"Whitey is to Blame" - President of Brazil


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
An, er, "interesting" take on the global financial crisis.

White, blue-eyed bankers are entirely to blame for the world financial crisis that has ended up hitting black and indigenous people disproportionately, the president of Brazil declared .

In an outspoken intervention as Gordon Brown stood alongside him, Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva pledged to make next week's G20 summit "spicy" as he accused the rich of forcing the poor into greater hardship.

"This crisis was caused by no black man or woman or by no indigenous person or by no poor person," Lula said after talks with the prime minister in Brasilia to discuss next week's G20 summit in London.

"This crisis was fostered and boosted by irrational behaviour of some people that are white, blue-eyed. Before the crisis they looked like they knew everything about economics, and they have demonstrated they know nothing about economics."

Challenged about his claims, Lula responded: "I only record what I see in the press. I am not acquainted with a single black banker."

'Blue-eyed bankers' to blame for crash, Brazil's Lula tells Gordon Brown | World news | guardian.co.uk
I think the entire financial meltdown was caused by people that enjoy driving fast cars. Most bank executives and wall street traders drive Jags, Corvettes, and Porsches. If we give the financial system to people that drive Jettas we will be in great shape!!!
I think the entire financial meltdown was caused by people that enjoy driving fast cars. Most bank executives and wall street traders drive Jags, Corvettes, and Porsches. If we give the financial system to people that drive Jettas we will be in great shape!!!

The financial system isn't ours to "give".
Err... but isn't it... true?

No, it's not. That's a very ignorant stereotype: that all White people have blue eyes. Lula is himself a White guy without blue eyes. Blue eyes are more common within certain White ethnic groups (like Scandinavians), but they are less common in others, and even among Scandinavians blue eyes are far from universal. Only a minority of American Whites have blue eyes, and it's a pretty safe bet that only a minority of American bankers have blue eyes.

Otherwise, it's a pretty safe bet to assume that most bankers in the United States (who caused this problem) are White. But I question Lula's judgment in feeling the need to point out the obvious: that White people are disproportionally advantaged in both the United States and Brazil (and disproportionally hold positions of power), and that Black people (including pardo [mixed African & European heritage]) are disproportionally disadvantaged in both countries. This is a given, and there was no need for Lula to point this out, unless he was making a rebuttal against an unfair remark aimed at Black people. Additionally, his comment ignores the fact that, even though White people are generally better off than Black people in both the United States and Brazil, tens of millions of White people in both countries do live in poverty, and hundreds of millions more -who belong to the middle classes- are being heavily impacted by the recession and the actions of greedy bankers. So, making this into a White-vs-rest issue, is a tad counterproductive, and risks creating a "race" issue where there really isn't one.
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Err... but isn't it... true?

No, it's not. That's a very ignorant stereotype: that all White people have blue eyes. Lula is himself a White guy without blue eyes. Blue eyes are more common within certain White ethnic groups (like Scandinavians), but they are less common in others, and even among Scandinavians blue eyes are far from universal. Only a minority of American Whites have blue eyes, and it's a pretty safe bet that only a minority of American bankers have blue eyes.

Otherwise, it's a pretty safe bet to assume that most bankers in the United States (who caused this problem) are White. But I question Lula's judgment in feeling the need to point out the obvious: that White people are disproportionally advantaged in both the United States and Brazil (and disproportionally hold positions of power), and that Black people (including pardo [mixed African & European heritage]) are disproportionally disadvantaged in both countries. This is a given, and there was no need for Lula to point this out, unless he was making a rebuttal against an unfair remark aimed at Black people. Additionally, his comment ignores the fact that, even though White people are generally better off than Black people in both the United States and Brazil, tens of millions of White people in both countries do live in poverty, and hundreds of millions more -who belong to the middle classes- are being heavily impacted by the recession and the actions of greedy bankers. So, making this into a White-vs-rest issue, is a tad counterproductive, and risks creating a "race" issue where there really isn't one.

As usual, Morpheus with the good point; and I stand corrected. Though we can both agree, I think, that the comments won't really have far reaching effects- It just seems like a simple, silly comment, obviously oversimplifying the situation, but hardly enough to spark any "racial strife" anywhere.
As usual, Morpheus with the good point; and I stand corrected. Though we can both agree, I think, that the comments won't really have far reaching effects- It just seems like a simple, silly comment, obviously oversimplifying the situation, but hardly enough to spark any "racial strife" anywhere.

