White supremacy as a placebo effect

So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
There are obviously exceptions. But i dotn think black mentality is one of them.
Blaming racism for failure is strictly on them. How many groups of people have been enslaved that STILL blame it on their problems?
Move on.

So you say you don't think black mentality has been impacted by racism? Ok....do you believe that blacks, today, have a propensity to blame things orn racism? Do you think that is a genetic predisposition or do you think history has conditioned blacks to believe that? In other words, do blacks believe racism is a problem because they were born to believe it or because history conditioned them to believe it? If it is the latter, would that not be the past impacting blacks mindset today?
genetic? No. Taught.

Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS? Don't many whites learn their racist views.....from their parents and Grand Parents racism? Were your parents or grand parents racist?
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There are obviously exceptions. But i dotn think black mentality is one of them.
Blaming racism for failure is strictly on them. How many groups of people have been enslaved that STILL blame it on their problems?
Move on.

So you say you don't think black mentality has been impacted by racism? Ok....do you believe that blacks, today, have a propensity to blame things orn racism? Do you think that is a genetic predisposition or do you think history has conditioned blacks to believe that? In other words, do blacks believe racism is a problem because they were born to believe it or because history conditioned them to believe it? If it is the latter, would that not be the past impacting blacks mindset today?
genetic? No. Taught.

Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS?
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.
So you say you don't think black mentality has been impacted by racism? Ok....do you believe that blacks, today, have a propensity to blame things orn racism? Do you think that is a genetic predisposition or do you think history has conditioned blacks to believe that? In other words, do blacks believe racism is a problem because they were born to believe it or because history conditioned them to believe it? If it is the latter, would that not be the past impacting blacks mindset today?
genetic? No. Taught.

Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS?
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

Well....I guess I could entertain that TODAY is the result of MAGIC and has no relationship to events of the past. You would probably consider such reasoning to be that of a highly evolved brain. To be clear, your goal is to divorce the past from the present, completely, BUT ONLY AS IT APPLIES TO BLACKS AND THEIR CONDITION, nothing else.....

You cannot maintain your beliefs without divorcing the present from the past, when it comes to blacks. This is a point that I mentioned in my "Random Points" topic. You want to use a snap shot.....instead of a video, even though the video contains the snapshot. The video EXPLAINS what happened, but you really do not want it explained, thus, you want to use only the photo and then use your own narration of why the moment in time manifested as it did. The video contradicts your narration so the video becomes "retarded" even though its factual.
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Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
oh please. Oppression is human nature seems like. You arent the only oppressed people.
Grow up.

Yeah....you are probably right. Oppression may be part of human nature but here is the thing. Whites have oppressed whites....to no net gain for the white race. Blacks have oppressed blacks.....to no net gain for the blacks race. However, whites have oppressed blacks....to the net gain of whites and net loss to blacks without an offsetting black oppressing of white. This explains racial inequality in the US.

Keep in mind why your ancestors had to FLEE their all white world and go where no whites lived. Your oppression of each other did not lift up the whole of white people....only your oppression of non whites did....who did not oppress you back to balance the impact economically.

Why are oppressed Whites in better shape than oppressed Blacks?
White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect...
What an idiotic thread.

BEFORE Colonialism/Placebos..
When Explorers first came upon China/Japan they found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service System. Astronomical records.
When they first came upon Africa they found ZIP.
Just the the same 50,000 year old Hunter-Gatherers they had evolved FROM.
No written Language, no wheel. just naked hunters

Asians were also Colonialized.. and discriminated against.. including Here.
Many came as Indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from slavery
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country Nuked. Half the men gone.
How is it they have higher edu and income than us? IQ is how.

Colonialism, though selfish, was a benefit to many/most other people's. Showing/Propelling them Thousands of years forward.
In what century/Millenium would Indians have built a railroad if they were isolated? Parliamentary government?
OTOH, Most colonial euro railways in Africa rotted in the jungle.
It was just too big a jump for those primitive people.

Some freed black slaves, having the benefit of having seen modernity, did go back to Africa and they formed 'Liberia' in 1822.
Liberia's GDP per Capita GDP is $495 per Year.
Discriminated against Afro-Americans make $35,000+ living in the 'oppressive' White infrastructure.

