Who is primarily responsible for the pending downfall of America?

America appears to basically be headed to a failed country at this time. It is a vastly different country than it was in the 1990's and before, with a loss of freedom and community being part of it.

One person or group isn't fully responsible, but there may be a group who is primarily responsible.

Who is primarily responsible for the downfall of America?

The "Rich".
The "Deep State"/Government Officials
The Citizens
Illegal immigration
Other: list the other

I say it's the citizens.....We should have done the needful with the .gov back during the "W"/Halfrican years.
Defeatism is NOT an American characteristic.
America appears to basically be headed to a failed country at this time. It is a vastly different country than it was in the 1990's and before, with a loss of freedom and community being part of it.

One person or group isn't fully responsible, but there may be a group who is primarily responsible.

Who is primarily responsible for the downfall of America?

The "Rich".
The "Deep State"/Government Officials
The Citizens
Illegal immigration
Other: list the other

I say it's the citizens.....We should have done the needful with the .gov back during the "W"/Halfrican years.
States' rights illiterates.
The American people are the ultimate cause.

We are a short-sighted, selfish , ignorant bunch of whiners for the most part and we get short-sighted, selfish ignorant politicians./

We have no long term vision of what this country should be and that is going to be the mortal wound to this country
Korean import PHD last week going to Citizenship test. Came back telling me it was so " he could vote".

Proceeded to state "Trump is too rich, emporer, knows nothing about regular life, doesn't care about the planet" etc.

I just said you're too smart to fall for that GW bs. Everything was better under Trump. Name one good thing this Obiden 2 has implemented? He could not. He said Border bad, Biden bad. But Trump worse? I lost faith in America.

Educated but brainwashed are pouring in.
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The American people are the ultimate cause.

We are a short-sighted, selfish , ignorant bunch of whiners for the most part and we get short-sighted, selfish ignorant politicians./

We have no long term vision of what this country should be and that is going to be the mortal wound to this country
We have very different goals for this country. Conservatives want to go back to the past, Dems want a more equal society for the future.
"Pending"? You can't be responsible for something that hasn't happened. The United States of America is still the greatest Country that has ever existed. Biden is just a hiccup in the history books.
Your premise is wrong. America isn’t failing. It’s fighting off the illiberal movement of the GOP like a the virus it is. America has an authoritarian cold called MAGA-16. Dr Biden will cure it.

We have very different goals for this country. Conservatives want to go back to the past, Dems want a more equal society for the future.

More equal to what? North Korea or Venezuela, little Commie?
The US has never had more freedom, more equality and more prosperity than it does today
To be frank, I think that the downfall of the United States of America was inevitable when those colonists in 1619 forced some people from a faraway continent to come here and work for free.

Therefore, no one today is "responsible" for this nation's coming downfall.

The seed was planted in 1619, and we all know that one reaps what one sows.
To be frank, I think that the downfall of the United States of America was inevitable when those colonists in 1619 forced some people from a faraway continent to come here and work for free.

Therefore, no one today is "responsible" for this nation's coming downfall.

The seed was planted in 1619, and we all know that one reaps what one sows.
Nobody was forced to come to this country and work for free. They were sold into slavery by their own people.
To be frank, I think that the downfall of the United States of America was inevitable when those colonists in 1619 forced some people from a faraway continent to come here and work for free.

Therefore, no one today is "responsible" for this nation's coming downfall.

The seed was planted in 1619, and we all know that one reaps what one sows.
What’s the downfall that you speak of look like?
To be frank, I think that the downfall of the United States of America was inevitable when those colonists in 1619 forced some people from a faraway continent to come here and work for free.

Therefore, no one today is "responsible" for this nation's coming downfall.

The seed was planted in 1619, and we all know that one reaps what one sows.
Well that is defeatism. Slavery happened and that just means that we can't make this a better place because we can't escape our history even when we don't teach it to our kids anymore. DeSantis or some think tank flunkies came up with that doozie.
Take your nap, pops.

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