White Wife + Black Husband = Death

That's one of the best features of Islam.

Men and women both know their place and who is in charge.

Women in the West are allowed a free hand to rule over their men.

This is against the natural order of nature.

And only causes chaos in society.

Women want and need a strong man to keep them in line.

We Muslims have our priorities right when it comes to marriage and women in general. :cool:

Yeah, we see that every time we look at the egregious human rights violations that take place in Muslim nations; more often against women than anyone else. You guys have it all figured out!

He is trolling. There are way to many contradictions in what he says. I honestly don't think he is Muslim!


  • $Middle Finger.GIF
    $Middle Finger.GIF
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Here are the facts % 5.5 percent of black men, and % 4.1 percent of black women marry into the white race. A very small number when you look at the race as a whole. Welcome to the real world.
White media has been blowing interracial marriage way out of porportion to what is really happening in the real world. It is not on the increase. It is not a grwoing trend, thank god it is not.
For the most part, where I live, black men who marry whites marry UGLY FAT white women with tattoos. They can have the bitches as far as I'm concerned.:lol::lol:
For the most part, where I live, black men who marry whites marry UGLY FAT white women with tattoos. They can have the bitches as far as I'm concerned.:lol::lol:

Please you act like non-ugly model-sized woman like you anyway. Tiger Woods would steal your girlfriend with easssssssse.
White women married to black men are 12 TIMES more likely to be killed by their spouse than white women married to white men.


Another reason why race-mixing is GENOCIDE.

I would never even think of marrying a white woman. I think black men that get into relationships with White women need to have their head examined.
Blacks need to never enter into any kind of interracial realtionship with white people.
And whites need to stay away from blacks. Interracial marraige does equal genocide.
I am for keeping the black genepool pure. Black is beautiful.Lets keep it that way.!!
We don't need to marry the people that once enslaved us.

Shut the fuck up.

Women are Women. And I pride myself on being able to get women of all races.

Besides, just being blatant about it, if California Girl's avatar doesn't make you stiff you're fucking gay...

black, white, Hispanic, or indifferent. End of story.
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Ya..OK..But they are fat ugly white women.. And the problem is..??????
Seems like only the professional ball players and the famous blacks get the hot white women. You can't deny Seal married one of the worlds hottest women.

I just laugh when I see blacks and (what appear to be) illegal aliens with fat white wimmen, I mean fuckin' huge. When they first got em they probably thought "Wow, I hit the jackpot!". Now many of them have that look on their face like "What the fuck was I thinking?". :lol:

Ya they have to go out in public and they get looks from white guys that say "What the FUCK were you thinking"... They start out thinkin "look what I gots" then they come to the realization.."Oh SHIT!! Look what I'm stuck with..":lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow! You guys are dicks!
Seems like only the professional ball players and the famous blacks get the hot white women. You can't deny Seal married one of the worlds hottest women.

I just laugh when I see blacks and (what appear to be) illegal aliens with fat white wimmen, I mean fuckin' huge. When they first got em they probably thought "Wow, I hit the jackpot!". Now many of them have that look on their face like "What the fuck was I thinking?". :lol:

Ya they have to go out in public and they get looks from white guys that say "What the FUCK were you thinking"... They start out thinkin "look what I gots" then they come to the realization.."Oh SHIT!! Look what I'm stuck with..":lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow! You guys are dicks!

Ya..I suppose...

Another perspective is that there is a lot of truth to it. Much of the actual reality of life does not fit into a neat little PC package for your glamour magazine.

I am mystified why a decent looking healthy black guy would chose a butt ugly fat white woman as his mate over a healthy black female. If the black guy was fat and ugly it would make more sense..at least to me. If you want to say I'm racist then you don't know me very well. I have no problem with mixed races if the pair is reasonably compatible physically. If you think it is stereotyping to point out the example I am refering to then you are blind as a bat. It is not an exception.. It is a comon occurance.
Ya they have to go out in public and they get looks from white guys that say "What the FUCK were you thinking"... They start out thinkin "look what I gots" then they come to the realization.."Oh SHIT!! Look what I'm stuck with..":lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow! You guys are dicks!

Ya..I suppose...

Another perspective is that there is a lot of truth to it. Much of the actual reality of life does not fit into a neat little PC package for your glamour magazine.

I am mystified why a decent looking healthy black guy would chose a butt ugly fat white woman as his mate over a healthy black female. If the black guy was fat and ugly it would make more sense..at least to me. If you want to say I'm racist then you don't know me very well. I have no problem with mixed races if the pair is reasonably compatible physically. If you think it is stereotyping to point out the example I am refering to then you are blind as a bat. It is not an exception.. It is a comon occurance.

I am not saying you are a racist, I am saying you are a dick.

"Oh SHIT!! Look what I'm stuck with.."
Stuck with?

You are clueless.
Wow! You guys are dicks!

Ya..I suppose...

Another perspective is that there is a lot of truth to it. Much of the actual reality of life does not fit into a neat little PC package for your glamour magazine.

I am mystified why a decent looking healthy black guy would chose a butt ugly fat white woman as his mate over a healthy black female. If the black guy was fat and ugly it would make more sense..at least to me. If you want to say I'm racist then you don't know me very well. I have no problem with mixed races if the pair is reasonably compatible physically. If you think it is stereotyping to point out the example I am refering to then you are blind as a bat. It is not an exception.. It is a comon occurance.

I am not saying you are a racist, I am saying you are a dick.

"Oh SHIT!! Look what I'm stuck with.."
Stuck with?You are clueless.

Ya..stuck with. Sorry Miss L. You don't know everything.. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I know hundreds of black people and have seen very much just as described situations. If that makes ME a "dick" ...SIT ON IT AND SPIN!

Screw this shit! I've thought about it further..YOU ARE A DICK!
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White women married to black men are 12 TIMES more likely to be killed by their spouse than white women married to white men.


Another reason why race-mixing is GENOCIDE.
12 times what? Let's find out.


So that's like a 0.000072 chance! Genocide!

That's one of the best features of Islam.

Men and women both know their place and who is in charge.

Ok, now...That was really, really funny! :rofl:

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