Who Pays for Tariffs? You do.


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Unless the product you want to buy is not imported from a tariffed country. ;)

I bet China lowers tariffs on imported pork soon, if they haven't already.

There's always the "middleman" countries that can make a few bucks by getting around the tariffs.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say

The big question, is has there been a shift from buying the chinese imports to other alternatives, especially AMERICAN alternatives.

Any article about this issue, that does not address that, is garbage.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say

You globalists crack me up. And I've already slapped you a dozen times over this bullshit.

We exported 120 Billion to China last year. We imported 539 Billion from China last year.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Our GDP is 20 fucking TRILLION!

Now you're screaming the sky is falling over prices going up on beads and trinkets.which amount to less than 5% of GDP.

You may get away with bullshitting the morons around here but the impact on our economy from forcing China in to a fair trade agreement has very little effect on our economy.

Your charts are misleading and you know it. Separating CPI by imports from China doesn't show the absolute dollar amount in relationship with the overall cost of goods consumed in America.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say

You globalists crack me up. And I've already slapped you a dozen times over this bullshit.

We exported 120 Billion to China last year. We imported 539 Billion from China last year.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Our GDP is 20 fucking TRILLION!

Now you're screaming the sky is falling over prices going up on beads and trinkets.which amount to less than 5% of GDP.

You may get away with bullshitting the morons around here but the impact on our economy from forcing China in to a fair trade agreement has very little effect on our economy.

Your charts are misleading and you know it. Separating CPI by imports from China doesn't show the absolute dollar amount in relationship with the overall cost of goods consumed in America.

You are a very emotional and a little unstable, Retardo. That probably explains your inability to rationally address topics that contradict your ideological worldview. Living above the cloud line with a dearth of oxygen and staring at mountain goats all day without much human contact must do that to an individual.

This graph demonstrates that the higher taxes on trade are causing the prices on those goods to rise, as any Econ 101 student knows. That's it. I didn't write anything about a recession. However, it does appear that the economy is slowing because of higher trade taxes.

Spending on factories, equipment and other capital goods slowed in the first quarter among a broad cross-section of large, U.S.-listed firms, highlighting investor concerns that a key driver of economic growth is fading. ...

Executives at several companies said lingering trade tensions with China were making them and their customers cautious, raising the prospect that slower business spending could hamper economic growth later in 2019 and in 2020.​

Big Companies Tightened Spending as Trade Fears Intensified

Hmm, higher taxes might cause the economy to slow. Who would have ever thought that?
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
The CPI that includes all goods looks just fine. Inflation is so tame that the Fed is no longer raising rates.

Keep in mind that China is one of the filthiest polluters and for every step that Trump weans us from their filthy crap, Gaia breathes a sigh of relief and appreciation toward the US.

I don't mind paying more to support my neighbors job and the Planet, but so far, I'm not even paying more.

BUT DON’T WORRY, WE CAN TRUST THEM TO CUT CO2 EMISSIONS ANY DECADE NOW: China is pumping tons of banned chemicals into the air.
Unless the product you want to buy is not imported from a tariffed country. ;)

I bet China lowers tariffs on imported pork soon, if they haven't already.

There's always the "middleman" countries that can make a few bucks by getting around the tariffs.

Really, since the pigs eat the soybeans that we use to export.
So many fools believe what ever the media feeds them.
Unless the product you want to buy is not imported from a tariffed country. ;)

I bet China lowers tariffs on imported pork soon, if they haven't already.

There's always the "middleman" countries that can make a few bucks by getting around the tariffs.

Unless there are components within the product that are sourced from tariff imposed countries.
Unless the product you want to buy is not imported from a tariffed country. ;)

I bet China lowers tariffs on imported pork soon, if they haven't already.

There's always the "middleman" countries that can make a few bucks by getting around the tariffs.

Unless there are components within the product that are sourced from tariff imposed countries.
Whatever the case, the tariffs are not causing consumer price inflation as was predicted; instead, inflation is well below even the Fed's target of 2%.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
The CPI that includes all goods looks just fine. Inflation is so tame that the Fed is no longer raising rates.

Keep in mind that China is one of the filthiest polluters and for every step that Trump weans us from their filthy crap, Gaia breathes a sigh of relief and appreciation toward the US.

I don't mind paying more to support my neighbors job and the Planet, but so far, I'm not even paying more.

BUT DON’T WORRY, WE CAN TRUST THEM TO CUT CO2 EMISSIONS ANY DECADE NOW: China is pumping tons of banned chemicals into the air.

Don't be fooled, inflation ISN'T "so tame." Food and energy prices continue to rise, and both effect/affect the middle class and poor MUCH MORE than the rich/wealthy.

"Weaning us from their filthy crap" is impossible. Buy a car or truck in the last 20 years? They're all Chinese technology.

And then this;

10 iconic American companies owned by Chinese investors

Quit being such a tRumpbot!

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