want us to ignore the zillions of really nasty threads and posts you've aimed at our First Lady?

You're a bunch if ASSSSinine idiots.

As for Mittens and Mrs Mittens, he couldn't be bothered to cheer for her horse at the Olympics. Beyond that, I like watching faces when they believe they are unguarded. Ann will not be doing much of anything if he's elected. She's bored by it all. She's got her money and her horses.

Most first ladies take on a cause. I would have thought that breast cancer survivor, Mrs Mitt would show some mild interest in the plight of women who must depend on low cost or even free clinics for their cancer screening but no.

Instead, Mitt has said he will make sure that Planned Parenthood, who does more breast cancer screenings for low income women than any other entity, scum bag Mitt has said he will be putting an end to that.

Thanks to ObamaCare, ALL of us can now get one free physical a year as well as cancer screenings. Mitt has said he will end that immediately.

Ann will surely shop but beyond that and her horse, I doubt she will be doing anything more in office than she ever did as a civilian.

In fairness, I should say that her name does appear on a few letterheads but she does not actually DO anything. The one cause she is interested in is the insipidly stupid 'just say no' crap that Queen Nancy hatched. She doesn't actually DO anything there either but she's reeeel big on abstinence.

And, yes, its a very fair subject. Especially since our First and Second Ladies have worked so very hard to help families of vets and the vets themselves in finding housing and jobs as well as working to help our children get decent food. And, of course, First Lady Obama actually eats food from the WH garden. All you rw's are dead set against them helping our vets and our children of course so you'll be pleased that such things would surely be way beneath the interest of Madame Ann. Wouldn't want to get dirt under her fingernails, right?
Romney chose the most repugnant individual who would run with him, and is not currently incarcerated.
Abut her breast cancer, Ann Romney said,

"I was really lucky" to have caught it so early.[

She had access to early screening.

The same screening that low income women (AND MEN) can now get from Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare.

Untreated, breast cancer causes open weeping sores on the breast of BOTH men and women. Both Mitt and Ann are apparently in favor of THAT symptom being the way low income people find out they have the disease.
Romney chose the most repugnant individual who would run with him, and is not currently incarcerated.

He was surely hoping that Ryan would be of some assistance to him but its proven to be the opposite among thinking voters.

Tsk Tsk Tsk

sorry, meant to give a short answer -

He should choose his wife but from everything else we've seen from this robot, he'll choose power. He has never chosen his country before, always invested his money in other countries but he's a power addict.

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