Who Was Bigger Nutter: Oswald Or McVeigh?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Or David Koresh?
2. Did these people just want to touch history, not caring for humanity, and the innocent?
3. This should make for an interesting topic.
4. I insist they all three were *NUTTERS*!
5. How does a mans life have more value, if he ends other lives unexpectedly, and without just cause?
6. Were those who crashed planes into buildings on 911 *NUTTERS*? *I say sure, 100% yeah.
7. Is Islam as a religion teaching and preaching *NUTTER BELIEFS*, then men go out and act upon what they are taught? answer: sure, yes, 100% yes, yeah.

They're all nutty- with a sharp, sweet-and-sour tang can be described as having acescence and a deft bouquet reminiscent or Manson or Gacy.

Blossomy, but a tad num-num to the nose. Best described as a fine but matured Fino.

Affected by a slight noble rot.

Remeniscent of the smaller Grosslagen designations.
Sorry bout that,

1. Or David Koresh?
2. Did these people just want to touch history, not caring for humanity, and the innocent?
3. This should make for an interesting topic.
4. I insist they all three were *NUTTERS*!
5. How does a mans life have more value, if he ends other lives unexpectedly, and without just cause?
6. Were those who crashed planes into buildings on 911 *NUTTERS*? *I say sure, 100% yeah.
7. Is Islam as a religion teaching and preaching *NUTTER BELIEFS*, then men go out and act upon what they are taught? answer: sure, yes, 100% yes, yeah.

Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK.

Timothy McVeigh killed a lot of innocent people in the OKC bombing.

Who did David Koresh kill? Moreover, who did Koresh ever harm?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Or David Koresh?
2. Did these people just want to touch history, not caring for humanity, and the innocent?
3. This should make for an interesting topic.
4. I insist they all three were *NUTTERS*!
5. How does a mans life have more value, if he ends other lives unexpectedly, and without just cause?
6. Were those who crashed planes into buildings on 911 *NUTTERS*? *I say sure, 100% yeah.
7. Is Islam as a religion teaching and preaching *NUTTER BELIEFS*, then men go out and act upon what they are taught? answer: sure, yes, 100% yes, yeah.

Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK.

Timothy McVeigh killed a lot of innocent people in the OKC bombing.

Who did David Koresh kill? Moreover, who did Koresh ever harm?

1. Were you alive when Koresh murdered by fire those many children in WACO?:eusa_eh:
2. Don't tell me you actually believe he didn't have time to send the children out, before he set the building on fire???

1. Were you alive when Koresh murdered by fire those many children in WACO?
Yes, I was. Were you?

2. Don't tell me you actually believe he didn't have time to send the children out, before he set the building on fire???

Whether he did or he didn't the fact remains he was considered crazy and those children would still be alive were it not for the incompetent, ego-driven authoritarian nitwits of the FBI's HRT ("Hostage Rescue" Team) who are ultimately responsible for their deaths.

Having cause to believe Koresh was insane and suicidal, and that those children were essential hostages, it doesn't take a Ph.D. to understand that to provoke Koresh was the very worst approach to the situation. In fact there were several Ph.D., including at least one employed by the FBI, who advised against any aggressive action.

Yet the FBI/HRT smashed holes in the walls, pumped in profuse amounts of a highly flammable tear gas, then tossed in tear gas grenades which burn off at 2700f. So has it occurred to you that Koresh did not start that fire? But even if he did is there any question in your mind that the safety of the children was of minimal to zero concern to those federal goons who clearly, arrogantly and stupidly provoked him?

What was the rush? The only sane and sensible thing to do was to wait them out. There were 21 innocent children in there, some as young as two. Little tots. Their safety was priority. But the brutally boorish bastards simply would not have their authority defied. They had to prevail -- and they did.

And a continuing element of the tragedy is that so many people, like you, blame it on Koresh. If you wish to learn the truth about what happened at Waco, go here and educate yourself: The Davidian Massacre page (Waco Tragedy)
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Sorry bout that,

1. Were you alive when Koresh murdered by fire those many children in WACO?
Yes, I was. Were you?

2. Don't tell me you actually believe he didn't have time to send the children out, before he set the building on fire???

Whether he did or he didn't the fact remains he was considered crazy and those children would still be alive were it not for the incompetent, ego-driven authoritarian nitwits of the FBI's HRT ("Hostage Rescue" Team) who are ultimately responsible for their deaths.

Having cause to believe Koresh was insane and suicidal, and that those children were essential hostages, it doesn't take a Ph.D. to understand that to provoke Koresh was the very worst approach to the situation. In fact there were several Ph.D., including at least one employed by the FBI, who advised against any aggressive action.

