Who are the Israelis?

21st Knesset Sworn in Tuesday - Your News From Israel

MKs receive their seating assignments and IDs as Israel's 21st Knesset
is sworn in with 49 new members.

Rebbe Menahem Mendel Taub ZTZVK"L - tells his story at Memorial ceremony

HaRav Taub was born in Transylvania, after Hungary was conquered by the Germans, he and all his brothers and sisters were sent to Auschwitz, where he was eventually the only one to survive through torture and medical experimentations, that prevented his beard from growing. He was already standing in the line to be burned, before being redeemed at the last moment, and became one of the most influencial leaders and know sages of the genearation. Rebbe Taub ZTTZVK"L went to his world this Sunday, 28.4, (tzadikim in their passing are called living). Here's what he said:

"Tremble o Heavens! Shma'a Yisrael!
We were redeemed for the saints that were sent into the fire.
We were redeemed for the saint that were sent into the waters.
What wickedness! From where did we come.

70 years ago, before the war ended, then we were in the Warsaw ghetto, several hours before we went out, I was standing before them wanting to throw me into the fire. I said "Shma'a Yisrael!", I said "Creator of the world, what would You have from this? In a bit I'm going to be with my brothers and sisters, my father and mother in law no one is left, let me live. I promise to You that I will say 'Shma'a Yisrael' among the living people."

My rabbis, for 70 years I have been trying to fulfill this promise! That I have promised to the Creator of the world. But what hurts me day and night is that thousands of years have passed that we have merited that Moshe Rabbenu brought the Torah from heavens. This is our life! Everything!

And unfortunately there raise people who, G-d forbid!, want to break the Torah, the Torah of Moshe.
What will be, if there's no Torah there's no whole of Israel!

We need, I ask and beg, from the great and holy rabbanim, You have merited from Heavens, that after the 6 million who went for sanctifying the name of Hashem, You have a merit everywhere You are, go from place to place, people want but need to open their hearts.

What assimilate, what assimilate? To bring closer to Hashem.
"Shma'a Yisrael! Your'e getting closer today to war..." (Devarim 20:3)
Why did we come together, to show that the tree was broken, but the root lays. The root of whole of Israel was, is and will be and they will come in the mercy of Hashem, we will come to the root, don't leave Your roots.

If there's no Torah, G-d forbid, there's no revival and no place to live!

Let me tell You one thing, everyone will testify that America wants to help the Land of Israel. To destroy G-d forbid the man who wants to destroy the nation of Israel. And instantly the moment there raised people in the holy land that want to break the Torah, suddenly America is nowhere around.

And what's after? What's happening today? Hashem will have mercy. We have to strengthen and be strong, we are praying, asking for the Neshamah of Israel, You're getting closer today to war, and we all together, when we say in a moment Shma'a Yisrael, everyone will think that is ready to jump into fire for the name of Hashem, as we then stood and said Shma'a Yisrael:

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our G-d; the Lord is One"! - Devarim 6:4

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Ya'akov Shweike - Tate (Father in Yiddish)

By the ancient cave – of city of Hevron,
You'll see a man – standing all alone.
As the tears stream down his face,
"This is my hope, my request,
Where our forefathers rest."

"For our father Avraham – answer us.
In the merit of Yitzhak & Yaakov – I beg of you.
And in the merit of all of the holy mothers.
He pours out his soul, to our Father in heaven."

"Oh my Father, my dear Father,
The anguish of your children knows no end.
Reach out to us with Your helping hand.
Oh my Father, my dear Father,
How much more can whole of Yisrael take?
And remembers righteousness of fathers for our sake."

"We are your children Avaham - Yitzhak & Yaakov,
Won't you carry our prayers to the One above?"
As the tears stream down his face,
"This is my hope, my request, here where our forefathers rest."

Oh my Father, my dear Father...