Hardly placebo.

What a people achieve is not an indication of their achievement capacities. Take your own race. Why did the white race not achieve 500 years ago what it has achieved today? Has the white man evolved so much genetically, through mutation and natural selection, that now allows the white man to reach the .moon? In other words, is the white mans genetic capacity fundamentally different from the white man 500 years ago? Why did not civilization begin in the cradle of white origin...Europe? At one point in time in human history.....White Europeans were far behind the advances of people living in Mesopotamia and later Egypt. I am not saying these people wee black. I could even entertain you and say those people where white as a Polar Bear. The fact still remain that whites in Europe were far less advanced....DESPITE THEM BEING WHITE. If whiteness afford superiority, in and of itself, then the whites in Europe should have been on par with whites in Mesopotamia and Egypt.....but they were not even close. Again, through induction and deduction, it shows that the level of advancement is not indication of the capacity of advancement because whites in Europe eventually led in the advancement of civilization after once being behind others. Of course, they borrowed from the Greeks and the Greeks borrowed from the Egyptians.

I am in my 50's. I can remember when nearly every long distance race was dominated by white runners. Of course, white scientist has to find a racial reason for this. Hence, they came with the theory that blacks could run faster because they genetically have more fast twitch muscle fibers while whites were more genetically predisposed to have slow twitch muscle fibers which promotes endurance. Fast forward to today and Kenyans and Ethiopians, BLACKS, are dominating all the distance races. Moral of the story.....just because whites dominated the races at one time did not mean that blacks did not have the capacity to do just as well.....once they had the interest and opportunity to do so. Ergo, just because Africans did not achieve technologically what whites did when whites did does not mean Africans do not have the capacity to do so.

I agree with you but we know the truth and just need to not sugarcoat. Blacks were just as civilized and advanced as whites if not more so when they decided to do what they did.

Haha, good joke.
Explain how Sub-Saharan Africa without wheels, was in better shape than Whites during the early Renaissance.
Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
oh please. Oppression is human nature seems like. You arent the only oppressed people.
Grow up.

Yeah....you are probably right. Oppression may be part of human nature but here is the thing. Whites have oppressed whites....to no net gain for the white race. Blacks have oppressed blacks.....to no net gain for the blacks race. However, whites have oppressed blacks....to the net gain of whites and net loss to blacks without an offsetting black oppressing of white. This explains racial inequality in the US.

Keep in mind why your ancestors had to FLEE their all white world and go where no whites lived. Your oppression of each other did not lift up the whole of white people....only your oppression of non whites did....who did not oppress you back to balance the impact economically.

Why are oppressed Whites in better shape than oppressed Blacks?

Ummmm.....because whites start with the letter "W" and blacks start with the letter "B"?
Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
oh please. Oppression is human nature seems like. You arent the only oppressed people.
Grow up.

Yeah....you are probably right. Oppression may be part of human nature but here is the thing. Whites have oppressed whites....to no net gain for the white race. Blacks have oppressed blacks.....to no net gain for the blacks race. However, whites have oppressed blacks....to the net gain of whites and net loss to blacks without an offsetting black oppressing of white. This explains racial inequality in the US.

Keep in mind why your ancestors had to FLEE their all white world and go where no whites lived. Your oppression of each other did not lift up the whole of white people....only your oppression of non whites did....who did not oppress you back to balance the impact economically.

Why are oppressed Whites in better shape than oppressed Blacks?

Ummmm.....because whites start with the letter "W" and blacks start with the letter "B"?

Why are countries like Ireland, Finland, Poland, Estonia, Slovakia etc. doing much better than African countries?
White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect...
What an idiotic thread.

BEFORE Colonialism/Placebos..
When Explorers first came upon China/Japan they found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service System. Astronomical records.
When they first came upon Africa they found ZIP.
Just the the same 50,000 year old Hunter-Gatherers they had evolved FROM.
No written Language, no wheel. just naked hunters

Asians were also Colonialized.. and discriminated against.. including Here.
Many came as Indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from slavery
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country Nuked. Half the men gone.
How is it they have higher edu and income than us? IQ is how.

