White supremacy as a placebo effect

White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect in medicine. People have been given placebos for real health issues and told it would make them better and they got better. They got better because they believed. The power of belief is a growing field of managing health and wellness. It’s the power of positive thinking and self-affirmation.

An entity can only believe that they are superior, however, if the entity believes as strongly as or more strongly that another entity is inferior as corollary. The doctrine that props up the belief in white superiority is the same doctrine that props up the belief in black inferiority. The doctrine, which is mostly subliminal and subtle now, still works as a placebo for whites and a nocebo for blacks. In other words, living under white supremacy conditions whites to believe they are superior while it conditions blacks to believe they are inferior and the beliefs actualize into reality collectively.

The fact that so many whites believe that whites are superior to blacks, and since whites dominate numerically and economically, inequality becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy born from white beliefs.

A self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person unknowingly causes a prediction to come true, due to the simple fact that he or she expects it to come true. In other words, an expectation about a subject, such as a person or event, can affect our behavior towards that subject, which causes the expectation to be realized. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Psychology: Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Blacks are unequal in this society because whites expect blacks to be inferior and treat blacks in a way, overall, that likely results in blacks performing inferior. Whites, as a collective, do not believe that blacks can perform on par with whites and thus whites feel any effort to invest in blacks to promote equality is a waste of time and money. Hence, no real such effort or investment is made in blacks. If so, it is designed to fail to prove its worthlessness.

White supremacy needs to promote the idea that everything is fair and that whites are winning because they are superior. Supremacy is discredited if it can be shown that the competition was not fair or that society “cheated” or has been tilted in the favor of whites (white privilege). So people who believe whites are superior NEED to discredit the claim that whites have some sort of privilege or that blacks had some sort of burden placed upon them that whites have not had placed upon them which they overcame but blacks could not (because they are inferior).

One of the reasons that whites look down so much on poor whites who they may see as "trash", is because they are not living up to the expectations of whiteness. They challenge the doctrine of white supremacy if they are living lower than many blacks or behaving in ways that are for the inferior races. Whites push themselves.....to be superior.....and thwarts equal opportunity for those they feel are inferior. In order to preserve their superiority, they have to work hard....and others have to be made to fail.

Poor whites, in turn, often cling to their "whiteness" and the accomplishments of their race so that they can feel superior over blacks, since they are in no better position than blacks and maybe even worse.

More to come.
Survival of the Fatherest Prevents Survival of the Fittest

The born-rich race traitors who compose and edit this national narrative believe that their Daddy's Money proves that they were born with superior genes and have evolved into an advanced race independent of other Whites. They deplore, hate, and fear that we will wake up and abolish all birth privileges, so they seek to suck out our racial pride any way they can. The fact that these spoiled brats are not targeted proves that they have accomplished the mission first assigned to their unAmerican anti-majority clique back in the 60s.
abolish all birth privileges? Lol holy shit.
If we were to do that statist shit, they would just give it to them before they die.
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

How about we discuss the relevance of what the founders believed to today?
you want to deflect?

No I want you to discuss with us the relationship between the founders philosophy and what they mean today. How does this impact our nation right now. I would like for you to explain that.

Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance.
You sit there and blame actions of 70-150 years ago for todays problems but im the ignorant one :rolleyes:

Which is why you opted out the intellectual exercise.....took your mental ball and ran home calling the game "retarded". You seek to prevent the establishment of precedent. The questions that you are avoiding and running from establish the precedent and examples of how the past.....even the distant past, is strongly linked to things happening today. You are seeking to avoid answering those questions because they threaten your willful ignorance...and only put your ignorance or racism on display.

All you are doing now is obfuscating and attempting to be funny. You have no interest in the reconciliation of your own ignorance. Rather, its all that gives you strength. Ignorance makes you feel better about yourself. Why would you give that up?
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The only folks with a superiority complex are progressives living under the delusion that they are morally superior to others.
This thread is a perfect example of broadbrushing an entire group to paint a picture to fit that narrative. Paint a group at the expense of another. This projection only deepens divides.

There is nothing inherently white about carrying ones self to be a productive member of a civilized society rather than be a burden on it.