"Oh My children, My dear children,
I've kept every precious tear, you've ever shed,
You will be redeemed forever and to eternity
All of your prayers- and heart wishes
Will bring closer the redemption
And remembers the righteousness of the fathers"

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In the Merit of Righteous Women we'll go out of exile - Part 1 - Rabbi Alon Anava

The Babylonian Talmud Sotah 11b says: Rabbi Avira expounded: By the merit of righteous women who lived in that generation Israel was redeemed from Egypt. And with the merit of righteous women in our generation WE will be redeemed from this exile. In this Video Rabbi Anava is addressing this subject and how it applies in our life.

The Untold Exodus of Jews from Arab Lands

When the world speaks of Middle Eastern refugees, it means Palestinian Arab refugees. The truth is that there were more Jews displaced from Arab countries since 1948 than Palestinians from Israel (856,000, as against 711,000, according to UN figures). Some people call the Jewish Exodus The Greatest Story never told. Meet Lyn Julius, author of "Uprooted: How 3,000 years of Jewish civilization in the Arab world vanished overnight".

Were Palestinians the only refugees of the Arab-Israeli conflict?



Although much is heard about the plight of the Palestinian refugees, little is said about the Jews who fled from Arab states. Their situation had long been precarious. During the 1947 UNdebates, Arab leaders threatened them. For example, Egypt’s delegate told the General Assembly: “The lives of one million Jews in Muslim countries would be jeopardized by partition.”

Some Critics of Israel believe that Jews are not a people, .... that its only a religion. Yet, when we talk about Muslims in Tunisia.... they are Tunisian , Muslims In the West bank are called Palstinian, Muslims in Iraq are Iraqi,
Yet all the 'Jews' who lived in the countries of the Arab Crescent , had their homes and businesses taken from them and/ or were killed..... were not considered citizens of those countries by the Arabs living there... they were considered JEWS. By their very actions, Arabs all over the middle east have helped to create the jewish state, they themselves by their actions have declared the Jews a "distinct people". Now thier words say something else, but as we all know.. words lie, actions tell the truth.

Jews of Yemen
PM Netanyahu at the start of the Cabinet meeting

"On behalf of all the citizens of Israel, I wish to send condolences to the family of Moshe Agadi, a father of four who was murdered by a rocket in Ashkelon. At this difficult hour, I would like to strengthen his family and wish you speedy and complete recovery for the wounded. Of blessed memory.

I instructed the IDF this morning to continue the massive attacks against terrorist elements in the Gaza Strip, and I have also extended the forces around the Gaza Strip with armored forces, artillery and infantry.

Hamas bears responsibility not only for its attacks and actions, but also for the activities of the Islamic Jihad, and it pays a very heavy price. I ask the citizens of Israel - strictly observe the orders of the Home Front Command, these are life saving orders. We are acting and will continue to act to restore peace and security to the residents of the south.

Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) | Twitter
The Chief Rabbi called upon the public: 'Each of us must bear mutual responsibility, read chapters of Psalms and strengthen Torah study'

Rabbi David Lau in the wake of the escalation in the south: "Each of us must carry out mutual promises, read chapters of Psalms and strengthen Torah study for peace with Israel." Orly Harari, 05/05/19 09:46

Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, calls for the safety of the security forces and the people of Israel in the wake of the deterioration of the security situation in the south of the country.

"It is a time of trouble for Ya'akov to see that Israel's enemies are trying to harm children, women and adults with no fault of their own. We are Jewish believers and we must each take mutual responsibility, read chapters of Psalms and strengthen Torah study for peace with Israel, The Chief Rabbi called to say a chapter in Psalms and then to recite the prayer "Our brethren, all the house of Israel":

"For the conductor, a song of David.
May the Lord answer you on a day of distress; may the name of the God of Jacob fortify you.
May He send your aid from His sanctuary, and may He support you from Zion.
May He remember all your meal offerings and may He accept your fat burnt offerings forever.
May He give you as your heart [desires], and may He fulfill all your counsel.
Let us sing praises for your salvation, and let us assemble in the name of our God;
may the Lord fulfill all your requests.
Now I know that the Lord saved His anointed; He answered him from His holy heavens;
with the mighty acts of salvation from His right hand.
These trust in chariots and these in horses, but we-we mention the name of the Lord our God.
They kneel and fall, but we rise and gain strength.
O Lord, save [us]; may the King answer us on the day we call." (Psalm 20)

"Our brothers all house of Yisrael
Subject to trouble and capture
Standing either in sea or land
The place (Hashem) will be merciful on them
And will bring them out from trouble to wellbeing
And from darkness to light and from slavery to redemption
This year quickly and soon
And say Amen"

Israel National News
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It’s 79° and sunny in Ashkelon today. 5 year old Agam should be out playing with her friends, not running to bomb shelters.

