Who said it? Moveable quotes...

"How STUPID are the people of Iowa?"

Radar O"Riley
"I love the poorly educated!"

Stephen Hawking
All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets. I go all over. I take people to the Bronx, Brooklyn, I take 'em to Harlem. I don't care. Don't make no difference to me. It does to some. Some won't even take spooks. Don't make no difference to me.

Barack Obama
I know who you are, I know your family, I know where you come from. You make one more drug deal with that idiot fucking cop magnet of a cousin of yours, and I'll forget your grandmother was so nice to me. I'll cut your fucking nuts off, you understand that?

Queen Elizabeth
"I'm afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest."

Bernie Sanders
"So if you see somebody with a tomato, knock the crap out of 'em. Just knock the hell."

The Jolly Green Giant
"You know, when (Ben Carson) says he went after his mother and wanted to hit her in the head with a hammer. That bothers me. I mean, that's pretty bad. I'm not saying anything other than pathological is a very serious disease. And he said he's pathological, somebody said he has pathological disease. It's in the book that he's got a pathological temper. That's a big problem because you don't cure that. You don't cure these people. You don't cure a child molester. There's no cure for it. Pathological, there's no cure for that."

Ben Carson's Mom
“Bush was a disaster for the country as well as for the Republican Party. Then he asked me about Barack Obama. I told him that Barack will need to be a great president because we’re in serious trouble as a country. It hasn’t been this way since 1929. So he doesn’t have much choice — he will simply have to be great, which he has a very good chance of being. What he has done is amazing. The fact that he accomplished what he has—in one year and against great odds—is truly phenomenal.”

Rush Limblob
"You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS"

Morris Albert
"You gotta take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important... I was with the President of Finland... he called it a forest nation and they spent a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things and they don't have any problem."

David Oreck

They're bringing rakes... they're "doing things".... they're rakists....

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"We appreciate it very much, Tim Apple".

Don Lemon
“When you're a star they let you do it. Grab 'em by the pussy”

Willie Brown
"In retrospect, this is an awesome and funny thread"

"Ah did not.... have.... sex... with that woman"

Mike Pence

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