Who are the Israelis?

AJC Global event - Caroline Glick and Ari Shavit Debate on the Peace Process

Good cultured debate, great insight into the actual situation for anyone with the eyes to see.
Israeli right and Palestinians are actually coming more and more to an evident agreement regarding one single issue - the future is one state. The furthest ideologies on the street have more in agreement, than the best version of a sane leftist agenda ever was capable to suggest in real terms. Unfortunately they're stuck in arguments from the last decade or two not seeing that since 2008 the country has experienced a quick uplift in its' political and financial position in the world, and a long string of key strategic decisions that completely challenge the old vocabulary , all in spite all of media and changing attitudes in the WH.

But that's my opinion only, I'd really like to see Caroline Grlick debate Einat Wilf, with Wilf representing the sane left that is much with it's finger on the pulse of reality, that I think would be a deserving intellectual challenge.

This was spot on - C Glick: "I don't believe for a moment that the ways to win the hearts and minds of young American Jews, is to say that "We're sorry, we're pathetic, we're desperate and we need You, that is certainly not an inspiring message, and certainly not true. It is not true that Israel is pathetic, it's is not true that it's a weak poor democracy that is in absolute need of the American Jewish community in order to continue to exist, with all due respect to our partners in the American Jewish community. That is not a kind of message people need to hear anywhere, not only here in the US, not in Israel, not in France, not in Belgium, not in S America - nowhere!
We are not a pathetic basketcase of a nation. To the contrary we go from strength to strength thank G-d!
Because we are just, we are right, we are creative, we are exciting, we believe in who we are and what we do in this world."

This is not politics for us, we see Israel as a miracle that deserves recognition rather than apology.
Even the most extreme leftist in Israel will tell You it's one of the best countries with a uniquely vibrant society that is overall thankful for the opportunity they've been given - a true example of a safe haven we wish for the rest of humanity, in spite of all media shebang and critique we know the truth - we need to take care of it and it's a good country.

When the left stops pretending it hates anything Israel by default, it can bring back the power of conviction over the young Israeli generation which is growing more young, not until then.

My 2c. as a young Israeli, discussion as always welcome:

Q. Will the Israeli left keep mirroring the majority of western outdated talking points or eventually come with fresh vocabulary? Will the settlers and the Arab tribe sheikhs create an alternative to the left and Palestinian warring fractions in favor of this realization that they are the only sides capable of an effective debate based on already a closely shared reality and proven mutual benefit?

Caroline vs Einat would be very interesting to watch.
Most promising communities in the middle east:
Crossing the Lines to Samaria

President of Sudan: I was advised to normalize relations with Israel in order to improve the country
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said he was advised to normalize relations with Israel in order to improve the country's situation. According to a report in the Turkish news agency "Endolo", Bashir did not specify who advised him to do so, and said the remarks at a meeting with religious leaders in the capital Khartoum. Recently, there have been contacts on the Israel-Brazil airline, which will pass over African countries, including Sudan (as well as Egypt, Chad and Nigeria). A senior Israeli official said a few days ago that there had been "significant progress" in setting up a trans-African airline route to Brazil, in which Israeli companies would also fly.
(Itamar Eichner)

The New York Times Incentivizes Hamas Violence

Israeli civilians are not occupiers or usurpers. They live in Israel proper not in occupied or disputed territory. This area was built from scratch by Israelis on barren desert land and the Israelis have a right to be protected from fire bombs and mobs determined to breach the protective fence. How would other nations respond to such threats? Certainly not by treating these dangerous mobs as peaceful protestors merely exercising their freedom of speech and assembly.

  • The Times's absurd conclusion that the shooter may have committed a "war crime," ignores the law of war crimes.

  • Contrast what Israel does with how the Palestinians treat terrorists who willfully target and kill Jewish children, women and other civilians. The Palestinian Authority pays their families rewards – in effect bounties -- for their willful acts of murder. Hamas promotes and lionizes terrorists who kill Jews. But you would not know any of that from reading the one-sided New York Times screed....All in all, it is a shockingly irresponsible report.
We have a Who are the Palestinians thread, so just to be fair...

Golda Meir

Thing is you already had this thread already, and it went down just like the recent boycott attempts :lol:

as always the Israel war monger loves get owned,LOL

BREAKING NEWS - the missing link to humanity's evolution from monkeys is found on USMB.