Colonialism, though selfish, was a benefit to many/most other people's. Showing/Propelling them Thousands of years forward.
In what century/Millenium would Indians have built a railroad if they were isolated? Parliamentary government?
OTOH, Most colonial euro railways in Africa rotted in the jungle.
It was just too big a jump for those primitive people.

Some freed black slaves, having the benefit of having seen modernity, did go back to Africa and they formed 'Liberia' in 1822.
Liberia's GDP per Capita GDP is $495 per Year.
Discriminated against Afro-Americans make $35,000+ living in the 'oppressive' White infrastructure.

Hardly placebo.

What a people achieve is not an indication of their achievement capacities. Take your own race. Why did the white race not achieve 500 years ago what it has achieved today? Has the white man evolved so much genetically, through mutation and natural selection, that now allows the white man to reach the .moon? In other words, is the white mans genetic capacity fundamentally different from the white man 500 years ago? Why did not civilization begin in the cradle of white origin...Europe? At one point in time in human history.....White Europeans were far behind the advances of people living in Mesopotamia and later Egypt. I am not saying these people wee black. I could even entertain you and say those people where white as a Polar Bear. The fact still remain that whites in Europe were far less advanced....DESPITE THEM BEING WHITE. If whiteness afford superiority, in and of itself, then the whites in Europe should have been on par with whites in Mesopotamia and Egypt.....but they were not even close. Again, through induction and deduction, it shows that the level of advancement is not indication of the capacity of advancement because whites in Europe eventually led in the advancement of civilization after once being behind others. Of course, they borrowed from the Greeks and the Greeks borrowed from the Egyptians.

I am in my 50's. I can remember when nearly every long distance race was dominated by white runners. Of course, white scientist has to find a racial reason for this. Hence, they came with the theory that blacks could run faster because they genetically have more fast twitch muscle fibers while whites were more genetically predisposed to have slow twitch muscle fibers which promotes endurance. Fast forward to today and Kenyans and Ethiopians, BLACKS, are dominating all the distance races. Moral of the story.....just because whites dominated the races at one time did not mean that blacks did not have the capacity to do just as well.....once they had the interest and opportunity to do so. Ergo, just because Africans did not achieve technologically what whites did when whites did does not mean Africans do not have the capacity to do so.

I agree with you but we know the truth and just need to not sugarcoat. Blacks were just as civilized and advanced as whites if not more so when they decided to do what they did.

Haha, good joke.
Explain how Sub-Saharan Africa without wheels, was in better shape than Whites during the early Renaissance.

Explain why success in biology is perpetuation of the bloodline and gene pool and Black fertility is the highest? A superior biological entity does not breed itself to extinction.
White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect...
What an idiotic thread.

BEFORE Colonialism/Placebos..
When Explorers first came upon China/Japan they found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service System. Astronomical records.
When they first came upon Africa they found ZIP.
Just the the same 50,000 year old Hunter-Gatherers they had evolved FROM.
No written Language, no wheel. just naked hunters

Asians were also Colonialized.. and discriminated against.. including Here.
Many came as Indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from slavery
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country Nuked. Half the men gone.
How is it they have higher edu and income than us? IQ is how.

Colonialism, though selfish, was a benefit to many/most other people's. Showing/Propelling them Thousands of years forward.
In what century/Millenium would Indians have built a railroad if they were isolated? Parliamentary government?
OTOH, Most colonial euro railways in Africa rotted in the jungle.
It was just too big a jump for those primitive people.

Some freed black slaves, having the benefit of having seen modernity, did go back to Africa and they formed 'Liberia' in 1822.
Liberia's GDP per Capita GDP is $495 per Year.
Discriminated against Afro-Americans make $35,000+ living in the 'oppressive' White infrastructure.

Hardly placebo.

What a people achieve is not an indication of their achievement capacities. Take your own race. Why did the white race not achieve 500 years ago what it has achieved today? Has the white man evolved so much genetically, through mutation and natural selection, that now allows the white man to reach the .moon? In other words, is the white mans genetic capacity fundamentally different from the white man 500 years ago? Why did not civilization begin in the cradle of white origin...Europe? At one point in time in human history.....White Europeans were far behind the advances of people living in Mesopotamia and later Egypt. I am not saying these people wee black. I could even entertain you and say those people where white as a Polar Bear. The fact still remain that whites in Europe were far less advanced....DESPITE THEM BEING WHITE. If whiteness afford superiority, in and of itself, then the whites in Europe should have been on par with whites in Mesopotamia and Egypt.....but they were not even close. Again, through induction and deduction, it shows that the level of advancement is not indication of the capacity of advancement because whites in Europe eventually led in the advancement of civilization after once being behind others. Of course, they borrowed from the Greeks and the Greeks borrowed from the Egyptians.

