Whites who confess to "white privilege" still racist as hel


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Since nothing on this big blue marble we call Planet Earth amuses us more than the spectacle of white people lying prostrate while apologizing for being white and being called “racist” anyway, we are pleased to announce that we found great glee in reading “Unhappy Confessions: The Temptation of Admitting to White Privilege,” published by the always hysterical Feminist Philosophy Quarterly. In academic gobbledygook that is as thick and opaque as huge blood clots on a freshly removed tampon, author Claire A. Lockard writes:

Admissions of white privilege or racism can be conceptualized as Foucauldian confessions that are pleasurable to enact but ultimately reinforce white people’s feelings of goodness and allow them to avoid addressing this racism.

We agree that white people appear to do this sort of self-flagellation routine in order to feel good about themselves rather than doing anything concrete to improve the material conditions of nonwhites. We are greatly amused that Ms. Lockard thinks that by publicly declaring they are not racist, white ethnomasochists actually become more racist on a subconscious level. And, greatest of all, we guffaw heartily at the idea that by posturing as if she understands “anti-racism” better than other self-hating whites do, by her own dopey rules she has possibly unmasked herself as the most “racist” white person who ever lived.

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