Who paid for Obama's mother's travels, education and Obama's


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama said yesterday he knew about student loans as he and Michelle had them!
But that makes sense he could get into Harvard especially after Affirmative action helped out but I'm curious about his mom's international travels, her living expenses in foreign lands. How did she afford those things that most of us could NOT imagine doing!

Who paid her bills?

Now don't give me this web site as I've already agreed about Obama personally no problem!
snopes.com: Where Did Obama's Money Come From?

But how did his mom travel, live etc.???
Obama said yesterday he knew about student loans as he and Michelle had them!
But that makes sense he could get into Harvard especially after Affirmative action helped out but I'm curious about his mom's international travels, her living expenses in foreign lands. How did she afford those things that most of us could NOT imagine doing!

Who paid her bills?

Now don't give me this web site as I've already agreed about Obama personally no problem!
snopes.com: Where Did Obama's Money Come From?

But how did his mom travel, live etc.???

Jobs, husband, the usual, unless you can prove otherwise. Why the concern?
Obama said yesterday he knew about student loans as he and Michelle had them!
But that makes sense he could get into Harvard especially after Affirmative action helped out but I'm curious about his mom's international travels, her living expenses in foreign lands. How did she afford those things that most of us could NOT imagine doing!

Who paid her bills?

Now don't give me this web site as I've already agreed about Obama personally no problem!
snopes.com: Where Did Obama's Money Come From?

But how did his mom travel, live etc.???

Jobs, husband, the usual, unless you can prove otherwise. Why the concern?

Here's her work history..
Dunham studied at the East–West Center and at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, where she attained a bachelor's in anthropology or mathematics[4] and master's and Ph.D. in anthropology.[5]
Who paid for her education???

Interested in craftsmanship, weaving and the role of women in cottage industries, Dunham's research focused on women's work on the island of Java and blacksmithing in Indonesia.
Who paid for her research???

To address the problem of poverty in rural villages, she created microcredit programs while working as a consultant for the United States Agency for International Development. Funded by TAXPAYERS!
Dunham was also employed by the Ford Foundation in Jakarta and she consulted with the Asian Development Bank in Pakistan.
"Who funded the Ford Foundation? Evil profits from evil corporations!
Towards the latter part of her life, she worked with Bank Rakyat Indonesia, where she helped apply her research to the largest microfinance program in the world.
She worked for evil profit making bank!

Point is she was educating because her banker mom paid for her education!
Obama said yesterday he knew about student loans as he and Michelle had them!
But that makes sense he could get into Harvard especially after Affirmative action helped out but I'm curious about his mom's international travels, her living expenses in foreign lands. How did she afford those things that most of us could NOT imagine doing!

Who paid her bills?

Now don't give me this web site as I've already agreed about Obama personally no problem!
snopes.com: Where Did Obama's Money Come From?

But how did his mom travel, live etc.???

Jobs, husband, the usual, unless you can prove otherwise. Why the concern?

Here's her work history..
Dunham studied at the East–West Center and at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, where she attained a bachelor's in anthropology or mathematics[4] and master's and Ph.D. in anthropology.[5]
Who paid for her education???

Interested in craftsmanship, weaving and the role of women in cottage industries, Dunham's research focused on women's work on the island of Java and blacksmithing in Indonesia.
Who paid for her research???

To address the problem of poverty in rural villages, she created microcredit programs while working as a consultant for the United States Agency for International Development. Funded by TAXPAYERS!
Dunham was also employed by the Ford Foundation in Jakarta and she consulted with the Asian Development Bank in Pakistan.
"Who funded the Ford Foundation? Evil profits from evil corporations!
Towards the latter part of her life, she worked with Bank Rakyat Indonesia, where she helped apply her research to the largest microfinance program in the world.
She worked for evil profit making bank!

Point is she was educating because her banker mom paid for her education!