I am in my 50's. I can remember when nearly every long distance race was dominated by white runners. Of course, white scientist has to find a racial reason for this. Hence, they came with the theory that blacks could run faster because they genetically have more fast twitch muscle fibers while whites were more genetically predisposed to have slow twitch muscle fibers which promotes endurance. Fast forward to today and Kenyans and Ethiopians, BLACKS, are dominating all the distance races. Moral of the story.....just because whites dominated the races at one time did not mean that blacks did not have the capacity to do just as well.....once they had the interest and opportunity to do so. Ergo, just because Africans did not achieve technologically what whites did when whites did does not mean Africans do not have the capacity to do so.

I agree with you but we know the truth and just need to not sugarcoat. Blacks were just as civilized and advanced as whites if not more so when they decided to do what they did.

Haha, good joke.
Explain how Sub-Saharan Africa without wheels, was in better shape than Whites during the early Renaissance.

Explain why success in biology is perpetuation of the bloodline and gene pool and Black fertility is the highest? A superior biological entity does not breed itself to extinction.

Chimpanzees have higher fertility, and genetic twinning rates than Blacks, so why is that, are Chimpanzees superior?
What an idiotic thread.

BEFORE Colonialism/Placebos..
When Explorers first came upon China/Japan they found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service System. Astronomical records.
When they first came upon Africa they found ZIP.
Just the the same 50,000 year old Hunter-Gatherers they had evolved FROM.
No written Language, no wheel. just naked hunters

Asians were also Colonialized.. and discriminated against.. including Here.
Many came as Indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from slavery
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country Nuked. Half the men gone.
How is it they have higher edu and income than us? IQ is how.

Colonialism, though selfish, was a benefit to many/most other people's. Showing/Propelling them Thousands of years forward.
In what century/Millenium would Indians have built a railroad if they were isolated? Parliamentary government?
OTOH, Most colonial euro railways in Africa rotted in the jungle.
It was just too big a jump for those primitive people.

Some freed black slaves, having the benefit of having seen modernity, did go back to Africa and they formed 'Liberia' in 1822.
Liberia's GDP per Capita GDP is $495 per Year.
Discriminated against Afro-Americans make $35,000+ living in the 'oppressive' White infrastructure.

Hardly placebo.

What a people achieve is not an indication of their achievement capacities. Take your own race. Why did the white race not achieve 500 years ago what it has achieved today? Has the white man evolved so much genetically, through mutation and natural selection, that now allows the white man to reach the .moon? In other words, is the white mans genetic capacity fundamentally different from the white man 500 years ago? Why did not civilization begin in the cradle of white origin...Europe? At one point in time in human history.....White Europeans were far behind the advances of people living in Mesopotamia and later Egypt. I am not saying these people wee black. I could even entertain you and say those people where white as a Polar Bear. The fact still remain that whites in Europe were far less advanced....DESPITE THEM BEING WHITE. If whiteness afford superiority, in and of itself, then the whites in Europe should have been on par with whites in Mesopotamia and Egypt.....but they were not even close. Again, through induction and deduction, it shows that the level of advancement is not indication of the capacity of advancement because whites in Europe eventually led in the advancement of civilization after once being behind others. Of course, they borrowed from the Greeks and the Greeks borrowed from the Egyptians.

I am in my 50's. I can remember when nearly every long distance race was dominated by white runners. Of course, white scientist has to find a racial reason for this. Hence, they came with the theory that blacks could run faster because they genetically have more fast twitch muscle fibers while whites were more genetically predisposed to have slow twitch muscle fibers which promotes endurance. Fast forward to today and Kenyans and Ethiopians, BLACKS, are dominating all the distance races. Moral of the story.....just because whites dominated the races at one time did not mean that blacks did not have the capacity to do just as well.....once they had the interest and opportunity to do so. Ergo, just because Africans did not achieve technologically what whites did when whites did does not mean Africans do not have the capacity to do so.

