Who Here Stands With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

wow. still no valid rebuttals from the Whole and Entire right wing?
She's an idiot. Not much else to say.
is she, "ahead of her time"? Naked news is good; naked politics, could be better.
She made the right decision not to debate Ben Shapiro. She would have been crying after 5 minutes.
she should work on her arguments, for the sake of equality and equal rights.
wow. still no valid rebuttals from the Whole and Entire right wing?
She's an idiot. Not much else to say.
is she, "ahead of her time"? Naked news is good; naked politics, could be better.
She made the right decision not to debate Ben Shapiro. She would have been crying after 5 minutes.
she should work on her arguments, for the sake of equality and equal rights.
She should be working at McDonald's.
Lazy dumb Entitlement degenerates. They absolutely adore her. :cuckoo:
she should be able to raise plenty of cash, then.

we routinely have to bailout the rich.

the right wing Only complain about the Poor, simply Because, the Poor are not capitally Worth it under our form of Capitalism.

Her supporter-base is made up of mostly Entitlement douchebags. Typical Democrats.
the left claims to be moral enough to be socialist and care about the poor, not just the profit.
I stand by her right to express her opinion. Also the right to be incorrect and poorly informed on the consequences of such an ideology.


Yes, I want her to express her opinion loudly and constantly. Not only is she a great example of what the democrats are, she demonstrates what a leftist education from Boston Fuck U creates. She was 4th in her class... :lol:

There is no way she was 4th in her class. Please provide support for this assertion.

Hmmm, class ranking is no longer on the page...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez » Student Activities Office | Boston University
social democracy includes solving simple poverty; the left has solutions.

"The left has solutions." ? No, the left does not have solutions, the left has half assed ideas that never actually work. The left started the war on poverty decades , and trillions of dollars ago, and has not lowered poverty one iota.
She’s the Lefts rescuer. Nonwhite female socialist who’s young.

And the Left are just now clueing in she’s the Republicans savior instead.
Yeah she is the Lefts recuser and their new leader yet nobody from the Left stands behind her ideas, weird! All I hear are Right wingers trying to define the Left by pointing at her when in reality she represents a small fringe faction of the Left. Nice try buddy.
She is slimed almost as much by the corporate Democrats.
social democracy includes solving simple poverty; the left has solutions.

"The left has solutions." ? No, the left does not have solutions, the left has half assed ideas that never actually work. The left started the war on poverty decades , and trillions of dollars ago, and has not lowered poverty one iota.
The welfare system was more of a trap than a springboard into success.
social democracy includes solving simple poverty; the left has solutions.

"The left has solutions." ? No, the left does not have solutions, the left has half assed ideas that never actually work. The left started the war on poverty decades , and trillions of dollars ago, and has not lowered poverty one iota.
We have a better plan, now.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States is much more cost effective than Any form of means tested welfare.

We could be lowering our tax burden and improving our economy at the same time since,

Grow our Economy, we Must.
She's not running in my district, so there's nothing to "dodge"; hence I haven't even looked at her ideas.
Never has so much butthurt been floated by so many from so far away.

What a stupid comment.
She's not wanting to spread her ideology only to her district......she and bernie want VERY MUCH to turn the entire nation into a Socialist/Communist state.

Figures for all the gum flapping you do you only know what's going on in your own back yard....and that probably only partially.
She’s the Lefts rescuer. Nonwhite female socialist who’s young.

And the Left are just now clueing in she’s the Republicans savior instead.
Yeah she is the Lefts recuser and their new leader yet nobody from the Left stands behind her ideas, weird! All I hear are Right wingers trying to define the Left by pointing at her when in reality she represents a small fringe faction of the Left. Nice try buddy.

Ooohhhh look, a leftist who is a fucking liar, how unique.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Historic Win and the Future of the Democratic Party

DNC chair: Ocasio-Cortez represents the 'future of our party'

The chair of the Democratic Party just embraced progressive insurgent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calling her 'the future of our party'
I didn’t lie about a thing. Thanks for playing though
She’s the Lefts rescuer. Nonwhite female socialist who’s young.

And the Left are just now clueing in she’s the Republicans savior instead.
Yeah she is the Lefts recuser and their new leader yet nobody from the Left stands behind her ideas, weird! All I hear are Right wingers trying to define the Left by pointing at her when in reality she represents a small fringe faction of the Left. Nice try buddy.

Ooohhhh look, a leftist who is a fucking liar, how unique.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Historic Win and the Future of the Democratic Party

DNC chair: Ocasio-Cortez represents the 'future of our party'

The chair of the Democratic Party just embraced progressive insurgent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calling her 'the future of our party'
I didn’t lie about a thing. Thanks for playing though

yet nobody from the Left stands behind her ideas,

Whoops, guess you're a fucking liar.

That's just part and parcel of being a stalinist democrat.
She’s the Lefts rescuer. Nonwhite female socialist who’s young.

And the Left are just now clueing in she’s the Republicans savior instead.
Yeah she is the Lefts recuser and their new leader yet nobody from the Left stands behind her ideas, weird! All I hear are Right wingers trying to define the Left by pointing at her when in reality she represents a small fringe faction of the Left. Nice try buddy.

Ooohhhh look, a leftist who is a fucking liar, how unique.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Historic Win and the Future of the Democratic Party

DNC chair: Ocasio-Cortez represents the 'future of our party'

The chair of the Democratic Party just embraced progressive insurgent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calling her 'the future of our party'
I didn’t lie about a thing. Thanks for playing though

yet nobody from the Left stands behind her ideas,

Whoops, guess you're a fucking liar.

That's just part and parcel of being a stalinist democrat.
Sorry I didn’t know we were getting all literal. When I said nobody I meant to say not a significant number of people. I stated that in my first few posts perhaps you didn’t read those though
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez reminds me of a comic character....

But I prefer Mickey Mouse.

It's those eyes. She looks like a bipolar girl in a manic episode.
Window to the soul is thru the eyes.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez reminds me of a comic character....

But I prefer Mickey Mouse.

It's those eyes. She looks like a bipolar girl in a manic episode.
Window to the soul is thru the eyes.
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I think she might be an illegal alien. From what planet? I have no idea.
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