What's your point? What's evil about microfinance? I applaud her work.
Obamas mother was secretly paid to travel to Kenya to give birth to Barack. She and the infant were quickly whisked back to the US to make it look like he was born here

I think George Soros picked up the tab
Guys. I'm starting seedlings today. PUUUUULEEEEEZZZZE tell me you know that his mother was hired by Geitners dad. This is how they became entangled.
Jobs, husband, the usual, unless you can prove otherwise. Why the concern?

Here's her work history..
Dunham studied at the East–West Center and at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, where she attained a bachelor's in anthropology or mathematics[4] and master's and Ph.D. in anthropology.[5]
Who paid for her education???

Interested in craftsmanship, weaving and the role of women in cottage industries, Dunham's research focused on women's work on the island of Java and blacksmithing in Indonesia.
Who paid for her research???

To address the problem of poverty in rural villages, she created microcredit programs while working as a consultant for the United States Agency for International Development. Funded by TAXPAYERS!
Dunham was also employed by the Ford Foundation in Jakarta and she consulted with the Asian Development Bank in Pakistan.
"Who funded the Ford Foundation? Evil profits from evil corporations!
Towards the latter part of her life, she worked with Bank Rakyat Indonesia, where she helped apply her research to the largest microfinance program in the world.
She worked for evil profit making bank!

Point is she was educating because her banker mom paid for her education!

What's your point? What's evil about microfinance? I applaud her work.

I love Annie. Have said it a quzzilion times. I despair at the lack of WH even recognizing his mothers grand feats.
There should be a sub-forum for these kinds of threads called "Alternate Obama biographies."
I found this interesting from snopes;

"Likewise, the Obamas' financing of their house in Chicago was no mystery. The couple experienced a significant jump in income from 2000 onwards (largely from royalties on book sales), and they purchased their Chicago home in 2005, a year in which their combined income was $1.6 million:
The Obamas' best financial year came in 2005, when their total combined income was $1.6 million. That included $1.2 million in author fees for Obama's best-selling books. Michelle Obama's salary that year [as vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals] was $316,962 plus another $45,000 from TreeHouse Foods [for whom she served a member of the board of directors]."

Obama pretending he and Michelle are poor and the rich are bad is a bunch of bull. He is rich and obviously wants and likes to be rich.
I found this interesting from snopes;

"Likewise, the Obamas' financing of their house in Chicago was no mystery. The couple experienced a significant jump in income from 2000 onwards (largely from royalties on book sales), and they purchased their Chicago home in 2005, a year in which their combined income was $1.6 million:
The Obamas' best financial year came in 2005, when their total combined income was $1.6 million. That included $1.2 million in author fees for Obama's best-selling books. Michelle Obama's salary that year [as vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals] was $316,962 plus another $45,000 from TreeHouse Foods [for whom she served a member of the board of directors]."

Obama pretending he and Michelle are poor and the rich are bad is a bunch of bull. He is rich and obviously wants and likes to be rich.

Every Liberal politician is rich just like their largest donors. The difference is they are elitists and don't want anyone else to be like them.
I found this interesting from snopes;

"Likewise, the Obamas' financing of their house in Chicago was no mystery. The couple experienced a significant jump in income from 2000 onwards (largely from royalties on book sales), and they purchased their Chicago home in 2005, a year in which their combined income was $1.6 million:
The Obamas' best financial year came in 2005, when their total combined income was $1.6 million. That included $1.2 million in author fees for Obama's best-selling books. Michelle Obama's salary that year [as vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals] was $316,962 plus another $45,000 from TreeHouse Foods [for whom she served a member of the board of directors]."

Obama pretending he and Michelle are poor and the rich are bad is a bunch of bull. He is rich and obviously wants and likes to be rich.