Mayor of Ashkelon in eulogy to city's resident, Moshe Agadi HY"D:
"A delusional reality, dangerous and inconceivable"

Hundreds of people came to participate in the funeral of Moshe Agadi HY"D in Ashkelon, who was killed yesterday in the barrage of missiles on the city

The mayor of Ashkelon writes to the city's resident, Moshe Agadi, who was killed by rocket fire: "Words will not be enough to describe the extent of the loss and the unbearable pain"

"We are now escorting Moshe Agadi HY"D, a resident of the city, who was killed by a rocket in his home. The unbearable ease with him Only last night Moshe was with us, spent Shabbat with his family, prayed in the synagogue, spoke and laughed, and now we are burying him in the dirt, can not last. This is a delusional, dangerous and inconceivable reality that no citizen of the State of Israel, even a resident of the city of Ashkelon, nor any child or child, should be part of it.

Round after round, escalation after escalation, often, too often, we pay the most expensive price a nation can pay for its basic right to defend itself - the price of life of those closest to us. In two days' time, we will mark the Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and the Victims of Hostilities, a day that is a silent reminder of the price we are paying.

We are not eager for battle, but our enemies must know that they, too, must pay a price for the blood of our spilled Jewish brethren. Innocent blood, all they wanted was to live in peace in the Land of Israel, to establish their home, to grow and grow old in our beloved land."

Noy lives in Ashkelon, an Israeli city right near Gaza. As an older sister, she felt responsible for the safety of her little brother and sisters. She filmed this footage as she ran with them to bomb shelters more than 4 times in one night.

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Be'er Sheva: A wedding in a bomb shelter. Outside, rocket launches;
In the shelter - another household was built in Israel.

In the bomb shelter in Be'er Sheva, where Rabbi Yehudah Deri went for cover, the city's rabbi, he found a bride and groom waiting anxiously for their marriage. TheRabbi decided - and performed: put up a canopy, and put the excited couple under it, watch on Kikar Shabat News:

Hashem showed Moshe Rabbenu all what was going to happen to Israel today and in the future, knowing about all the exiles and hardships he saw, this is the last thing Moshe Rabbenu said to the nation of Israel:

"Fortunate are you, O Israel! Who is like you, O people whose salvation is through the Lord, the Shield Who helps you, your majestic Sword! Your enemies will lie to you, but you will tread upon their heights." (Devarim 33)

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The Pals are being described as 'militants' on the news.


Maybe the Pals will be out today at the border gee-had flying their flags emblazoned with a Swastica. Just pious Moslems.
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Smotrich on the cease-fire: Another mistake in the chain of errors in Gaza
Smotrich to the Jewish Voice: A much stronger response was required, but even that would not bring about a solution. In the meantime: entering the coalition and presenting a strategic solution, the liberation of the Gaza Strip, and migration

Two days after a terrorist attack on Israel by the Palestinian terrorist organizations in Gaza, in which four people were killed and more than 200 wounded, a cease-fire was declared before the terrorist organizations. In an interview with the Jewish voice, Knesset Member Bezalel Smotrich said that this cease-fire in the way it is achieved is another mistake in the chain of conduct vis-à-vis Gaza, and that such a ceasefire should only come after a week in which Israel is crushing the terrorist organizations.

However, Smotrich stressed that the continuation of the fighting with Hamas would not lead to a solution without a political and international decision on a systemic and strategic solution in the Gaza Strip. "This cease-fire is just as wrong as its predecessors, and like its predecessors is a product of the fact that the State of Israel today has no strategic solution to Gaza.