I agree with you but we know the truth and just need to not sugarcoat. Blacks were just as civilized and advanced as whites if not more so when they decided to do what they did.

Haha, good joke.
Explain how Sub-Saharan Africa without wheels, was in better shape than Whites during the early Renaissance.

Explain why success in biology is perpetuation of the bloodline and gene pool and Black fertility is the highest? A superior biological entity does not breed itself to extinction.

Chimpanzees have higher fertility, and genetic twinning rates than Blacks, so why is that, are Chimpanzees superior?

If they are here when humans are not....then they are superior. In the end, the species that are still here existing....WIN. Unfortunately some entities are like cancer cells that metastasize into an empire and, seeming superior, but ultimately end up destroying the host......along with itself, in its unrelenting quest for expansion and dominance.
What a people achieve is not an indication of their achievement capacities. Take your own race. Why did the white race not achieve 500 years ago what it has achieved today? Has the white man evolved so much genetically, through mutation and natural selection, that now allows the white man to reach the .moon? In other words, is the white mans genetic capacity fundamentally different from the white man 500 years ago? Why did not civilization begin in the cradle of white origin...Europe? At one point in time in human history.....White Europeans were far behind the advances of people living in Mesopotamia and later Egypt. I am not saying these people wee black. I could even entertain you and say those people where white as a Polar Bear. The fact still remain that whites in Europe were far less advanced....DESPITE THEM BEING WHITE. If whiteness afford superiority, in and of itself, then the whites in Europe should have been on par with whites in Mesopotamia and Egypt.....but they were not even close. Again, through induction and deduction, it shows that the level of advancement is not indication of the capacity of advancement because whites in Europe eventually led in the advancement of civilization after once being behind others. Of course, they borrowed from the Greeks and the Greeks borrowed from the Egyptians.

I am in my 50's. I can remember when nearly every long distance race was dominated by white runners. Of course, white scientist has to find a racial reason for this. Hence, they came with the theory that blacks could run faster because they genetically have more fast twitch muscle fibers while whites were more genetically predisposed to have slow twitch muscle fibers which promotes endurance. Fast forward to today and Kenyans and Ethiopians, BLACKS, are dominating all the distance races. Moral of the story.....just because whites dominated the races at one time did not mean that blacks did not have the capacity to do just as well.....once they had the interest and opportunity to do so. Ergo, just because Africans did not achieve technologically what whites did when whites did does not mean Africans do not have the capacity to do so.

I agree with you but we know the truth and just need to not sugarcoat. Blacks were just as civilized and advanced as whites if not more so when they decided to do what they did.

Haha, good joke.
Explain how Sub-Saharan Africa without wheels, was in better shape than Whites during the early Renaissance.

Explain why success in biology is perpetuation of the bloodline and gene pool and Black fertility is the highest? A superior biological entity does not breed itself to extinction.

Chimpanzees have higher fertility, and genetic twinning rates than Blacks, so why is that, are Chimpanzees superior?

If they are here when humans are not....then they are superior. In the end, the species that are still here existing....WIN. Unfortunately some entities are like cancer cells that metastasize into an empire and, seeming superior, but ultimately end up destroying the host......along with itself, in its unrelenting quest for expansion and dominance.

Well, I think the fact that so many Western Europeans went from Colonist genocidal maniacs, to Multiculturalist suicidal maniacs, does question how superior they are in terms of logical skills, or just abstract thought in general.

None the less they've accomplished much.

My theories are that some Western European countries had a very strong class system, that pushed their intelligence genes to be hyper-concentrated in the elite.
As well as Western Europeans being very ambitious.

I personally do look down on Western Europeans, for their bizarre changes in beliefs from one idiotic extreme to the next.

I do think people with O blood type, and Dolichocephalic skulls, 2 traits common in parts of Western Europe, shared with Africans, Arabs, Native Americans etc. as well as Chimpanzees does put into question what they are, and does explain the barbaric, and stupid behavior of Western Europeans.
I agree with you but we know the truth and just need to not sugarcoat. Blacks were just as civilized and advanced as whites if not more so when they decided to do what they did.

