Who the Hell Cares What Mexico Says About "Accepting" Illegal Aliens ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Oh, so Mexico is now ending an agreement it made with the Trump administration to accept illegal alien families expelled after being caught trying to sneak into America. And this is supposed to matter ? What in the world is happening to common sense in this country ?

For decades, Mexico has been nothing much more than an international burglar, raiding the American economy, by way of remittances$$$. When he was president of Mexico, Vicente Fox bragged and gloated about how remittances from the US were Mexico's # 1 source of income, topping even their oil exports. It's a modern form of imperialism, with the imperialist nation (ex. Mexico) raiding the economy of the prey nation (USA). Fundamentally, it's like Vikings raiding England centuries ago, except for the methodology & levels of wealth involved. Last I heard, Mexico was pocketing $40 Billion/year of US dollars. The Vikings would be envious.

So now we're supposed to care if Mexico is willing to accept back the illegal aliens they sent us ? Kind of like if I'm supposed to care if my next door neighbor doesn't want to take back the big pile of leaves he dumped over the fence into my backyard.

Let's take a look at how things were done back in the days before Leftists took overwhelming control of our universities (and from that, "our" mess media). In 1954, then President Eisenhower enacted Operation Wetback. INS agents (equivalent to current day ICE) went house to house in southwestern states, hunting down illegal aliens, and deporting them. Over a Million illegal aliens were deported back to Mexico + another half million (in Texas alone) fled, and went back on their own.

Hundreds of thousands of illegals were deported on massive ships which took the illegals to Vera Cruz, in the extreme south of Mexico. Women & children were sent ashore in small boats. Many men were simply dumped into the shallow water of the Gulf of Mexico, and waded ashore. The Mexican government protested furiously. Eisenhower paid zero attention to them.
You ignored and made excuses for Trump doing absolutely nothing about the actual issue and now the bill is due.
You ignored and made excuses for Trump doing absolutely nothing about the actual issue and now the bill is due.

Stop it already Gustavo from Tijuana...Trump did more than the Kenyan did and more than the Almost Dead Dude will do to protect Americans from desperate, illiterate, criminal minded, taxpayer dependent thirdworlders.
I suspect you already knew this?
You ignored and made excuses for Trump doing absolutely nothing about the actual issue and now the bill is due.

Stop it already Gustavo from Tijuana...Trump did more than the Kenyan did and more than the Almost Dead Dude will do to protect Americans from desperate, illiterate, criminal minded, taxpayer dependent thirdworlders.
I suspect you already knew this?

Why Trump Has Deported Fewer Immigrants Than Obama

Trump had little desire to get rid of the low wage labor train.
You ignored and made excuses for Trump doing absolutely nothing about the actual issue and now the bill is due.

Stop it already Gustavo from Tijuana...Trump did more than the Kenyan did and more than the Almost Dead Dude will do to protect Americans from desperate, illiterate, criminal minded, taxpayer dependent thirdworlders.
I suspect you already knew this?

Why Trump Has Deported Fewer Immigrants Than Obama

Trump had little desire to get rid of the low wage labor train.
Did Trump expand the illegal alien population by 20% while in office?
You ignored and made excuses for Trump doing absolutely nothing about the actual issue and now the bill is due.

Stop it already Gustavo from Tijuana...Trump did more than the Kenyan did and more than the Almost Dead Dude will do to protect Americans from desperate, illiterate, criminal minded, taxpayer dependent thirdworlders.
I suspect you already knew this?

Why Trump Has Deported Fewer Immigrants Than Obama

Trump had little desire to get rid of the low wage labor train.
Did Trump expand the illegal alien population by 20% while in office?

We have no real clue how many are here illegally and how many are coming.
You ignored and made excuses for Trump doing absolutely nothing about the actual issue and now the bill is due.

Stop it already Gustavo from Tijuana...Trump did more than the Kenyan did and more than the Almost Dead Dude will do to protect Americans from desperate, illiterate, criminal minded, taxpayer dependent thirdworlders.
I suspect you already knew this?

Why Trump Has Deported Fewer Immigrants Than Obama

Trump had little desire to get rid of the low wage labor train.
Did Trump expand the illegal alien population by 20% while in office?

We have no real clue how many are here illegally and how many are coming.
you mean you have no clue,,
The admission of your ignorance on this subject, could not be more starkly displayed than by this excerpt form your WSJ link >>
"The spotlight has fallen on President Barack Obama’s record on immigrant removals, which included the deportation of nearly three million foreigners during his eight years in the White House,"

NO, deluded DUPES of left wing media (including the Wall St Journal) Obama DID NOT DEPORT NEARLY 3 MILLION FOREIGNERS. This myth has sailed along unobstructed in leftist media for years now, while conservative media channels (Newsmax, Fox-some shows, OAN, the First, the Blaze, America's Voice, etc), which Democrats never watch (and therefore never learn), routinely discuss the NEAR ZERO DEPORTATIONS under Obama. That being due to his catch & release policy (abolished by Trump), which allowed "deported" aliens to NOT BE DEPORTED, but instead just melt back into the US communities they were living in.