Yet the FBI/HRT smashed holes in the walls, pumped in profuse amounts of a highly flammable tear gas, then tossed in tear gas grenades which burn off at 2700f. So has it occurred to you that Koresh did not start that fire? But even if he did is there any question in your mind that the safety of the children was of minimal to zero concern to those federal goons who clearly, arrogantly and stupidly provoked him?

What was the rush? The only sane and sensible thing to do was to wait them out. There were 21 innocent children in there, some as young as two. Little tots. Their safety was priority. But the brutally boorish bastards simply would not have their authority defied. They had to prevail -- and they did.

And a continuing element of the tragedy is that so many people, like you, blame it on Koresh. If you wish to learn the truth about what happened at Waco, go here and educate yourself: The Davidian Massacre page (Waco Tragedy)

1. If I remember correctly the standoff lasted nearly two months, Koresh should of given up, didn't and this whole thing was, *on him*, in my opinion.
2. He hid behind these children, using them as human shields, this is fundamentally immoral, and wrong, Koresh was a *NUTTER*.

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tell me again why they didnt serve a warrent on korsh....the adults left the compound to work daily....
the atf could have easily served the warrent when the most of the adults were gone....the atf elected to not do that.....the atf was to blame
Sorry bout that,

1. Were you alive when Koresh murdered by fire those many children in WACO?
Yes, I was. Were you?

2. Don't tell me you actually believe he didn't have time to send the children out, before he set the building on fire???

Whether he did or he didn't the fact remains he was considered crazy and those children would still be alive were it not for the incompetent, ego-driven authoritarian nitwits of the FBI's HRT ("Hostage Rescue" Team) who are ultimately responsible for their deaths.

Having cause to believe Koresh was insane and suicidal, and that those children were essential hostages, it doesn't take a Ph.D. to understand that to provoke Koresh was the very worst approach to the situation. In fact there were several Ph.D., including at least one employed by the FBI, who advised against any aggressive action.

Yet the FBI/HRT smashed holes in the walls, pumped in profuse amounts of a highly flammable tear gas, then tossed in tear gas grenades which burn off at 2700f. So has it occurred to you that Koresh did not start that fire? But even if he did is there any question in your mind that the safety of the children was of minimal to zero concern to those federal goons who clearly, arrogantly and stupidly provoked him?

What was the rush? The only sane and sensible thing to do was to wait them out. There were 21 innocent children in there, some as young as two. Little tots. Their safety was priority. But the brutally boorish bastards simply would not have their authority defied. They had to prevail -- and they did.

And a continuing element of the tragedy is that so many people, like you, blame it on Koresh. If you wish to learn the truth about what happened at Waco, go here and educate yourself: The Davidian Massacre page (Waco Tragedy)

1. If I remember correctly the standoff lasted nearly two months, Koresh should of given up, didn't and this whole thing was, *on him*, in my opinion.
2. He hid behind these children, using them as human shields, this is fundamentally immoral, and wrong, Koresh was a *NUTTER*.
So what?

There were twenty-one hostage children in there. Can't you understand that? What difference does it make who it's "on?"
tell me again why they didnt serve a warrent on korsh....the adults left the compound to work daily....
the atf could have easily served the warrent when the most of the adults were gone....the atf elected to not do that.....the atf was to blame
That raid was a publicity stunt. You're right that ATF was initially responsible but the FBI's so-called Hostage Rescue Team made the fatal decision to take an unnecessary and stupidly conceived action which directly led to the death of 21 innocent children.

There is no excuse or good reason for what they did. They were driven by compulsive authoritarian ego and it amazes me how many Americans are simply too dense and stupid to understand that.

Another example of the same kind of brutish authoritarian incompetence was seen at Ruby Ridge where Randy Weaver's mountaintop home was raided by ATF. The raid was so poorly planned and executed the FBI/HRT was eventually called in and their sniper ended up shooting Weaver's wife in the head while she had her infant baby in her arms. And the only charge against Weaver turned out to be a mistake.

Obey us or die!
1. Were you alive when Koresh murdered by fire those many children in WACO?
Yes, I was. Were you?

2. Don't tell me you actually believe he didn't have time to send the children out, before he set the building on fire???

Whether he did or he didn't the fact remains he was considered crazy and those children would still be alive were it not for the incompetent, ego-driven authoritarian nitwits of the FBI's HRT ("Hostage Rescue" Team) who are ultimately responsible for their deaths.

Having cause to believe Koresh was insane and suicidal, and that those children were essential hostages, it doesn't take a Ph.D. to understand that to provoke Koresh was the very worst approach to the situation. In fact there were several Ph.D., including at least one employed by the FBI, who advised against any aggressive action.