If one argues people argue that blacks are inherently unproductive, based upon some baseline, relative to whites, they (must refer to a plural) are arguing that whites are inherently superior. It does not take rocket science to figure that out. The cognition that I speak of take place mostly in the subconscious mind. I doubt many whites are going around consciously thinking that they have to work harder to stay better than blacks or that they are superior to blacks....however, subconsciously, that is what many believe.

As an example. The conservative white person will more often than not argue that poverty is mostly the result of personal flaws, such as poor choice making, irresponsibility, laziness, etc, regardless of race. The white conservative also, more often than not, dismisses or seeks to discredit the notion that society has placed a burden on blacks that would account for whites having more success than blacks. Therefore, if most peoples poverty is due to personal flaws and black poverty rates are nearly 3 times the rate of white poverty and one believes that society has placed no greater burden on blackness, then the only conclusion is that blacks are more inherently flawed than whites.

This is what many people don't understand and why they get labeled as racist. Your conscious mind is running an algorithm to prevent seeing the self as "racist". It is seeking to avoid moral injury to the self, as well as, being seen as a racist by others. However, such beliefs are part of the foundation of this county and culture. Its over 300 years in the making and now its simply second nature. Its done without even having to think about it, kind of like if you have driven the same route to work for 10 years, how its second nature to drive there, meaning that you can be thinking about something else and your subconscious will make sure you turn where you are supposed to turn.

Hence, racist are gleaned today not because they claim that blacks are inferior to whites or that whites are superior to blacks, but because they seek to discredit every other explanation for why blacks perform below whites, which by default, leaves only black inferiority and white superiority. I mean, if you spend your time discrediting the historical impact of racism on blacks....you are probably a racist because you likely believe that blacks are inherently incapable of achieving on the same scale of whites....even if there was no history of racism.

Here is another thing.....you can blame LIBERALISM all you want....but the main reason that blacks are disproportionately LIBERAL is because of RACISM. Racism made liberalism attractive to blacks as a counter weight to racism.....even if the counter weight failed at offsetting the impact of racism. Hence, you cannot blame liberalism for black people woes when white racism is what drove blacks into liberalism.
The Race Card Is a Joker

Liberals are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. That motivated them to make up an agenda that would drive White people into voting Conservative.

Blacks have never proved that they deserve civil rights. Ever since they were given them against the will of realistic people, they proved that racial equality is an irrational and destructive concept.
How about we discuss the relevance of what the founders believed to today?
you want to deflect?

No I want you to discuss with us the relationship between the founders philosophy and what they mean today. How does this impact our nation right now. I would like for you to explain that.

Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance.
You sit there and blame actions of 70-150 years ago for todays problems but im the ignorant one :rolleyes:

Which is why you opted out the intellectual exercise.....took your mental ball and ran home calling the game "retarded". You seek to prevent the establishment of precedent. The questions that you are avoiding and running from establish the precedent and examples of how the past.....even the distant past, is strongly linked to things happening today. You are seeking to avoid those questions because they threaten your willful ignorance.
Precedent? This is 2017, you goober. How in the hell do you move forward when you cling to the past? The past meaning around 70 years on up... Pathetic.
Get some new material.
I dont run from questions. I run from repetition and circle jerks of the ignorant.
If the precedent is such a big deal why are you guys the only ones screaming about it? You arent the only ones that got oppressed. Wont be the last.
Grow a sack man. seriously.
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

How about we discuss the relevance of what the founders believed to today?
you want to deflect?

No I want you to discuss with us the relationship between the founders philosophy and what they mean today. How does this impact our nation right now. I would like for you to explain that.

Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance.
You sit there and blame actions of 70-150 years ago for todays problems but im the ignorant one :rolleyes:

.No you don't get to avoid things son. Tell us how the philosophies of the founders impact us today. Don't be scurred, you had huge nuts before so let's hear your explanation.
you want to deflect?

No I want you to discuss with us the relationship between the founders philosophy and what they mean today. How does this impact our nation right now. I would like for you to explain that.

Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance.
You sit there and blame actions of 70-150 years ago for todays problems but im the ignorant one :rolleyes:

Which is why you opted out the intellectual exercise.....took your mental ball and ran home calling the game "retarded". You seek to prevent the establishment of precedent. The questions that you are avoiding and running from establish the precedent and examples of how the past.....even the distant past, is strongly linked to things happening today. You are seeking to avoid those questions because they threaten your willful ignorance.
Precedent? This is 2017, you goober. How in the hell do you move forward when you cling to the past? The past meaning around 70 years on up... Pathetic.
Get some new material.
I dont run from questions. I run from repetition and circle jerks of the ignorant.
If the precedent is such a big deal why are you guys the only ones screaming about it? You arent the only ones that got oppressed. Wont be the last.
Grow a sack man. seriously.

You bought this up so tell us how the philosophies of the founders impact us today? Grow a sack harley, seriously.
you want to deflect?

No I want you to discuss with us the relationship between the founders philosophy and what they mean today. How does this impact our nation right now. I would like for you to explain that.

Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance.
You sit there and blame actions of 70-150 years ago for todays problems but im the ignorant one :rolleyes:

Which is why you opted out the intellectual exercise.....took your mental ball and ran home calling the game "retarded". You seek to prevent the establishment of precedent. The questions that you are avoiding and running from establish the precedent and examples of how the past.....even the distant past, is strongly linked to things happening today. You are seeking to avoid those questions because they threaten your willful ignorance.
Precedent? This is 2017, you goober. How in the hell do you move forward when you cling to the past? The past meaning around 70 years on up... Pathetic.
Get some new material.
I dont run from questions. I run from repetition and circle jerks of the ignorant.
If the precedent is such a big deal why are you guys the only ones screaming about it? You arent the only ones that got oppressed. Wont be the last.
Grow a sack man. seriously.

One can move forward, clinging to the past, because God created memories and gave humans the capacity for history, so they would not repeat the same mistakes over and over. So they would learn the threats to their survival and things that promoted their survival and help guide their actions and behaviors. The past is a prerequisite for survival in the future. If you were stripped of all your memories, meaning everything you learned in the past, would your future be impacted? Would your present be impacted?

Its just total intellectual constipation, from a diet of prejudice, that keep you from having an intellectual movement of your mind. You need a laxative.
The only folks with a superiority complex are progressives living under the delusion that they are morally superior to others.
This thread is a perfect example of broadbrushing an entire group to paint a picture to fit that narrative. Paint a group at the expense of another. This projection only deepens divides.

There is nothing inherently white about carrying ones self to be a productive member of a civilized society rather than be a burden on it.

If one argues that blacks are inherently unproductive, based upon some baseline, relative to whites, they are arguing that whites are inherently superior. It does not take rocket science to figure that out. The cognition that I speak of take place mostly in the subconscious mind. I doubt many whites are going around consciously thinking that they have to work harder to stay better than blacks or that they are superior to blacks....however, subconsciously, that is what many believe.

As an example. The conservative white person will more often than not argue that poverty is mostly the result of personal flaws, such as poor choice making, irresponsibility, laziness, etc, regardless of race. The white conservative also, more often than not, dismisses or seeks to discredit the notion that society has placed a burden on blacks that would account for whites having more success than blacks. Therefore, if most peoples poverty is due to personal flaws and black poverty rates are nearly 3 times the rate of white poverty and one believes that society has placed no greater burden on blackness, then the only conclusion is that blacks are more inherently flawed than whites.

This is what many people don't understand and why they get labeled as racist. Your conscious mind is running an algorithm to prevent seeing the self as "racist". It is seeking to avoid moral injury to the self, as well as, being seen as a racist by others. However, such beliefs are part of the foundation of this county and culture. Its over 300 years in the making and now its simply second nature. Its done without even having to think about it, kind of like if you have driven the same route to work for 10 years, how its second nature to drive there, meaning that you can be thinking about something else and your subconscious will make sure you turn where you are supposed to turn.

Hence, racist are gleaned today not because they claim that blacks are inferior to whites or that whites are superior to blacks, but because they seek to discredit every other explanation for why blacks perform below whites, which by default, leaves only black inferiority and white superiority. I mean, if you spend your time discrediting the historical impact of racism on blacks....you are probably a racist because you likely believe that blacks are inherently incapable of achieving on the same scale of whites....even if there was no history of racism.

