WHO refuses to declare ebola outbreak international emergency as at risk migrants pour into Texas


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
500 migrants from the Congo just show up in Texas?????? Is anyone besides me curious as to how these fine folks managed to travel 8000 FUCKING MILES TO TEXAS??????
The World Health Organization (WHO) has decided not to declare an international health emergency over the Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo that has now spread to Uganda, the organization announced Friday.

WHO Refuses To Declare Ebola Outbreak ‘International Emergency’ As At-Risk Migrants Pour Into Texas

Oooooh yaaay aren't you so excited for your government who loves you..............
^worried about Ebola but won't get a flu shot^
Well, considering the incubation period for Ebola is 2 to 21 days, but most cases present anywhere from 8 to 15 days, those migrants would have been sick and left behind or dead before they even made it to the US border. I'm sure it took them at least 3 weeks to get here.

Frequently asked questions on Ebola virus disease

You keep parroting this same talking point. But you haven't really thought it through, have you? Hypothetically speaking, if one of these immigrants had Ebola, which I am not claiming, that gold trophy debate winner of yours: incubation period, would reset in every newly infected individual, thus negating your aegis of victory in this matter. Further, some victims infected with Ebola can carry the disease without showing symptoms. While they're still studying if or how an asymptomatic Ebola carrier could spread the disease, some medical experts believe it is possible to do so through sexual contact.

Ebola Without Symptoms After Outbreak | Passport Health

Some People Who Get Ebola Don't Show Symptoms: Study

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As the number of Ebola cases surpasses 2000 in the Congo where it originates from. Those fighting the horrific viral hemorrhagic fever are under attack as Reuters reported" The deputy mayor of Beni in the eastern Democratic of Congo said 13 civilians were killed late on Monday in an attack by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) - a group thought to be linked to Islamic State." Back in 2014 the Sierra Leone outbreak resulted in over 28,000 infections, and roughly 11,000 dead. Its no wonder that we are seeing immigrants from the Congo crossing the U.S.'s southwest border. Recently U.S. Border Patrol reported they had apprehended 15 immigrants from Congo. We Build The Wall Crowdsourcing founder Brian Kolfage posted on his Facebook page claiming an as yet unconfirmed DHS insider exposed to us Congo migrants have made it to the USA with confirmed cases of #ebola. 3 are in custody in Laredo Tx and 6 in Laredo Mexico, and in Juarez next to our wall. But even if Kolfage's information is flawed. Whats to stop ebola from spreading amongst refugees south of the border. And then what? Over a million immigrants will cross the border in 2019 alone. And they are being flown all over the United States on the taxpayer's dime. Ebola can take up to 21 days to manifest. That gives an infected immigrant roughly 3 weeks to illegally enter the country and spread Ebola via body fluids. Fortunately, Hospital staff in the United States have been trained due to the international panic from the 2014 Sierra Leone outbreak. But why would we disregard national security to a degree that puts all of us at risk? Is it simply to satisfy the Democrat's fantasy that there is no crisis on the border and the do nothing Republican blockade of Trump's tariffs on Mexico that millions could potentially die a horrific Ebola death? Border Patrol Agents Apprehend Group of 15 from Congo | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

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