Yet the FBI/HRT smashed holes in the walls, pumped in profuse amounts of a highly flammable tear gas, then tossed in tear gas grenades which burn off at 2700f. So has it occurred to you that Koresh did not start that fire? But even if he did is there any question in your mind that the safety of the children was of minimal to zero concern to those federal goons who clearly, arrogantly and stupidly provoked him?

What was the rush? The only sane and sensible thing to do was to wait them out. There were 21 innocent children in there, some as young as two. Little tots. Their safety was priority. But the brutally boorish bastards simply would not have their authority defied. They had to prevail -- and they did.

And a continuing element of the tragedy is that so many people, like you, blame it on Koresh. If you wish to learn the truth about what happened at Waco, go here and educate yourself: The Davidian Massacre page (Waco Tragedy)
I remember Janet Reno taking responsibility for what was done, since it was leaked a hit on Koresh came from the Oral Office.
In regards to Waco. Nobody knows who shot first because the door with the bullet holes that would have determined that forensically was last seen being loaded into an FBI van and then was never seen again. Funny that. Koresh walked out unarmed for a meet and greet with a truck load of rhoid raging ATF pigs so the question remains.
Isn't it interesting how people who don't know history and do not understand cause and effect always describe those they don't understand as lunatics? Granted, many are.
Sorry bout that,

1. Koresh was a *NUTTER*, that is no doubt, was he as big as a *NUTTER* as Oswald and McVeigh though?
2. Yes Koresh was a total *NUTTER*, anyone who believes different should check themselves.

Koresh was a controlling, evil person, but not worth lives of all the children that died so the ATF could play commando.

McVeigh was a classic example of cause and effect. Cause: Government tyranny. Effect: Citizen revenge. Had he picked the right target he'd have been a personal hero. Unfortunately, he did not therefore he isn't. I will say he was a bit myopic and swayed too easily like people a lot like Koresh. A young mind is an easy thing to corrupt which explains why so many young retards join the military only to have their bodies blown apart for useless wars. Very sad.

Oswald? Not important.
Sorry bout that,

1. Or David Koresh?
2. Did these people just want to touch history, not caring for humanity, and the innocent?
3. This should make for an interesting topic.
4. I insist they all three were *NUTTERS*!
5. How does a mans life have more value, if he ends other lives unexpectedly, and without just cause?
6. Were those who crashed planes into buildings on 911 *NUTTERS*? *I say sure, 100% yeah.
7. Is Islam as a religion teaching and preaching *NUTTER BELIEFS*, then men go out and act upon what they are taught? answer: sure, yes, 100% yes, yeah.


Bigger nutter?

tell me again why they didnt serve a warrent on korsh....the adults left the compound to work daily....
the atf could have easily served the warrent when the most of the adults were gone....the atf elected to not do that.....the atf was to blame
The ATF was 100% to blame for the deaths and destruction.

Koresh was known to come into town on a regular basis for shopping, Post Office, etc.

They could have easily arrested him during this time.

And without their leader telling them what to do. His lemming followers would not have offered any resistance.

But the ATF wanted to show off their police state capabilities.

And the end result was a national tragedy. :doubt:
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1. Were you alive when Koresh murdered by fire those many children in WACO?
Yes, I was. Were you?

2. Don't tell me you actually believe he didn't have time to send the children out, before he set the building on fire???

Whether he did or he didn't the fact remains he was considered crazy and those children would still be alive were it not for the incompetent, ego-driven authoritarian nitwits of the FBI's HRT ("Hostage Rescue" Team) who are ultimately responsible for their deaths.

Having cause to believe Koresh was insane and suicidal, and that those children were essential hostages, it doesn't take a Ph.D. to understand that to provoke Koresh was the very worst approach to the situation. In fact there were several Ph.D., including at least one employed by the FBI, who advised against any aggressive action.

Yet the FBI/HRT smashed holes in the walls, pumped in profuse amounts of a highly flammable tear gas, then tossed in tear gas grenades which burn off at 2700f. So has it occurred to you that Koresh did not start that fire? But even if he did is there any question in your mind that the safety of the children was of minimal to zero concern to those federal goons who clearly, arrogantly and stupidly provoked him?

What was the rush? The only sane and sensible thing to do was to wait them out. There were 21 innocent children in there, some as young as two. Little tots. Their safety was priority. But the brutally boorish bastards simply would not have their authority defied. They had to prevail -- and they did.

And a continuing element of the tragedy is that so many people, like you, blame it on Koresh. If you wish to learn the truth about what happened at Waco, go here and educate yourself: The Davidian Massacre page (Waco Tragedy)

:eek:This is the first time I've ever agreed with you on anything... Rep coming your way.

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