Here is another thing.....you can blame LIBERALISM all you want....but the main reason that blacks are disproportionately LIBERAL is because of RACISM. Racism made liberalism attractive to blacks as a counter weight to racism.....even if the counter weight failed at offsetting the impact of racism. Hence, you cannot blame liberalism for black people woes when white racism is what drove blacks into liberalism.
Complete projective gibberish.

And exactly what has liberalism accomplished for American blacks in the last 40 - 50 years?
If anything liberalism has continued the victimhood mentality that feeds the feeling of sub- conscious inferiority in blacks. White liberals in their guilt feel that government has to help those that can't seem bring themselves up implying they are unable to so on their own.

You are not making an argument.....you are just characterizing my argument, which is not a counter argument. Whether or not liberalism is a poison to blacks or not is not germane. What is Germane who WHAT led blacks to the poison.....and that is RACISM. As I pointed out in another thread that most ignored. Every action creates a reaction. When you accrue the reaction to 300 years of racism....its economical, psychological, political, geographical, cultural...etc. What is common, however, is that many whites will not account for REACTIONS born from racism. In other words, many whites want to promote the fallacy that white racism produced no reactions or consequences and is responsible for no condition that exists in the black community today.
RINO-Jockeys Win the "Racism" Race

You beg the question and slant the debate in your favor by assuming that "racism" can never be justified. The fact that you have to cheat that way is evidence that those who judge a race by its general behavior are usually right. Our racism against the Japanese all the time until we occupied the country in 1945 is one of the few examples of the mistaken identity that slumming pseudo-intellectual degenerates have a desperate need to claim that all racism is. The fact that weakling Conservatives never rebut you with "What's wrong with racism?" proves that you have won by intimidation and virtue-extortion.
No I want you to discuss with us the relationship between the founders philosophy and what they mean today. How does this impact our nation right now. I would like for you to explain that.

Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance.
You sit there and blame actions of 70-150 years ago for todays problems but im the ignorant one :rolleyes:

Which is why you opted out the intellectual exercise.....took your mental ball and ran home calling the game "retarded". You seek to prevent the establishment of precedent. The questions that you are avoiding and running from establish the precedent and examples of how the past.....even the distant past, is strongly linked to things happening today. You are seeking to avoid those questions because they threaten your willful ignorance.
Precedent? This is 2017, you goober. How in the hell do you move forward when you cling to the past? The past meaning around 70 years on up... Pathetic.
Get some new material.
I dont run from questions. I run from repetition and circle jerks of the ignorant.
If the precedent is such a big deal why are you guys the only ones screaming about it? You arent the only ones that got oppressed. Wont be the last.
Grow a sack man. seriously.

One can move forward, clinging to the past, because God created memories and gave humans the capacity for history, so they would not repeat the same mistakes over and over. So they would learn the threats to their survival and things that promoted their survival and help guide their actions and behaviors. The past is a prerequisite for survival in the future. If you were stripped of all your memories, meaning everything you learned in the past, would your future be impacted? Would your present be impacted?

Its just total intellectual constipation, from a diet of prejudice, that keep you from having an intellectual movement of your mind. You need a laxative.
That is not what i meant. Now you are conflating learning history with prejudice, racism and entitlement LOL
Like i said, a fucking GAME...smh
White superiority, the belief, has been a self-fulfilling prophecy, not a genetic predisposition. In other words, whites do not perform better economically and academically because they are genetically superior to blacks, but rather, because they BELIEVE that they are.

Entertain the placebo effect...
What an idiotic thread.

BEFORE Colonialism/Placebos..
When Explorers first came upon China/Japan they found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service System. Astronomical records.
When they first came upon Africa they found ZIP.
Just the the same 50,000 year old Hunter-Gatherers they had evolved FROM.
No written Language, no wheel. just naked hunters

Asians were also Colonialized.. and discriminated against.. including Here.
Many came as Indentured Railway labor just as the blacks were being freed from slavery
The Japanese interned as late as WWII, and their country Nuked. Half the men gone.
How is it they have higher edu and income than us? IQ is how.

