Who are the Israelis?

In the heart of Khan Yunes, with the sounds of shells in the background, the father blesses his wife who gave birth to their tenth child,
and gives a name to his daughter

Temple Mount Update | Awaken from "conceptions"



Temple Mount Update | More than 14,000 ascend the Temple Mount since the beginning of the new Jewish year | Rockets over the Temple Mount

Adir LePair from Binyamin, one of the operators of the association and its donors, recorded himself ascending the Temple Mount with great excitement. Join the
excitement along with him!

Hanucah at the Temple Mount



Hamas rockets intercepted over the Temple Mount


PM Netanyahu: We are currently intensifying the fight against Hamas. Step by step, we are wiping out Hamas's capabilities. Hamas will be defeated. Our soldiers will win. The people of Israel will win.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Saturday, 30 December 2023), at his press conference, at the Kirya in Tel Aviv [translated from Hebrew]:

"Citizens of Israel,

The war is continuing. We are fighting on all fronts. We have major successes but we have also paid a painful price. Achieving victory requires more time. Just as the Chief of Staff said this week: 'The war will continue for many more months.'

My policy is clear: We are continuing to fight until the goals of the war have been achieved, especially the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages. We are not relenting – even for a moment – in our efforts to bring our hostages back home, even at this very moment. We will ensure that Gaza no longer constitutes a threat to Israel, that there will be no element in it that finances terrorism, educates its children for terrorism and pays the families of terrorists.

We have additional important missions: To restore security in both the south and the north, to restore prosperity to the kibbutzim, moshavim and cities that have been attacked, and to return the residents to their homes.

As Prime Minister, I have rejected the international pressure aimed at stopping the war before we achieve these goals. I appreciate the US support for Israel, as this was expressed last week in the UN Security Council and in the approval that was given yesterday by the American administration for the supply of additional war material for the IDF.
Dear citizens of Israel,

I greatly appreciate your determination and patience. Wherever I meet you, I hear the same words: 'Continue; don't stop.' I hear this from all sections of the people. I hear it from the families of our fallen heroes, from those who have been wounded, and, of course, from our brave soldiers and commanders who I meet with in the field, including inside Gaza. They all tell me the same thing: 'Continue until absolute victory.'

In order to achieve absolute victory, in order to accomplish all of our goals, more time is required. We are working non-stop with determination and strength. I would like to emphasize that we are doing so while safeguarding the lives of our soldiers as much as possible. We are directing strong fire from the air and by land in order to strike our enemies, while watching over the security of our forces and the well-being of our hostages.

We are currently intensifying the fight against Hamas. In addition to continuing activity in the northern Gaza Strip and parallel to the battles in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, our forces are attacking the terrorists in the central Gaza Strip. They are fighting with force and new methods, above and below ground. This is very complex fighting, but we have the upper hand.

We have eliminated over 8,000 terrorists, and we are eliminating many more on each day of fighting. Step by step, we are wiping out Hamas's capabilities. Hamas will be defeated. Our soldiers will win. The people of Israel will win.

At the same time, we are also active on additional fronts. On the northern border, we are striking harsh blows at Hezbollah. We are eliminating many terrorists and are destroying the enemy's capabilities. We have approved operational plans for the continuation of the fighting. If Hezbollah expands the war – it will absorb blows that it has not dreamed of, and Iran as well. We will take all action until we restore security to the residents of the north.

In Judea and Samaria, we are working around the clock to arrest terrorists, to eliminate terrorists and to thwart many attacks. Since Operation Defensive Shield, there has been no operation in Judea and Samaria of such magnitude. I would like to stand by our settler brothers and sisters, who are steadfast in the face of constant terrorist threats.

Regarding the Houthis – I spoke with many leaders about the need to form an international coalition to safeguard freedom of international navigation in the straits. I welcome the fact that such a coalition has been formed. In any case, we will not allow this threat to harm the citizens of Israel or the Israeli economy.

Regarding Iran: Iran is leading the axis of evil and the aggression against us on the various fronts. This aggression is aimed not only at Israel but at the entire free world. We are acting against Iran all the time, everywhere, and I will not go into details. Today, everyone understands that the threat from Iran will greatly increase if Iran has nuclear weapons. Therefore, the goal that I have been working toward for many years, even now, remains as is: To do absolutely everything to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons.

Citizens of Israel,

We mourn our fallen heroes, our marvelous sons and daughters, those who have given their lives to defend our country and achieve our victory. We wish a quick and complete recovery to our wounded. We are proud of all our soldiers.