In his view, Netanyahu is right, because to topple Hamas is not an option from his point of view, because the alternative is to bring Abu Mazen. And of course it's worse, replacing a cow with a donkey. There is no one else in the world willing to take responsibility. And the third thing is the main problem, he is not willing to take responsibility, "says Smotrich.

A real solution is needed for Gaza
"In the end, a real solution to Hamas in Gaza is, of course, to bring it down, to enter Gaza again, to make order, to open Gaza's gates to immigration and to remove three-quarters of the population there today. This population is an unnatural refugee population, and it has no chance in the world of succeeding in such a small place. To build the settlements in Gush Katif and then to return to the normal, correct reality of someone willing to live under Jewish rule. Just like in my Decisive Plan.

The three divisions correspond to those divisions of Yehoshua Bin Nun. Those who wish to accept will accept, those who want to go goes and those who want to fight to fight. As long as there's no will in the government and cabinet, I'm there with Gd's help, and wherever I intend to put this option on the table, and there is no other option. "

Entry into the government
MK Smotrich spoke of the terms of the coalition negotiations that his party is currently presenting. As far as he is concerned, even after the rocket attack killed four civilians and wounded hundreds, he sees no obstacle in entering a coalition with Netanyahu. Smotrich sees most of his mission in raising the agenda of his political plan for the Gaza problem. However, he stresses that until then Israel must respond to any Arab aggression with a crushing blow.

"You know very well that this is a process that need refined public and political maturity and will not happen in one day, it's not a matter of putting a demand in the negotiations to return to Gaza, and it happens because I asked for it in the negotiations. We have to say it, we have to put it on the table, we need to explain it, we need a very large international work plan. In the end, taking 1.5 million Arabs out of Gaza is a process that needs partnership from all over the world. Also of helping countries, and countries in the region, including Europe, taking them all in their place. This is a process with international committees, etc., as they do if they want to advance a diplomatic plan. "

Harsh tactical responses
Regarding tactical conduct against Hamas until the day Israel decides to return to Gaza, Smotrich says: "Therefore, I feel that my tactical level may be to demand strong tactical responses. I certainly think that even without the prime minister having a strategic solution, the tactical level must respond much more sharply. This cease-fire should have taken place a week after Hamas had been pounded and we put it on its knees when it raised its white flag and begged. Then even a little more to pulverize it and then stop. " However, he stresses that even a demand to "mop up Hamas" is not a demand presented in coalition negotiations.

"This too is not something you demand in the negotiations, what will be written in the coalition agreement?" The State of Israel will not take a cease-fire before it is a distraction to Hamas? "In my opinion, my greatest task in the Gaza context is to put on the table all the time, even within Israeli society, the attempts to jumpstart international partnerships, the understanding that in the end there is no other solution to Gaza except for the return of The State of Israel, approach and taking on a renewed responsibility and then, as I said, encouraging very large immigration. "

The Jewish Voice News - 10:22 06/05/2019

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The Rockets from Gaza began in Oslo

Leftist commentators, its spokesmen and other supporters of withdrawal and concessions hear the sounds of rockets exploding; they see the sights, the spectacle of funerals and frightened residents but they resume their biased positions as if nothing is happening around us. "It's not because of the Disengagement", they say, declaring that "even before the Disengagement there were missiles" presenting data and numbers. The time has come to answer these claims, to put an end to the tendentious information that they serve up to us.

Let us refresh our memories:

Indeed, the attacks of missiles and rockets on the Israeli home front did not begin with the uprooting of Gush Katif. There were such attacks before then, but an examination of the facts from a much earlier time will allow us to come to a true understanding and draw conclusions for the future:

As long as the IDF controlled the entire Gaza Strip there were no missiles. Indeed, in 1987 there was the first Intifada, but the weapons that the Arabs used on us then were stones and sometimes even Molotov cocktails. Nothing more than that. The IDF monitored the roads and had a presence in the cities. The security forces had comprehensive intelligence and many terror attacks were prevented while even in their planning phase. Attempts to smuggle weapons were thwarted. The reason for this is simple: the IDF was there.

