Who Really Won the Election?


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Let's look at some of the plutocrats who will gain from the 2012 presidential election.

Barack Obama's Bundlers

Law firms dominating campaign contributions to Obama

Obama Rakes in $15 Million From Hollywood One Percenters

Wall Street Responsible For One-Third Of Obama's Campaign Funds

Report: Obama.com solicits foreign contributions for prez

Is it possible to imagine that these fat cats hope to gain from their contributions to the Obama campaign?

Obama sells out to Wall Street
The president-elect's support of the bank bailout is payback to his wealthy Wall Street supporters.

Let's look at some of Obama's playmates.

Geithner and Goldman, Thick as Thieves

Tim Geithner “Aided and Abetted” LIBOR Crimes: Jim Rickards

Oops! Obama’s Top Bundler Jonathan Lavine Was In Charge Of Bain During GST Steel Layoffs

Now Check Out All The Ways Jon Corzine Is Connected To Democrats And Obama

Those duped into voting for Obama: please realize that your tax dollars will now flow unimpeded into the pockets of well-connected millionaires.

Who do you suppose Obama will listen to - the average citizen or the superrich?
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Who won the election? The entire middle east with the exception of Israel. We sure didn't win it.
And let's not forget George Soros!
U mad bro? :lol:

Let's look at some of the plutocrats who will gain from the 2012 presidential election.

Barack Obama's Bundlers

Law firms dominating campaign contributions to Obama

Obama Rakes in $15 Million From Hollywood One Percenters

Wall Street Responsible For One-Third Of Obama's Campaign Funds

Report: Obama.com solicits foreign contributions for prez

Is it possible to imagine that these fat cats hope to gain from their contributions to the Obama campaign?

Obama sells out to Wall Street
The president-elect's support of the bank bailout is payback to his wealthy Wall Street supporters.

Let's look at some of Obama's playmates.

Geithner and Goldman, Thick as Thieves

Tim Geithner “Aided and Abetted” LIBOR Crimes: Jim Rickards

Oops! Obama’s Top Bundler Jonathan Lavine Was In Charge Of Bain During GST Steel Layoffs

Now Check Out All The Ways Jon Corzine Is Connected To Democrats And Obama

Those duped into voting for Obama: please realize that your tax dollars will now flow unimpeded into the pockets of well-connected millionaires.

Who do you suppose Obama will listen to - the average citizen or the superrich?
I wonder what the haters were saying when Bush got elected. So damn funny. Haters gonna hate.
Obama is protecting Wall Street?

Trouble with reading comprehension? Obama serves the corrupt rich rather than the fools who elected him. I imagine the Obamabots give him a good laugh.

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