who cares if President Trump's a criminal, he's doing such a great job as president!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
by the time he leaves office, he will have appointed half of America's federal judges. who cares if he's indicted the next day?
The Mueller investigation was started illegally w/o any evidence of a crime. The deep state fucks plotting the coup are the ones that need to be indicted.
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I don't care what happens to him when he leaves office. I just want him out.

I have said it before...I don't care if he leaves on his own, in handcuffs, in an ambulance or in a Hearse...just so long as he leaves as soon as possible (hopefully today).

Obama and GWB were lousy POTUS's, IMO. But both were much better POTUS's and FAR better human being's then President Manchild.

Get this fucker out of there - ANY WAY possible...for the good of America and the world.
The only ones gaslighting that he’s a criminal are fake news and swamp democrats. Anything to divert our attention from all the DNC corruption. This hoax has been going on for three years.
Well, It's Not Like He Has....

Financed, supplied, armed, trained, supported, defended, and dragged the US into 2 wars to help terrorists take over their own country....

Illegally gave Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of automatic weapons and grenades with the intent to create such a high body count that he could then go after the 2nd Amendment...

Illegally spied on on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices...or a political opponent during an election / a US President....

Used the IRS to illegally target / punish Americans who legally opposed his re-election...

Freed enemy leaders in the middle of a war in an attempt to keep a campaign promise.....

Allowed Americans to needlessly die at the hands of terrorists...

Mocked US Citizens by claiming they were afraid of 'widows and orphans' and then days later a terrorist he left into the country murdered 7 Americans in California....

Protected the ISIS Black Market Oil Industry, which funded 50% of its terrorist activities, which paid for the largest attack since WWII on our ally France...then while France and Russia were launching retaliatory strikes against ISIS had our military drop leaflets warning them of the attack coming....

Flew massive ransom payments on unmarked planes to Iran in the Middle of the night to get back American hostages because he had been too much of a puss to demand the release of US hostages be part of his illegal Treaty he made by by-passing Congress to do so

Injected himself into elections around the world in an attempt to change / control the outcomes of several world-wide elections (Egypt, Israel, Syria, the US...)

Gave Russia Crimea, breaking a US promise to do so

Gave Russia 20% of our US supply of uranium

Discovered Russian interference in 2014, did nothing about it, and allowed it to continue for 2 years....

Protected Hezbollah Drug Ops...


I don't care what happens to him when he leaves office. I just want him out.

I have said it before...I don't care if he leaves on his own, in handcuffs, in an ambulance or in a Hearse...just so long as he leaves as soon as possible (hopefully today).

Obama and GWB were lousy POTUS's, IMO. But both were much better POTUS's and FAR better human being's then President Manchild.

Get this fucker out of there - ANY WAY possible...for the good of America and the world.
You’re the good example why there’s NOTHING on Trump. Any why the fake news has selective coverage.
The only ones gaslighting that he’s a criminal are fake news and swamp democrats. Anything to divert our attention from all the DNC corruption. This hoax has been going on for three years.
Right! And Michael Cohen just got a fake sentence from the SDNY, and the guy from the National Enquirer just got a fake immunity from the SDNY.
And there you have it.

They don't CARE that they elected a criminal
They never did.

The more Mueller uncovers, the more out in the open these criminal-supporting, self-professed conservatives will be exposed for the fake law and order frauds that they are.

What would happen if a 2nd special prosecutor went after the Obama admin crooks including the Clintons and their bogus foundation?
Do you recall that Obama had campaign violations?

Charles Ortel: Clinton Foundation Hasn't Had Proper Oversight For Almost 20 Years, Under Investigation Since 2016

Not counting the crimes of Comey, McCabe, Ohr Strzok, Page, et.al

I wouldn't be doing a dem touchdown dance just yet....
The Mueller investigation was started illegally w/o any evidence of a crime. The deep state fucks plotting the coup are the ones that need to be indicted.
The Mueller investigation was started by Trumps DOJ because Trump fired Comey for not dropping the Flynn investigation.
its hard to impeach or indict somebody who has single handedly built the greatest economy in the history of the world.

Trump employed a bad lawyer. thats not against the law.
The only ones gaslighting that he’s a criminal are fake news and swamp democrats. Anything to divert our attention from all the DNC corruption. This hoax has been going on for three years.
Yes, it really is that simple of an explanation.
Unfortunately, there is not much Trump and the more honest and reasonable citizens in this nation can do about it. The criminals and the schemers are in control in so many ways.
by the time he leaves office, he will have appointed half of America's federal judges. who cares if he's indicted the next day?

They can't be confirmed without the senate.

If you believe your own nonsense, then you need to pressure the Senate.

If the Senate laughs at your nonsense, then you are SOL!
The Mueller investigation was started illegally w/o any evidence of a crime. The deep state fucks plotting the coup are the ones that need to be indicted.
Hmms, so you think in order to start an INVESTIGATION, you first have to have evidence? Can I ask what would be the point of INVESTIGATING then?
Cohen got a lite sentence. Wonder why??

He could have been given five years but got three in club med. And he'll be out lots sooner with good behavior.

Seems he had plenty to tell Mueller but one has to wonder how much of what he told Mueller was true?? He did something for that lite sentence.

Same old he said, he said.

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