Who has the best economic advisors based on results?

Who has better economic and trade policies, Trump or the democrats?

  • The GOP because they use high tariffs for effect, cut taxes and cut government regulations

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • The Democrats because Keynesian economics works, higher taxes and more government spending

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Trump has Peter Navarro and Robert Lightheiser negotiating new trade deals.

Peter Navarro - Wikipedia
Navarro's views are significantly outside the mainstream of economic thought, and he is generally considered a heterodox economist. A strong proponent of reducing U.S. trade deficits, Navarro is well known as a critic of Germany and China and has accused both nations of currency manipulation.
He has called for increasing the size of the American manufacturing sector, setting high tariffs, and repatriating global supply chains. He is also a strong opponent of the North American Free Trade Agreement and Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Robert Lighthizer - Wikipedia
Lightizer became one of the most influential Trump Administration officials and the lead figure in formulating the administration's trade policy. The media noted his agreement with Trump on trade issues

Trump also has Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow - Wikipedia as his head of the National Economic Council. I'm not a fan of Kudlow. Kudlow is usually wrong, as a supply-sider projecting that tax cuts pay for themselves. Someone needs to pay for the $4T of spending. I hope the dems raise taxes back on the top rate to cut into the $900b budget deficit. My solution is raising the top rate about 7% and implementing a 3% Fed sales tax.

So lets take a poll on the US Trade and Economic policy teams between the GOP and democrats. Whose policies would create more and better jobs here in the US? In 2020 if "its the economy stupid" again, will Trump or the democrats create a better economy, job market, and long term prosperity?
Let's just say I'm damn glad we don't depend on money trickling down to us!

(Really really really really stupid "poll")
Let's just say I'm damn glad we don't depend on money trickling down to us!

(Really really really really stupid "poll")
I never relied on someone else to take care of me once I went to work at age 18. As I got older I also got wiser(which seldom happens to a liberal) and I kept looking to better myself and take chances that took me out of my comfort zone. That was why I was able to spend 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, using every tax loop hole provided to me by my government. $70,000 tax free, $10,000 of personal deductions to burn off capital gains, heavily invested in the stock market, while listening to Bill Clinton and his Democrats in the Senate and Congress wanting to raise more taxes on Social Security and other incomes. That was when Newt got in and signed the Contract with America, that made Slick(the Rapist) Willie, Bill Clinton look so economically smart(which he wasn't) while he was putting a Cuban cigar in a Lewinsky vagina and then putting a Cuban boy back to his communist father in Cuba. Best part about this, is, I have brought a lot of my friends with me into very successful businesses...
Let's just say I'm damn glad we don't depend on money trickling down to us!

(Really really really really stupid "poll")

So you're okay with the globalists moving 3,000,000 US factories overseas for the cheap labor, then allowing foreign subsidized products like steel, aluminum, and cars to be imported w/o tariffs? US manufacturing is the largest employer in the "goods producing" sector, I applaud Trump's and Navarro's efforts to rebuild the US manufacturing sector.
Workforce - Wikipedia

I think I understand your issue with the poll, BOTH parties have become "tax and spend democrats"

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