Haha, good joke.
Explain how Sub-Saharan Africa without wheels, was in better shape than Whites during the early Renaissance.

Explain why success in biology is perpetuation of the bloodline and gene pool and Black fertility is the highest? A superior biological entity does not breed itself to extinction.

Chimpanzees have higher fertility, and genetic twinning rates than Blacks, so why is that, are Chimpanzees superior?

If they are here when humans are not....then they are superior. In the end, the species that are still here existing....WIN. Unfortunately some entities are like cancer cells that metastasize into an empire and, seeming superior, but ultimately end up destroying the host......along with itself, in its unrelenting quest for expansion and dominance.

Well, I think the fact that so many Western Europeans went from Colonist genocidal maniacs, to Multiculturalist suicidal maniacs, does question how superior they are in terms of logical skills, or just abstract thought in general.

None the less they've accomplished much.

My theories are that some Western European countries had a very strong class system, that pushed their intelligence genes to be hyper-concentrated in the elite.
As well as Western Europeans being very ambitious.

I personally do look down on Western Europeans, for their bizarre changes in beliefs from one idiotic extreme to the next.

I do think people with O blood type, and Dolichocephalic skulls, 2 traits common in parts of Western Europe, shared with Africans, Arabs, Native Americans etc. as well as Chimpanzees does put into question what they are, and does explain the barbaric, and stupid behavior of Western Europeans.

Whatever dude....its who is here in the end that wins. You folks need to ask yourself this. Is existence a marathon or a sprint? Is a marathon runner superior to a sprinter or a sprinter superior to a marathon runner? Does not the answer depend on......where the finish line is? The fact that the sprinter is ahead in the short run should only give comfort to the fool, when the finish line is not in sight. All you supremacist patting yourselves on the back because your team is ahead......are fools....but hey....knock yourselves out whilst you exhaust natural resources.
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So you say you don't think black mentality has been impacted by racism? Ok....do you believe that blacks, today, have a propensity to blame things orn racism? Do you think that is a genetic predisposition or do you think history has conditioned blacks to believe that? In other words, do blacks believe racism is a problem because they were born to believe it or because history conditioned them to believe it? If it is the latter, would that not be the past impacting blacks mindset today?
genetic? No. Taught.

Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS?
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

How about we discuss the relevance of what the founders believed to today?
genetic? No. Taught.

Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS?
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

How about we discuss the relevance of what the founders believed to today?
you want to deflect?
So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
There are obviously exceptions. But i dotn think black mentality is one of them.
Blaming racism for failure is strictly on them. How many groups of people have been enslaved that STILL blame it on their problems?
Move on.

So you say you don't think black mentality has been impacted by racism? Ok....do you believe that blacks, today, have a propensity to blame things orn racism? Do you think that is a genetic predisposition or do you think history has conditioned blacks to believe that? In other words, do blacks believe racism is a problem because they were born to believe it or because history conditioned them to believe it? If it is the latter, would that not be the past impacting blacks mindset today?
genetic? No. Taught.

Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

This is hilarious! You make zero sense and are getting eaten alive.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it

There is a tendency to respond to racialized tragedies with a sudden effort at self-reflection – an attempt to quantify our collective attitudes on race for clues as to why, yet again, we must somehow make sense of the senseless killing of a black teenager. Of the numerous recent polls that measure American perceptions of race, nearly all arrive at the same conclusion: overwhelmingly, white Americans not only believe that race is far less a factor than reported in incidents of police violence against young African-American men but that, in essence, black people are pretty much making this whole racism thing up.

And yet quantitative studies tell a vastly different story. Researchers consistently find that people of color are more likely to be stopped and frisked; that white Americans are more likely to use illegal drugs, but black Americans are more likely to be jailed for drug use; that black men are sentenced to longer prison terms than their white peers for the same crimes and, even more incredibly, that the more stereotypically “black looking” a defendant is, the more likely he is to be sentenced to death. White Americans support harsh criminal penalties not despite but because they believe black offenders will be disproportionately affected.

Then there are the consistent and, in some cases, admitted, political dog whistles to race in immigration debates, and racism against Hispanics that serves as a barrier to assimilation. Perhaps most alarmingly, anti-black and anti-Hispanic sentiments have increased in recent years.