I hope so. It just seems that a silly ill-thought out comment like this one will give the hard-core conservatives more impetus firstly, and secondly he's kind of promoting the pseudo-anthropological viewpoint that's been emerging lately (particularly in the United States) that excludes several White people from the "White" designation.
Err... but isn't it... true?

No, it's not. That's a very ignorant stereotype: that all White people have blue eyes. Lula is himself a White guy without blue eyes. Blue eyes are more common within certain White ethnic groups (like Scandinavians), but they are less common in others, and even among Scandinavians blue eyes are far from universal. Only a minority of American Whites have blue eyes, and it's a pretty safe bet that only a minority of American bankers have blue eyes.

Otherwise, it's a pretty safe bet to assume that most bankers in the United States (who caused this problem) are White. But I question Lula's judgment in feeling the need to point out the obvious: that White people are disproportionally advantaged in both the United States and Brazil (and disproportionally hold positions of power), and that Black people (including pardo [mixed African & European heritage]) are disproportionally disadvantaged in both countries. This is a given, and there was no need for Lula to point this out, unless he was making a rebuttal against an unfair remark aimed at Black people. Additionally, his comment ignores the fact that, even though White people are generally better off than Black people in both the United States and Brazil, tens of millions of White people in both countries do live in poverty, and hundreds of millions more -who belong to the middle classes- are being heavily impacted by the recession and the actions of greedy bankers. So, making this into a White-vs-rest issue, is a tad counterproductive, and risks creating a "race" issue where there really isn't one.

As usual, Morpheus with the good point; and I stand corrected. Though we can both agree, I think, that the comments won't really have far reaching effects- It just seems like a simple, silly comment, obviously oversimplifying the situation, but hardly enough to spark any "racial strife" anywhere.

Unfortunately, not true. Anyone familiar with what's going on in Venezuela, Bolivia, and most of the South America, knows this lies at the heart of the problems there. European (Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, German) decendants generally make up the upper classes. They aren't all white and blue-eyed but everyone knows who they are pointing to. Their class structures are old-world and lines between them have been rarely crossed until only recently. The younger generations, thanks in no small part to communications (cell phones, internet), are breaking down the barriers but not fast enough for some. Luls's comment is at best irresponsible and at worst inflamatory but what else would you expect from someone who built his career on populism. It's a shame because he has otherwise done a fairly good job. It's just amazing to see how the true nature of a person reveals itself the instant they feel backed into a corner but he needs to stop and realize he's not the only one feeling frustrated.
Well Lula is 100% right . This entire global economic meltdown was caused by greedy White Blue eyed males. How many blacks and hispanics, are in the decision maker position at these Banks, and Wall street
firms.?., none!.The White Blue eyed, males and females are responsible for the Global economic meltdown.!!$$$!!
An, er, "interesting" take on the global financial crisis.

White, blue-eyed bankers are entirely to blame for the world financial crisis that has ended up hitting black and indigenous people disproportionately, the president of Brazil declared .

In an outspoken intervention as Gordon Brown stood alongside him, Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva pledged to make next week's G20 summit "spicy" as he accused the rich of forcing the poor into greater hardship.

"This crisis was caused by no black man or woman or by no indigenous person or by no poor person," Lula said after talks with the prime minister in Brasilia to discuss next week's G20 summit in London.

"This crisis was fostered and boosted by irrational behaviour of some people that are white, blue-eyed. Before the crisis they looked like they knew everything about economics, and they have demonstrated they know nothing about economics."

Challenged about his claims, Lula responded: "I only record what I see in the press. I am not acquainted with a single black banker."

'Blue-eyed bankers' to blame for crash, Brazil's Lula tells Gordon Brown | World news | guardian.co.uk

Theoretically true... Practically, over-fucking-simplified bullshit. What a little dumb dependency theorist do we have here... Lula... You know, I AM getting sick of this Marxist turned racist shit... To a certain point - yeah, most of things were a white man's fault (colonialism, etc.) BUT! When will they stop just throwing the blame around and start looking into their own backyards and sweeping in front of their own doorsteps? Actually, this is totally not like me to say this... I usually stick with the underdog...

