Who should provide health insurance: Private biz? Govt? Neither?

Who should provide health insurance?

  • Business- We aren't commies, get the govt out of it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
This is a pretty simple question. Who should provide health insurance?

Your employer? Hey, we aren't socialists!
Your government? Hey, its not my boss's job to provide my coverage.
Neither? Hey, we aren't commies, AND its not my boss's job, let the peasants figure it out.
YOU ALONE? Buy it yourself. If you cant afford it, die.

Seems the GOP is dead set against govt healthcare. Its socialism.
However, they are also dead set agianst employers paying for it, because thats not the private sector's obligation.
So...is it solely the individual's job to provide health insurance, just like car insurance? Which...is exactly what Obamacare did, make each individual provide their own?? Oh wait, thats communism.

So...whats the answer?
The answer is private insurance that works the same as all your other insurance (home, life, and auto).

You buy it from any company in the country, and you select what options you want. And your policy doesn't expire when you quit or lose your job. You can keep the same policy for as long as you wish, and earn the same discounts you get with your other types of insurance.

Employer-sponsored health care needs to go. It bends the cost curve up, and it is a huge tax expenditure. It is a gigantic obstacle toward fixing our national health care system.

With most people buying their own insurance in a truly competitive market, we should see a great reduction in health insurance costs.

In addition, we should raise the Medicare eligibility age to 70, or at least index it to 6 percent of the population. We should be supporting the same percentage of the population as when Social Security was first created, not allowing the burden to creep up to more than double that amount as is now the case.

This reform would free up trillions of dollars of obligations which could then be used for assistance to people with catastrophic illnesses.

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The answer is private insurance that works the same as all your other insurance (home, life, and auto).


A house is a choice. People do not need to own a house.
An auto is a choice. People do not need to own an auto.
Life insurance is a choice. People do not NEED life insurance.

Everyone who is born will need health care. It's not a choice. I bet you were born in a hospital, correct? And I bet you will die in a hospital, a hospice or at home with in-home medical care.
So therefore, you fucking idiot, no one, no corporation should PROFIT from a human being who has a 100% certainty of needing medical care in their lifetime. Got it?
Every other civilized country in this world gets what escapes you and your ignorant thinking.
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The answer is private insurance that works the same as all your other insurance (home, life, and auto).


A house is a choice. People do not need to own a house.
An auto is a choice. People do not need to own an auto.
Life insurance is a choice. People do not NEED life insurance.

Everyone who is born will need health care. It's not a choice. I bet you were born in a hospital, correct? And I bet you will DIE in a hospital, a hospice or at home with in-home medical care.
So therefore, you fucking idiot, no one, no corporation should PROFIT from a human being who has a 100% certainty of needing medical care in their lifetime. Got it?

Every other civilized country in this world gets what escapes you and your ignorant thinking.


Wow. The far left comes screaming in for a crash landing!

You want free healthcare. You don't want to pay your own way. You don't want a financial penalty for abusing your body and not staying in good shape. Nice. What a leech on society you are.

The provider of the insurance is irrelevant as long as it pays off. The important question is what is insurance buying? In our case it is buying a workforce who will put up with some pretty harsh treatment to keep coverage.
The answer is private insurance that works the same as all your other insurance (home, life, and auto).


A house is a choice. People do not need to own a house.
An auto is a choice. People do not need to own an auto.
Life insurance is a choice. People do not NEED life insurance.

Everyone who is born will need health care. It's not a choice. I bet you were born in a hospital, correct? And I bet you will DIE in a hospital, a hospice or at home with in-home medical care.
So therefore, you fucking idiot, no one, no corporation should PROFIT from a human being who has a 100% certainty of needing medical care in their lifetime. Got it?

Every other civilized country in this world gets what escapes you and your ignorant thinking.


Wow. The far left comes screaming in for a crash landing!

You want free healthcare. You don't want to pay your own way. You don't want a financial penalty for abusing your body and not staying in good shape. Nice. What a leech on society you are.


Nope. But thank you for giving us the brain-wash bullshit inside your head that Fox Noise and the far right gave you.

Insurance companies LOVE idiots like you. And they pay lobbyists inside the Beltway handsomely to keep idiots like you under control.