That racism is so rampant might seem unfathomable to most white Americans, but the evidence is undeniable. The devastating consequences of racial bias are frequently underestimated even by white people who consider themselves allies – and often in the face of irrefutable proof. For many white Americans, exemption from systemic racism renders it invisible, and the sheer enormity of America’s “race problem” further stretches the boundaries of white imaginations. But racism is not just far more common than white Americans think, it is so pervasive – so unimaginably insidious – that people of color themselves are often unsuspecting victims.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it | Kali Holloway

Quit before you get totally embarrassed.
Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS?
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

How about we discuss the relevance of what the founders believed to today?
you want to deflect?

No I want you to discuss with us the relationship between the founders philosophy and what they mean today. How does this impact our nation right now. I would like for you to explain that.
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You scared harley? Why don't you want to discuss how what the founders believes impacts us today? Did you lose your testicles son?
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS?
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

How about we discuss the relevance of what the founders believed to today?
you want to deflect?

No I want you to discuss with us the relationship between the founders philosophy and what they mean today. How does this impact our nation right now. I would like for you to explain that.

Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance. Hence, his twisted humor in all this.
What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS?
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

How about we discuss the relevance of what the founders believed to today?
you want to deflect?

No I want you to discuss with us the relationship between the founders philosophy and what they mean today. How does this impact our nation right now. I would like for you to explain that.

Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance.
You sit there and blame actions of 70-150 years ago for todays problems but im the ignorant one :rolleyes:
White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect in medicine. People have been given placebos for real health issues and told it would make them better and they got better. They got better because they believed. The power of belief is a growing field of managing health and wellness. It’s the power of positive thinking and self-affirmation.

An entity can only believe that they are superior, however, if the entity believes as strongly as or more strongly that another entity is inferior as corollary. The doctrine that props up the belief in white superiority is the same doctrine that props up the belief in black inferiority. The doctrine, which is mostly subliminal and subtle now, still works as a placebo for whites and a nocebo for blacks. In other words, living under white supremacy conditions whites to believe they are superior while it conditions blacks to believe they are inferior and the beliefs actualize into reality collectively.

The fact that so many whites believe that whites are superior to blacks, and since whites dominate numerically and economically, inequality becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy born from white beliefs.

A self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person unknowingly causes a prediction to come true, due to the simple fact that he or she expects it to come true. In other words, an expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behavior towards that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Psychology: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Blacks are unequal in this society because whites expect blacks to be inferior and treat blacks in a way, overall, that likely results in blacks performing inferior. Whites, as a collective, do not believe that blacks can perform on par with whites and thus whites feel any effort to invest in blacks to promote equality is a waste of time and money. Hence, no real such effort or investment is made in blacks. If so, it is designed to fail to prove its worthlessness.

White supremacy needs to promote the idea that everything is fair and that whites are winning because they are superior. Supremacy is discredited if it can be shown that the competition was not fair or that society “cheated” or has been tilted in the favor of whites (white privilege). So people who believe whites are superior NEED to discredit the claim that whites have some sort of privilege or that blacks had some sort of burden placed upon them that whites have not had placed upon them which they overcame but blacks could not (because they are inferior).

One of the reasons that whites look down so much on poor whites who they may see as "trash", is because they are not living up to the expectations of whiteness. They challenge the doctrine of white supremacy if they are living lower than many blacks or behaving in ways that are for the inferior races. Whites push themselves.....to be superior.....and thwarts equal opportunity for those they feel are inferior. In order to preserve their superiority, they have to work hard....and others have to be made to fail.

Poor whites, in turn, often cling to their "whiteness" and the accomplishments of their race so that they can feel superior over blacks, since they are in no better position than blacks and maybe even worse.

More to come.
Survival of the Fatherest Prevents Survival of the Fittest

The born-rich race traitors who compose and edit this national narrative believe that their Daddy's Money proves that they were born with superior genes and have evolved into an advanced race independent of other Whites. They deplore, hate, and fear that we will wake up and abolish all birth privileges, so they seek to suck out our racial pride any way they can. The fact that these spoiled brats are not targeted proves that they have accomplished the mission first assigned to their unAmerican anti-majority clique back in the 60s.

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