who says a President doesn't affect gas prices??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Obama administration ostensibly supports America’s oil and natural gas boom, but government data shows that they have issued
the lowest number of drilling leases since at least 1988.
The total number of oil and gas drilling leases issued in 2013 reached a nearly three-decade lows, according to the Bureau of Land Management.
The bureau says it issued 1,468 drilling leases last year, totaling 1.17 million acres of federal land — the lowest figures since 1988, which is the oldest year for which the BLM has data.

When it comes to actually approving drilling permits in 2013, the Obama administration approved the lowest number since 2002 — only 3,770 drilling permits. This is down from 6,617 drilling permits that were approved in 2008, the last year of the Bush administration.

In 2013, it took 194 days on average for the BLM to approve oil and gas drilling permits — 99 days on average for companies to fix any problems with their application and 95 days for the BLM to approve the permits after problems have been fixed.

“Compare this to five days in Texas and 25 in North Dakota and it’s no wonder why production on federal lands has gone down,” Warren added.

Overall, U.S. oil production has boomed in recent years, but production on federal lands has been falling.
The Congressional Research Service reports that oil production on federal lands fell from 1,731,500 barrels per day in 2009 to
1,627,400 barrels per day in 2012, and the total share of crude oil produced on federal lands fell to 26 percent in 2012 from 33 percent in 2009.

Obama. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years | The Daily Caller

So if the current gas prices are driven by supply... folks here is ONE distinct area the President can create more supply.. lowering gas prices.
Common sense should tell people that if there continues to be a growing supply the prices would drop.
BUT the federal land production dropping 38 million barrels a year HAS an affect regardless the size.
Obama is impotent, he can't apparently do anything about anything, other the screw with our health care.
doesn't do any good to drill more oil if you don't have the refinery capacity. And oil companies have been closing refineries to keep the price of gas up.
I considered that, and believe I've no love for Obama, and closing coal elec plants to make elec more expensive is stupid imo.

But the drilling on federal land is only an issue if US petroleum refineries would refine more gasoline. And, I don't see any support for that. We could drill straight to Alaska, and that by itself, wouldn't affect gas prices here.
When Bush/Cheney left power, gas was $1.78 - the liberals cried fowl; claiming that it was so high, because of the two " oil men. " Now it is $3.64, and no blame on Obama; not a peep - liberals are full of shit!
doesn't do any good to drill more oil if you don't have the refinery capacity. And oil companies have been closing refineries to keep the price of gas up.

I think that the oil companies are also switching over from winter to summer fuel and has shut down some plants for maintenance. And the guy in charge had to take a big dump so naturally they all had to raise prices. :lol:

Ever wonder, if there is competition why the prices are so uniform between companies?
doesn't do any good to drill more oil if you don't have the refinery capacity. And oil companies have been closing refineries to keep the price of gas up.

I think that the oil companies are also switching over from winter to summer fuel and has shut down some plants for maintenance. And the guy in charge had to take a big dump so naturally they all had to raise prices. :lol:

Ever wonder, if there is competition why the prices are so uniform between companies?

They've been switching for 10 years?

yup - it's called price fixing.
When Bush/Cheney left power, gas was $1.78 - the liberals cried fowl; claiming that it was so high, because of the two " oil men. " Now it is $3.64, and no blame on Obama; not a peep - liberals are full of shit!

Strawman. I guarantee you nobody cried "fowl", birdbrain. $1.78 (or whatever the figure was at the time) wasn't high; it was artificially low. And that had everything to do with the ecomony crash four months before. Yet just two months before that, gas hit a record high at well over $4 a gallon. I believe that record still stands.

(As an aside, it was at that time candidate McCain started peddling the bullshit that opening ANWR and OCS would put supply out and lower prices within a couple of months, a timetable directly contradicted by Bush's own EIA which estimated 22 years to get such supply into the system, at which point the international market (especially OPEC) simply compensates and cancels out -- but that's low-info campaign rhetoric for ya)

So if you blame the current POTUS for increases since Jan. '09, then you have to also blame the previous ones for July of '08.

The reality is Bush and Cheney, other than starting needless wars for oil, were as powerless to influence international petroleum prices as every other POTUS.
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I considered that, and believe I've no love for Obama, and closing coal elec plants to make elec more expensive is stupid imo.

But the drilling on federal land is only an issue if US petroleum refineries would refine more gasoline. And, I don't see any support for that. We could drill straight to Alaska, and that by itself, wouldn't affect gas prices here.

Refineries already run at full capacity. Other than maintenance and accidents, that's a constant. None of them are sitting around waiting for raw material.

That's one aspect of the whole "drill here drill now" myth; even if you drill, where are you gonna take it to refine? Of course that's assuming all this extra equipment for this extra drilling also exists, which it doesn't.

Another one is this, which seems to continually fly over the heads of those determined to demagogue:

"WE" don't drill for oil, and "WE" don't build or run refineries. Oil companies do that. And oil companies are multinational profit-driven businesses beholden to their shareholders, not to a flag. And they're going to drill or not drill, refine or not refine, ship or not ship and sell or not sell where it makes them the most money. So unless you want to nationalize the oil industry ---- guess who's in charge here. The POTUS is a puppet.
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What govt can do to affect how much Americans pay for gas is to require better gas mileage and push for alternative fuels. I don't think Obama is a good potus, and he IS driving up electricity costs, but on gas and transportation .... he's doing all that can be done.
This hack president's energy policy is solely responsible for fuel prices being high and the subsequent economic hardships that entails. Every household in the US has thrown over $20 of spending money out the window every day. That's billions collectively our economy is deprived of daily.
When the drilling moratoriums were lifted in July 2008 and September 2008 the potential for enhancement of supply side immediately dropped down prices. Upon obama's immaculation and pronouncement of reimposing those moratoriums and adding further restrictions on leases and fed land extraction, the prices immediately rose and kept rising to the point they are today and have been for most of the hack's term.
Ignore left wing propaganda and look at the reality. Our economy is deprived of over a trillion dollars annually by this hack and his left wing sheeple minions.
What govt can do to affect how much Americans pay for gas is to require better gas mileage and push for alternative fuels. I don't think Obama is a good potus, and he IS driving up electricity costs, but on gas and transportation .... he's doing all that can be done.


And what internet posters can do is stop floating these myths that imply oil is just a faucet that a POTUS chooses how much to flow. All that does is perpetuate the attitude of waste.

Shrub never spoke a more honest sentence than when he said in his SOTU: "America is addicted to oil".
This hack president's energy policy is solely responsible for fuel prices being high and the subsequent economic hardships that entails. Every household in the US has thrown over $20 of spending money out the window every day. That's billions collectively our economy is deprived of daily.
When the drilling moratoriums were lifted in July 2008 and September 2008 the potential for enhancement of supply side immediately dropped down prices. Upon obama's immaculation and pronouncement of reimposing those moratoriums and adding further restrictions on leases and fed land extraction, the prices immediately rose and kept rising to the point they are today and have been for most of the hack's term.
Ignore left wing propaganda and look at the reality. Our economy is deprived of over a trillion dollars annually by this hack and his left wing sheeple minions.

Pfft. Oil doesn't work on a simple supply and demand model. Thanks for playin'. :eusa_hand:
As of Oct. 2012 the oil/gas industry was holding 3700 UNUSED drilling leases in the Gulf of Mexico alone.

Would you care to know how many other UNUSED leases they hold in the US?

lol, look it up.


Leases the oil companies paid for in bonuses, millions of dollars per lease, to the federal government, just to look at. The government rents the leases to the companies for $75,000 per year.

Unused? Heh...not from the governments perspective. Free money.
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