Colonialism, though selfish, was a benefit to many/most other people's. Showing/Propelling them Thousands of years forward.
In what century/Millenium would Indians have built a railroad if they were isolated? Parliamentary government?
OTOH, Most colonial euro railways in Africa rotted in the jungle.
It was just too big a jump for those primitive people.

Some freed black slaves, having the benefit of having seen modernity, did go back to Africa and they formed 'Liberia' in 1822.
Liberia's GDP per Capita GDP is $495 per Year.
Discriminated against Afro-Americans make $35,000+ living in the 'oppressive' White infrastructure.

Hardly placebo.

What a people achieve is not an indication of their achievement capacities. Take your own race. Why did the white race not achieve 500 years ago what it has achieved today? Has the white man evolved so much genetically, through mutation and natural selection, that now allows the white man to reach the .moon? In other words, is the white mans genetic capacity fundamentally different from the white man 500 years ago? .
The Slick and Slippery Sophism of Snobs

More dishonest and deceptive pretense of logic. Achievements take time; Whites have been making continuous progress in productivity for the last 500 years. You might as well ask the construction crew why they didn't finish building the skyscraper the first week. Or saying that some of the most intelligent men who ever lived, Aristotle and Isaac Newton, must have been intellectually inferior to modern geniuses because they didn't produce the inventions we have today during their own time.
Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
Whine, Get a Check

You won't have to live under White Supremacy if you go back to the jungle nations where you belong. You won't dare be true to the principles fed to you by the Preppy feralphiles who make our laws against our will. Therefore, you really want to stay here and mooch off what we built and continually downgrade our formerly great cities into jungle hideouts.

Go back
Go back
Go back to the woods.

"Cause you ain't
You ain't
You ain't got the goods.

You got the rhythm
And you got the jazz
But you don't
You don't
Have the evolution that Whitey has
Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance.
You sit there and blame actions of 70-150 years ago for todays problems but im the ignorant one :rolleyes:

Which is why you opted out the intellectual exercise.....took your mental ball and ran home calling the game "retarded". You seek to prevent the establishment of precedent. The questions that you are avoiding and running from establish the precedent and examples of how the past.....even the distant past, is strongly linked to things happening today. You are seeking to avoid those questions because they threaten your willful ignorance.
Precedent? This is 2017, you goober. How in the hell do you move forward when you cling to the past? The past meaning around 70 years on up... Pathetic.
Get some new material.
I dont run from questions. I run from repetition and circle jerks of the ignorant.
If the precedent is such a big deal why are you guys the only ones screaming about it? You arent the only ones that got oppressed. Wont be the last.
Grow a sack man. seriously.

One can move forward, clinging to the past, because God created memories and gave humans the capacity for history, so they would not repeat the same mistakes over and over. So they would learn the threats to their survival and things that promoted their survival and help guide their actions and behaviors. The past is a prerequisite for survival in the future. If you were stripped of all your memories, meaning everything you learned in the past, would your future be impacted? Would your present be impacted?

Its just total intellectual constipation, from a diet of prejudice, that keep you from having an intellectual movement of your mind. You need a laxative.
That is not what i meant. Now you are conflating learning history with prejudice, racism and entitlement LOL
Like i said, a fucking GAME...smh

Some people like Cable, sitting on gum, getting rammed by shopping carts, walking into doors or appearing like uneducated morons on internet forums - For everyone else there's Direct TV.
Blacks themselves seem to feel inferior.
Thats why its always someone elses fault. Thats why they always want special rights

Yeah....probably for the same reason some of us call each other the N word. Cultural conditioning of 300 plus years of living under the doctrine of white supremacy. Speaking it into existence.
oh please. Oppression is human nature seems like. You arent the only oppressed people.
Grow up.

Keep in mind why your ancestors had to FLEE their all white world and go where no whites lived. Your oppression of each other did not lift up the whole of white people....
We Won't Be Free Until We Admit That Liberal Snobbery Obviously Means Their Leaders Are Spoiled Richkids

The American pioneers fled decadent Europe because the same type of upper class that sponsors your inferior race today also hated and feared Whites back then who weren't born rich. They even coined the degenerate feralphile phrase "noble savage": only self-hating traitors to our class could believe there's anything noble about the nobility, or about anyone else who'd be nothing without his family's money. But that Nobility With No Ability made it stick over there, not here until an equally toxic birth-class took over in the 60s.
I am fully aware of the racism in the past. I can read, thanks.

Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.

I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question.
I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.

So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
Prehistory Had a Lot Longer Time to Determine What They Are Today

Blacks' behavior is a direct result of their (not PC anthropology) species reaching its evolutionary expiration date dozens of millennia before Whites have even gotten close to reaching their own destiny.
genetic? No. Taught.

Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS?
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

Well....I guess I could entertain that TODAY is the result of MAGIC and has no relationship to events of the past. You would probably consider such reasoning to be that of a highly evolved brain. To be clear, your goal is to divorce the past from the present, completely, BUT ONLY AS IT APPLIES TO BLACKS AND THEIR CONDITION, nothing else.....

You cannot maintain your beliefs without divorcing the present from the past, when it comes to blacks. This is a point that I mentioned in my "Random Points" topic. You want to use a snap shot.....instead of a video, even though the video contains the snapshot. The video EXPLAINS what happened, but you really do not want it explained, thus, you want to use only the photo and then use your own narration of why the moment in time manifested as it did. The video contradicts your narration so the video becomes "retarded" even though its factual.
Anyone Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

What was done in the past to tame the savage races was done in order to prevent exactly what is happening today. Again, you twist your argument out of a false assumption that Whites started this out of an unjustifiable fear of turning loose people who were naturally uncivilized and never could be civilized. If the Liberals in the 60s had said, "Why don't we give them civil rights? Then if they behave like you racists say they will, we'll admit that you were right and take all their rights away," then I might believe they were sincere in their dogooder act and not just feralphile degenerates or Whiteys Hating Whitey out of fear that we would have enough pride to take away their unearned birth privileges. The worse the inferior races behave, the more the richkid scum smirk at Whites' powerlessness to change it and go back to the tried and true ways of keeping this powderkeg from blowing up what Whites alone built.
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Its funny to him because the implicit expectation of the question suggest that he will voluntarily continue to make a fool of himself by responding. Thus, in his mind.....we are the fools for expecting further display of his ignorance.
You sit there and blame actions of 70-150 years ago for todays problems but im the ignorant one :rolleyes:

Which is why you opted out the intellectual exercise.....took your mental ball and ran home calling the game "retarded". You seek to prevent the establishment of precedent. The questions that you are avoiding and running from establish the precedent and examples of how the past.....even the distant past, is strongly linked to things happening today. You are seeking to avoid those questions because they threaten your willful ignorance.
Precedent? This is 2017, you goober. How in the hell do you move forward when you cling to the past? The past meaning around 70 years on up... Pathetic.
Get some new material.
I dont run from questions. I run from repetition and circle jerks of the ignorant.
If the precedent is such a big deal why are you guys the only ones screaming about it? You arent the only ones that got oppressed. Wont be the last.
Grow a sack man. seriously.

One can move forward, clinging to the past, because God created memories and gave humans the capacity for history, so they would not repeat the same mistakes over and over. So they would learn the threats to their survival and things that promoted their survival and help guide their actions and behaviors. The past is a prerequisite for survival in the future. If you were stripped of all your memories, meaning everything you learned in the past, would your future be impacted? Would your present be impacted?

Its just total intellectual constipation, from a diet of prejudice, that keep you from having an intellectual movement of your mind. You need a laxative.
That is not what i meant. Now you are conflating learning history with prejudice, racism and entitlement LOL
Like i said, a fucking GAME...smh

No that's not what he did. You are just too stupid to understand what was said.
Lets start with that, for now. Tell me some of the negative results of past racism upon blacks, in regards to economics, culture, politics, geography, psychology, etc. Or, do you believe racism had no such impact on blacks? Every action creates a reaction and therefore racism actualizes into actions that produced reactions. Account for those reactions upon blacks.

Lets ignore the real racism that still exists today.....for now.
Were there any positive results? Of course not. So discussing the negative is pointless.

I guess the positive results of racism and slavery, from a conservative point of view, is that is saved blacks from having to live in Africa and having to run around naked and starving with a spear.