In my visit to Gaza this week, I met reservists. They have been fighting the Hamas terrorists for 85 days. They have lost friends, heroes who have fallen in defense of the homeland. They told me: 'We are here to defend not only our borders but also our home.'

When I visited the Sheba Medical Center this week, I spoke at length with the soldier Netanel Tekla, who is recovering from his wounds. Netanel told me about his and his friends' daring battles on October 7th. Netanel's family made aliyah from Ethiopia and dreamed of Zion and here he is defending Zion. With exemplary level-headedness, after he was wounded, Netanel eliminated seven terrorists and saved many lives. We wish him and all of our wounded a complete and quick recovery.

Last week I met with my bereaved brothers and sisters from the families of our heroes who have fallen in battle, including Rafael, the father of Staff Sergeant Shai Arus from Holon, a combat medic in the Givati Brigade who fell in the battles in Gaza. Rafael read me his son's final letter, his moving testament.

Shai wrote: 'I was happy to do what I have wanted to do – save lives and safeguard the country. This is something that I have always wanted to do, something that has always been a part of me since I was a small child. Now I have had the opportunity to do this and give of myself to the country.' And then Shai adds: 'Know that all of this has not been for nothing. The entire people of Israel should continue in this tradition: To love the country, because people have not fallen here for no reason and there are people who need to stand guard over us. I know that this will be difficult,' Shai writes. 'But I want you to continue as you are, to continue with your lives. I have had a happy life.'

To our heroes, those who have fallen in battle, those who have been wounded and those who wield the sword day and night, I salute you. You are the heroes of the people of Israel, of our country. With such spirit to bind us all, we will continue to fight until the end – until victory.

Together we will fight and with G-d's help, together we will win."

Reading of Torah in the Central Minyan in Khan Yunes, Gaza

The three members of the Knesset who are active reserve service in the war take release from their govt. positions - MK Mosheh Kinley Torpaz, Minister Amichai Shikli, and MK Yitzhak Kreuzer.

Abigail and David: the most popular names in 2022-2023

The Central Bureau of Statistics is now publishing the data on the names that were the most preferred last year, the year 2022 • The top ten also includes Mayah and Libby for girls, and Raphael and Yehudah for boys • In the Muslim sector, the name Muhammad was given to fewer boys than in 2021

The Central Bureau of Statistics today publishes the data on names in Israel, for years 2022-2023 among the entire population - and we found some innovations.

The most common name in the Jewish sector for girls is Abigail, which displaced the name Tamar to second place. In third place - the name Ayalah. The names Mayah, No'a, Sarah, Ya'el, Esther, 'Adel and Libby were also in the top ten names in 2022-2023 for Jewish girls.

The bureau checked the segmentation of the names according to regions, and found that the name Abigail was the most common in Be'er Sheva, Tamar in Modi'in-Illit, Mayah in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, and Sarah in Beitar Illit, Beit Shemesh, Bnei Brak and Jerusalem.

Among boys' names in the Jewish sector, the name David was the most common two years in a row, followed by the names Ariel and Lavi.

The names Raphael, Yosef, Ari, Noam, Ori, Mosheh and Yehudah were also in the top ten names in 2022-2023 for Jewish boys.

The name David was the most common in Jerusalem, Netanyah and Ashdod.
The name Lavi was most common in Holon, Beer Shev'a and Petah Tikvah.

RETURNING HOME - The right-wing organizations say that in the event of a ceasefire, they will march to the north of the Gaza Strip


Lucky to be in These Times - My Israel Narrative

Despite the pain and hardship, Nina reflects on how connected she feels to the times we are in.

Intel's request for a new 25 billion dollar factory approved

The general managers of the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Industry and the Tax Authority and the Director of the Investment Authority approved Intel's request to establish a new factory in Israel with an investment of 25 billion dollars.

As part of the investment, the company is expected to employ thousands of additional workers in Kiryat Gat at high wages. As part of its commitments, Intel is expected to finish the investment and begin operations at the plant by 2028.

Ma'ariv News
Civil Communication and Management | The tragic story of the IDF unit which sole purpose was to prevent a humanitarian disaster - in Gaza

Dozens of terrorists facing unarmed soldiers at a base whose essence is aid to the Gaza population. Nick Beiser, Ron Sherman and Tamir Nimrodi were documented being kidnapped by Hamas.


Last Wednesday we entered the base for the first time since the attack, and heard the story of the heroism of E'.

On Friday, the bodies of Nick and Ron were already identified.

