Who are you?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

"Who you care about the most, tells us the most about who you are."

Obama forutnately cares the most about me and Romney cares the most about big business. Obama has walked in my shoes and Romney has not. And as a community organizer, he has walked with me. Romney has walked with big businesses.

"Where your treasure is, there your hear will be also." Meaning; The thing you put first in your life, will be the thing that leads you.

If I had a brother, he would look like Obama.

If I had a sister, she would look like Michele.
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Obama has walked in my shoes and Romney has not.

Granny says, "Well den...

... ya better get ya some o' dem Odor Eaters...

... an' tell Obama to be buyin' his own shoes"
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obama cares about you the same way all pimps care about their whores. The one common refrain from whores about their pimps is "He loves me". That's why whores give pimps all their money, and the pimps go on the vacations but the whores are stuck on the street corner. He loves me. He understands me and most importantly, he spends my money better than I could spend my money. He has more financial sense about my money than I do. To the whore, everything the pimp does is for her benefit.

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