Who is your candidate? - match quiz


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
I received the link to this little on line quiz in my e-mail. It lists all the viable candidates for President and lets the answers select the closest match to your point of view. I was rather surprised how it came out for me.

Take the Quiz and share.

ABC News - ABC News
Has me at Newt #1, Paul #2, Romney #3

But many of the questions had no options I really liked... so HAVING to pick or choose one really does not accurately put my stance in comparison to a candidate...

But hey... it's basically just a toy for shits and giggles
I just ran it and was surprised as well.

My top pick is a guy who I think would do better if folks only knew who he was. The runners up are both candidates I like.

I just ran it and was surprised as well.

My top pick is a guy who I think would do better if folks only knew who he was. The runners up are both candidates I like.


lemme guess..

1) Huntsman
2) Perry
3) Romney
I just ran it and was surprised as well.

My top pick is a guy who I think would do better if folks only knew who he was. The runners up are both candidates I like.


I didnt see your answers.
Need to have my eyes checked.
Took it and apparently it doesn't work if you're liberal. I got one choice, Rick Santorum, and I *know* he and I don't agree.

you are correct.
I answered every question as a liberal and Santorum came up as my candidate of choice.
Dunno about this test, because my candidates in order of choice were.......

1. Obama
2. Perry
3. Romney

Personally? I can't stand Perry as I think he's a complete idiot, and I don't like Romney because I personally don't believe corporations are people.

Mine came out


Doesn't sound like me
I was surprised that my quiz came out:
1. Perry
2. Gingrich
3. Bachmann

Okay, probably not so surprised that their answers would gel with my choices so closely, but if I had to rank my choices right now, it wouldn't have come out like that. :)

Like some of the others, I wasn't entirely happy with a lot of the choices for the preferred statement.

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