And then, instead of putting down the intifada once and for all, some leaders dreamed up withdrawals and concessions with the idea of rewarding the attacker and signed the Oslo Accords. The Gaza-Jericho accord was signed in May 1994, and the IDF left most parts of the Gaza Strip; they withdrew from the cities and the villages except for Gush Katif, Netzarim, Kfar Darom, Eli Sinai and Dugit, and the area was abandoned to the control of the Palestinian Authority.

It began with aging mortars , remember? “Patzmarim” in Hebrew. When the first mortar was launched at Netzarim in January 2001, we deluded ourselves with the sentence "Well – it's just a mortar" but since then, they have only become more sophisticated and we have tied our own hands with the question, "What – are we going to reconquer Gaza?" And we made ourselves powerless. Some of these problems were corrected in Judea and Samaria during Operation Protective Wall, when the IDF presence returned to all of the cities and the villages. In Gaza, on the other hand, there was no such operation. This is the reason that there are no rockets from Judea and Samaria, but from Gaza there are so many.

From then on, the Arabs had the freedom of action and the calm to plan escalation, raising the level, improving their rockets and missiles, arming themselves and organizing their military. No one disturbed them. The first rockets were primitive; they were much less destructive and less accurate, but step by step the terrorists improved and the rockets began to reach the communities of Gush Katif and later to Sderot and even further.

Even these painful signals did not arouse the Israeli leadership and did not cause it to change its policy. Then came the Disengagement plan and the uprooting of the communities of Gush Katif and northern Samaria with the delusional and baseless hope that the enemy would turn the Strip into a Singapore of the Middle East. The withdrawal of the IDF from the Strip gave the Arabs of Gaza even more freedom of action. Hamas brutally and violently took over the leadership of the Gaza Strip from the PA and expedited the development of rockets and missiles to the present situation in which they can reach Tel Aviv and its suburbs.

Along with all of this, Hamas' capabilities have grown underground and it began digging terror tunnels many kilometers in length with the aim of carrying out abductions and strategic conquests. In the absence of an Israeli presence in the Strip Hamas caught us off guard and prepared its underground terror.

This is the reality and this is history. Anyone who takes the primitive drizzle of rockets before the Disengagement as proof that it was not the Disengagement that caused the present rounds of disaster we are experiencing, are lying in their souls and deceiving all of us. If the government of Israel had not signed the Oslo Accords and abandoned the Gaza Strip to the terrorists, and if we had not added to this disastrous agreement, a total disengagement from the Gaza Strip, which, as we know, is also part of the Land of Israel - if we had then already applied our full sovereignty over Gaza, we would not have come to the difficult situation in which we are now.

Now, shortly before Trump's plan is publicized, we must remember the facts and acknowledge them and internalize the fact that peace and security will only be brought about by Israeli control of the entire territory. Abandoning any territory to Arab rule will bring about more and much more destructive rockets, this time from the hills of Samaria to Gush Dan, Jerusalem and more.

Sovereignty Movement Youth - Rocket from Gaza started in Oslo


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Netanyahu's proposal to Smotrich
The prime minister does not intend to grant the Justice Ministry to the Right Unity List, and passed a respectable proposal to the national religious list.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggested to Bezalel Smotrich to accept the Ministry of Public Security instead of the Ministry of Justice.

In addition, the list of right-wing parties will receive two seats in the political security cabinet, Smotrich and the chairman of the list, Rabbi Rafi Peretz. On Saturday night, Smotrich and Netanyahu met for about two hours. The chairman of the National Union suggested that the prime minister hold marathon talks with the parties to enter the next coalition.

Smotrich suggested conducting talks within three to four days to end all coalition talks within a short time and to form a new government immediately after Independence Day. Sources in the Likud said that the prime minister heard the proposal, but it appears he will not accept it and will continue to conduct the negotiations at the usual pace, and will even ask the president for a two-week extension, which is permitted by law.
Arutz Sheva 7

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