After their commanders and comrades fell and were kidnapped, the unit responsible for the humanitarian situation of the residents of Gaza returned to work

| Reservists raise moral questions

"I volunteered for the reserves in a specially formed unit, and it only became clear to me in retrospect that this was the case, in order to monitor the situation in Gaza. And all out of concern for the Gazans, that there will not be a humanitarian crisis there, to closely monitor their situation and take care of all their needs.

Conscientiously, I could not take part in this,

I asked my commander if we were the army for the defense of the enemy..

He claimed that it was Israel's interest, so to speak.

I left, and I volunteer today in another unit."

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RETURNING HOME - The right-wing organizations say that in the event of a ceasefire, they will march to the north of the Gaza Strip

Civil Communication and Management | The tragic story of the IDF unit which sole purpose was to prevent a humanitarian disaster - in Gaza

Dozens of terrorists facing unarmed soldiers at a base whose essence is aid to the Gaza population. Nick Beiser, Ron Sherman and Tamir Nimrodi were documented being kidnapped by Hamas.


Last Wednesday we entered the base for the first time since the attack, and heard the story of the heroism of E'.

On Friday, the bodies of Nick and Ron were already identified.

After their commanders and comrades fell and were kidnapped, the unit responsible for the humanitarian situation of the residents of Gaza returned to work

| Reservists raise moral questions

"I volunteered for the reserves in a specially formed unit, and it only became clear to me in retrospect that this was the case, in order to monitor the situation in Gaza. And all out of concern for the Gazans, that there will not be a humanitarian crisis there, to closely monitor their situation and take care of all their needs.

Conscientiously, I could not take part in this,

I asked my commander if we were the army for the defense of the enemy..

He claimed that it was Israel's interest, so to speak.

I left, and I volunteer today in another unit."

"Humanitarian Aid" to HAMAS Must Stop! | The Caroline Glick Show

Is the "humanitarian aid" being sent to Gaza reaching ordinary Gazans or being entirely stolen by Hamas? Has Israel gone too far to protect "innocent" Gazans and sacrificed its soldiers in the process.

Caroline interviews Chana Katan and Gal Carmeli two members of Mothers of Warriors who shared their stories and demands from the government. Mothers of Warriors is an organization of women who had or have children serving in Gaza and making demands that humanitarian aid be stopped.

Temple Mount Update | More than 14,000 ascend the Temple Mount since the beginning of the new Jewish year | Rockets over the Temple Mount

Adir LePair from Binyamin, one of the operators of the association and its donors, recorded himself ascending the Temple Mount with great excitement. Join the
excitement along with him!

Hanucah at the Temple Mount



Hamas rockets intercepted over the Temple Mount

Temple Mount Update | Chilling - the last will of the hero Capt. Harel Sharvit HY"D to the nation of Israel regarding the Temple

"You are going to the Temple Mount, it's the root of the matter,
and the point of war. And we will have victory there.

Brother, You are the warrior of the Temple Mount, You are a warrior!
Your going to the Temple Mount is our victory, my brother.

Spread this - every house we enter in Gaza, every house,
wherever we go, there's a single picture, of al-Aqsa,
this abomination. Not in vain is it called al-Aqsa,
it's slanderous abomination!

The abomination they want, they won't release or rest.
Every house reminds me! The reason I fight, why we fight here.

Maj. Rabbi Hebron Shiloh, straight from the front lines with a message -
"Many are asking, has the time come to cancel the fasts? "

2023: More than 50,000 Jews ascend the Temple Mount

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Then what does that make the other 70% of people in Israel, Mongols or Brazilians. Or don't you like the truth about Israel being 60% Sephardic Jews with very few Ashkenazi Jews left. So this one small fact destroys your every post about the Jews being INVADERS and COLONISTS when in fact they are indigenous to the area. Unlike the arab muslims that are just bums from the surrounding lands.

The Akkadians were there before the Jews. Arabs have lived there since long before Islam. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.
The Akkadians were there before the Jews. Arabs have lived there since long before Islam. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.

If it's about Arab nationalism, what about so called "Fakestinians"?

Of course, it's always been cover for Arab imperialism,
as well as, Akkadians were foreign imperialists.

Ebla predates them all - the earliest record

of royal archives in human history.

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Temple Mount Update | Chilling - the last will of the hero Capt. Harel Sharvit HY"D to the nation of Israel regarding the Temple

"You are going to the Temple Mount, it's the root of the matter,
and the point of war. And we will have victory there.

Brother, You are the warrior of the Temple Mount, You are a warrior!
Your going to the Temple Mount is our victory, my brother.

Spread this - every house we enter in Gaza, every house,
wherever we go, there's a single picture, of al-Aqsa,
this abomination. Not in vain is it called al-Aqsa,
it's slanderous abomination!