Now lets move to the negatives. We don't have to discuss them, if you don't want. Just say whether or not you acknowledge/believe that negative consequences to blacks resulted from centuries of racial oppression. Were there negative effects?

I know you probably feel this is a trap or trick question.....but you should not look at the quest for TRUTH as a trap or trick question.
I think the first part is such a defence mode. Although, it is true. Without your tribal masters trading you for a bucket of oranges, you would likely have ebola or your daughter would be running around with a leaf covering up her mutilated vagina. Or enslaved..
I am far from a "conservative" so their rhetoric doesnt mean much to me.
We can, but i dont see ANY positives. So it was all negative. Just seems like a waste to me.
I do not believe that actions from a bygone era are why blacks are entitled, have high unemployment, generational welfare, like to kill each other at a HUGE rate and think section 8 is a great way to live.

So actions from bygone eras are divorced from the way things are today? Does the revolutionary war, in the US, play any role in how we live today?. Does the constitution impact us today? Did who your mother dated, before you were born, have anything to do with you being born? Did Hitler impact impact the world today? Is not the present the summation of the past, with only a slight mutation?
Prehistory Had a Lot Longer Time to Determine What They Are Today

Blacks' behavior is a direct result of their (not PC anthropology) species reaching its evolutionary expiration date dozens of millennia before Whites have even gotten close to reaching their own destiny.

:badgrin: You're a joke.
Is history the teacher? Are you suggesting that even absent any history of racial abuse or oppression, blacks would be taught (by some entity) that whites are racist and that racism is the root of black problems?

Lets restate your position. "You don't think that the black mindset has been impacted by events from a bygone racist era". Maybe the era is not "bygone". Your beliefs seem to have many holes in them.
If history is their racist guardians.
Racism is a social concept. It isnt natural.
The era isnt bygone? We still ahev slavery? Jim Crow laws? etc? Of course we dont. It is absolutely bygone. Your justification is old examples. Thats your clue right there..
Thats not what i said. Actions from said bygone era is not why they have that mindset. As it doesnt exist anymore. It is rhetoric and cliches. And defence mechanisms. Thats what i meant. Perhaps, i could have been clearer.

What if my parents hypothetically grew up in Mississippi under rampant racial segregation and hatred against blacks. What if I were hypothetically born to them, in an era where laws had changed. What would me parents likely hypothetically teach me about race and racism, when all they have to go by is there experiences? What would they have, hypothetically, to offer me as a starting point, other than what society allowed them to attain under segregation? All they could teach me, in this hypothetical and unrealistic scenario, is what they learned and experienced.

Do you think that black parents who experienced racism communicate those experiences to their children, directly or indirectly? What about Grand Parents? Are not parents and Grand Parents a persons first TEACHERS?
Still using the PAST to justify TODAY.
Im done playing your little retarded game.

Well....I guess I could entertain that TODAY is the result of MAGIC and has no relationship to events of the past. You would probably consider such reasoning to be that of a highly evolved brain. To be clear, your goal is to divorce the past from the present, completely, BUT ONLY AS IT APPLIES TO BLACKS AND THEIR CONDITION, nothing else.....

You cannot maintain your beliefs without divorcing the present from the past, when it comes to blacks. This is a point that I mentioned in my "Random Points" topic. You want to use a snap shot.....instead of a video, even though the video contains the snapshot. The video EXPLAINS what happened, but you really do not want it explained, thus, you want to use only the photo and then use your own narration of why the moment in time manifested as it did. The video contradicts your narration so the video becomes "retarded" even though its factual.
Anyone Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

What was done in the past to tame the savage races was done in order to prevent exactly what is happening today. Again, you twist your argument out of a false assumption that Whites started this out of an unjustifiable fear of turning loose people who were naturally uncivilized and never could be civilized. If the Liberals in the 60s had said, "Why don't we give them civil rights? Then if they behave like you racists say they will, we'll admit that you were right and take all their rights away," then I might believe they were sincere in their dogooder act and not just feralphile degenerates or Whiteys Hating Whitey out of fear that we would have enough pride to take away their unearned birth privileges. The worse the inferior races behave, the more the richkid scum smirk at Whites' powerlessness to change it and go back to the tried and true ways of keeping this powderkeg from blowing up what Whites alone built.