Maybe it's the champagne... just moved to a new apartment... celebratin' a bit.
An, er, "interesting" take on the global financial crisis.

White, blue-eyed bankers are entirely to blame for the world financial crisis that has ended up hitting black and indigenous people disproportionately, the president of Brazil declared .

In an outspoken intervention as Gordon Brown stood alongside him, Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva pledged to make next week's G20 summit "spicy" as he accused the rich of forcing the poor into greater hardship.

"This crisis was caused by no black man or woman or by no indigenous person or by no poor person," Lula said after talks with the prime minister in Brasilia to discuss next week's G20 summit in London.

"This crisis was fostered and boosted by irrational behaviour of some people that are white, blue-eyed. Before the crisis they looked like they knew everything about economics, and they have demonstrated they know nothing about economics."

Challenged about his claims, Lula responded: "I only record what I see in the press. I am not acquainted with a single black banker."

'Blue-eyed bankers' to blame for crash, Brazil's Lula tells Gordon Brown | World news | guardian.co.uk

Theoretically true... Practically, over-fucking-simplified bullshit. What a little dumb dependency theorist do we have here... Lula... You know, I AM getting sick of this Marxist turned racist shit... To a certain point - yeah, most of things were a white man's fault (colonialism, etc.) BUT! When will they stop just throwing the blame around and start looking into their own backyards and sweeping in front of their own doorsteps? Actually, this is totally not like me to say this... I usually stick with the underdog...

Maybe it's the champagne... just moved to a new apartment... celebratin' a bit.
All you white sucka But Homo lesbians are to Blaime for the Global Economic meltdown.
As I said , there were no Black males or females or Hispanic males or females in the upper
escholon of many of these Insurance , Brokerage , and Banking institutions. This Wall street, and Global collasp is caused by White male and White females. This is not oversimplified Bullshit , it is just the cold hard facts, that many of you white Homo's and lesbos just don't want to accept and swallow.!!.Its all you white peoples fault, and the entire Black and hispanic and Brown world has to suffer.!
All you white sucka But Homo lesbians are to Blaime for the Global Economic meltdown.
As I said , there were no Black males or females or Hispanic males or females in the upper
escholon of many of these Insurance , Brokerage , and Banking institutions. This Wall street, and Global collasp is caused by White male and White females. This is not oversimplified Bullshit , it is just the cold hard facts, that many of you white Homo's and lesbos just don't want to accept and swallow.!!.Its all you white peoples fault, and the entire Black and hispanic and Brown world has to suffer.!

The problem with this reasoning (and most of the Nation's reasoning when it comes to race) is that it's based on the logically fallacious assumption that correlation implies causation.
All you white sucka But Homo lesbians are to Blaime for the Global Economic meltdown.
As I said , there were no Black males or females or Hispanic males or females in the upper
escholon of many of these Insurance , Brokerage , and Banking institutions. This Wall street, and Global collasp is caused by White male and White females. This is not oversimplified Bullshit , it is just the cold hard facts, that many of you white Homo's and lesbos just don't want to accept and swallow.!!.Its all you white peoples fault, and the entire Black and hispanic and Brown world has to suffer.!

The problem with this reasoning (and most of the Nation's reasoning when it comes to race) is that it's based on the logically fallacious assumption that correlation implies causation.

Listen Kalam, like I stated, there is nothing fallacious , or false about what I am saying.
White people created these financial instruments , packaged them , and sold them to the entire world, knowing that they were artificially overvalued,or outright worthless. These White men , knowingly and with premeditated thought, defrauded the American people, and many other people throughout the rest of the World. Blacks, had nothing to do with the creation of these Financial instruments , nor did any hispanics, have anything to do with what we are currently experiencing. This was all created by greedy White male Wall Street
types, who don't even want to hire Blacks or other minorities in their firms.
So, 52...do you think greed is a racially heritable trait? Do you believe whiteness somehow is responsible for the actions of these people or is it more likely they acted the way they did simply because they could get away with it and greed is one of those traits common to all?