As always stupid orangutans like to pump their chest for no reason, irrational hatred of Israel in that species is due to lack of mating options and banging the head on the rug - which scientists say was the initial cause for separation of Homo-Sapience from Homo-Jihadus.
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Mothers of Nahal Haredi fighters to the Chief of General Staff: They are doing our sons an injustice - this is character assassination

Hard weeks go by
Two of their comrades - the fighters of the Netzach Yehuda Battalion, Staff Sergeant Yuval Mor Yosef and the late Sergeant Yosef Cohen - were killed in the serious attack on Givat Assaf about a month ago, and another member, who was wounded in the attack, is still fighting for his life. Soldiers were suspended after they confronted Border Policemen in Beit El and were accused of lack of professionalism.
Now, for the first time, a letter written by mothers of soldiers in the battalion is published, against the defamation of their sons. Six letters were signed by the Chief of Staff, the Public Appeals Officer and the IDF Spokesperson:
Bat-El Grynszpan, Michal Krotemer, Anat Gniram, Einat Noked, Sonia Elly and Ronit Alon.
Under the title "Libels against our children, heroes of the Nahal Haredi," the mothers wrote, "We sent our dear sons to defend the State of Israel. They chose this route precisely because they knew that in an eternal battalion they could certainly serve a meaningful combat service in a framework that suited their world, their way of life and their beliefs. They went through a difficult professional training course by a wonderful team of commanders, and together they became a brave group and a professional and good company that protects the citizens of the State of Israel and acts without fear to locate terrorists who are trying to break our routine. Unfortunately, in recent weeks our children who are fighting for the defense of the State of Israel are being murdered by character. They have false plots about dysfunction, lack of professionalism and low human standards. We read, heard and were shocked! "

According to the mothers, "while these lines are being written, the boys continue to stand guard at night and in the days of the cold, we are proud mothers of soldiers, Yehuda, who lost two good friends, and another friend who is very seriously wounded, but they are strong and continue to act with devotion and danger to their lives. We feel that they are doing an injustice to this battalion and are calling on you to strengthen our fighting sons, to counter the false propaganda and to support our wonderful soldiers. "

The IDF Spokesperson's Unit stated that "the Netzach Yehuda Battalion is carrying out intensive operational activities to protect the residents and passersby in its area, as well as a large amount of operational activity to eradicate terrorism in Judea and Samaria." The IDF strengthens the fighters and thanks their families for supporting them and their service. And hopes for his full recovery. "

FINALLY!: Israel presents an official estimate of the value of lost Jewish property in Tunisia and Libya: $ 50 billion


Israel is preparing for the "Deal of the Century" and will demand compensation on the lost property.

The property of the Jewish refugees from Arab countries is estimated at more than $250 billion.
Since 2010 there's a law obliging the inclusion of compensation for property in every negotiation.
In the past Arabs demanded more than $100 billion for the property left in Israel.

Additional evaluation is carried out in Morocco, Iraq, Syria, Egypt , Iran and Yemen.
Source: channel 12.
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Meet the Zionist Muslim who is competing in the Likud for the 2019 elections.

Dima Tayeh, a Muslim Arab who defines herself as a Zionist and an activist for Israeli public relations, announced that she would run for a place on the Likud list for the next Knesset: "The time has come for an Arab representation that loves the country and does not incite against it"

An interview from 2017:

Full interview 2019 elections - Dima Tayeh
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Meet the Zionist Muslim who is competing in the Likud for the 2019 elections.

Dima Tayeh, a Muslim Arab who defines herself as a Zionist and an activist for Israeli public relations, announced that she would run for a place on the Likud list for the next Knesset: "The time has come for an Arab representation that loves the country and does not incite against it"

An interview from 2017:

Full interview 2019 elections - Dima Tayeh

So much for the apartheid rantings.:cool:
The Untold Exodus of Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

Of course the Jewish and Palestinian refugees are separate and unrelated issues.

This is the part where You stop making any sense.

Arabs expelling Jews from Israel
Arabs expelling Jews from Iraq
Arabs expelling Jews from Yemen
Arabs expelling Jews from Morocco

It was systematic, it started almost simultaneously in a relatively short span of 100-150 years before Israel.
What many don't realize is that the waves of Arab Pogroms happened in parallel to the ones in Europe.

The Germans even adopted from Arabs the yellow star, as a means to segregate the Jews.
And the same way Nazis and Soviets went down in shame, the Arab oppressors got their asses kicked in an act of historic justice.
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