Here's your great American health care system, honey, in world rankings. We're 38th because of morons like yourself:

Rank Expenditure per Capita

1 France France 4
2 Italy Italy 11
3 San Marino San Marino 21
4 Andorra 23
5 Malta 37
6 Singapore Singapore 37
7 Spain Spain 24
8 Oman Oman 62
9 Austria 6
10 Japan Japan 13
11 Norway 16
12 Portugal Portugal 27
13 Monaco 12
14 Greece 30
15 Iceland Iceland 14
16 Luxembourg 5
17 Netherlands Netherlands 9
18 United Kingdom United Kingdom 26
19 Republic of Ireland Ireland 25
20 Switzerland Switzerland 2
21 Belgium 15
22 Colombia Colombia 49
23 Sweden Sweden 7
24 Cyprus Cyprus 39
25 Germany Germany 3
26 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 63
27 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 35
28 Israel Israel 19
29 Morocco Morocco 99
30 Canada Canada 10
31 Finland Finland 18
32 Australia Australia 17
33 Chile 44
34 Argentina Argentina 15
35 Denmark 8
36 Dominica 70
37 Costa Rica Costa Rica 50
38 United States United States 1
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Stop worrying about insurance and start worrying about actual health care.

The two are different you know.

I'll put forth the idea that we would be better off without health insurance that way we could apply direct market forces to the cost of health care. If that is done, we would see health care operate like any other free market and there would be affordable options and more choice.

For example, why does a doctor have to order blood work for you? Why can't you shop around for the best price from a lab and get your own blood test done then you could shop around to find a doctor with reasonable rates to interpret the results for you.

The same would be true for any other medical service from MRIs to routine surgery.

More choice is always the best option. Insurance has corrupted health care.
Should have been part of the Bill of Rights.

You probably believe that was an oversight and not on purpose.


How many medical schools were open and training doctors in 1776/1789?
How many doctors did we have in this country in 1776/1789?
What kind of medical care and hospitals did we have in 1776/1789?
I think you need to understand American history in order to understand why health care was not part of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
Doctors didn't need to get a license to practice. There was no health care system to speak of, you total idiot.
Stop worrying about insurance and start worrying about actual health care.

The two are different you know.

I'll put forth the idea that we would be better off without health insurance that way we could apply direct market forces to the cost of health care. If that is done, we would see health care operate like any other free market and there would be affordable options and more choice.

For example, why does a doctor have to order blood work for you? Why can't you shop around for the best price from a lab and get your own blood test done then you could shop around to find a doctor with reasonable rates to interpret the results for you.

The same would be true for any other medical service from MRIs to routine surgery.

More choice is always the best option. Insurance has corrupted health care.

Yup. Check out Bloomberg's article on concierge doctors. Very interesting.
Is Concierge Medicine the Future of Health Care? - Businessweek
Stop worrying about insurance and start worrying about actual health care.

The two are different you know.

I'll put forth the idea that we would be better off without health insurance that way we could apply direct market forces to the cost of health care. If that is done, we would see health care operate like any other free market and there would be affordable options and more choice.

For example, why does a doctor have to order blood work for you? Why can't you shop around for the best price from a lab and get your own blood test done then you could shop around to find a doctor with reasonable rates to interpret the results for you.

The same would be true for any other medical service from MRIs to routine surgery.

More choice is always the best option. Insurance has corrupted health care.

LOLberals love government, and therefore hate competition. They also think that they have the right to someone elses services. They don't even bother to hide these feelings anymore.
The answer is private insurance that works the same as all your other insurance (home, life, and auto).


A house is a choice. People do not need to own a house.
An auto is a choice. People do not need to own an auto.
Life insurance is a choice. People do not NEED life insurance.

Everyone who is born will need health care. It's not a choice. I bet you were born in a hospital, correct? And I bet you will die in a hospital, a hospice or at home with in-home medical care.
So therefore, you fucking idiot, no one, no corporation should PROFIT from a human being who has a 100% certainty of needing medical care in their lifetime. Got it?
Every other civilized country in this world gets what escapes you and your ignorant thinking.

Guess no one ever taught you the difference between health insurance and health care. That's ok your dear leader doesn't understand it either.

A house is a choice. People do not need to own a house.
An auto is a choice. People do not need to own an auto.
Life insurance is a choice. People do not NEED life insurance.

Everyone who is born will need health care. It's not a choice. I bet you were born in a hospital, correct? And I bet you will DIE in a hospital, a hospice or at home with in-home medical care.
So therefore, you fucking idiot, no one, no corporation should PROFIT from a human being who has a 100% certainty of needing medical care in their lifetime. Got it?

Every other civilized country in this world gets what escapes you and your ignorant thinking.


Wow. The far left comes screaming in for a crash landing!

You want free healthcare. You don't want to pay your own way. You don't want a financial penalty for abusing your body and not staying in good shape. Nice. What a leech on society you are.


