Whites consciously and subliminally brainwashing black women in America.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I have been noticing, that many Black American females have been effectively brain washed
by white America.

This brainwashing starts with the televison. After watching countless hours of soap operas,
I have noticed that Black American females, desire the lives that they view on many of these
soap operas.

They fall in love with many of the White male characters, and indentify with many of the
White female characters on the soap operas.

This situation then transfers to the real world in many cases. They are out there looking for
a White man, as an acceptable mate. After years of watching black soap opera thugs.
They see Mr. White boy hero, as acceptable.
I have been noticing, that many Black American females have been effectively brain washed
by white America.

This brainwashing starts with the televison. After watching countless hours of soap operas,
I have noticed that Black American females, desire the lives that they view on many of these
soap operas.

They fall in love with many of the White male characters, and indentify with many of the
White female characters on the soap operas.

This situation then transfers to the real world in many cases. They are out there looking for
a White man, as an acceptable mate. After years of watching black soap opera thugs.
They see Mr. White boy hero, as acceptable.

I like doing it unconsciously myself---it's funner.
I have been noticing, that many Black American females have been effectively brain washed
by white America.

This brainwashing starts with the televison. After watching countless hours of soap operas,
I have noticed that Black American females, desire the lives that they view on many of these
soap operas.

They fall in love with many of the White male characters, and indentify with many of the
White female characters on the soap operas.

This situation then transfers to the real world in many cases. They are out there looking for
a White man, as an acceptable mate. After years of watching black soap opera thugs.
They see Mr. White boy hero, as acceptable.

Actually, it's purposeful. Everything about American culture is designed to make black women reject black men and embrace white men. It's a plot by white women to free up summa dat chocolate goodness for ourselves.
Moreover, we hear a lot of Black women accepting the White peoples agenda, that the problem
is with the Black male, then they complete the brainwashing plan, by actually marry a White male,thinking
that they just fell in love with this White male naturally.Not realizing that the union came about from many
years of conscious, and subliminal brainwashing. And then many of these poor misguided Black women,
start to hate the very men, that in effect are men that fathered them with Black women, from a previous
generation.This fact is very sad, and can lead to partial genocide of the black race if it continues.
Where does this white man/black woman coupling happen? I've never seen it. I've seen black men with white women, but never the other way around.
I wish someone would tell me what my agenda is. I think I left it on my fridge, in the mists of early morning as I was struggling to get the dog fed, warm up the car, get two kids under the age of 7 ready for school, feed the horses, get ready for work and turn off all the lights to conserve energy and reduce fire risk while I'm gone.

Tell me again what my fucking agenda is and I'll bop you.
Where does this white man/black woman coupling happen? I've never seen it. I've seen black men with white women, but never the other way around.

Most of them I keep in my garage but they are cool with it cuz I'm a white dude.
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A good friend of mine has been married to his black wife, 2 years his senior, for years now. good for them. Individuals in love are under no obligation to perpetuate your idea shade of skin color anyway. And, truthfully, you sound more like David Duke than Malcom x.

True story, it bummed me out to discover that Wanda Sykes is gay because i've had a crush on her for a long time. And, be honest... Whoopie was fine as hell back in the early 80s too.
A good friend of mine has been married to his black wife, 2 years his senior, for years now. good for them. Individuals in love are under no obligation to perpetuate your idea shade of skin color anyway. And, truthfully, you sound more like David Duke than Malcom x.

Whoa! What happened here? Shogun and i agree on something? Maybe i should give Yassir Arafat a call in hell and see if things are freezing over down there.

True story, it bummed me out to discover that Wanda Sykes is gay because i've had a crush on her for a long time. And, be honest... Whoopie was fine as hell back in the early 80s too.

Whoopie and Wanda are good looking? Maybe you could say Wanda has at least some attractiveness to her, average at best, but youve got to be kidding me with this Whoopie thing!? She has a mouth like Kermit the Frog.
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Just saying...


And, you'll notice that im not one who will ever support the dominance of any ethnicity over another. Indeed, i'm sure you and the ghost of arafat AND an assasinated Rabin would have a good chuckle over that one. Say, who killed Rabin again? Oh, nevermind.. thats probably just some antisemite talk...
Hmm, i guess she doesnt look so terrible in that picture. I stand corrected.
I have been noticing, that many Black American females have been effectively brain washed
by white America.

This brainwashing starts with the televison. After watching countless hours of soap operas,
I have noticed that Black American females, desire the lives that they view on many of these
soap operas.

They fall in love with many of the White male characters, and indentify with many of the
White female characters on the soap operas.

This situation then transfers to the real world in many cases. They are out there looking for
a White man, as an acceptable mate. After years of watching black soap opera thugs.
They see Mr. White boy hero, as acceptable.

I don't see where you say that white america does this besides making the soap operas. But as far as black women being brainwashed, I think that it is more of it being a choice and I don't think that it's that many of them. And I don't think the black race is going anywhere anytime soon. Just find a black woman that agrees with you and you're all set.

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