Classic ignorance. Do you have a link to this?
I agree with the OP that it is presumptuous to assume that African Americans as a group are less intelligent than Caucasian Americans.

I disagree with the OP that Caucasian Americans in 2018 think that they are superior.


Since the 1960s, Caucasian Americans have been making amends for the past mistreatment of African Americans.

1. Affirmative action has brought millions of African Americans into the middle class.
2. An African American president was elected twice.
3. Thousands of African Americans hold important municipal and state government positions (elected and appointed).
4. Billions of taxpayer dollars go to support public schools in urban areas.
5. Television programs and motion pictures have African Americans in key roles.


In my opinion, Caucasian Americans are the best friend that African Americans have in contemporary America.

I agree with the OP that it is presumptuous to assume that African Americans as a group are less intelligent than Caucasian Americans.

I disagree with the OP that Caucasian Americans in 2018 think that they are superior.


Since the 1960s, Caucasian Americans have been making amends for the past mistreatment of African Americans.

1. Affirmative action has brought millions of African Americans into the middle class.
2. An African American president was elected twice.
3. Thousands of African Americans hold important municipal and state government positions (elected and appointed).
4. Billions of taxpayer dollars go to support public schools in urban areas.
5. Television programs and motion pictures have African Americans in key roles.


In my opinion, Caucasian Americans are the best friend that African Americans have in contemporary America.


Is it presumptuous to assume that whites, in 2018, think blacks are innately athletically superior to whites which allows them to run faster and jump higher and dominate sports like Basketball, Football, Track....etc? Do whites of 2018 think blacks perform better in such endeavors because they are working harder at it than whites?

It must be human nature to assume that if an entity is doing better at something that its because they are innately superior.....in some way. Believing that blacks dominate athletically because of racial genetics sets the precedent that a persons mind is open to attribute differences in racial performance to genetics. Ergo, if many whites believe that blacks dominate certain sports because of genetics, in 2018, why would not the same white mind think blacks have lower IQ or test scores (intelligence) because of genetics?

I think a lot of white people, in 2018, are looking for classic signs of racism and white superiority in people and when they do not see the classic signs, then they assume the absence of racism. Here is the thing, however, that makes current racism different from classic racism. Classic racism was socially acceptable. It was normative beliefs and behavior. A person did not feel moral injury from thinking down on blacks as inferior. There was no professional or social cost to saying and doing things overtly racist. In 2018, racism is looked upon like being a pedophile or other moral/ethical deviant. It brings shame to the self to be one. It inflicts moral injury and it comes with a professional and or social cost if exposed.

I don't know if people are trying NOT to be racist as much as they are trying not be exposed as a racist, to others as well as themselves. In 2018 we live in an era where even the Klan, White Nationalist, Skin heads or whomever, do not consider themselves racist. They tend to not fall into the trap of saying and doing things classically racist, unless they are off the grid and have nothing to lose professionally or socially. Furthermore, instead of being classical and saying that blacks are inferior outright, many whites simply beat the constant drum of statistics showing blacks deviation from the norm then arguing that racism or no other factor (other than inferiority) explains it.

Whites, in 2018, argue black inferiority implicitly and not classically. A classical racist would say that "N!ggers got smaller brains than the white man, which is why they behave inferior". In 2018 a neo racist would throw out a list of statistics showing blacks deviation from the norm, then reject all explanations for the deviation that do not imply racial inferiority. In other words, the neo racist of 2018 uses statics and rejects the impact of racism on blacks as having a relationship to those deviations. The 2018 racist rarely says N!gger or that blacks are inferior. That is classical racism and if you are looking for classical racism only.....you are missing most of the racism of today.

2018 racist are statistic junkies. They use statistics to argue black inferiority.....without explicitly saying that blacks are inferior. Since these statics are seen as TRUTHS, they are not seen as RACIST, for truths cannot be racism in their logic. Thus, beating the drums of statistics helps them avoid the moral injury and instead of describing there motivation as racist....they see themselves as racial REALIST.

You are not in sync with the times.
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