Nope. But thank you for giving us the brain-wash bullshit inside your head that Fox Noise and the far right gave you.

Insurance companies LOVE idiots like you. And they pay lobbyists inside the Beltway handsomely to keep idiots like you under control.

Here's your great American health care system, honey, in world rankings. We're 38th because of morons like yourself:

Rank Expenditure per Capita

1 France France 4
2 Italy Italy 11
3 San Marino San Marino 21
4 Andorra 23
5 Malta 37
6 Singapore Singapore 37
7 Spain Spain 24
8 Oman Oman 62
9 Austria 6
10 Japan Japan 13
11 Norway 16
12 Portugal Portugal 27
13 Monaco 12
14 Greece 30
15 Iceland Iceland 14
16 Luxembourg 5
17 Netherlands Netherlands 9
18 United Kingdom United Kingdom 26
19 Republic of Ireland Ireland 25
20 Switzerland Switzerland 2
21 Belgium 15
22 Colombia Colombia 49
23 Sweden Sweden 7
24 Cyprus Cyprus 39
25 Germany Germany 3
26 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 63
27 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 35
28 Israel Israel 19
29 Morocco Morocco 99
30 Canada Canada 10
31 Finland Finland 18
32 Australia Australia 17
33 Chile 44
34 Argentina Argentina 15
35 Denmark 8
36 Dominica 70
37 Costa Rica Costa Rica 50
38 United States United States 1

Well, dipshit, that is why we are having this discussion. The current system is broken. Your demented mind seems to believe I am saying we should maintain the status quo.

I clearly am not saying that. The OP asked for solutions, and I provided some proposals. Proposals that could move us to the top of that list.

You answer, on the other hand, is "we should be like these other countries".

We have the best medical care in the world. Let's not break it with socialized medicine and freeloaders like yourself.

And perhaps you may have noticed that some of those countries on that list are experiencing massive economic breakdowns right now brought on by reckless spending on freeloaders like you?

France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Ireland, Greece...

Wakey wakey!

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Healthcare works the same as anything else in a free market, and competition is the best thing about it. It promotes innovation to cheapen everything (in price) while raising its quality, production.

Imagine if the government put rules on every single component of a flat screen TV. How it is put together, who could put it together and then inspected. Which types of materials...and then even offered heavy penalties to manufacturers if they sold a bad TV a few times.


See how that works?

You don't want a financial penalty for abusing your body and not staying in good shape. Nice. What a leech on society you are.


I see you've never heard of childhood cancer, Downs syndrome, ALS, multiple sclerosis, breast cancer. That's right. These SLOTHS just brought these problems on themselves.
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I see you've never heard of childhood cancer, Downs syndrome, ALS, multiple sclerosis, breast cancer. That's right. These SLOTHS just brought these problems on themselves.

Hey, dipshit. Read my first post again. I addressed this.

The answer is private insurance that works the same as all your other insurance (home, life, and auto).

You buy it from any company in the country, and you select what options you want. And your policy doesn't expire when you quit or lose your job. You can keep the same policy for as long as you wish, and earn the same discounts you get with your other types of insurance.

Employer-sponsored health care needs to go. It bends the cost curve up, and it is a huge tax expenditure. It is a gigantic obstacle toward fixing our national health care system.

With most people buying their own insurance in a truly competitive market, we should see a great reduction in health insurance costs.

In addition, we should raise the Medicare eligibility age to 70, or at least index it to 6 percent of the population. We should be supporting the same percentage of the population as when Social Security was first created, not allowing the burden to creep up to more than double that amount as is now the case.

This reform would free up trillions of dollars of obligations which could then be used for assistance to people with catastrophic illnesses.


If the government had allowed health insurance companies to compete across the states, things would be a lot better. Competition lowers cost and the government interferrence wasn't helpful. Now, aside from facing high costs of care, we also face astronomical insurance rates because of Obamacare. The cost is going up, but not quality. It's like they are saying that since some people couldn't afford care, it's wrong for others to be able to afford the best care. So, the only fair thing is for everyone to suffer.

There will always be government-funded programs for those who cannot help themselves. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't even try and tend to run to government first.
Your poll makes no sense.

If you can't buy it from private business or govt (which ACA is NOT), where do you buy it?

ACA requires the individual to buy their own insurance but you rw's refuse to EDUCATE yourselves about the reality of that so, that's one more reason why your poll doesn't make sense.

If you vote for the fourth - with certain conditions - you are voting for ACA.

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