Who Does Own The Land? "the Pale Blue Dot"


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2014
It's an interesting question and one that the small minded people seem to get the most worked up about.

"The Palestinians never owned land"

"The European Jews stole the land"


These two comments seem to really get a lot of people worked up on both sides.

So, how about, just for a short while, opening your mind a little bit....

Well, except, not quite everyone is from earth. According to some accounts, Jesus' dad was an extra-terrestrial.

According to military whistleblowers, the U.S. Government's "Red Book" is an Above Top Secret document that details the TRUE history of the Human race on planet Earth. It is a compendium of human information derived from extraterrestrials, who offered the U.S. undeniable proof of historical events. One of the revelations exposed in the "Red Book" is that Jesus Christ was a creation of one particular Alien group (EBE-2). Jesus was a genetically-engineered human-alien hybrid sent to Earth to teach the primitive Humans a lesson of love and tolerance.
Well, except, not quite everyone is from earth. According to some accounts, Jesus' dad was an extra-terrestrial.

According to military whistleblowers, the U.S. Government's "Red Book" is an Above Top Secret document that details the TRUE history of the Human race on planet Earth. It is a compendium of human information derived from extraterrestrials, who offered the U.S. undeniable proof of historical events. One of the revelations exposed in the "Red Book" is that Jesus Christ was a creation of one particular Alien group (EBE-2). Jesus was a genetically-engineered human-alien hybrid sent to Earth to teach the primitive Humans a lesson of love and tolerance.

Dear Mr. Beale ~ If Jesus was a genetically-engineered human-alien hybrid he wasn't a very good one . . . I good work out a better plan to teach us primitive humans a lesson of love and tolerance with a pencil up my you know what. ~ Susan
It's an interesting question and one that the small minded people seem to get the most worked up about.

"The Palestinians never owned land"

"The European Jews stole the land"


These two comments seem to really get a lot of people worked up on both sides.

So, how about, just for a short while, opening your mind a little bit....

Dear Humanity ~ Because I am a huge fan of Carl Sagan, I believe I saw this video twice prior to seeing it the third time after reading this, your subject post . . . since that time, I have looked at it again and again, at least four times, with growing enjoyment after each viewing. Soooo, thank you so very much for making "the Pale Blue Dot," a subject worthy for all of us to reflect upon.. ~ Susan
"Imagine no Heaven and no religion, too - nothing to kill or die for . . . ."
It's an interesting question and one that the small minded people seem to get the most worked up about.

"The Palestinians never owned land"

"The European Jews stole the land"


These two comments seem to really get a lot of people worked up on both sides.

So, how about, just for a short while, opening your mind a little bit....

Dear Humanity ~ Because I am a huge fan of Carl Sagan, I believe I saw this video twice prior to seeing it the third time after reading this, your subject post . . . since that time, I have looked at it again and again, at least four times, with growing enjoyment after each viewing. Soooo, thank you so very much for making "the Pale Blue Dot," a subject worthy for all of us to reflect upon.. ~ Susan
"Imagine no Heaven and no religion, too - nothing to kill or die for . . . ."

Hmm, I wonder if Pishy can tell us what religion Mao and Pol Pot were. Seems they had millions of people murdered. I even heard that your beloved Fuhrer, Pishy, was faking it that he was a Christian but was actually into the Occult.
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Israel is 8,630 square miles. Gaza is 146 square miles. Earth has over 57,000,000 square miles of land.

If you want to live somewhere peaceful there is literally pretty much 100% of the world that is mostly a better option than either of those places.
It's an interesting question and one that the small minded people seem to get the most worked up about.

"The Palestinians never owned land"

"The European Jews stole the land"


These two comments seem to really get a lot of people worked up on both sides.

So, how about, just for a short while, opening your mind a little bit....

Dear Humanity ~ Because I am a huge fan of Carl Sagan, I believe I saw this video twice prior to seeing it the third time after reading this, your subject post . . . since that time, I have looked at it again and again, at least four times, with growing enjoyment after each viewing. Soooo, thank you so very much for making "the Pale Blue Dot," a subject worthy for all of us to reflect upon.. ~ Susan
"Imagine no Heaven and no religion, too - nothing to kill or die for . . . ."

Hmm, I wonder if Pishy can tell us what religion Mao and Pol Pot were. Seems they had millions of people murdered. I even heard that your beloved Fuhrer, Pishy, was faking it that he was a Christian but was actually into the Occult.

Dear Hossfly ~ I believe these two individuals were atheists like me and thus, had no religion; however, what I believe you are inferring carries no weight since there are many, many atheists that have made major, tremendous accomplishments for our planet. Here, pick and choose some for yourself:
Lists of atheists - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Since this subject centers around a Sagan video, I elect for another one of his to express my feelings on the subject of atheism . . . he does a far better job than I could ever do. ~ Susan

It's an interesting question and one that the small minded people seem to get the most worked up about.

"The Palestinians never owned land"

"The European Jews stole the land"


These two comments seem to really get a lot of people worked up on both sides.

So, how about, just for a short while, opening your mind a little bit....

Dear Humanity ~ Because I am a huge fan of Carl Sagan, I believe I saw this video twice prior to seeing it the third time after reading this, your subject post . . . since that time, I have looked at it again and again, at least four times, with growing enjoyment after each viewing. Soooo, thank you so very much for making "the Pale Blue Dot," a subject worthy for all of us to reflect upon.. ~ Susan
"Imagine no Heaven and no religion, too - nothing to kill or die for . . . ."

Hmm, I wonder if Pishy can tell us what religion Mao and Pol Pot were. Seems they had millions of people murdered. I even heard that your beloved Fuhrer, Pishy, was faking it that he was a Christian but was actually into the Occult.

Dear Hossfly ~ I believe these two individuals were atheists like me and thus, had no religion; however, what I believe you are inferring carries no weight since there are many, many atheists that have made major, tremendous accomplishments for our planet. Here, pick and choose some for yourself:
Lists of atheists - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Since this subject centers around a Sagan video, I elect for another one of his to express my feelings on the subject of atheism . . . he does a far better job than I could ever do. ~ Susan

No one is denying that Atheists have accomplished nothing. However, many people of regular religions have also accomplished just as much if not more. The people who have been murdered because of Atheists could care less about the other Atheists that you are championing.

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