When did Obama and Michelle "pretend" to be poor? When did they say "the rich are bad"?
I found this interesting from snopes;

"Likewise, the Obamas' financing of their house in Chicago was no mystery. The couple experienced a significant jump in income from 2000 onwards (largely from royalties on book sales), and they purchased their Chicago home in 2005, a year in which their combined income was $1.6 million:
The Obamas' best financial year came in 2005, when their total combined income was $1.6 million. That included $1.2 million in author fees for Obama's best-selling books. Michelle Obama's salary that year [as vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals] was $316,962 plus another $45,000 from TreeHouse Foods [for whom she served a member of the board of directors]."

Obama pretending he and Michelle are poor and the rich are bad is a bunch of bull. He is rich and obviously wants and likes to be rich.

Every Liberal politician is rich just like their largest donors. The difference is they are elitists and don't want anyone else to be like them.

Well I guess my post went over some people's heads but when you read Obama's autobiography you will see that his Mother passed on to him her hatred of banks, capitalism and everything about the USA primarily because she had such great resentment of her mother who paid her bills!
I mean how did she get from country to to country? Plus she depended on charity
Ford Foundation government tax money most of her life so she passed on the resentment that Obama has now for having to have donations to live!
So he wants to do away with them!
Obama said yesterday he knew about student loans as he and Michelle had them!
But that makes sense he could get into Harvard especially after Affirmative action helped out but I'm curious about his mom's international travels, her living expenses in foreign lands. How did she afford those things that most of us could NOT imagine doing!

Who paid her bills?

Now don't give me this web site as I've already agreed about Obama personally no problem!
snopes.com: Where Did Obama's Money Come From?

But how did his mom travel, live etc.???

Missing piece surfaces in the Obama puzzle (updated)

Thomas Lifson

Nobody knows for sure how Barack Obama managed to get into and pay for the elite higher education he received, particularly given his self-admitted lackadaisical approach to school in his younger years. The president's decision to keep his higher education records a secret is considered unworthy of attention by the mainstream media.

Students of Obama's rise have long been intrigued by a television interview granted by Percy Sutton, the borough president of Manhattan, and one of the most influential black politicians in New York City, in which he stated that:

he had been introduced to Obama "by a friend who was raising money for him. The friend's name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas. He is the principal adviser to one of the world's richest men. He told me about Obama." (snip)

He also revealed that he had first heard about Obama 20 years previously in a letter where al-Mansour wrote, "there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?"

Sutton concluded in the interview, "I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly."


There is no proof of anything here, of course. We don't know that a close associate of the Saudi royal family funneled oil money into the education of Barack Obama (and presumably other Americans) on spec, hoping he would rise through the political system and be in a position to cripple American oil production and take a hard line against Israel's defense against a nuclear attack. There is no proof ot it. But there is a reasonable suspicion, given the pedigrees of Jarrett and Sutton, that these influential figures actually do know something about the inside story of the curious, inexplicable rise of Barack Obama on the slender reed of his actual accomplishments in life.

Update from Cindy Simpson:

I also researched this a bit yesterday when the news first hit, and found some more interesting connections/pieces:

•The Sutton story was "BenSmithed" in 2008 here.
•The Lynn Sweet "exclusive" article that mentioned the Obama campaign disclosure info on Obama's student loan $'s.

•Amanda Carpenter's Townhall column which described Mansour's beliefs and why the connection to Obama would be damning.
•Kenneth Timmerman's articles on Newsmax. This one is especially interesting because it addresses in detail Obama's tax returns and candidate disclosures on interest/loans.

•It's also interesting to recall the nine people charged with illegally accessing Obama's student loan records.
•Also recall Paul Kengor's work on Frank Marshall Davis and the fact that he worked with Vernon Jarrett in Chicago.

Isn't it interesting to see all these pieces coming together?

Read more: Blog: Missing piece surfaces in the Obama puzzle (updated)
George Soros paid for his mother to travel to Kenya to give birth

JFK paid for the birth announcement in the Hawaii newspapers

It is kind of like the plot to "The Omen"

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