All the arrested aliens were noted AND COUNTED as deportations, just by them having received a court summons. They all should have been counted as NON-Deportations, when the summoned aliens (99%) never appeared in court, and never were deported.

Thus, these laughable reports of 3 million illegal aliens being deported, are baldfaced LIES, but then the Obama administration never did have much of a reputation for a responsibility to the TRUTH.
For anyone to even be talking about whether Mexico chooses to accept its illegal alien invaders back into Mexico, just shows how far from reality and common sense US media has allowed itself to stray, along with millions of FOOLS who treat this as a legitimate idea.
The admission of your ignorance on this subject, could not be more starkly displayed than by this excerpt form your WSJ link >>
"The spotlight has fallen on President Barack Obama’s record on immigrant removals, which included the deportation of nearly three million foreigners during his eight years in the White House,"

NO, deluded DUPES of left wing media (including the Wall St Journal) Obama DID NOT DEPORT NEARLY 3 MILLION FOREIGNERS. This myth has sailed along unobstructed in leftist media for years now, while conservative media channels (Newsmax, Fox-some shows, OAN, the First, the Blaze, America's Voice, etc), which Democrats never watch (and therefore never learn), routinely discuss the NEAR ZERO DEPORTATIONS under Obama. That being due to his catch & release policy (abolished by Trump), which allowed "deported" aliens to NOT BE DEPORTED, but instead just melt back into the US communities they were living in.

All the arrested aliens were noted AND COUNTED as deportations, just by them having received a court summons. They all should have been counted as NON-Deportations, when the summoned aliens (99%) never appeared in court, and never were deported.

Thus, these laughable reports of 3 million illegal aliens being deported, are baldfaced LIES, but then the Obama administration never did have much of a reputation for a responsibility to the TRUTH.

That you see the WSJ as left wing perfectly illustrates the problem. As I pointed out before, those like yourself see everything as left wing that don't believe in space lasers starting fires.
You ignored and made excuses for Trump doing absolutely nothing about the actual issue and now the bill is due.
He did plenty about it, despite constant opposition from Democrats. As usual, a liberal victim of liberal OMISSION media, talking without knowing.
pknopp has clicked "disagree" to this post. I would for you, pknopp, to state exactly what it is that you disagree with.
1. Built hundreds of miles of the wall, despite constant Dem obstruction
2. abolished catch & release
3. expanded ICE
4. Deported millions of illegals
5. Records Detail Trump-Era Program To Speed Deportation - Law360
You ignored and made excuses for Trump doing absolutely nothing about the actual issue and now the bill is due.
He did plenty about it, despite constant opposition from Democrats. As usual, a liberal victim of liberal OMISSION media, talking without knowing.
pknopp has clicked "disagree" to this post. I would for you, pknopp, to state exactly what it is that you disagree with.

I've done it 500 times.
That you see the WSJ as left wing perfectly illustrates the problem. As I pointed out before, those like yourself see everything as left wing that don't believe in space lasers starting fires.
That you DON'T see it as left wing, illustrates the problem of you being behind the times, and from your ignorance, still locked into the past, when the WSJ was a right wing paper. So you didn't notice that Hillary Clinton's campaign donations far surpassed both Bernie and Trump ?...., and the overwhelming majority of those $$$ were from Wall St big corporations ? Haven't noticed that Biden got more $$$$$$$$$$ from the big boys$$$ in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and the Big Tech industry ?

As for starting fires, those like yourself that don't get any input other than leftist OMISSION media, are still unaware of the major causation connection between illegal aliens and wildfires in California and the southwest.
That you see the WSJ as left wing perfectly illustrates the problem. As I pointed out before, those like yourself see everything as left wing that don't believe in space lasers starting fires.
That you DON'T see it as left wing, illustrates the problem of you being behind the times, and from your ignorance, still locked into the past, when the WSJ was a right wing paper. So you didn't notice that Hillary Clinton's campaign donations far surpassed both Bernie and Trump ?...., and the overwhelming majority of those $$$ were from Wall St big corporations ? Haven't noticed that Biden got more $$$$$$$$$$ from the big boys$$$ in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and the Big Tech industry ?

As for starting fires, those like yourself that don't get any input other than leftist OMISSION media, are still unaware of the major causation connection between illegal aliens and wildfires in California and the southwest.

Finance gives to both sides. How much did the WSJ give?

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