WHO says COVID shots are “incredibly low”


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Why are the people who took the shot no longer getting the shot?

Should they self fire and deny themselves medical treatment for killing grandma?

Why are you people no longer taking an experimental gene therapy shot when you wanted me fired and denied medical treatment for not getting it?
Receiving the covid shot was a sure fire way to get covid so I passed on it.. Eventually, I caught a wimpy version and hopefully a certain amount of immunity..
If you do not get the latest shot, you are killing grandma and you should be fired. Defintely no medical treatment for you.

Why did you stop getting the shot? You should have like a baker’s dozen by now.
Receiving the covid shot was a sure fire way to get covid so I passed on it.. Eventually, I caught a wimpy version and hopefully a certain amount of immunity..

This was ALWAYS the correct answer, but the stupid cult fucks wanted you fired and denied medical treatment if you did not take an untested experimental gene therapy shot.

Weird that so many young people are just dying for no reason these days….lots in high school and college sports, especially.

Weird, huh? So bizarre.
The dumb motherfuckers who said to never do your own research and listen to the drug companies……WHY DID YOU STUPID ASSHOLES STOP GETTING THE SHOT?

You didnt do your own research, did you? I see COVID shot ads all over TV……WHY DID YOU STOP?
People are crazy to get Covid vaccines. The WHO has lost all credibility. So have Covid vaccines. So have all our medical bureaucracies like the CDC, FDA and the rest of them. Defund them all and order up some ivermectin. MAGA
No contrition. No addressing the situation and how they ignored natural immunity. The cult fucks just move on as if nothing happened.

PIss off…..you scumbags do not get off that easy.

You do not get to pretend people were not fired. You do not get to pretend you wanted people denied medical treatment. You do not get to pretend you did not demand people get fired. You do not get to pretend you did not say, ”Do not do research, just take the untested experimental gene therapy.”

Why did you guys stop? Did you do your own research? Did you use common sense.

You COVID CULT FUCKS will live with this forever. I will never forget what you did to people who were not part of the cult.

Fuck you all.
You COVID CULT FUCKS will live with this forever. I will never forget what you did to people who were not part of the cult.

they 'did it' to every American, cultist or not Col

the locked us down, in our own homes

they pushed a useless remedy upon us

then paid us all off to STFU

There's a word for governments that operate that way

And there's a word for those that advocate it

This is the crux of the issue, and why it'll happen again

they 'did it' to every American, cultist or not Col

the locked us down, in our own homes

they pushed a useless remedy upon us

then paid us all off to STFU

There's a word for governments that operate that way

And there's a word for those that advocate it

This is the crux of the issue, and why it'll happen again


Fuuuuuuuuck man.

Probably this October.
Probably this October.
well, i'll ask you to put up with my level of cynicism until then Col

it's rather abysmal you see, i blame it on decades of reading between the lines of those enlightened posters in the smoky corners of the 'net

they speak the ultimate sin of truth that rocks the foundations of the reality we're being sold

They're easy to find, as they're usually followed by gaggles of deniers stampeding in to discredit, demean, or deny them

Easy to do, as who we really are is a somewhat ugly affair


Why are the people who took the shot no longer getting the shot?

Should they self fire and deny themselves medical treatment for killing grandma?

Why are you people no longer taking an experimental gene therapy shot when you wanted me fired and denied medical treatment for not getting it?

Media here have reported on this and are pushing the notion that it's COVID or vaccine fatigue. I disagree. I get the sense people just think of COVID as a thing of the past from two or three years ago that everyone has just moved on from, so just no need to get further shots.

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