The abomination they want, they won't release or rest.
Every house reminds me! The reason I fight, why we fight here.

Maj. Rabbi Hebron Shiloh, straight from the front lines with a message -
"Many are asking, has the time come to cancel the fasts? "

2023: More than 50,000 Jews ascend the Temple Mount


Antisemitism: the UN counts ascension to the Temple Mount as "settler violence"

The UN data on "settler violence" show a real blood libel - 30% of the incidents took place in Jerusalem in general, in many of the incidents there are no settlers and no violence

News 12 journalist Amit Segal revealed the truth about the UN's false data regarding "settler violence", a campaign that the UN and the European Union promote together with Israeli and foreign left-wing organizations.

Such a plot is hard to believe was invented. It turns out that some of the incidents that are counted as "settler violence" are murderous attacks that were carried out by Arabs. Others are incidents in which the IDF shot at Arab rioters, and 30 percent of the incidents in general took place in Jerusalem and are not related to violence, but describe the ascension of Jews and tourists to the Temple Mount.

The data was received from the UN by Dr. Michael Wolfowitz, Doctor of Criminology at the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University, who is researching the issue.

30% of the events took place in Jerusalem
However, an examination shows that over 1,600 of them (29 percent) took place in Jerusalem in general, almost all of them - 1,300 of them (23 percent) are Jews or tourists entering the Temple Mount or police confrontations with Muslim rioters on the Temple Mount. That is, no violence and no settlers... Of the remaining ones, only 2,500 describe an attack on property or a person (only 45 percent of all incidents), while most of the incidents describe entry into lands or things like these.

But even these 45% include hundreds of incidents that have no connection to "settler violence". The record - an attack in which terrorists shot or stabbed Jews and were killed or injured by soldiers or civilians is considered by UN method of "settler violence". One of them was even registered twice because on the day of the attack the terrorist was injured and a day later he died of his wounds.

Arab murder of a Jew? "settler violence"
For example, on April 8, 2018, Muhammad Abdel Kareem Marshood tried to stab Israeli citizens at a gas station in the Ma'ale Adumim industrial area (Mishor Adumim). An Israeli citizen with a firearms license neutralized the threat with his weapon. The attacker then died of his wounds on April 9, 2018. Surprisingly, this incident is recorded in UN data as an act of settler violence. More surprisingly, separate incidents were recorded on April 8 and 9 for the same incident, one for the shooting and one for the death next.

Such a plot is hard to believe was invented. It turns out that some of the incidents that are counted as "settler violence" are murderous attacks that were carried out by Arabs. Others are events in which the IDF shot at Arab rioters, and 30% of the events in general took place in Jerusalem and are not related to violence, but describe the ascension of Jews and tourists at the Temple Mount.

A similar incident was recorded on July 26, 2018: at the time it was described that "a 31-year-old settler was killed and two settlers (41 and 58) were injured when they were stabbed by a 17-year-old Palestinian man in the Adam settlement near the village of Jaba. The Palestinian was identified as Muhammad Tarek Dar Yosef from the village of Kubar; He was shot to death with live ammunition fired by a settler in the settlement. The body of the slain Palestinian was detained by the Israeli authorities (Jerusalem)."

An incident in which Yotam 'Ovedi HY"D was murdered was recorded as an incident of "settler violence", apparently because the terrorist was shot by a "settler". Another event defined as settler violence is a stabbing attack at Mor Farm in Mount Hebron. The farmer shot and killed the terrorist after the terrorist stabbed him in his home while his wife and children were in the next room. The same goes for a terrorist who entered Yitzhar to carry out a stabbing attack and was shot by the security forces and wounded close to the homes of families he planned to enter, described as settler violence.

Entry of travelers to the antiquities site? Settler violence
Even the injury of Arab rioters from the shooting of the security forces, such as rioters who threw stones at people that entered Joseph's tomb, archaeological sites or in other riots by Arabs that approached Jewish settlements, is considered by the United Nations as settler violence

Two-way anti-Semitism
Regarding terrorist attacks on Jews, the UN perpetrates the same lie only in reverse. According to the UN, in the years 2016 to 2022, there were 1,935 attacks on Israelis by Palestinians, including in Jerusalem.

A ridiculous figure considering that according to the IDF only in the years 2019-2022 there were 25,257 Arab attacks on Jews in Judea and Samaria alone (excluding Jerusalem) including over 20,000 incidents of stone throwing, about 4,000 Molotov cocktails, about 400 shooting attacks and over 50 stabbing attacks.

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