Theoretically true... Practically, over-fucking-simplified bullshit. What a little dumb dependency theorist do we have here... Lula... You know, I AM getting sick of this Marxist turned racist shit... To a certain point - yeah, most of things were a white man's fault (colonialism, etc.) BUT! When will they stop just throwing the blame around and start looking into their own backyards and sweeping in front of their own doorsteps? Actually, this is totally not like me to say this... I usually stick with the underdog...

Maybe it's the champagne... just moved to a new apartment... celebratin' a bit.
All you white sucka But Homo lesbians are to Blaime for the Global Economic meltdown.
As I said , there were no Black males or females or Hispanic males or females in the upper
escholon of many of these Insurance , Brokerage , and Banking institutions. This Wall street, and Global collasp is caused by White male and White females. This is not oversimplified Bullshit , it is just the cold hard facts, that many of you white Homo's and lesbos just don't want to accept and swallow.!!.Its all you white peoples fault, and the entire Black and hispanic and Brown world has to suffer.!

As Kalam has already said - you are engaging in a logical fallacy - as well as Lula et al. Correlation does not imply causation.... All of this has nothing to do with ethnicity or the color of one's skin... it has everything to do with things like greed, mismanagement, stupidity, in other words - human error. Human error CAUSED what happened, the fact that those humans were WHITE has nothing to do with that. Lula is being an idiot for saying things like this - I used to have a bit more respect for him - he's just enjoying the limelight of being contrary and saying shocking things - just like Chavez with his 'devil' bs (while I did chuckle a bit on that one)... It is all a charade and he thinks he'll be able to bank on the situation doing shit like this... what a clown.
All you white sucka But Homo lesbians are to Blaime for the Global Economic meltdown.
As I said , there were no Black males or females or Hispanic males or females in the upper
escholon of many of these Insurance , Brokerage , and Banking institutions. This Wall street, and Global collasp is caused by White male and White females. This is not oversimplified Bullshit , it is just the cold hard facts, that many of you white Homo's and lesbos just don't want to accept and swallow.!!.Its all you white peoples fault, and the entire Black and hispanic and Brown world has to suffer.!

The problem with this reasoning (and most of the Nation's reasoning when it comes to race) is that it's based on the logically fallacious assumption that correlation implies causation.

Listen Kalam, like I stated, there is nothing fallacious , or false about what I am saying.
White people created these financial instruments , packaged them , and sold them to the entire world, knowing that they were artificially overvalued,or outright worthless. These White men , knowingly and with premeditated thought, defrauded the American people, and many other people throughout the rest of the World. Blacks, had nothing to do with the creation of these Financial instruments , nor did any hispanics, have anything to do with what we are currently experiencing. This was all created by greedy White male Wall Street
types, who don't even want to hire Blacks or other minorities in their firms.

Your forgetting, or probably don't realize, that Chinese (yellow) and Middle Eastern (brown) money had a major role in this recent meltdown. Where do you think all the cheap cash came from? They were throwing money at Wall Street by the truck load and fueled the engine that started us down a road where our politicians were all patting themselves on the back for puttting so many of who? in homes? Blacks!!!? The money was so cheap and so plentiful what's the financial risk or downside compared to the political upside? And who was involved in shutting down the naysayers like McCain when he warned us all that this day was coming? Minority action groups.
For anyone to say this is a whitey problem, they have to be ignorant and/or bigoted or just some politician out to get votes from the ignorant masses, like Lula and Chavez.
There are more White folks with blues eyes on welfare in the USA than Black people, folks.

Thinking that the economic problem is a race based problem is sort of missing the obvious.

While I do not doubt that our nation is racist, at least we recognize that problem.

But it is also a classist society and most of us are afriad to even acknowledge that obvious truth.

Decades of propagada have worked, that's for damned sure.
Listen Kalam, like I stated, there is nothing fallacious , or false about what I am saying.
White people created these financial instruments , packaged them , and sold them to the entire world, knowing that they were artificially overvalued,or outright worthless. These White men , knowingly and with premeditated thought, defrauded the American people, and many other people throughout the rest of the World. Blacks, had nothing to do with the creation of these Financial instruments , nor did any hispanics, have anything to do with what we are currently experiencing. This was all created by greedy White male Wall Street
types, who don't even want to hire Blacks or other minorities in their firms.

What you're saying here may be largely true; however, your implication that those whose actions led to the financial crisis were corrupt and unscrupulous in their business dealings because of their race seems illogical.

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